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The purpose of the present experiment was to study the way in which the CNS represents gravitational force during vertical arm pointing movements. Movements in upward and downward directions were executed by two cosmonauts in normal-gravity and weightlessness. Analyses focused upon finger kinematics in the sagittal plane. In normal-gravity, downward direction movements showed smaller curvatures and greater relative times to peak velocity (AT/MT) when compared with upward direction movements. Data from the weightlessness experiments showed that whilst downward movements decreased their curvature during space flight, curvatures of upward movements changed slightly. Furthermore, AT/MT was modified during the first days in micro-gravity for both directions, recovering, however, to pre-flight values after 18 days in space. Results from the present study, provide evidence that gravitational force is centrally treated constituting an important component of the motor plan for vertical arm movements.  相似文献   
A polynomial approach for maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation of superimposed signals in time-series problems and array processing was recently proposed. This technique was applied successfully to linear uniform arrays and to uniformly sampled complex exponential signals. However, uniformly spaced arrays are not optimal for minimum variance estimation of bearing, range or position, and uniform sampling of signals is not always possible in practice. The authors make use of the expectation-maximization algorithm to apply the polynomial approach to sublattice arrays and to missing samples in time-series problems  相似文献   
A review is given of the solar radiation between wavelengths of approx. 5 m. and 1 mm. After discussing the astrophysical background (Section 2), we review the brightness temperatures measured in the continuous spectrum in the disk center (Section 3), and compare them with model predictions. The observed limb darkening (or brightening) is described in Section 4, and the line spectrum in Section 5. In Section 6 considerations are given on the usefulness of infrared observations for the investigation of small structures on the Sun.  相似文献   
The maximum-likelihood estimator of the line of position (LOP) resulting from K frequencies received from each of two Omega stations for high SNR is derived. The estimator takes advantage of interfrequency correlation of phase uncertainties by modeling them as resulting from phase velocity uncertainties which are jointly Gaussian with known covariance. The utilization of Omega for search and rescue systems is examined. For this application, the result of increasing the size of the unambiguous lanes of Omega by addition of a fourth frequency to the present three-frequency format is examined. The results of Monte Carlo simulation, performed for several easily implemented fourth frequencies, are presented. The simulation results illustrate the extent to which lane errors can be expected as a function of various fourth frequencies, phase velocity uncertainties, and SNR.  相似文献   
This is a summary paper describing the processing of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data using digital correlation algorithms. Fundamental SAR theory as it applies to the various SAR modes, namely, strip mapping, spotlight mapping, and Doppler beam sharpened mapping, is described and a baseline design applicable to all SAR modes is presented. Digital processor design is developed, starting with a simple single filter mechanization and proceeding through more complex processing algorithms. Prefilter design is discussed, as is the more advanced processing algorithms, namely, multiple parallel prefilters, two-stage correlation, and FFT processing. The primary processor tradeoff is increased functional complexity versus reduced arithmetic and memory requirements. For high-resolution applications, the arithmetic requirements can be reduced by an order of magnitude or more by implementing the more advanced processing algorithms.  相似文献   
Motion Compensation for Synthetic Aperture Radar   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A generalized motion compensation approach applicable to all SAR modes, i.e., strip mapping (side-looking or squint), spotlight (or telescope) mapping, and Doppler beam sharpened mapping (DBS), is described. The basic concept is the formation for unit vector ? and the slaving of the real illuminating antenna and the processed synthetic antenna to this unit vector. The amount of motion compensation which is required is developed in terms of transfer curves for the main motion reduction paths, i.e., translational, rotational (lever arm), and real antenna stabilization. The transfer curves are obtained by dividing the expected motion spectrum by the required sensitivity spectrum. The most critical motion reduction path for typical parameters is shown to be the translational path. The lever arm and real antenna stabilization paths are less critical, but must also be implemented.  相似文献   
Multi-reflected echoes (MREs) and satellite traces (STs) are referred in literature as ionogram signatures of Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs) which is a phenomenon that apparently drives spread F development mainly at nighttime mid-latitude ionosphere. A long-term statistical study has been undertaken to investigate the morphological aspect of these signatures over the lower midlatitude European station of Nicosia, Cyprus (35.19°N, 33.38°E geographic; magnetic dip. 29.38°N) by inspecting all ionograms recorded by the DPS-4D digisonde in the interval 2009–2016. The results underline the systematic manifestation of these TID signatures over Cyprus with a possible (although not quite clear) solar activity dependence and a distinctive seasonal and diurnal occurrence rate with a seasonal peak of STs during summer and of MREs during January to April. Based on the experimental results of the present study, the seasonal occurrence rate of MREs and STs is found to increase by 75% and 56% during high solar activity periods. Satellite traces are well known ionogram signatures of TIDs and mostly correlated to the nighttime spread F formation. The occurrence of mid-latitude spread Fs over European longitude sector normally increases during summer. The occurrences of TIDs are also prominent at this interval of the year over nighttime mid-latitude ionosphere. The presence of MREs as an ionogram signature of TIDs over mid-latitude ionosphere is unique in nature.  相似文献   
Among the major objectives of NASA's program of space exploration is a better understanding of the origin and evolution of the solar system. Crucial to this objective is the study of comets, which are thought to be the most primitive, pristine bodies remaining in the solar system. The importance of the study of comets has led NASA to plan a mission to rendezvous with comet Tempel 2 in 1997. Critical to the understanding of comets will be measurements of the nucleus material to determine its elemental and isotopic composition, its mechanical properties, and its thermal state and properties. This paper describes a proposal for a Comet Nucleus Penetrator to accomplish these measurement goals. The Comet Nucleus Penetrator will implant instruments into the comet's nucleus beneath a probable volatile-depleted surface mantle into material more representative of the bulk composition of the nucleus.  相似文献   
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