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In 2001, 2002 and 2003, the Polar spacecraft probed the near equatorial plasma sheet at 9 RE near local midnight. Using the magnetic field observations, the signatures at substorm onsets are studied. Close to the flux pile-up region, the Polar spacecraft readily detects the dipolarization front, especially for pseudo onsets. An event with two distinct onsets has been examined. The signatures are found to be consistent with the multiple-onset model suggested by Russell [Russell, C.T. How northward turnings of the IMF can lead to substorm expansion onsets. Geophys. Res. Lett. 27, 3257–3259, 2000] which is a modified Near-Earth Neutral Line (NENL) model. Another similar event is also examined showing the effects of different Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) conditions upon substorms. Moreover, ground effects can be very weak compared to in situ observations, especially for pseudo onsets, because these signatures appear to be localized and not global.  相似文献   
Using full-disk observations obtained with the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft, we present variations of the solar acoustic mode frequencies caused by the solar activity cycle. High-degree (100 < ? < 900) solar acoustic modes were analyzed using global helioseismology analysis techniques over most of solar cycle 23. We followed the methodology described in details in [Korzennik, S.G., Rabello-Soares, M.C., Schou, J. On the determination of Michelson Doppler Imager high-degree mode frequencies. ApJ 602, 481–515, 2004] to infer unbiased estimates of high-degree mode parameters ([see also Rabello-Soares, M.C., Korzennik, S.G., Schou, J. High-degree mode frequencies: changes with solar cycle. ESA SP-624, 2006]). We have removed most of the known instrumental and observational effects that affect specifically high-degree modes. We show that the high-degree changes are in good agreement with the medium-degree results, except for years when the instrument was highly defocused. We analyzed and discuss the effect of defocusing on high-degree estimation. Our results for high-degree modes confirm that the frequency shift scaled by the relative mode inertia is a function of frequency and it is independent of degree.  相似文献   
The Hubble Space Telescope activity by NASA and ESA began in 1971 and is now nearing completion. The Scientific Instruments are complete and their performance confirmed. The Optical Telescope Assembly integration is proceeding well, with the crucial Fine Guidance Sensors expected to perform as designed. Telescope delivery to the spacecraft contractor is expected in December 1984. Completion of the Verification and Assembly Program will then be followed by launch in the summer of 1986.  相似文献   
Estimates of drag characteristics of the space vehicles with orbit heights of 450–540 and 700–900 km before and after strong (with a magnitude M ≥ 6.5) crust earthquakes of 2000–2006 are presented. The method of estimation of seismic orbital effects is presented using as an example the small Mozhaets-4 spacecraft. Two weeks prior to earthquakes, variations in the drag of low-orbital spacecraft increase. 3–6 days prior to strong crust earthquakes with epicenters on the land, the drag of low-orbit spacecraft in the upper atmosphere increases. The effect of increased viscosity of the neutral component of the atmosphere at spacecraft heights 3–6 days prior to strong crust earthquakes is consistent with the results of studies of disturbances in the ionization density variations in the ionospheric F region prior to earthquakes. No anomalies are found in the day of the earthquake. In the future, it is proposed to use elements of space debris for diagnostics of seismic orbital effects and disturbances of the upper atmosphere.  相似文献   
An elementary science education professional development partnership between Culver City Unified School District teachers and UCLA has been formed. The project was designed to assist teachers to comfortably present introductory space science concepts, to support them in their efforts, and to aid them in encouraging their students to develop inquiry skills related to space sciences. The project encourages teacher use of observational science techniques in their classrooms, the use of NASA solar mission images and enhanced use of astronomical observation to facilitate discovery learning. The integrated approach of the project has fostered collegial learning activities among the participating teachers and offered them opportunities for continued renewal and professional development of teacher competencies in astronomy and space science. The activities used in the classroom were developed by others, classroom tested, and specifically address National Science Education and California Science Content Standards. These activities have been sustained through on-going collaboration between the scientist and the teachers, a summer Research Experience for Teachers program, and on-going, grade-specific, district-sponsored workshops. Assessment of the value of the program is done by the school district and is used to continuously improve each workshop and program component. Culver City (California) Unified School District is a small urban school district located on the Westside of Los Angeles. This paper describes the program and the plans for incorporating IHY-themed science into the classroom.  相似文献   
