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A significant problem in multiple target tracking is the hit-to-track data association. A hit is a received signal from a target or background clutter which provides positional information. If an incorrect hit is associated with a track, that track could diverge and terminate. Prior methods for this data association problem include various optimal and suboptimal two-dimensional assignment algorithms which make hit-to-track associations. Another method is to assign a weight for the reasonable hits and use a weighted centroid of those hits to update the track. The method of weighting the hits is known as joint probabilistic data association (JPDA). The authors review the JPDA approach and a simple ad hoc approximation and then introduce a new suboptimal JPDA algorithm. Examples which compare an optimal two-dimensional assignment algorithm with the ad hoc and the new suboptimal JPDA formulation are given  相似文献   
The current state of research involving manifestations of nonlinearity in geomagnetic pulsations is reviewed. Traditionally, the attention of researchers was focused on the effects of resonant interaction of geomagnetic pulsations with small groups of energetic particles, which actually means the study of the quasi-linear relaxation of radiation belt ions, the modulation of auroral electron fluxes, etc. The present review concentrates on the problem of the nonlinear effect influence of pulsations on the backgroud (cold) plasma and on the geomagnetic field. This kind of interaction results in a significant modification of the plasma distribution in the magnetosphere. Self-consistent wave structures—solitons and vortices may occur as well. Such nonlinear effects contribute to physics of geomagnetic pulsations and are also of fundamental importance for general physics. Another set of more narrow problems considered in the review, is related to phenomenological modeling of fluctuational and critical phenomena in the magnetosphere. The essence of our approach is to present the magnetosphere as a black box, whose properties should be determined by the statistical characteristics of its output signals. This approach to phenomenology can be a useful supplement to the methods of microscopic modeling aimed at detecting nonlinear manifestations of geomagnetic pulsations.  相似文献   
Evolutionary models allow an assignment of both a mass and a luminosity to a Wolf-Rayet (WR) star in a cluster, and hence allow a determination of the Bolometric Correction (B.C.). The B.C.'s derived for WN stars range from –4.0 to –6.0 with the expected trend of larger values (in absolute values) for stars with higher excitation spectra. For WC stars, there is little evidence for a similar trend; most observations presented here are consistent with B.C.=–4.5, as found by Smith and Maeder (1989). The convergence of B.C. values derived from evolutionary and atmospheric models is extremely satisfactory, giving increased confidence in both methods.  相似文献   
A Gaussian sum estimation algorithm has previously been developed to deal with noise processes that are non-Gaussian. Inherent in this algorithm is a serious growing memory problem that causes the number of terms in the Gaussian sum to increase exponentially at each iteration. A modified Gaussian sum estimation algorithm using an adaptive filter is developed that avoids the growing memory problem of the previous algorithm while providing effective state estimation. The adaptive filter is comprised of a fixed set of estimators operating in parallel with each individual estimate possessing its own corresponding weighting term. A simulation example illustrates the new non-Gaussian estimation technique  相似文献   
Polish radar research and development since 1953 is reviewed, covering the development and production of surveillance radars, height finders, tracking radars, air traffic control (ATC) radars and systems, and marine and Doppler radars. Some current work, including an L-band ATC radar for enroute control, a weather channel for primary surveillance radar, signal detection in non-Gaussian clutter, adaptive MTI filters and postdetection filtering, and a basic approach to radar polarimetry, is examined.<>  相似文献   
We review here observations and models related to the chemical and thermal structures, airglow and auroral emissions and dynamics of the Venus thermosphere, and compare empirical models of the neutral densities based in large part on in situ measurements obtained by the Pioneer Venus spacecraft. Observations of the intensities of emissions are important as a diagnostic tool for understanding the chemical and physical processes taking place in the Venus thermosphere. Measurements, ground-based and from rockets, satellites, and spacecraft, and model predictions of atomic, molecular and ionic emissions, are presented and the most important sources are elucidated. Coronas of hot hydrogen and hot oxygen have been observed to surround the terrestrial planets. We discuss the observations of and production mechanisms for the extended exospheres and models for the escape of lighter species from the atmosphere. Over the last decade and a half, models have attempted to explain the unexpectedly cold temperatures in the Venus thermosphere; recently considerable progress has been made, although some controversies remain. We review the history of these models and discuss the heating and cooling mechanisms that are presently considered to be the most important in determining the thermal structure. Finally, we discuss major aspects of the circulation and dynamics of the thermosphere: the sub-solar to anti-solar circulation, superrotation, and turbulent processes.  相似文献   
A remarkable streaming beam-like particle event of 60 keV-5 MeV ions and of 38–315 keV electrons has been reported previously. This event has been associated with the passage of a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) over the Ulysses spacecraft on June 9–13, 1993. At this time, the spacecraft was located at 4.6 AU from the sun and at an heliolatitude of 32° south. It was proposed (Armstrong et al., 1994) that the particle injection source could have been of coronal origin. In this study, we analyse the solar activity during this period. We identify a region of solar radio noise storms in the corona and in particular, a flare on June 7 that presents all the required characteristics to produce the hot plasma beam observed in the interplanetary medium.  相似文献   
Ulysses plasma observations reveal that the forward shocks that commonly bound the leading edges of corotating interaction regions (CIRs) beyond 2 AU from the Sun at low heliographic latitudes nearly disappeared at a latitude of S26°. On the other hand, the reverse shocks that commonly bound the trailing edges of the CIRs were observed regularly up to S41.5°, but became weaker with increasing latitude. Only three CIR shocks have been observed poleward of S41.5°; all of these were weak reverse shocks. The above effects are a result of the forward waves propagating to lower heliographic latitudes and the reverse waves to higher latitudes with increasing heliocentric distance. These observational results are in excellent agreement with the predictions of a global model of solar wind flows that originate in a simple tilted-dipole geometry back at the Sun.  相似文献   
HYDRA is an experimental hot plasma investigation for the POLAR spacecraft of the GGS program. A consortium of institutions has designed a suite of particle analyzers that sample the velocity space of electron and ions between 2 keV/q – 35 keV/q in three dimensions, with a routine time resolution of 0.5 s. Routine coverage of velocity space will be accomplished with an angular homogeneity assumption of 16°, appropriate for subsonic plasmas, but with special 1.5° resolution for electrons with energies between 100 eV and 10 keV along and opposed to the local magnetic field. This instrument produces 4.9 kilobits s–1 to the telemetry, consumes on average 14 W and requires 18.7 kg for deployment including its internal shielding. The scientific objectives for the polar magnetosphere fall into four broad categories: (1) those to define the ambient kinetic regimes of ions and electrons; (2) those to elucidate the magnetohydrodynamic responses in these regimes; (3) those to assess the particle populations with high time resolution; and (4) those to determine the global topology of the magnetic field. In thefirst group are issues of identifying the origins of particles at high magnetic latitudes, their energization, the altitude dependence of the forces, including parallel electric fields they have traversed. In thesecond group are the physics of the fluid flows, regimes of current, and plasma depletion zones during quiescent and disturbed magnetic conditions. In thethird group is the exploration of the processes that accompany the rapid time variations known to occur in the auroral zone, cusp and entry layers as they affect the flow of mass, momentum and energy in the auroral region. In thefourth class of objectives are studies in conjunction with the SWE measurements of the Strahl in the solar wind that exploit the small gyroradius of thermal electrons to detect those magnetic field lines that penetrate the auroral region that are directly open to interplanetary space where, for example, the Polar Rain is observed.  相似文献   
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