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From magnetic fields and coronal heating observed in flares, active regions, quiet regions, and coronal holes, we propose that exploding sheared core magnetic fields are the drivers of most of the dynamics and heating of the solar atmosphere, ranging from the largest and most powerful coronal mass ejections and flares, to the vigorous microflaring and coronal heating in active regions, to a multitude of fine-scale explosive events in the magnetic network, driving microflares, spicules, global coronal heating, and, consequently, the solar wind. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
By combining quiet-region Fe XII coronal images from SOHO/EIT with magnetograms from NSO/Kitt Peak and from SOHO/MDI, we show that the population of network coronal bright points and the magnetic flux content of the network are both markedly greater under the bright half of the large-scale quiet corona than under the dim half. These results (1) support the view that the heating of the entire corona in quiet regions and coronal holes is driven by fine-scale magnetic activity (microflares, explosive events, spicules) seated low in the magnetic network, and (2) suggest that this large-scale modulation of the magnetic flux and coronal heating is a signature of giant convection cells. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
This paper presents the pointing vector and angular rate relationshipsfor various optical elements as well as techniques developed forestablishing comprehensive analytical models of precision electroopticalstabilization systems. Since the performance of such systemsmay be critically dependent on the disturbance environment and theintegrity of the associated mechanism, these factors are also examinedin detail.  相似文献   
Coronal loops are heated by the release of stored magnetic energy and by the dissipation of MHD waves. Both of these processes rely on the presence of internal structure in the loop. Tangled or sheared fields dissipate wave energy more efficiently than smooth fields. Also, a highly structured field contains a large reservoir of free magnetic energy which can be released in small reconnection events (microflares and nanoflares). The typical amount of internal structure in a loop depends on the balance between input at the photosphere and dissipation. This paper describes measures of magnetic structure, how these measures relate to the magnetic energy, and how photospheric motions affect the structure of a loop.The magnetic energy released during a reconnection event. can be estimated if one knows the equilibrium energy before and after the event. For a loop with highly tangled field lines, a direct solution of the equilibrium equations may be difficult. However, lower bounds can be placed on the energy of the equilibrium field, given a measure of the tangling known as the crossing number. These bounds lead to an estimate of the buildup of energy in a coronal loop caused by random photospheric motions. Parker's topological dissipation model can plausibly supply the 107 erg cm–2 s–1 needed to heat the active region corona. The heating rate can be greatly enhanced by fragmentation of flux tubes, for example by the breakup of photospheric footpoints and the formation of new footpoints.  相似文献   
Recent observations of the energetic particles produced in solar flares indicate that the production of electrons, with energies up to about 100 keV, is a fairly common feature of small flares. In those flares the acceleration of protons and other nuclei does not extend beyond about 1 MeV.The X-ray emission often exhibits two distinct components of which the first one is produced by non-thermal, the second by thermal electrons through bremsstrahlung collisions with the ambient ions. Along with these X rays, radio emission, in the microwave region, is observed. This radio emission is usually interpreted as due to gyrosynchrotron radiation from the same electrons.In this review a discussion is presented of the processes occurring in solar flares with special reference to the acceleration and radiation processes.  相似文献   
We highlight how the downward revision in the distance to the star cluster associated with SGR 1806–20 by Bibby et al. (2008) reconciles the apparent low contamination of BATSE short GRBs by intense flares from extragalactic magnetars without recourse to modifying the frequency of one such flare per 30 years per Milky Way galaxy. We also discuss the variety in progenitor initial masses of magnetars based upon cluster ages, ranging from ∼50 M for SGR 1806–20 and AXP CXOU J164710.2–455216 in Westerlund 1 to ∼17 M for SGR 1900+14 according to Davies et al. (2009) and presumably also 1E 1841–045 if it originated from one of the massive RSG clusters #2 or #3.  相似文献   
This paper reports the nightglow observations of OI 630.0 nm emissions, made by using all sky imager operating at low latitude station Kolhapur (16.8°N, 74.2°E and dip lat. 10.6°N) during high sunspot number years of 24th solar cycle. The images are analyzed to study the nocturnal, seasonal and solar activity dependence occurrence of plasma bubbles. We observed EPBs in images regularly during a limited period 19:30 to 02:30 LT and reach maximum probability of occurrence at 22:30 LT. The observation pattern of EPBs shows nearly no occurrence during the month of May and it maximizes during the period October–April. The equinox and solstice seasonal variations in the occurrence of plasma bubbles show nearly equal and large differences, respectively, between years of 2010–11 and 2011–12.  相似文献   
A dark reddish organic solid, called tholin, is synthesized from simulated Titanian atmospheres by irradiation with high energy electrons in a plasma discharge. The visible reflection spectrum of this tholin is found to be similar to that of high altitude aerosols responsible for the albedo and reddish color of Titan. The real (n) and imaginary (k) parts of the complex refractive index of thin films of Titan tholin prepared by continuous D.C. discharge through a 0.9 N2/0.1 CH4 gas mixture at 0.2 mb is determined from x-ray to microwave frequencies. Values of n (1.65) and k (0.004 to 0.08) in the visible are consistent with deductions made by ground-based and spaceborne observations of Titan. Many infrared absorption features are present in k(λ), including the 4.6 μm nitrile band. Molecular analysis of the volatile component of this tholin was performed by sequential and non-sequential pyrolytic gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. More than one hundred organic compounds are released; tentative identifications include saturated and unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons, substituted polycyclic aromatics, nitriles, amines, pyrroles, pyrazines, pyridines, pyrimidines, and the purine, adenine. In addition, acid hydrolysis produces a racemic mixture of biological and non-biological amino acids. Many of these molecules are implicated in the origin of life on Earth, suggesting Titan as a contemporary laboratory environment for prebiological organic chemistry on a planetary scale.  相似文献   
In a linear framework, the problem of stability of closed cylindrical shell is briefly discussed. The cylin- drical shell is immersed in a supersonic gas flow and under the influence of temperature field varying along the thickness. An unperturbed uniform velocity flow field, directed along the short edges of the shell, is applied. Due to the inhomogeneity of the temperature field distribution across the thickness shell buckling instability occurs. This instability accounts for the deformed shape of the shell, to be referred as the unperturbed state. Stability con- ditions and boundary for the unperturbed state of the system under consideration are presented following the basic theory of aero-thermo-elasticity. The stability boundary depends on the variables characterizing the flow speed, the temperature at the middIe plane of the shell and the temperature gradient in the direction normal to that plane. It is shown that the combined effect of the temperature field and flowing stream regulates the process of stability, and the temperature field can significantly change the flutter critical speed.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined cue reliance and risk-taking during desktop virtual wayfinding, and how they might be modulated by personality traits and external stressors. Participants navigated a series of virtual buildings and we manipulated the strength of probabilistic cues available to guide turn decisions. Navigators frequently discounted probabilistic cues and instead took risks, particularly when costs were low and potential benefits were high. Risk-taking was predicted by higher sense of direction and lower need for structure. Introducing a time stressor lowered risk-taking, with a higher relative reliance on probability-based information. This was most pronounced in females and those with a high need for structure. Results provide novel evidence that spatial cue reliance is modulated by individual differences and contextual constraints.  相似文献   
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