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Effects of ionospheric modification produced by powerful high frequency radio waves are studied using the method of field-aligned scattering of diagnostic HF radio signals. Observations of scattered HF signals have been made by the Doppler spectrum method. Analysis of the experimental data shows the appearance of quasiperiodic variations in Doppler frequency shift fd, with periods 30–60 s during the heating cycles. Powerful HF waves are assumed to excite the Alfvén resonator generating oscillations of the magnetic field lines in the heated region and giving rise to fd artificial variations and magnetic pulsations. In the case of continuous action of the powerful HF transmitter ionospheric waves are sometimes observed with periods 12–25 min, typical of medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances.  相似文献   
There has been a debate about the need for reconditioning nickel/hydrogen batteries in geosynchronous satellites. A study was done as part of life cycling, to determine the necessity of reconditioning and its effect on the cell performance. A 36 Ah nickel/hydrogen cell was put on a GEO simulated cycling at 15°C without reconditioning up to four eclipse seasons. The effect of reconditioning on the fifth and sixth eclipse seasons was studied. The study has conclusively proven the need for reconditioning and has shown the benefits of a high rate reconditioning. It has also been possible to draw some conclusions about the effect of a long duration trickle charge on the positive electrode  相似文献   
During the initial period of high voltage biasing of the SPEAR-3 sounding rocket payload, it was observed that electrical breakdown occurred in the gas surrounding the rocket. The breakdown occurred almost all the way to apogee of 289 km on the upleg, but did not recur on the downleg until the payload reached an altitude of 100 km. It is suggested that this behavior can be attributed to payload outgassing on the upleg leading to abnormally high gas pressure near the payload skin. Consideration of a modified Paschen discharge process with varying pressure along the discharge path was found to be consistent with the results.  相似文献   
An absorption feature at 3.4 micrometers has been observed in various lines-of-sight through the diffuse interstellar medium. Its position and width lead to an identification with the C-H stretching mode of solid organic material. A possible mechanism for the production of organic solids in the interstellar medium is UV photoprocessing of icy mantles which accrete on dust grains in dense clouds. Furthermore, thermally induced reactions involving formaldehyde molecules in the mantles could be an important source of organics. Laboratory simulation of these processes shows that a large variety of oxygen- and nitrogen-rich species may be produced. It is shown that the occurrence of periodic transient heating events plays an important role in the production of organic material in the ice mantles. Finally, it is pointed out how future missions like the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) as well as analysis of comet material by Rosetta may be able to clarify the nature and evolution of interstellar organics.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new concept of radiation hazard assessment for spacecraft crew members during long term space missions on the basis of a generalized dosimetric function. This new dosimetric function enables a complicated nature of space radiation exposure to be reduced to the conditions of a standard irradiation. It can be obtained on the basis of mean-tissue equivalent dose values calculated for each space radiation source and transmission coefficients describing the influence of the complex spatial and temporal distribution of the absorbed dose in the cosmonaut's body on the radiobiological effects. The combination of cosmic ionizing radiation with other non-radiation nature factors in flight can also be accounted for. In terms of the generalized dose, it is possible to assess the nature and extent of lowering a crew working capacity, as well as radiation risk, both during a flight and post flight period.  相似文献   
Use of halophytes (salt-tolerant vegetation), in a particular vegetable Salicornia europaea plants which are capable of utilizing NaCl in rather high concentrations, is one of possible means of NaCl incorporation into mass exchange of bioregenerative life support systems. In preliminary experiments it was shown that S. europaea plants, basically, could grow on urine pretreated with physicochemical processing and urease-enzyme decomposing of urea with the subsequent ammonia distillation. But at the same time inhibition of the growth process of the plants was observed. The purpose of the given work was to find out the influence of excessive quantities of some mineral elements contained in products of physicochemical processing of urine on the production process and NaCl accumulation by S. europaea plants. As the content of mineral salts in the human liquid wastes (urine) changed within certain limits, two variants of experimental solutions were examined. In the first variant, the concentration of mineral salts was equivalent to the minimum salt content in the urine and was: K - 1.5 g/l, P - 0.5 g/l, S - 0.5 g/l, Mg - 0.07 g/l, Ca - 0.2 g/l. In the second experimental variant, the content of mineral salts corresponded to the maximum salt content in urine and was the following: K - 3.0 g/l, P - 0.7 g/l, S - 1.2 g/l, Mg - 0.2 g/l, Ca - 0.97 g/l. As the control, the Tokarev nutrient solution containing nitrogen in the form of a urea, and the Knop nutrient solution with nitrogen in the nitrate form were used. N quantity in all four variants made up 177 mg/l. Air temperature was 24 degrees C, illumination was continuous. Light intensity was 690 micromoles/m2s of photosynthetically active radiation. NaCl concentration in solutions was 1%. Our researches showed that the dry aboveground biomass of an average plant of the first variant practically did not differ from the control and totaled 11 g. In the second variant, S. europaea productivity decreased and the dry aboveground biomass of an average plant totaled 8 g. The increase of K quantity in the experimental solutions resulted in an elevated content