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Dynamics of a satellite-stabilizer system is studied. It is supposed that there is a viscous friction in a hinge connecting two bodies, but there is no elasticity. The attitude motion in a plane of circular orbit is considered, and parameters are determined, at which natural oscillations near a stable equilibrium position in the orbital coordinate system are damped out most rapidly. The rate of transient processes is estimated by a value of the degree of stability of linearized equations of motion. The optimization of the degree of stability is sequentially performed in dimensionless damping coefficient (the first stage) and in inertial system parameters (the second stage). The result of the first stage is the partition of system parameter space into the regions, in each of which the maximum of the degree of stability is reached on a particular configuration of roots of the characteristic equation. It is shown at the second stage that the global maximum is reached at two points of parameter space, where one of system bodies degenerates into a plate, and the characteristic equation has four equal real roots.  相似文献   
The isotopic composition and concentrations of helium are investigated in 9 samples taken from different depths of a soil column delivered by the Luna-24 mission. It is demonstrated that, with allowance made for random errors, the isotopic composition of helium remains invariable. The concentrations of helium are subject to considerable variations, the increases and decreases relative to the average value reaching a factor of 1.5–2. Assuming that the full length of the soil column was formed due to long-term accumulation of lunar clastic rocks (regolith), based on measurements of cosmogenic isotopes, a method of determining the rate of regolith accumulation has been developed, as well as a method of determining the age of the column soil samples. It is found that the rate of regolith accumulation is variable, and it changes over the column length within the limits (0.2–0.8 cm)/106 years. The range of the time for formation of the investigated part of the column is 100–600 million years. The observed decreases of concentration (at 250 and 600 million years) can be associated with both solar and lunar processes. In particular, a possibility of diffusion losses of helium due to the mechanism of jump-like diffusion is discussed, and diffusion parameters are found. A comparison of time periods of the observed variations in the solar wind with paleontological epochs and periods is made.  相似文献   
A new technique is developed to compensate multiple-wavelength distortion in airborne antenna arrays. This approach exploits the phase information in microwave reflections from arbitrary terrain. To handle reflections incident over a broad angle, a range-Doppler preprocessor is used in each element channel to resolve wavefronts incident simultaneously from different directions. The phase information for each direction of arrival is compared between elements and processed by optimal estimators to determine the phase corrections needed to compensate the distortion. To develop the estimators, a statistical model of the complex baseband terrain reflections is developed. This is in turn used to generate conditional probability densities involving the range Doppler observations and the parameters to be estimated. These densities are subsequently used to develop minimum variance and maximum likelihood estimators. The new estimators use additional information that has not been exploited by previous techniques and therefore provide enhanced performance  相似文献   
The objective of the Nephelometer Experient aboard the Probe of the Galileo mission is to explore the vertical structure and microphysical properties of the clouds and hazes in the atmosphere of Jupiter along the descent trajectory of the Probe (nominally from 0.1 to > 10 bars). The measurements, to be obtained at least every kilometer of the Probe descent, will provide the bases for inferences of mean particle sizes, particle number densities (and hence, opacities, mass densities, and columnar mass loading) and, for non-highly absorbing particles, for distinguishing between solid and liquid particles. These quantities, especially the location of the cloud bases, together with other quantities derived from this and other experiments aboard the Probe, will not only yield strong evidence for the composition of the particles, but, using thermochemical models, for species abundances as well. The measurements in the upper troposphere will provide ground truth data for correlation with remote sensing instruments aboard the Galileo Orbiter vehicle. The instrument is carefully designed and calibrated to measure the light scattering properties of the particulate clouds and hazes at scattering angles of 5.8°, 16°, 40°, 70°, and 178°. The measurement sensitivity and accuracy is such that useful estimates of mean particle radii in the range from about 0.2 to 20 can be inferred. The instrument will detect the presence of typical cloud particles with radii of about 1.0 , or larger, at concentrations of less than 1 cm3.Deceased.  相似文献   
An empirical model of the high-latitude boundary of the outer Earth’s radiation belt (ERB) has been presented, which is based on the measurement data of electron fluxes on the polar low-orbit CORONAS-Photon, Meteor-M1, and Meteor-M2 satellites. The boundary was determined by a sharp decrease to the background level of the flux of trapped electrons with energies of 100 or 200 keV in the polar part of the profile of the outer radiation belt. A numerical algorithm has been implemented to determine the time moment, when the fastest flux changes are recorded. The primary search was carried out, first, on 30 s averaged data, then repeated on data with a higher resolution. A functional dependence was obtained in order to approximate the obtained set of intersections of the boundary by elliptical curve. The empirical model constructed using the CORONAS-Photon measurement data in the epoch of anomalously low geomagnetic activity reflects the longitude structure of the high-latitude boundary of the outer radiation belt associated with the internal Earth’s magnetic field (MF), as well as its dependence on the universal time. Based on the data of intersections of the high-latitude boundary of the outer ERB (OERB) in the epoch of 2014–2016, the latitudinal shift of the boundary to the equator dependent on geomagnetic activity has been determined, as well as the nightside shift of the boundary due to the diurnal rotation of the Earth.  相似文献   
