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Evidence on the issues of whether the W Serpentis stars are a coherent class, and how they may interface with the Algol systems, is reviewed, with emphasis on the idea that they are semi-detached systems in the latter part of the rapid phase of mass transfer, with optically and geometrically thick disks of transferred gas around the (now) more massive star. We are interested in what will be seen when the gas clears away, and mainly examine the idea that it will be an Algol-type system. More particularly, consideration is given to centrifugally limited accretion as a mechanism to build up a substantial disk, and the presumed evolutionary sequence is from a W Ser to a rapidly rotating Algol to a normal Algol system. Systems such as V367 Cyg and RW Tau fit into this scheme only with difficulty. Because it is extremely difficult to measure the rotation of some W Ser (mass) primaries, it is natural to look at the rotation statistics of Algols to test this idea. The badly behaved light curves and spectroscopy of some Algols (eg. U Cep, RZ Sct) may be attributable to the double contact condition, and the ramifications of this possibility are discussed. If so, the rotation statistics of Algols should show two spikes, corresponding to the two special conditions into which a system should be driven by tidal braking and centrifugally limited spinup. Present rotation statistics do show these spikes. Algols should flip between these states fairly quickly, depending on the mass transfer rate. Thus, to the extent that the meager statistics can be accepted as meaningful, the new (fourth) morphological type of close binary (double contact) has attained demonstrable reality. The rotation statistics are presented in terms of a particular rotation parameter, R, which is zero for synchronism and unity for the centrifugal limit. Future work should develop rotation statistics to see if the rotational lobe-filling (R = 1) spike persists. It should also look into whether W Ser primaries are on the hydrogen burning main sequence, or in general what they are. We also need more light curves of W Ser type systems, high resolution line profiles for the (mass) primaries (with particular attention to the W Ser-Algol transition cases), and spectroscopy of low inclination W Serpentis systems, such as KX And.  相似文献   
The circumstellar plasma that produces H emission in Algol binaries has been investigated using phase-resolved, high dispersion data acquired from CCD and image tube detectors. Results are summarized in this paper, including discussions of the disk geometry and size, asymmetry in the distribution of material, long-term or non-phase dependent variability, mass outflow, the mean electron density, and how the latter properties vary with the system's period or location in the r-q diagram. Five systems which display permanent emission with periods ranging from 4.5 to 261 days (SW Cyg, UX Mon, TT Hya, AD Her, and RZ Oph) are intercompared. If P < 4.5 days, no permanent disks are observed, while if P > 6 days, stable disks with only slight long-term variations in their H brightness are seen. The most variable systems appear to be those in the 5 – 6 day range, but the star's position in the r-q diagram has the largest influence on its behavior. The trailing side of the accretion disk, where the gas stream impacts the inner disk, is usually brighter, and the leading side is often times more extended. The disk extends out to at least 95% of the Roche surface of the primary and is highly flattened (RP). Mass outflow near phase 0.5 is commonplace.  相似文献   
A refined stochastic model for the errors of the Loran-C radio navigation aid is described, and it is shown how this model can be used to improve the performance of integrated navigation systems. In addition to the usual propagation errors, Loran-C time of arrival measurements are occasionally plagued with sudden intermittent errors of a particular magnitude and caused by receiver cycle selection errors. These result in sudden large jumps in the calculated position solution. The Loran-C error has been modeled as the sum of a diffusion process, representing the normal propagating errors, and a pure jump process of Poisson type, representing the cycle selection errors. A simple integrated navigation system is then described, based on the Loran-C model and the standard dead reckoning (heading and speed) system model. Assuming that the observed process is governed by a linear stochastic difference equation, a recursive linear unbiased minimum variance filter is developed, from which the Loran-C and dead reckoning errors, and hence position and velocity, can be estimated  相似文献   
The Galileo spacecraft was launched by the Space Shuttle Atlantis on October 18, 1989. A two-stage Inertial Upper Stage propelled Galileo out of Earth parking orbit to begin its 6-year interplanetary transfer to Jupiter. Galileo has already received two gravity assists: from Venus on February 10, 1990 and from Earth on December 8, 1990. After a second gravity-assist flyby of Earth on December 8, 1992, Galileo will have achieved the energy necessary to reach Jupiter. Galileo's interplanetary trajectory includes a close flyby of asteroid 951-Gaspra on October 29, 1991, and, depending on propellant availability and other factors, there may be a second asteroid flyby of 243-Ida on August 28, 1993. Upon arrival at Jupiter on December 7, 1995, the Galileo Orbiter will relay data back to Earth from an atmospheric Probe which is released five months earlier. For about 75 min, data is transmitted to the Orbiter from the Probe as it descends on a parachute to a pressure depth of 20–30 bars in the Jovian atmosphere. Shortly after the end of Probe relay, the Orbiter ignites its rocket motor to insert into orbit about Jupiter. The orbital phase of the mission, referred to as the satellite tour, lasts nearly two years, during which time Galileo will complete 10 orbits about Jupiter. On each of these orbits, there will be a close encounter with one of the three outermost Galilean satellites (Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto). The gravity assist from each satellite is designed to target the spacecraft to the next encounter with minimal expenditure of propellant. The nominal mission is scheduled to end in October 1997 when the Orbiter enters Jupiter's magnetotail.List of Acronyms ASI Atmospheric Structure Instrument - EPI Energetic Particles Instrument - HGA High Gain Antenna - IUS Inertial Upper Stage - JOI Jupiter Orbit Insertion - JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory - LRD Lightning and Radio Emissions Detector - NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration - NEP Nephelometer - NIMS Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer - ODM Orbit Deflection Maneuver - OTM Orbit Trim Maneuver - PJR Perijove Raise Maneuver - PM Propellant Margin - PDT Pacific Daylight Time - PST Pacific Standard Time - RPM Retropropulsion Module - RRA Radio Relay Antenna - SSI Solid State Imaging - TCM Trajectory Correction Maneuver - UTC Universal Time Coordinated - UVS Ultraviolet Spectrometer - VEEGA Venus-Earth-Earth Gravity Assist  相似文献   
