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The measurements of gamma-activity of the 44Ti (T1/2 = 66.6 years) produced by spallation reaction of galactic cosmic rays (GCR) in Alfianello, Olivenza, Rio Negro, Dhajala and Torino meteorites, which fell in the time interval 1883 AD (Alfianello)-1988 AD (Torino), show a century scale modulation, connected to long-term solar-wind flux variations in the interplanetary space. The variation of the 44Ti activity with the time of fall of meteorites is qualitatively consistent with the Gleissberg solar cycle, but the amplitude is three-four times higher than expected (about 5%) for GCR flux modulated by solar activity, as determined solely by the sunspot number. The cosmogenic 44Ti is a suitable radioisotope for this investigation, but its activity in meteorites is very low. We performed these measurements in the underground low level counting station of Monte dei Cappuccini in Torino, by means of a big hyperpure Ge crystal (approximately 2 kg) in selective coincidence with a heavy NaI (T1) scintillation detector (approximately 28 kg). This system allows a reliable and non destructive measurement of 44Ti (44Sc) in meteorites of 200-1200 g in weight. The background is about 1 count per day in the gamma-peak at 1157 keV of 44Sc in equilibrium with its parent 44Ti. The high stability of the performance allows long-lasting runs (approximately 10(7) s) in order to attain results with a standard deviation up to about 10%.  相似文献   
Generalized likelihood ratio tests (GLRTs) are derived for the problem of detecting targets in hyperspectral images. These detectors are derived under the assumptions that the signals from the materials in the image mix linearly and that the noise in the system is Gaussian. It is also assumed that the abundances of the signals from the various materials in a pixel must sum to one. This constraint models the fact that the material abundances in a pixel are just the fraction of the pixel that they occupy. Under these assumptions, detectors are derived which outperform the detectors derived without the sum-to-one constraint.  相似文献   
The use of controlled environments is subject to problems from contaminants emitted from materials of the system and from plants. Many contaminants are difficult to identify because injurious dosages are very low, there is a lack of information on what compounds injure plants, because species and cultivars differ greatly in their sensitivity to injury and injury symptoms often are not distinctive. Plastics have been shown to emit many different volatile compounds. The compound, di-butyl phthalate, contained in certain flexible plastics, has been shown to be very toxic to plants. Other injuries have been produced by caulking compounds and bonded screening. Paints have been shown to release xylene that is toxic to plants. Steam for humidification can cause problems because of hydroxylamines and other compounds added to steam used for heating to control fungal growth in return lines. Mercury, from broken thermometers is a particular problem in growth chambers because small quantities can collect in cracks and slowly volatilize to slow growth of plants. Plants themselves release large quantities of volatile hydrocarbons, with ethylene being the commonly recognized chemical that can be damaging when allowed to accumulate. People release large quantities of carbon dioxide which can cause variations in the rate of growth of plants. Contaminant problems can be controlled through filtering of the air or ventilation with make-up air, however the potential for problems is always present and careful testing should be undertaken with the particular species and cultivars being grown insure that there are no toxic agents altering growth in each particular controlled environment being utilized.  相似文献   
We present new measurements concerning generation of light flash during hypervelocity impacts. We use iron particles (10−13 to 10−17 kg) with velocities over the range 1 to 42 km/s impacting semi-infinite targets (aluminium and molybdenum). The main results of previous work in the field are found to be reproduced with some slight deviations. For iron projectiles with given mass and velocity the energy of the flash (normalized to mass) is proportional to velocity to the power of 3.5 for aluminium targets and 3.9 for molybdenum targets. The duration of the flash is of order 1 microsecond. Simultaneous measurements of the generation of impact plasma do not change this. The onset of plasma generation of the bulk target material does not affect the total light flash energy. We discuss the duration of the flash compared to a simple calculation of temperature in the target and plasma vs time.  相似文献   
This paper describes original research efforts in the design, simulation, and development of nanotechnology-based molecular test equipment (MTE). This is a research effort for testing printed circuit boards independent of traditional automatic test equipment (ATE) through the fabrication of MTE within integrated circuits (ICs). The MTE is embedded within the IC substrate and encapsulated within nanoprobes that connect between the surface and the substrate of the IC at various functional areas. A process is followed whereby IC device simulation is performed to assess the electrical, chemical, and structural properties of integrated and adjacent substrate devices. Through this approach the nominal and failed device performance parameters of interest to substrate-based MTE are found. Discussion of the development and application of MTE within IC architectures is provided, including such topics as the effect of substrate composition on the design and realization of MTE, interfaces between MTE and IC devices, and reporting of MTE results to the IC surface and technician. Potential application areas within different device functions will also be identified. A chemical structure diagram is also provided to illustrate the implementation of MTE using discrete device configurations with MTE-augmented logic  相似文献   
Aeolian (wind) processes can transport particles over large distances on Mars, leading to the modification or removal of surface features, formation of new landforms, and mantling or burial of surfaces. Erosion of mantling deposits by wind deflation can exhume older surfaces. These processes and their effects on the surface must be taken into account in using impact crater statistics to derive chronologies on Mars. In addition, mapping the locations, relative ages, and orientations of aeolian features can provide insight into Martian weather, climate, and climate history.  相似文献   
Recursive state equation estimation algorithms are derived to determine optimal estimation error covariance and state estimate for a linear dynamic system, driven by time-varying and positionverying (or angle-varying) functions whose a priori covariance are described. Retracing the same trajectory with the system measuring device causes the position varying function to repeat and can significantly reduce estimation errors. Applications for these algorithms include improving accuracy of a position dependent quantity to be mapped, or recursively processing radar or sonar data from repeating scans over the same area. Three types of return path patterns are considered: 1) multiple independent returns, 2) reverse returns, and 3) cyclical returns.  相似文献   
A flat panel multifunction display (MFD) that offers the size and reliability benefits of liquid crystal display technology while achieving near-CRT display quality is presented. Display generation algorithms that provide exceptional display quality are being implemented in custom VLSI components to minimize MFD size. A high-performance processor converts user-specified display lists to graphics commands used by these components, resulting in high-speed updates of two-dimensional and three-dimensional images. The MFD uses the MIL-STD-1553B data bus for compatibility with virtually all avionics systems. The MFD can generate displays directly from display lists received from the MIL-STD-1553B bus. Complex formats can be stored in the MFD and displayed using parameters from the data bus. The MFD also accepts direct video input and performs special processing on this input to enhance image quality  相似文献   
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