A weak but statistically reliable dependence of the diurnal activity of oscillations in the ionospheric Alfvén resonator on orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field ahead of the magnetospheric front has been detected based on observations of ULF oscillations at Sayan solar observatory Mondy of the Institute of Solar–Terrestrial Physics. The interpretation of the result has been proposed. The essence is that the electromagnetic fluctuations penetrate into the magnetosphere from the interplanetary environment and influence the ionospheric resonator. The formulation of the problem and the method of solving it are part of the broad program of the experimental and theoretical study of the influence of the interplanetary magnetic field on the oscillation regime of ULF oscillations of the magnetosphere.  相似文献   
We study the directional stability of rigid and deformable spinning satellites in terms of two attitude angles. The linearized attitude motion of a free system about an assumed uniform-spin reference solution leads to a generic MGK system when the satellite is rigid or deformable. In terms of Lyapunov’s stability theory, we investigate the stability with respect to a subset of the variables. For a rigid body, the MGK system is 6-dimensional, i.e., 3 rotational and 3 translational variables. When flexible parts are present the system can have any arbitrary dimension. The 2×2 McIntyre–Myiagi stability matrix gives sufficient conditions for the attitude stability. A further development of this method has led to the Equivalent Rigid Body method. We propose an alternative practical method to establish sufficiency conditions for directional stability by using the Frobenius–Schur reduction formula. As practical applications we discuss a spinning satellite augmented with a spring–mass system and a rigid body appended with two cables and tip masses. In practice, the attitude stability must also be investigated when the spinning satellite is subject to a constant axial thrust. The generic format becomes MGKN as the thrust is a follower force. For a perfectly aligned thrust along the spin axis, Lyapunov’s indirect method remains valid also when deformable parts are present. We illustrate this case with an apogee motor burn in the presence of slag. When the thrust is not on the spin axis or not pointing parallel to the spin axis, the uniform-spin reference motion does not exist and none of the previous methods is applicable. In this case, the linearization may be performed about the initial state. Even when the linearized system has bounded solutions, the non-linear system can be unstable in general. We illustrate this situation by an instability that actually happened in-flight during a station-keeping maneuver of ESA’s GEOS-I satellite in 1979.  相似文献   
The Genesis mission returned samples of solar wind to Earth in September 2004 for ground-based analyses of solar-wind composition, particularly for isotope ratios. Substrates, consisting mostly of high-purity semiconductor materials, were exposed to the solar wind at L1 from December 2001 to April 2004. In addition to a bulk sample of the solar wind, separate samples of coronal hole (CH), interstream (IS), and coronal mass ejection material were obtained. Although many substrates were broken upon landing due to the failure to deploy the parachute, a number of results have been obtained, and most of the primary science objectives will likely be met. These objectives include He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe isotope ratios in the bulk solar wind and in different solar-wind regimes, and 15N/14N and 18O/17O/16O to high precision. The greatest successes to date have been with the noble gases. Light noble gases from bulk solar wind and separate solar-wind regime samples have now been analyzed. Helium results show clear evidence of isotopic fractionation between CH and IS samples, consistent with simplistic Coulomb drag theory predictions of fractionation between the photosphere and different solar-wind regimes, though fractionation by wave heating is also a possible explanation. Neon results from closed system stepped etching of bulk metallic glass have revealed the nature of isotopic fractionation as a function of depth, which in lunar samples have for years deceptively suggested the presence of an additional, energetic component in solar wind trapped in lunar grains and meteorites. Isotope ratios of the heavy noble gases, nitrogen, and oxygen are in the process of being measured.  相似文献   
The aim of the proposed Beagle 2 small lander for ESA's 2003 Mars Express mission is to search for organic material on and below the surface of Mars and to study the inorganic chemistry and mineralogy of the landing site. The lander will have a total mass of 60kg including entry, descent, and landing system. Experiments will be deployed on the surface using a robotic arm. It will use a mechanical mole and grinder to obtain samples from below the surface, under rocks, and inside rocks. Sample analysis by a mass spectrometer will include isotopic analysis. An optical microscope, an X-ray spectrometer and a Mossbauer spectrometer will conduct in-situ rock studies.  相似文献   
Results of a numerical (CFD) study of the influence of the forebody shape on local flow parameters at a bottom-mounted inlet entrance are presented. The free-stream Mach number is assumed to be 3.5–7.0. Some recommendations on forebody shape optimization are provided. Main characteristics of the air inlet are evaluated.  相似文献   
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