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The space shuttle external tank, which consists of a liquid oxygen tank, an intertank structure, and a liquid hydrogen tank, is an expendable structure used for approximately 8.5 min during each launch. A concept for outfitting the liquid oxygen tank-intertank unit for a 12-person lunar habitat is described. The concept utilizes existing structures and openings for both man and equipment access without compromising the structural integrity of the tank. Living quarters, instrumentation, environmental control and life support, thermal control, and propulsion systems are installed at Space Station Freedom. The unmanned habitat is then transported to low lunar orbit and autonomously soft landed on the lunar surface. Design studies indicate that this concept is feasible by the year 2000 with concurrent development of a space transfer vehicle and manned cargo lander for crew changeover and resupply.  相似文献   
AJ在 《今日民航》2012,(6):110-111
《羞耻》(2011·英国)导演:史蒂夫·麦奎因主演:迈克尔·法斯宾德,凯瑞·穆里根故事梗概:Brandon是一个生活在纽约的爱尔兰人,同时也是一个性瘾症患者。这不是一部科普电影,所以故事的主人公就以一种万劫不复的架势陷入到了这种疾病的困扰中。他有一个妹妹来纽约生活,并在当地的一家餐馆里做驻唱歌手。本应该相互  相似文献   
AJ在 《今日民航》2012,(5):108-109
《春风沉醉的夜晚》(2009·中国)导演:娄烨主演:秦昊,陈思成,吴伟,谭卓故事梗概:江城是南京同性恋圈里的名人,平常在旅行社上班。最近他认识了已婚的书店老板王平,两个人频繁地见面,招致王平妻子林雪的怀疑。林雪雇私家侦探罗海涛跟踪王平行踪并偷拍,这段地下恋情很快便被戳破。为了逃避纷扰,江城切断了和王平的联系,继而和罗海涛阴差阳错地走到了一起,而王平不堪被抛弃后的情感煎熬,割腕自杀。  相似文献   
AJ在 《今日民航》2012,(2):96-97
导演:理查德·路易斯主演:保罗·吉亚玛提,罗莎蒙德·派克故事梗概:和影片的名字差不多,电影讲述了一个叫巴尼·潘诺夫斯基的人,简短的一生中所发生过的故事和经历过的人们。因为他不是契诃夫或者马奈,所以,他的人生中便有着更多平常人的影子,结婚,离婚,遇到真爱,生孩子,失去朋友,变老,死去。而同时也正是因为同样的原因,让这个小人物编造出来的故事看上去有了意义。  相似文献   
AJ在 《今日民航》2012,(10):110-111
《艺术家》导演:迈克尔·哈扎纳维希乌斯主演:让·杜雅尔丹贝热尼丝·贝乔故事梗概:上世纪30年代的好莱坞,有声时代来临,演员和整个工业都面临着脱胎换骨的变化。默片时期的大明星乔治·瓦伦汀,可谓是一个时代的标志和偶像,但对有声片毫无好感的他在经历了很多波折之后,还是和自己的制片厂分道扬镳。有声时代的新生代女星米勒红极一时,但米勒的走红不仅和乔治有关,她本人也一直为乔治的才华所倾倒。所以,为了帮助乔治重新走回舞台,米勒决定帮助他,而两个人的爱情故事也从此正式开始。  相似文献   
先进的宽带接收机ARXⅡ将用于NASA深空通信网(DSN)。这种模拟/数字混合式接收机具有载波、副载波和符号同步等多种功能。可对残余载波、抑制载波或混合载波以及正弦波和方波副载波进行跟踪。文章还讨论了诸如时标多卜勒信号提取和监视控制等其它功能,包括信号捕获算法和锁定检测电路。详细说明了系统指标,描述了ARXⅡ的功能及有关数字信号处理算法并给出了方框图。  相似文献   
AJ在 《今日民航》2012,(9):108-109
《神探亨特张》导演:高群书主演:张立宪、王小山故事梗概:张惠领是北京双榆埘派出所民警,日常工作就是维护社区正常的人民生活秩序。扫街监视小偷和骗子,并对他们进行缉拿。因为抓贼业绩突出,张慧领被大家冠以"神探亨特张"的美名,并且还有电视台专门为他拍摄纪录片。但实际上张惠领每天面对着这些"负能量"人物,看着他们每个人在犯案之外的生活全景,也充满了很多的无奈与无力。北京,在一个警察的生活中被无限真实的放大。  相似文献   
We present a new European Mars mission proposal to build on the UK-led Beagle2 Mars mission and continue its astrobiology-focussed investigation of Mars. The small surface element to be delivered to the Martian surface--Vanguard--is designed to be carried by a Mars Express-type spacecraft bus to Mars and adopts a similar entry, descent and landing system as Beagle2. The surface element comprises a triad of robotic devices--a lander, a micro-rover of the Sojourner class for surface mobility, and three ground-penetrating moles mounted onto the rover for sub-surface penetration to 5 m depth. The major onboard instruments on the rover include a Raman spectrometer/imager, a laser plasma spectrometer, an infrared spectrometer--these laser instruments provide the basis for in situ "remote" sensing of the sub-surface Martian environment within a powerful scientific package. The moles carry the instruments' sensor head array to the sub-surface. The moles are thus required to undergo a one-way trip down the boreholes without the need for recovery of moles or samples, eliminating much of the robotic complexity invoked by such operations.  相似文献   
Basaltic glasses (hyaloclastite) are a widespread habitat for life in volcanic environments, yet their interior physical conditions are poorly characterized. We investigated the characteristics of exposed weathered basaltic glass from a surface outcrop in Iceland, using microprobes capable of continuous sensing, to determine whether the physical conditions in the rock interior are hospitable to microbial life. The material provided thermal protection from freeze-thaw and rapid temperature fluctuations, similar to data reported for other rock types. Water activity experiments showed that at moisture contents less than 13% wet weight, the glass and its weathering product, palagonite, had a water activity below levels suitable for bacterial growth. In pore spaces, however, these higher moisture conditions might be maintained for many days after a precipitation event. Gas exchange between the rock interior and exterior was rapid (< 10 min) when the rocks were dry, but when saturated with water, equilibration took many hours. During this period, we demonstrated the potential for low oxygen conditions within the rock caused by respiratory stimulation of the heterotrophic community within. These conditions might exist within subglacial environments during the formation of the rocks or in micro-environments in the interior of exposed rocks. The experiments showed that microbial communities at the site studied here could potentially be active for 39% of the year, if the depth of the community within the outcrop maintains a balance between access to liquid water and adequate protection from freezing. In the absence of precipitation, the interior of weathered basaltic glass is an extreme and life-limiting environment for microorganisms on Earth and other planets.  相似文献   
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