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The basic steps of an algorithm are given for calculating the parameters of the limiting state of a helicopter main rotor blade. To estimate the static strength, a technique of elastic constants variation is used; it is based on the limit equilibrium theory and enables us to obtain the upper and lower bounds for the critical load simultaneously. An iterative technique is proposed to determine the lower bound of the allowable load on the root section of the composite blade depending on the azimuthal angle of its turn in the helicopter hovering mode.  相似文献   
The High Reynolds Number Aero-Structural Dynamics (HIRENASD) project is conducted by the Collaborative Research Center “Flow Modulation and Fluid-Structure Interaction at Airplane Wings (SFB 401)” at RWTH Aachen University. It is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation, DFG) since 2004. Steady and unsteady state experiments with an elastic semispan wing model were performed under transonic and high Reynolds number conditions in the European Transonic Windtunnel (ETW) in Cologne, Germany. The main components of the complete windtunnel assembly were the wing model itself, a piezoelectric 6-components balance and a mechanical excitation mechanism able to excite the wing model at selected resonance frequencies. These components were designed, sized and assembled at the Department of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures at RWTH Aachen University. The dynamic qualification of the windtunnel assembly under wind-off condition was carried out in the department's test laboratory. Modal survey testing based on the hammer impact method was performed, as well as response decomposition analysis using enforced excitation by means of the mechanical excitation mechanism itself. Within the qualification, a test procedure enabling investigations of modal parameter changes under wind-off and wind-on conditions in a cryogenic windtunnel was also verified.  相似文献   
Multiparameter studies of the discharge coefficient dependence on the nozzle geometry and the presence of a condensed phase in combustion products were performed. The simulation results obtained satisfactorily agree with the well-known generalized data. The modern computational fluid dynamics methods were shown to be able to refine the generalized empirical relations.  相似文献   
This paper presents a theoretically and practically grounded architecture of design methods combination. A possibility and completeness of developing integral design solutions and intensifying the design process are provided by redistribution of emphases of numerical and natural experiments.  相似文献   
Computerized Model Demonstrating Magnetic Submarine Localization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A modet is described which consists of an aircraft with flux gate magnetometers mounted on the wing tips and a submarine containing a magnet to simulate the induced and permanent fields of an actual submarine. Equations are developed which enable a minicomputer sampling the magnetometers to calculate the location, depth, and heading of the submarine as the aircraft travels towards it. The real time plotted results are presented.  相似文献   
A technique of optimizing the electrode system of the differential recorder for the aircraft time-of-flight ion-marking airspeed and aircraft angle of attack sensor by the criterion of ion-marking recording error variance minimum is considered. The technique is based on analyzing the function of spatial distribution for the ion-marking and recorder electrode interaction field potential and determining a point for which this function reaches the maximum slope. The relations making it possible to synthesize the sensor electrode system by the complex criterion as a ratio of error variance to transformation channel response are obtained.  相似文献   
The constitutive relations and plastic flow rule are derived from the thermodynamics equations. The known procedures of determining the plastic strain rate value are described. A calculation algorithm is presented that is based on the incremental loading, linearization of the virtual power equation and the projection method. A numerical example is presented.  相似文献   
We analyze the effect of injection both of uniformly distributed over the entire cylinder surface and of the optimal one on the velocity distribution at the outer border of the boundary layer and, as a result, on friction.  相似文献   
Problems arising in introduction of gasodynamic seals in aircraft engines are considered. The operation of a face gasodynamic seal as part of a natural gas pump is analyzed and its efficiency in the presence of oil is shown.  相似文献   
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