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Here we review the efforts of a number of recent results that use old tracers to understand the build up of the Galaxy. Details that lead directly to using these old tracers to measure distances are discussed. We concentrate on the following: (1) the structure and evolution of the Galactic bulge and inner Galaxy constrained from the dynamics of individual stars residing therein; (2) the spatial structure of the old Galactic bulge through photometric observations of RR Lyrae-type stars; (3) the three-dimensional structure, stellar density, mass, chemical composition, and age of the Milky Way bulge as traced by its old stellar populations; (4) an overview of RR Lyrae stars known in the ultra-faint dwarfs and their relation to the Galactic halo; and (5) different approaches for estimating absolute and relative cluster ages.  相似文献   
Link budget and background noise for satellite quantum key distribution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Optical quantum communication exploiting satellites is the most promising field to enable global quantum communication.  相似文献   
Analytical indicial aerodynamic functions are calculated for several trapezoidal wings in subsonic flow, with a Mach number 0.3 Ma 0.7. The formulation herein proposed extends wellknown aerodynamic theories, which are limited to thin aerofoils in incompressible flow, to generic trapezoidal wing planforms. Firstly, a thorough study is executed to assess the accuracy and limitation of analytical predictions, using unsteady results from two state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics solvers as cross-validated benchmarks. Indicial functions are calculated for a step change in the angle of attack and for a sharp-edge gust, each for four wing configurations and three Mach numbers. Then, analytical and computational indicial responses are used to predict dynamic derivatives and the maximum lift coefficient following an encounter with a one-minus-cosine gust. It is found that the analytical results are in excellent agreement with the computational results for all test cases. In particular, the deviation of the analytical results from the computational results is within the scatter or uncertainty in the data arising from using two computational fluid dynamics solvers. This indicates the usefulness of the developed analytical theories.  相似文献   
One of the main drivers behind the SimSAC project and the CEASIOM software is to bring stability analysis and control system design earlier into the aircraft conceptual design process. Within this paper two very different aircraft are considered, a conventional T-tail based on the existing EA500 Very Light Jet and the second, a novel Z-wing configuration known as the GAV or general aviation vehicle. The first aircraft serves as a baseline comparison for the second, and the cruise case is considered as a benchmark for identifying potential drag reductions and aircraft stability characteristics. CEASIOM, the Computerised Environment for Aircraft Synthesis and Integrated Optimisation Methods, is used to generate aerodynamic data sets for both aircraft, create trim conditions and the associated linear models for classical stability analysis. The open-loop Z-wing configuration is shown to display both highly unstable and coupled modes before a multivariable Stability Augmentation System (SAS) is applied both to decouple and stabilise the aircraft. Within this paper, these two aircraft provide a test case with which to demonstrate the capabilities of the CEASIOM environment and the tools which have been developed during the SimSAC project. This new software suite is shown to allow conceptual development of unconventional novel configurations from mass properties through adaptive-fidelity aerodynamics to linear analysis and control system design.  相似文献   
Morphing aircraft can meet requirements of multi-mission during the whole flight due to changing the aerodynamic shape, so it is necessary to study its morphing rules along the trajectory. However, trajectory planning considering morphing variables requires a huge number of expensive CFD computations due to the morphing in view of aerodynamic performance. Under the given missions and trajectory, to alleviate computational cost and improve trajectory-planning efficiency for morphing aircraft, an offline optimization method is proposed based on Multi-Fidelity Kriging (MFK) modeling. The angle of attack, Mach number, sweep angle and axial position of the morphing wing are defined as variables for generating training data for building the MFK models, in which many inviscid aerodynamic solutions are used as low-fidelity data, while the less high-fidelity data are obtained by solving viscous flow. Then the built MFK models of the lift, drag and pressure centre at the different angles of attack and Mach numbers are used to predict the aerodynamic performance of the morphing aircraft, which keeps the optimal sweep angle and axial position of the wing during trajectory planning. Hence, the morphing rules can be correspondingly acquired along the trajectory, as well as keep the aircraft with the best aerodynamic performance during the whole task. The trajectory planning of a morphing aircraft was performed with the optimal aerodynamic performance based on the MFK models, built by only using 240 low-fidelity data and 110 high-fidelity data. The results indicate that a complex trajectory can take advantage of morphing rules in keeping good aerodynamic performance, and the proposed method is more efficient than trajectory optimization by reducing 86% of the computing time.  相似文献   
The smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method is usually expected to be an effi-cient numerical tool for calculating the fluid-structure interactions in compressors; however, an endogenetic restriction is the problem of low-order consistency. A high-order SPH method by intro-ducing inverse kernels, which is quite easy to be implemented but efficient, is proposed for solving this restriction. The basic inverse method and the special treatment near boundary are introduced with also the discussion of the combination of the Least-Square (LS) and Moving-Least-Square (MLS) methods. Then detailed analysis in spectral space is presented for people to better under-stand this method. Finally we show three test examples to verify the method behavior.  相似文献   
