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Ulysses plasma observations reveal that the forward shocks that commonly bound the leading edges of corotating interaction regions (CIRs) beyond 2 AU from the Sun at low heliographic latitudes nearly disappeared at a latitude of S26°. On the other hand, the reverse shocks that commonly bound the trailing edges of the CIRs were observed regularly up to S41.5°, but became weaker with increasing latitude. Only three CIR shocks have been observed poleward of S41.5°; all of these were weak reverse shocks. The above effects are a result of the forward waves propagating to lower heliographic latitudes and the reverse waves to higher latitudes with increasing heliocentric distance. These observational results are in excellent agreement with the predictions of a global model of solar wind flows that originate in a simple tilted-dipole geometry back at the Sun.  相似文献   
The solar wind termination shock is described as a multi-fluid phenomenon taking into account the magnetohydrodynamic self-interaction of a multispecies plasma consisting of solar wind ions, pick-up ions and shock-generated anomalous cosmic ray particles. The spatial diffusion of these high energy particles relative to the resulting, pressure-modified solar wind flow structure is described by a coupled system of differential equations describing mass-, momentum-, and energy-flow continuities for all plasma components. The energy loss due to escape of energetic particles (MeV) from the precursor into the inner heliosphere is taken into account. We determine the integrated properties of the anomalous cosmic ray gas and the low-energy solar wind. Also the variation of the compression ratio of the shock structure is quantitatively determined and is related to the pick-up ion energization efficiency and to the mean energy of the downstream anomalous cosmic ray particles. The variation of the resulting shock structure and of the solar wind sheath plasma extent beyond the shock is discussed with respect to its consequences for the LISM neutral gas filtration and the threedimensional shape of the heliosphere.  相似文献   
A method of using AGNs as cosmological probes and some recent results are discussed. The method is based on fitting the Hedgehog model to observations of spectra, structure and polarization of AGN radio emission and time variations of the observed quantities. If red shifts of selected AGNs are known, extragalactic distances, the Hubble constant and the deceleration parameter of the Universe can be measured using only radio observations. Recent results may give new strong arguments for the basic model to be in agreement with observations of variable spectra and structure of many AGNs, and may allow preliminary selection of AGNs for further use.  相似文献   
Human computational vision models that attempt to account for the dynamic perception of egomotion and relative depth typically assume a common three-stage process: first, compute the optical flow field based on the dynamically changing image; second, estimate the egomotion states based on the flow; and third, estimate the relative depth/shape based on the egomotion states and possibly on a model of the viewed surface. We propose a model more in line with recent work in human vision, employing multistage integration. Here the dynamic image is first processed to generate spatial and temporal image gradients that drive a mutually interconnected state estimator and depth/shape estimator. The state estimator uses the image gradient information in combination with a depth/shape estimate of the viewed surface and an assumed model of the viewer's dynamics to generate current state estimates; in tandem, the depth/shape estimator uses the image gradient information in combination with the viewer's state estimate and assumed shape model to generate current depth/shape estimates. In this paper, we describe the model and compare model predictions with empirical data.  相似文献   
We address the question of design and optimal control of a class of dual-spacecraft interferometric imaging formations. The first main contribution is that we combine two ideas introduced separately in the literature and propose a maneuver that offers improved imaging performance. We then formulate an optimal control problem to minimize fuel consumption and maximize image quality by minimizing the relative speed, which is proportional to the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the reconstructed image. We show that the necessary conditions are also sufficient and that the resulting optimal control is unique. Finally, we apply a continuation method to solve for the unique optimal trajectory.  相似文献   
The ultraviolet (UV) environment of Mars has been investigated to gain an understanding of the variation of exposure throughout a Martian year, and link this flux to biological effects and possible survival of organisms at the Martian surface. To gain an idea of how the solar UV radiation varies between different regions, including planned landing sites of two future Mars surface missions, we modelled the total solar UV surface flux throughout one Martian year for two different dust scenarios. To understand the degree of solar UV stress on micro-organisms and/or molecules essential for life on the surface of Mars, we also calculated the biologically effective dose (BED) for T7 and Uracil in relevant wavelength regions at the Martian surface as a function of season and latitude, and discuss the biological survival rates in the presence of Martian solar UV radiation. High T7/Uracil BED ratios indicate that even at high latitudes where the UV flux is significantly reduced, the radiation environment is still hostile for life due to the persisting UV-C component of the flux.  相似文献   
Water is the essential precondition of life in general and also for the establishment of a Martian base suitable for long duration stays of humans. It is not yet proven if there is indeed a "frozen ocean" under the surface of Mars but if this could be verified it would open innovative aspects for the construction of bioregenerative life support systems (BLSS). In a general concept higher plants will play the predominant role in a Martian BLSS. It is not clear, however, how these will grow and bring seed in reduced gravity and there may be differences in the productivity in comparison to Earth conditions. Therefore, organisms which are already adapted to low gravity conditions, namely non-gravitropic aquatic plants and also aquatic animals may be used to enhance the functionality of the Martian BLSS as a whole. It has been shown already with the so-called C.E.B.A.S. MINIMODULE in the STS-89 and STS-90 spaceshuttle missions that the water plant Ceratophyllum demersum has an undisturbed and high biomass production under space conditions. Moreover, the teleost fish species Xiphophorus helleri adapted easily to the micro-g environment and maintained its normal reproductive functions. Based on this findings a possible scenario is presented in which aquatic plant production modules and combined animal-plant production systems may be used for human food production and water and air regeneration in a Martian base.  相似文献   
The Closed Equilibrated Biological Aquatic System (C.E.B.A.S.) Mini-Module, a Space Shuttle middeck locker payload which supports a variety of aquatic inhabitants (fish, snails, plants and bacteria) in an enclosed 8.6 L chamber, was tested for its biological stability in microgravity. The aquatic plant, Ceratophyllum demersum L., was critical for the vitality and functioning of this artificial mini-ecosystem. Its photosynthetic pigment concentrations were of interest due to their light harvesting and protective functions. "Post-flight" chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations within Ceratophyllum apical segments were directly related to the quantities of light received in the experiments, with microgravity exposure (STS-89) failing to account for any significant deviation from ground control studies.  相似文献   
To clarify the effects of gravity on heat/gas exchange between plant leaves and the ambient air, the leaf temperatures and net photosynthetic rates of plant leaves were evaluated at 0.01, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 G of 20 seconds each during a parabolic airplane flight. Thermal images of leaves were captured using infrared thermography at an air temperature of 26 degrees C, a relative humidity of 15% and an irradiance of 260 W m-2. The net photosynthetic rates were determined by using a chamber method with an infrared gas analyzer at an air temperature of 20 degrees C, a relative humidity of 50% and a photosynthetic photon flux of 0.5 mmol m-2 s-1. The mean leaf temperature increased by 1 degree C and the net photosynthetic rate decreased by 13% with decreasing gravity levels from 1.0 to 0.01 G. The leaf temperature decreased by 0.5 degree C and the net photosynthetic rate increased by 7% with increasing gravity levels from 1.0 to 2.0 G. Heat/gas exchanges between leaves and the ambient air were more retarded at lower gravity levels. A restricted free air convection under microgravity conditions in space would limit plant growth by retarding heat and gas exchanges between leaves and the ambient air.  相似文献   
The results of experiments aboard spacecraft demonstrated the dependence of the pattern of biological processes on microgravity and on the ability of biological objects to adapt themselves to new environmental conditions. This is of fundamental importance for solving theoretical and practical problems of space biology, or elaborating the theory of organism's behavior in weightlessness, and for elucidating the global mechanisms of the action of microgravity on living systems.  相似文献   
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