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Two methods for constructing robust polarimetric constant-false-alarm-rate (CFAR) detectors that use elements of the scattering matrix are discussed. Both methods use robust estimators to recognize outliers and exclude them from further calculations. The first method weighs each sample of the surrounding vectors, and vectors that appear to be outliers are weighted with lower values than the others. The second method uses cluster algorithms to arrange the data in different clusters; some clusters contain the outliers, and others contain observations assumed to come from the main body of the data. The detectors are intended to be used in multitarget and nonhomogeneous-clutter environments  相似文献   
Radar systems require transmission of very high purity signals. Photonics is now mature enough to achieve analog transmission with very low noise, strong immunity, and wide-bandwidth even in harsh environments. We present our recent developments of optimized optical links dedicated to radar and multifunction systems  相似文献   
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) have a strong potential as a useful crop species in a functioning CELSS. The cultivar Denali has produced 37.5 g m-2 d-1 when grown for 132 days with the first 40 days under a 12-h photoperiod and a light:dark temperature cycle of 20 degrees C:16 degrees C, and then 92 days under continuous irradiance and a temperature of 16 degrees C. Irradiance was at 725 micromoles m-2 s-1 PPF and carbon dioxide at 1000 micromoles mol-1. The dried tubers had 82% carbohydrates, 9% protein and 0.6% fat. Other studies have shown that carbon dioxide supplementation (1000 micromoles mol-1) is of significant benefit under 12-h irradiance but less benefit under 24 h irradiance. Irradiance cycles of 60 minutes light and 30 minutes dark caused a reduction of more than 50% in tuber weight compared to cycles of 16 h light and 8 h dark. A diurnal temperature change of 22 degrees C for the 12-h light period to 14 degrees C during the 12-h dark period gave increased yields of 30% and 10% for two separate cultivars, compared with plants grown under a constant 18 degrees C temperature. Cultivar screening under continuous irradiance and elevated temperatures (28 degrees C) for 8 weeks of growth indicated that the cvs Haig, Denali, Atlantic, Desiree and Rutt had the best potential for tolerance to these conditions. Harvesting of tubers from plants at weekly intervals, beginning at 8 weeks after planting, did not increase yield over a single final harvest. Spacing of plants on 0.055 centers produced greater yield per m2 than spacing at 0.11 or 0.22 m2. Plants maintained 0.33 meters apart (0.111 m2 per plant) in beds produced the same yields when separated by dividers in the root matrix as when no separation was made.  相似文献   
Synthetic environments offer Space Flight projects an opportunity to perform rapid, comprehensive, and rigorous modeling of the critical elements of a mission in order to compute quantitative measures of design performance, associated risk, and actual mission utility value. Significantly, these studies can be performed early in the mission cycle. These synthetic terrains are generated on parallel, high-performance computers and served to remote simulations at near-interactive speeds. The terrain creation uses a realistic sequence of physical phenomena such as cratering and dusting with parametric control of features such as surface roughness and rock density. Terrain resolution may be arbitrary but typically ranges from 0.01 to 10 meters. The terrain server has been used for two rover simulations, one using the actual Sojourner autonomy flight code, and the other a more general algorithm. Monte Carlo studies of rover designs interacting with synthetic environments were executed in parallel to quickly compute performance statistics and risk estimates.  相似文献   
Described is the Liulin-5 experiment and instrumentation, developed for investigation of the space radiation doses depth distribution in a human phantom on the Russian Segment of the International Space Station (ISS). Liulin-5 experiment is a part of the international project MATROSHKA-R on ISS. The experiment MATROSHKA-R is aimed to study the depth dose distribution at the sites of critical organs of the human body, using models of human body-anthropomorphic and spherical tissue-equivalent phantoms. The aim of Liulin-5 experiment is long term (4-5 years) investigation of the radiation environment dynamics inside the spherical tissue-equivalent phantom, mounted in different places of the Russian Segment of ISS. Energy deposition spectra, linear energy transfer spectra, flux and dose rates for protons and the biologically-relevant heavy ion components of the galactic cosmic radiation will be measured simultaneously with near real time resolution at different depths of the phantom by a telescope of silicon detectors. Data obtained together with data from other active and passive dosimeters will be used to estimate the radiation risk to the crewmembers, verify the models of radiation environment in low Earth orbit, validate body transport model and correlate organ level dose to skin dose. Presented are the test results of the prototype unit. The spherical phantom will be flown on the ISS in 2004 year and Liulin-5 experiment is planned for 2005 year.  相似文献   
Improved spacecraft shield design requires early entry of radiation constraints into the design process to maximize performance and minimize costs. As a result, we have been investigating high-speed computational procedures to allow shield analysis from the preliminary design concepts to the final design. In particular, we will discuss the progress towards a full three-dimensional and computationally efficient deterministic code for which the current HZETRN evaluates the lowest-order asymptotic term. HZETRN is the first deterministic solution to the Boltzmann equation allowing field mapping within the International Space Station (ISS) in tens of minutes using standard finite element method (FEM) geometry common to engineering design practice enabling development of integrated multidisciplinary design optimization methods. A single ray trace in ISS FEM geometry requires 14 ms and severely limits application of Monte Carlo methods to such engineering models. A potential means of improving the Monte Carlo efficiency in coupling to spacecraft geometry is given in terms of re-configurable computing and could be utilized in the final design as verification of the deterministic method optimized design.  相似文献   
The information technology (IT) revolution, combined with people's need to access information quickly, has resulted in the explosive growth of the Internet in the past decade. Ubiquitous access to the Internet has become an essential component of a mobile workforce, and multiple mechanisms are being devised to ensure seamless connectivity to corporate resources. An integrated security framework requires careful consideration of the security features of the network within an airplane. Potentially, the aircraft could consist of three kinds of networks, namely: passenger network, crew network, and control network. The security protocol implemented must ensure a proper separation of these networks and also watch for any security protocol violations. In this paper, the authors review existing aircraft data network standards, security provisioning, and security threats associated with the aircraft data networks. In addition, the authors also analyze the security threats associated with different network architectures.  相似文献   
This paper presents a voting fusion application for use with a remotely controlled multisensor vehicle platform for antitank landmine detection. Data from three landmine detection sensors mounted at the front of the vehicle enhance the probability of detection and, when combined via data fusion, limit the false alarm density to practical levels. The performance of the voting fusion scheme presented in this paper is contrasted with a heuristic data fusion approach developed by General Dynamics Canada.  相似文献   
Over the past 30 years, safety-critical avionics systems such as Fly-By-Wire (FBW) flight controls, full-authority digital engine controls, and other systems have been introduced on many commercial and military airplanes and spacecraft. Early FBW systems, such as on the F-16 and Airbus A320, were considered revolutionary and introduced with extreme caution. These early systems and their successors all make use of redundant and fault-tolerant avionics to provide the required dependability and safety, but have used significantly different architectures. This paper examines the different levels of criticality and fault tolerance required by different types of avionics systems, establishes architectural categories of fault-tolerant architectures, and identifies the discriminating features of the varied approaches. Examples of discriminators include the level of redundancy, methods of engaging backup systems, protection from software errors, and the use of dissimilar hardware and software. The strengths and weaknesses of the approaches will be identified. The paper concludes with some speculation on trends for future systems based on this evaluation of previous systems  相似文献   
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