One essential component of magnetosphere and ionosphere coupling is the closure of the ring current through Region 2 field-aligned current (FAC). Using the Comprehensive Ring Current Model (CRCM), which includes magnetosphere and ionosphere coupling by solving the kinetic equation of ring current particles and the closure of the electric currents between the two regions, we have investigated the effects of high latitude potential, ionospheric conductivity, plasma sheet density and different magnetic field models on the development of Region 2 field-aligned currents, and the relationship between R2 FACs and the ring current. It is shown that an increase in high latitude potential, ionospheric conductivity or plasma sheet density generally results in an increase in Region 2 FACs’ intensity, but R2 FACs display different local time and latitudinal distributions for changes in each parameter due to the different mechanisms involved. Our simulation results show that the magnetic field configuration of the inner magnetosphere is also an important factor in the development of Region 2 field-aligned current. More numerical experiments and observational results are needed in further our understanding of the complex relationship of the two current systems.  相似文献   
Remote sensing images and technologies have been widely applied to environmental monitoring, in particular landuse/landcover classification and change detection. However, the uncertainties involved in such applications have not been fully addressed. In this paper two hypothesis-test-based change detection methods, namely the bivariate joint distribution method and the conditional distribution method, are proposed to tackle the uncertainties in change detection by making decisions based on the desired level of significance. Both methods require a data set of class-dependent no-change pixels to form the basis for class-dependent hypothesis test. Using an exemplar study area in central Taiwan, performance of the proposed methods are shown to be significantly superior to two other commonly applied methods (the post-classification comparison and the image differencing methods) in terms of the overall change detection accuracies. The conditional distribution method takes into consideration the correlation between digital numbers of the pre- and post-images and the effect of the known pre-image digital number on the range of the post-image digital number, and therefore yields the highest change detection accuracy. It is also demonstrated that the class-dependent change detection is crucial for accurate landuse/landcover change detection.  相似文献   
Algorithms for determining fixed-pitch propeller parameters and some flight characteristics of a superlight aircraft at the early stage of designing are described.  相似文献   
EXOSAT has observed 19 hot white dwarfs with alleged strong soft X-ray emission. Positive detection of a large fraction of this sample was obtained, among these practically all hot DA dwarfs. High-resolution spectral data, acquired with the 500 1/mm grating spectrometer, indicates no traces of He in the atmosphere of HZ43, i.e. n(He)/n(H) ? 10?5 at a photospheric temperature of 60000 K (log g = 8). In contrast, the hot DA1 dwarf Feige 24 shows the presence of an appreciable He-abundance (n(He)/n(H) ? 10?3); however no simple homogeneously mixed H/He atmosphere can explain the observed spectral shape.  相似文献   
The problem of a spacecraft orbiting the Neptune–Triton system is presented. The new ingredients in this restricted three body problem are the Neptune oblateness and the high inclined and retrograde motion of Triton. First we present some interesting simulations showing the role played by the oblateness on a Neptune’s satellite, disturbed by Triton. We also give an extensive numerical exploration in the case when the spacecraft orbits Triton, considering Sun, Neptune and its planetary oblateness as disturbers. In the plane a × I (a = semi-major axis, I = inclination), we give a plot of the stable regions where the massless body can survive for thousand of years. Retrograde and direct orbits were considered and as usual, the region of stability is much more significant for the case of direct orbit of the spacecraft (Triton’s orbit is retrograde). Next we explore the dynamics in a vicinity of the Lagrangian points. The Birkhoff normalization is constructed around L2, followed by its reduction to the center manifold. In this reduced dynamics, a convenient Poincaré section shows the interplay of the Lyapunov and halo periodic orbits, Lissajous and quasi-halo tori as well as the stable and unstable manifolds of the planar Lyapunov orbit. To show the effect of the oblateness, the planar Lyapunov family emanating from the Lagrangian points and three-dimensional halo orbits are obtained by the numerical continuation method.  相似文献   
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