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The Pluto Energetic Particle Spectrometer Science Investigation (PEPSSI) comprises the hardware and accompanying science investigation on the New Horizons spacecraft to measure pick-up ions from Pluto’s outgassing atmosphere. To the extent that Pluto retains its characteristics similar to those of a “heavy comet” as detected in stellar occultations since the early 1980s, these measurements will characterize the neutral atmosphere of Pluto while providing a consistency check on the atmospheric escape rate at the encounter epoch with that deduced from the atmospheric structure at lower altitudes by the ALICE, REX, and SWAP experiments on New Horizons. In addition, PEPSSI will characterize any extended ionosphere and solar wind interaction while also characterizing the energetic particle environment of Pluto, Charon, and their associated system. First proposed for development for the Pluto Express mission in September 1993, what became the PEPSSI instrument went through a number of development stages to meet the requirements of such an instrument for a mission to Pluto while minimizing the required spacecraft resources. The PEPSSI instrument provides for measurements of ions (with compositional information) and electrons from 10 s of keV to ~1 MeV in a 160°×12° fan-shaped beam in six sectors for 1.5 kg and ~2.5 W.  相似文献   
Existing digital quadrature demodulation techniques sample the input at either 2B Hz or 4B Hz, select the even samples as the in-phase (I), and interpolate the odd samples to give the quadrature (Q), output. The signal bandwidth is B. We propose a demodulation system to produce I and Q samples at arbitrary sampling rate greater than 2B Hz. The system eliminates the IF downconversion step with a special sampling scheme. The even samples correspond to the I component, while the Q components are the filtered output. The filter can be a lowpass or least squares (LS) filter. The lowpass filter design is based on trade-offs between the filter length and the degree of oversampling. It produces similar results as previous work when the sampling rate is 2B Hz or 4B Hz. Unlike existing methods which assume the input is white, a LS filter, on the other hand, can make use of input signal characteristics to achieve a better result. The higher the correlation in the input the larger the improvement. The cost for LS filtering is a coefficient update step if the input is time varying. A scheme to cancel dc offset from analog to digital (A/D) converters is also given  相似文献   
为了提高水晶生长的质量,我们研制了一种为水晶生长专用的电脑控温系统,该系统可同时测控三台水晶釜的温度,在一定的周期内,依次循环显示各釜上、下点的温度,并作出相应的输出调节。输入输出采用了新颖的“飞容”隔离电路、PID调节使比例乘法器高精度分配过零冲电路、光耦隔离输出可控硅触发电路,消除了传统的调相控制造成的电网污染,提高了系统的抗干扰能力和可靠性。  相似文献   
This paper concerns optimal trajectory generation and nonlinear tracking control for stratospheric airship platform of VIA-200. To compensate for the mismatch between the point-mass model of optimal trajectory and the 6-DOF model of the nonlinear tracking problem, a new matching trajectory optimization approach is proposed. The proposed idea reduces the dissimilarity of both problems and reduces the uncertainties in the nonlinear equations of motion for stratospheric airship. In addition, its refined optimal trajectories yield better results under jet stream conditions during flight. The resultant optimal trajectories of VIA-200 are full three-dimensional ascent flight trajectories reflecting the realistic constraints of flight conditions and airship performance with and without a jet stream. Finally, 6-DOF nonlinear equations of motion are derived, including a moving wind field, and the vectorial backstepping approach is applied. The desirable tracking performance is demonstrated that application of the proposed matching optimization method enables the smooth linkage of trajectory optimization to tracking control problems.  相似文献   
We present a multi-wavelength study of the merging history and its influence on galaxy activities of a newly detected merger candidate – Abell S0721. This cluster was only known as a poor cluster in the Shapley Supercluster, but when several survey data of different wavelengths are combined, evidence of strong merging is revealed. We have analyzed the optical and X-ray structures of the cluster, as well as galaxy dynamics and properties of the radio galaxies in the cluster. The dynamics analysis shows the velocity distribution of this system is significantly deviated from a 1-Gaussian model, indicating the existence of 2–3 dynamically different sub-systems; in addition, both optical and X-ray structures of the cluster show an elongated and multi-clump structure, two X-ray clumps imaged by ROSAT All Sky Survey are well correlated with two galaxy density peaks. This cluster is possibly a merger of several groups; our analysis shows that the projection angle for two clumps in the main structure is possibly near the projection plane, and the substructure is seen at ∼30–75° from the projection plane. The merging process could also be the origin to boost the activities of its member galaxies. Finally, as compared with other merger candidates in the Shapley Supercluster, the radio galaxies identified in Abell S0721 are all optically luminous, and the fraction of luminous radio galaxies is only lower than one merger candidate (which is proposed to be at the very beginning of a merger event), this suggests Abell S0721 is also at the beginning of a merger event.  相似文献   
Images obtained by the Miniature Integrated Camera and Imaging Spectrometer (MICAS) experiment onboard the Deep Space 1 spacecraft which encountered comet 19P/Borrelly on September 22nd 2001 show a dust coma dominated by jets. In particular a major collimated dust jet on the sunward side of the nucleus was observed. Our approach to analyse these features is to integrate the observed intensity in concentric envelopes around the nucleus. The same procedures has been used on the Halley Multicolour Camera images of comet 1P/Halley acquired on March 14th 1986. We are able to show that at Borrelly the dust brightness dependence as a function of radial distance is different to that of Halley. At large distances both comets show constant values as the size of the concentric envelopes increases (as one would expect for force free radial outflow). For Halley the integral decreases as one gets closer to the nucleus. Borrelly shows opposite behaviour. The main cause for Halley's intensity distribution is either high optical thickness or particle fragmentation. For Borrelly, we have constructed a simple model of the brightness distribution near the nucleus. This indicates that the influence of deviations from point source geometry is insufficient to explain the observed steepening of the intensity profile close to the nucleus. Dust acceleration or fragmentation into submicron particles appear to be required. We also estimate the dust production rate of Borrelly with respect to Halley and compare their dust to gas ratios.  相似文献   
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