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The potential benefit of using a smoothing filter to estimate a carrier phase over use of phase-locked loops (PLL) is determined. Numerical results are presented for the performance of three possible configurations of an all-digital coherent demodulation receiver. These are residual carrier PLL, sideband-aided residual carrier PLL, and finally sideband aided with Kalman smoother. The average symbol SNR after losses due to carrier phase estimation is computed for different total power SNRs, symbol rates, and symbol SNRs. It is found that smoothing is most beneficial for low symbol SNRs and low symbol rates. Smoothing gains up to 0.7 dB over sideband-aided residual carrier PLL, and the combined benefit of smoothing and sideband aiding relative to residual carrier loop is often in excess of 1 dB.  相似文献   
An Overview of the Fast Auroral SnapshoT (FAST) Satellite   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Pfaff  R.  Carlson  C.  Watzin  J.  Everett  D.  Gruner  T. 《Space Science Reviews》2001,98(1-2):1-32
The FAST satellite is a highly sophisticated scientific satellite designed to carry out in situ measurements of acceleration physics and related plasma processes associated with the Earth's aurora. Initiated and conceptualized by scientists at the University of California at Berkeley, this satellite is the second of NASA's Small Explorer Satellite program designed to carry out small, highly focused, scientific investigations. FAST was launched on August 21, 1996 into a high inclination (83°) elliptical orbit with apogee and perigee altitudes of 4175 km and 350 km, respectively. The spacecraft design was tailored to take high-resolution data samples (or `snapshots') only while it crosses the auroral zones, which are latitudinally narrow sectors that encircle the polar regions of the Earth. The scientific instruments include energetic electron and ion electrostatic analyzers, an energetic ion instrument that distinguishes ion mass, and vector DC and wave electric and magnetic field instruments. A state-of-the-art flight computer (or instrument data processing unit) includes programmable processors that trigger the burst data collection when interesting physical phenomena are encountered and stores these data in a 1 Gbit solid-state memory for telemetry to the Earth at later times. The spacecraft incorporates a light, efficient, and highly innovative design, which blends proven sub-system concepts with the overall scientific instrument and mission requirements. The result is a new breed of space physics mission that gathers unprecedented fields and particles observations that are continuous and uninterrupted by spin effects. In this and other ways, the FAST mission represents a dramatic advance over previous auroral satellites. This paper describes the overall FAST mission, including a discussion of the spacecraft design parameters and philosophy, the FAST orbit, instrument and data acquisition systems, and mission operations.  相似文献   
Ranging airport pseudolite for local area augmentation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper discusses the integration of an airport pseudolite (APL) into a local area augmented differential GPS based precision approach system. A prototype architecture is described that is being used to develop requirements for the local area augmentation system. Key features of this prototype system are presented along with its current performance. Key features discussed include the use of a multipath limiting antenna, APL signal structure factors, a unique APL automatic gain control, and GPS blanking technique to maximize APL tracking performance, while minimizing the electromagnetic interference to nominal DGPS performance  相似文献   
An experimental program is described that had the objective of measuring the effects of the time-dependent structure of downlink (air craft to ground) interference generated by the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) in an active air traffic terminal area that are relevant to system and ground controller response time. The results of this program indicate a number of interesting details concerning the correlation of the level of the downlink interference with changes in the arrival and departure rates of aircraft at the local terminal sites.  相似文献   
A data path consists of memory elements (i.e., registers), data operators (i.e. ALUs) and interconnection units (i.e. buses) to control the data transfers in the digital system. Many approaches to hardware allocation for data path synthesis have been proposed in the literature; however, only single-port memory is considered for register allocation and no efficient synthesis approach for multiport memory synthesis. A novel design methodology for data path synthesis using multiport memories is proposed which can be applied to hardware allocation algorithms or to already synthesized data path as a postprocessor to achieve a better design. Illustrations of applying this method to different synthesis examples are presented. Results and improvements over previous techniques are demonstrated. Experiments on benchmarks show very promising results  相似文献   
An input filter is frequently employed between a switching regulator and its power source. However, its presence often results in degradation of dynamic performances and stability. The detrimental interaction is between an input filter and a switching regulator and is a function of the input filter parameters and also of the supply voltage. An earlier paper presented an analysis and design procedure aimed at developing a feed-forward loop to cancel this undesirable interaction. The feed-forward design is extended here to encompass a scheme that automatically accounts for changes in the supply voltage; the result is an adaptive compensation that tracks the input voltage variations. Experimental results are presented that confirm the adaptive nature of the design.  相似文献   
Observations of NGC 5194/95 with the Einstein HRI show a very strong nuclear X-ray source, surrounded by a diffuse flux, three point sources and the companion. The diffuse flux, which correlates well with the radio continuum, is likely to originate from the disk population with age 2·109 yrs. The large luminosity from the nuclear source, together with optical and radio observations, shows that it belongs to the low luminosity active nuclei, thus extending this class to luminosities less than 1040 erg/s.  相似文献   
Currently there exist two commonly used measurement fusion methods for Kalman-filter-based multisensor data fusion. The first (Method I) simply merges the multisensor data through the observation vector of the Kalman filter, whereas the second (Method II) combines the multisensor data based on a minimum-mean-square-error criterion. This paper, based on an analysis of the fused state estimate covariances of the two measurement fusion methods, shows that the two measurement fusion methods are functionally equivalent if the sensors used for data fusion, with different and independent noise characteristics, have identical measurement matrices. Also presented are simulation results on state estimation using the two measurement fusion methods, followed by the analysis of the computational advantages of each method  相似文献   
Cumulative probability distributions such as occur in radar detection problems are approximated by a new version of the saddlepoint method of evaluating the inverse Laplace transform of the moment-generating function. When the number of radar pulses integrated is large, the approximation of lowest order yields good accuracy in the tails of the distributions, yet requires much less computation than standard recursive methods. Greater accuracy can be achieved upon summing the residual series by converting it to a continued fraction. The method is applied to evaluating the error-function integral and the Mth-order Q function, and to approximating the inverse of the chi-squared distribution. Cumulative distributions of discrete random variables, needed for determining error probabilities in optical communication receivers that involve counting photoelectrons, can be approximated by a simple modification of the method, which is here applied to the Laguerre distribution.  相似文献   
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