In this paper, we show how standard GIS operations like the complement, union, intersection, and buffering of maps can be made more flexible by using fuzzy set theory. In particular, we present a variety of algorithms for operations on fuzzy raster maps, focusing on buffer operations for such maps. Furthermore, we show how widely-available special-purpose hardware (in particular, z-buffering in graphics hardware) can be used for supporting buffer operations in fuzzy geographic information systems (GIS).  相似文献   
Various effects of microgravity on prokaryotes have been recognized in recent years, with the focus on studies of pathogenic bacteria. No archaea have been investigated yet with respect to their responses to microgravity. For exposure experiments on spacecrafts or on the International Space Station, halophilic archaea (haloarchaea) are usually embedded in halite, where they accumulate in fluid inclusions. In a liquid environment, these cells will experience microgravity in space, which might influence their viability and survival. Two haloarchaeal strains, Haloferax mediterranei and Halococcus dombrowskii, were grown in simulated microgravity (SMG) with the rotary cell culture system (RCCS, Synthecon). Initially, salt precipitation and detachment of the porous aeration membranes in the RCCS were observed, but they were avoided in the remainder of the experiment by using disposable instead of reusable vessels. Several effects were detected, which were ascribed to growth in SMG: Hfx. mediterranei's resistance to the antibiotics bacitracin, erythromycin, and rifampicin increased markedly; differences in pigmentation and whole cell protein composition (proteome) of both strains were noted; cell aggregation of Hcc. dombrowskii was notably reduced. The results suggest profound effects of SMG on haloarchaeal physiology and cellular processes, some of which were easily observable and measurable. This is the first report of archaeal responses to SMG. The molecular mechanisms of the effects induced by SMG on prokaryotes are largely unknown; haloarchaea could be used as nonpathogenic model systems for their elucidation and in addition could provide information about survival during lithopanspermia (interplanetary transport of microbes inside meteorites).  相似文献   
This paper surveys some of the astrophysical environments in which the effects of Lense-Thirring precession and, more generally, frame dragging are expected to be important. We concentrate on phenomena that can probe in situ the very strong gravitational field and single out Lense-Thirring precession in the close vicinity of accreting neutron stars and black holes: these are the fast quasi periodic oscillations in the X-ray flux of accreting compact objects. We emphasise that the expected magnitude of Lense-Thirring/frame dragging effects in the regions where these signals originate are large and thus their detection does not pose a challenge; rather it is the interpretation of these phenomena that needs to be corroborated through deeper studies. Relativistic precession in the spin axis of radio pulsars hosted in binary systems hosting another neutron star has also been measured. The remarkable properties of the double pulsar PSR J0737–3039 has opened a new perspective for testing the predictions of general relativity also in relation to the precession of spinning bodies.  相似文献   
The dynamic derivatives are widely used in linear aerodynamic models in order to determine the flying qualities of an aircraft: the ability to predict them reliably, quickly and sufficiently early in the design process is vital in order to avoid late and costly component redesigns. This paper describes experimental and computational research dealing with the determination of dynamic derivatives carried out within the FP6 European project SimSAC. Numerical and experimental results are compared for two aircraft configurations: a generic civil transport aircraft, wing-fuselage-tail configuration called the DLR-F12 and a generic Transonic CRuiser, which is a canard configuration. Static and dynamic wind tunnel tests have been carried out for both configurations and are briefly described within this paper. The data generated for both the DLR-F12 and TCR configurations include force and pressure coefficients obtained during small amplitude pitch, roll and yaw oscillations while the data for the TCR configuration also include large amplitude oscillations, in order to investigate the dynamic effects on nonlinear aerodynamic characteristics. In addition, dynamic derivatives have been determined for both configurations with a large panel of tools, from linear aerodynamic (Vortex Lattice Methods) to CFD. This work confirms that an increase in fidelity level enables the dynamic derivatives to be calculated more accurately. Linear aerodynamics tools are shown to give satisfactory results but are very sensitive to the geometry/mesh input data. Although all the quasi-steady CFD approaches give comparable results (robustness) for steady dynamic derivatives, they do not allow the prediction of unsteady components for the dynamic derivatives (angular derivatives with respect to time): this can be done with either a fully unsteady approach i.e. with a time-marching scheme or with frequency domain solvers, both of which provide comparable results for the DLR-F12 test case. As far as the canard configuration is concerned, strong limitations for the linear aerodynamic tools are observed. A key aspect of this work are the acceleration techniques developed for CFD methods, which allow the computational time to be dramatically reduced while providing comparable results.  相似文献   
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