Meteorological control of the D region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After a short review of the characteristics of ionized state and meteorology of the mesopause region, the winter anomaly of the D region electron density and its variability are described as manifestations of meteorological control. A major mechanism is the redistribution of nitric oxide, another important mechanism is the strong temperature dependence of cluster ion formation rates. The meteorological control can be described either in a ‘concerted’ scenario of more or less independently acting mechanisms, or in a ‘unitary’ scenario where all mechanisms are regarded as effects of a common cause, viz., the strong winter vortex circulation of the middle atmosphere.  相似文献   
McMath Plage 15266, which transited the solar disk during Carrington Rotation 1667, gave rise during its passage to a spectacular sequence of five proton producing flares. Solar circumstances leading up to the formation of the active plage are described. An account is given of the magnetic affiliations and optical characteristics of the flares themselves, and it is suggested that four of these events might be interpreted as two twin phase flares displaying secondary maxima and minima such that the second phase in each case could in some sense be deemed a consequence of phenomena initiated during the first phase. Those particle phenomena associated with the observed activity are reviewed, and it is suggested that the azimuthal propagation of solar cosmic rays in the corona may occur more efficiently for flares at eastern longitudes in which the magnetic axis is aligned in a roughly north to south rather than an east-to-west direction.An invited paper presented at STIP Workshop on Shock Waves in the Solar Corona and Interplanetary Space, 15–19 June, 1980, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   
A methodology for addressing support equipment obsolescence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The rapid growth of technology over the last twenty years is providing vastly improved capabilities for both avionics and avionics test systems. Unfortunately, an environment of rapid technological growth breeds a corresponding environment of rapid technological obsolescence. Test systems developed fifteen years ago are becoming increasingly more difficult to support due to obsolescence issues and, additionally, such a test system does not reflect the current state-of-the-art for automatic test equipment. The ability of a test system to evolve is essential to providing cost-effective support systems for electronic systems. The F-15 Tactical Electronic Warfare System (TEWS) Intermediate Support System (TISS) was developed under the Modular Automatic Test Equipment (MATE) guidelines to support the suite of F-15 electronic warfare LRUs. MATE imposed hardware architecture constraints, which were factors that contributed to its abandonment. However, the modular aspect of MATE has provided a system that can easily evolve with technological advancements. Modularity is the cornerstone of modern software systems and this is the aspect that has been exploited in the evolution of the TISS  相似文献   
Coronal loops are heated by the release of stored magnetic energy and by the dissipation of MHD waves. Both of these processes rely on the presence of internal structure in the loop. Tangled or sheared fields dissipate wave energy more efficiently than smooth fields. Also, a highly structured field contains a large reservoir of free magnetic energy which can be released in small reconnection events (microflares and nanoflares). The typical amount of internal structure in a loop depends on the balance between input at the photosphere and dissipation. This paper describes measures of magnetic structure, how these measures relate to the magnetic energy, and how photospheric motions affect the structure of a loop.The magnetic energy released during a reconnection event. can be estimated if one knows the equilibrium energy before and after the event. For a loop with highly tangled field lines, a direct solution of the equilibrium equations may be difficult. However, lower bounds can be placed on the energy of the equilibrium field, given a measure of the tangling known as the crossing number. These bounds lead to an estimate of the buildup of energy in a coronal loop caused by random photospheric motions. Parker's topological dissipation model can plausibly supply the 107 erg cm–2 s–1 needed to heat the active region corona. The heating rate can be greatly enhanced by fragmentation of flux tubes, for example by the breakup of photospheric footpoints and the formation of new footpoints.  相似文献   
A new family of constant false alarm rate (CFAR) processors is introduced. An Ll-CFAR forms its noise power estimate by linearly filtering ranked samples from the reference set; the weights of this combination, however, depend not only on the rank, but also on the relative proximity of the sample to the cell under test. From the class of Ll-CFARs may be chosen members which effectively censor spurious targets; members which exhibit impressive control of false alarm in the presence of a clutter edge; and members which are robust against both such inhomogeneities. While the design of such schemes is involved, their implementation is not significantly more burdensome than that of plain ordered statistic CFAR (OS-CFAR). After a discussion of the stochastic training of Ll-CFAR, the performance is thoroughly assessed under the most commonly encountered instances of environmental conditions, and compared with those of classical CFAR techniques  相似文献   
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