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无人机直接侧力控制的关键是实现无人机运动参数的解耦。逆系统方法是一种很好的解耦方法,但其对模型的要求比较高。为了解决这一问题,本文设计一种H∞控制与逆系统的集成控制结构,对系统的输出解耦控制和鲁棒性分别进行分析,解决了传统的控制结构框架下系统控制精度和鲁棒性不能兼容的矛盾。最后,通过对某型无人机的直接侧力控制仿真验证了这种新型控制器的有效性。  相似文献   
网格环境下基于移动代理的两级环调度模型主要由网格任务管理中心、网格资源节点、网格用户、用户作业组成。网格任务管理中心依据网格用户提交的作业动态生成两级环,即超级环和普通环。两级环中资源节点由超级环管理节点、普通环管理节点和普通环资源节点构成。不同节点充分利用移动代理的自主迁移能力共同维护任务的正常运行。通过对两级环模型的事件响应时间延迟、系统可靠性、负载平衡、作业运行时间的分析和仿真,证实该模型能够有效利用网格计算资源、均衡资源负载。  相似文献   
纯模态试验中的作动器/传感器优化配置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于有效独立法,研究了逐步消减法在纯模态试验作动器/传感器优化配置中的应用。对一给定自由度的结构系统,由系统的模态动能可得系统的F isher信息阵。在优化过程中,根据F isher信息阵可得到各自由度节点所对应的E fI值,由E fI值的大小来确定每次要删除的作动器/传感器。在逐步消减的过程中,把E fI的值表示为一个矩阵的形式,使得优化过程清晰明了,提高了优化效率。最后,通过对一个20自由度的离散悬臂梁的激振器布设进行优化,验证了本文方法的有效性。  相似文献   
用推力矢量控制技术改进超声速飞行器空气动力特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了提高某超声速飞机的空气动力学效率和机动性能,本文采用低阶的三维板块法和DATCOM半经验公式,在亚声速和超声速条件下,对不同马赫数和迎角情况计算了基本气动外形的飞机空气动力学特性、表面压力分布以及最大升力。此外还开发了一套软件以实现由引进的先进气动操纵面(如鸭翼等)控制的二维推力矢量技术。试验结果表明:气动操纵面结合推力矢量技术能够产生足够的低头力矩,且有能力满足高度机动飞行时的稳定性要求。此外,不论是亚声速还是超声速飞行,气动操纵面均可以提高气动效率5%-6%。  相似文献   
The electromagnetic drift plays an important role in low-latitude storm time ionospheric dynamics. In this study we attempt to utilize the electric field data into ionospheric predictions by using support vector machine (SVM), a promising algorithm for small-sample nonlinear regressions. Taking the disturbance electric field data as input, different SVMs have been trained for three seasonal bins at two stations near the north crest of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA). Eighteen storm events are used to check out their predicting abilities. The results show fairly good agreement between the predictions and observations. Compared with STORM, a widely used empirical correlation model, the SVM method brings a relative improvement of 23% for these testing events. Based on this study we argue that the SVM method can improve the storm time ionospheric predictions.  相似文献   
Global sea level rise due to an increasingly warmer climate has begun to induce hazards, adversely affecting the lives and properties of people residing in low-lying coastal regions and islands. Therefore, it is important to monitor and understand variations in coastal sea level covering offshore regions. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) data of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) have been successfully used to robustly derive sea level heights (SLHs). In Taiwan, there are a number of continuously operating GNSS stations, not originally installed for sea level monitoring. They were established in harbors or near coastal regions for monitoring land motion. This study utilizes existing SNR data from three GNSS stations (Kaohsiung, Suao, and TaiCOAST) in Taiwan to compute SLHs with two methods, namely, Lomb–Scargle Periodogram (LSP)-only, and LSP aided with tidal harmonic analysis developed in this study. The results of both methods are compared with co-located or nearby tide gauge records. Due to the poor quality of SNR data, the worst accuracy of SLHs derived from traditional LSP-only method exceeds 1?m at the TaiCOAST station. With our procedure, the standard deviations (STDs) of difference between GNSS-derived SLHs and tide gauge records in Kaohsiung and Suao stations decreased to 10?cm and the results show excellent agreement with tide gauge derived relative sea level records, with STD of differences of 7?cm and correlation coefficient of 0.96. In addition, the absolute GNSS-R sea level trend in Kaohsiung during 2006–2011 agrees well with that derived from satellite altimetry. We conclude that the coastal GNSS stations in Taiwan have the potential of monitoring absolute coastal sea level change accurately when our proposed methodology is used.  相似文献   
嵌入式环境和实时操作系统目前广泛应用于航空领域。本文在介绍嵌入式系统的基础上,重点对实时多任务环境下大容量数据记录的实现方式进行了研究和利用,最后展望了电子盘实时多任务系统中记录大容量数据的前景。  相似文献   
由于在复杂环境中拉曼光功率不稳定会导致原子脉冲的宽度发生改变,从而影响陀螺仪的测量精度.通过对冷原子干涉仪的干涉全过程进行建模,计算得出了陀螺仪在拉曼光改变情形下输出相位的解析表达式,即建立了拉曼光在非近共振条件下强度变化时陀螺仪的输出值与外界载体运动之间的关系.与此同时,基于该解析表达式提出了一种对拉曼光光强的补偿算...  相似文献   
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