of the element in the plants. The increase of K uptake in the second experimental variant was accompanied by a 30-50% decrease of Na content in comparison with the other variants. Comparative Na content in the other variants was practically identical. N, Mg and P content in the control and experimental variants was also practically identical. The increase of S quantity in the second experimental variant also increased S uptake by the plants. But Ca quantity, accumulated in aboveground plants biomass in the experimental variants was lower than in the control. NaCl uptake by plants, depending on the concentration of mineral salts in the experimental solutions, ranged from 8 g (maximum salt content) up to 15 g (minimum salt content) on a plant growth area that totaled 0.032 m2. Thus, high concentrations of mineral salts simulating the content of mineral salts contained in urine did not result in a significant decrease of S. europaea productivity. The present work also considers the influence of higher light intensity concentrations on productivity and NaCl accumulation by S. europaea plants grown on experimental solutions with high salt content.  相似文献   
Online INS/GPS integration with a radial basis function neural network   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most of the present navigation systems rely on Kalman filtering to fuse data from global positioning system (GPS) and the inertial navigation system (INS). In general, INS/GPS integration provides reliable navigation solutions by overcoming each of their shortcomings, including signal blockage for GPS and growth of position errors with time for INS. Present Kalman filtering INS/GPS integration techniques have some inadequacies related to the stochastic error models of inertial sensors, immunity to noise, and observability. This paper aims to introduce a multi-sensor system integration approach for fusing data from INS and GPS utilizing artificial neural networks (ANN). A multi-layer perceptron ANN has been recently suggested to fuse data from INS and differential GPS (DGPS). Although being able to improve the positioning accuracy, the complexity associated with both the architecture of multi-layer perceptron networks and its online training algorithms limit the real-time capabilities of this technique. This article, therefore, suggests the use of an alternative ANN architecture. This architecture is based on radial basis function (RBF) neural networks, which generally have simpler architecture and faster training procedures than multi-layer perceptron networks. The INS and GPS data are first processed using wavelet multi-resolution analysis (WRMA) before being applied to the RBF network. The WMRA is used to compare the INS and GPS position outputs at different resolution levels. The RBF-ANN module is then trained to predict the INS position errors and provide accurate positioning of the moving platform. Field-test results have demonstrated that substantial improvement in INS/GPS positioning accuracy could be obtained by applying the combined WRMA and RBF-ANN modules.  相似文献   
Laboratory Biosphere is a 40-m3 closed life system equipped with 12,000 W of high pressure sodium lamps over planting beds with 5.37 m2 of soil. Atmospheric composition changes due to photosynthetic fixation of carbon dioxide and corresponding production of oxygen or the reverse, respiration, are observed in short timeframes, e.g., hourly. To focus on inherent characteristics of the crop as distinct from its area or the volume of the chamber, we report fixation and respiration rates in mmol h-1 m-2 of planted area. An 85-day crop of USU Apogee wheat under a 16-h lighted/8-h dark regime peaked in fixation rate at about 100 mmol h-1 m-2 approximately 24 days after planting. Light intensity was about 840 micromoles m-2 s-1. Dark respiration peaked at about 31 mmol h-1 m-2 at the same time. Thereafter, both fixation and respiration declined toward zero as harvest time approached. A residual soil respiration rate of about 1.9 mmol h-1 m-2 was observed in the dark closed chamber for 100 days after the harvest. A 126-day crop of Tuskegee TU-82-155 sweet potato behaved quite differently. Under a 680 micromoles m-2 s-1, 18-h lighted/6-h dark regime, fixation during lighted hours rose to a plateau ranging from about 27 to 48 mmol h-1 m-2 after 42 days and dark respiration settled into a range of 12-23 mmol h-1 m-2. These rates continued unabated until the harvest at 126 days, suggesting that tuber biomass production might have continued at about the same rate for some time beyond the harvest time that was exercised in this experiment. In both experiments CO2 levels were allowed to range widely from a few hundred to about 3000 ppm, which permitted observation of fixation rates both at varying CO2 concentrations and at each number of days after planting. This enables plotting the fixation rate as a function of both variables. Understanding the atmospheric dynamics of individual crops will be essential for design and atmospheric management of more complex CELSS which integrate the simultaneous growth of several crops as in a sustainable remote life support system.  相似文献   
Solar cells suitable for the space environment must combine high-efficiency, high energy density, and radiation hardness in a manufacturable design. As improvement in one performance parameter usually results in degradation in one or more of the remaining parameters, careful optimization is required to enhance overall performance. The ultra triple-junction cell developed builds upon the established success of the fully qualified improved triple-junction cell currently in production. In the ultra triple-junction cell configuration, improved robustness and efficiency after radiation exposure augment a cell design expected to deliver 28% beginning-of-life efficiency in production.  相似文献   
The main problems concerning the electric polarization of low-orbit spacecraft are considered, including the results of studying the structure of the Earth's upper ionosphere, the methods of calculating the electrophysical characteristics of construction materials for spacecraft, and the elaboration of recommendations to mitigate the negative effects due to processes of charging and discharging.  相似文献   
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