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A multidisciplinary study of this solar-interplanetary event is summarized by two main points: this flare was an incident in a process that began days before the flare, and continued after the flare; and the chain of events can be interpreted most simply in terms of energy input over scales of time and space that are large compared to the flare seen in the light of Hα. In support of these points, 5 aspects of the flare are described here: (1) hours before the flare, slow changes in coronal structure were associated with radio continuum emission, suggesting large-scale magnetic-field changes and the presence of energetic electrons; (2) long-lived X-ray loops require sustained energy input for at least an hour after the flare start; (3) interplanetary disturbance near earth is probably related to this limb flare, although the (expected) absence of a shock makes identification uncertain; (4) the coronal mass ejection overlay decaying magnetic field; (5) speed derived from frequency drift of the type II radio burst in the low corona, and from the travel time of the disturbance to 1 a.u., are about twice as great as the observed speed of the coronal mass ejection and of the disturbed solar-wind speed.  相似文献   
The application of 4-bit microprocessors to the communication of the control and status signals found in an advanced aircraft instrument landing system is presented. The advantages as well as some of the peculiarities of such an approach are described. Among the benefits, one must include the possibility of a very convenient and understandable human interface.  相似文献   
Cumulative probability distributions such as occur in radar detection problems are approximated by a new version of the saddlepoint method of evaluating the inverse Laplace transform of the moment-generating function. When the number of radar pulses integrated is large, the approximation of lowest order yields good accuracy in the tails of the distributions, yet requires much less computation than standard recursive methods. Greater accuracy can be achieved upon summing the residual series by converting it to a continued fraction. The method is applied to evaluating the error-function integral and the Mth-order Q function, and to approximating the inverse of the chi-squared distribution. Cumulative distributions of discrete random variables, needed for determining error probabilities in optical communication receivers that involve counting photoelectrons, can be approximated by a simple modification of the method, which is here applied to the Laguerre distribution.  相似文献   
This paper presents the output waveform of a correlation techniquewhich incorporates time domain amplitude weighting and matchedfiltering. This scheme may be used in pulse compression radars wherefine target detail is desired over an increment of range, the rangewindow. Analytic expressions describing the amplitude, phase, andfrequency modulation of the output waveform are obtained for thecosine-squared weighted spectrum, truncated Taylor weighted spectrum,and cosine-cubed weighted spectrum with weighting mismatchas a parameter. The effects of such mismatches on the amplitude,phase, and frequency modulation of the compressed waveform areplotted. However, the methods used to obtain these results are generalenough to obtain output waveforms of other weighting functions similarlymismatched.  相似文献   
The effects of prolonged bedrest in antiorthostatic position (-4 degrees head down) on electrolyte balance were studied in 4 young volunteers. An increase was noted in sodium excretion during the first 4 days. Plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone varied in parallel manner during the same period. Potassium balance and creatinine clearance were not significantly modified. In light of these data we feel that prolonged bedrest in antiorthostatic position constitutes an effective way to simulate on earth metabolic and hormonal modifications occurring in man under weightlessness conditions.  相似文献   
The gas dynamics of interactions of a tenuous ionosphere with moving satellites and probes that have bearings on the diagnostics of the ionosphere are discussed. Emphasis is on the cases where the body is moving at mesothermal speeds, namely intermediate between the thermal speeds of ions and electrons of the ambient ionosphere. Methods of collision-free plasma kinetics with self-consistent field are used. The development of the topics for discussion starts with stationary Langmuir probe which entails the basic mechanism of body-plasma interaction that becomes further intricated as the body moves at a higher and higher speed. Applications of the theory of plasma interaction to meteors which move in the ionosphere are also presented.  相似文献   
We measured the amount of visual movement judged consistent with translational head movement under normal and microgravity conditions. Subjects wore a virtual reality helmet in which the ratio of the movement of the world to the movement of the head (visual gain) was variable. Using the method of adjustment under normal gravity 10 subjects adjusted the visual gain until the visual world appeared stable during head movements that were either parallel or orthogonal to gravity. Using the method of constant stimuli under normal gravity, seven subjects moved their heads and judged whether the virtual world appeared to move “with” or “against” their movement for several visual gains. One subject repeated the constant stimuli judgements in microgravity during parabolic flight. The accuracy of judgements appeared unaffected by the direction or absence of gravity. Only the variability appeared affected by the absence of gravity. These results are discussed in relation to discomfort during head movements in microgravity.  相似文献   
The nonlinear system concepts of nonlinear transfer functions are extended to nonlinear cross sections which may be used to quantitatively describe the characteristics of a nonlinear scatter. The concept of nonlinear cross sections is used to generalize the radar equation for nonlinear scattering objects.  相似文献   
Stereoscopic heights of the top of an Oklahoma thunderstorm were computed, finding that high cloud tops are not always characterized by very cold IR temperature. The identical method was also applied to the computation of stereo heights based on GOES West and GMS stereo pairs obtained under the NASA-JAPAN cooperative program. It was found that stereo techniques are extremely useful in understanding the structure of thunderstorms in the United States, as well as that of hurricanes over the South Pacific.  相似文献   
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