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On 19th October 2016 Schiaparelli module of the ExoMars 2016 mission flew through the Mars atmosphere. After successful entry and descent under parachute, the module failed the last part of the descent and crashed on the Mars surface. Nevertheless the data transmitted in real-time by Schiaparelli during the entry and descent, together with the entry state vector as initial condition, have been used to reconstruct both the trajectory and the profiles of atmospheric density, pressure and temperature along the traversed path.The available data-set is only a small sub-set of the whole data acquired by Schiaparelli, with a limited data rate (8 kbps) and a large gap during the entry because of the plasma blackout on the communications.This paper presents the work done by the AMELIA (Atmospheric Mars Entry and Landing Investigations and Analysis) team in the exploitation of the available inertial and radar data. First a reference trajectory is derived by direct integration of the inertial measurements and a strategy to overcome the entry data gap is proposed. First-order covariance analysis is used to estimate the uncertainties on all the derived parameters. Then a refined trajectory is computed incorporating the measurements provided by the on-board radar altimeter.The derived trajectory is consistent with the events reported in the telemetry and also with the impact point identified on the high-resolution images of the landing site.Finally, atmospheric profiles are computed tacking into account the aerodynamic properties of the module. Derived profiles result in good agreement with both atmospheric models and available remote sensing observations.  相似文献   
The water content of magma oceans is widely accepted as a key factor that determines whether a terrestrial planet is habitable. Water ocean mass is determined as a result not only of water delivery and loss, but also of water partitioning among several reservoirs. Here we review our current understanding of water partitioning among the atmosphere, magma ocean, and solid mantle of accreting planetary embryos and protoplanets just after giant collisions. Magma oceans are readily formed in planetary embryos and protoplanets in their accretion phase. Significant amounts of water are partitioned into magma oceans, provided the planetary building blocks are water-rich enough. Particularly important but still quite uncertain issues are how much water the planetary building blocks contain initially and how water goes out of the solidifying mantle and is finally degassed to the atmosphere. Constraints from both solar-system explorations and exoplanet observations and also from laboratory experiments are needed to resolve these issues.  相似文献   
The planetary building blocks that formed in the terrestrial planet region were likely very dry, yet water is comparatively abundant on Earth. Here we review the various mechanisms proposed for the origin of water on the terrestrial planets. Various in-situ mechanisms have been suggested, which allow for the incorporation of water into the local planetesimals in the terrestrial planet region or into the planets themselves from local sources, although all of those mechanisms have difficulties. Comets have also been proposed as a source, although there may be problems fitting isotopic constraints, and the delivery efficiency is very low, such that it may be difficult to deliver even a single Earth ocean of water this way. The most promising route for water delivery is the accretion of material from beyond the snow line, similar to carbonaceous chondrites, that is scattered into the terrestrial planet region as the planets are growing. Two main scenarios are discussed in detail. First is the classical scenario in which the giant planets begin roughly in their final locations and the disk of planetesimals and embryos in the terrestrial planet region extends all the way into the outer asteroid belt region. Second is the Grand Tack scenario, where early inward and outward migration of the giant planets implants material from beyond the snow line into the asteroid belt and terrestrial planet region, where it can be accreted by the growing planets. Sufficient water is delivered to the terrestrial planets in both scenarios. While the Grand Tack scenario provides a better fit to most constraints, namely the small mass of Mars, planets may form too fast in the nominal case discussed here. This discrepancy may be reduced as a wider range of initial conditions is explored. Finally, we discuss several more recent models that may have important implications for water delivery to the terrestrial planets.  相似文献   
The OSIRIS-REx mission will conduct a Radio Science investigation of the asteroid Bennu with a primary goal of estimating the mass and gravity field of the asteroid. The spacecraft will conduct proximity operations around Bennu for over 1 year, during which time radiometric tracking data, optical landmark tracking images, and altimetry data will be obtained that can be used to make these estimates. Most significantly, the main Radio Science experiment will be a 9-day arc of quiescent operations in a 1-km nominally circular terminator orbit. The pristine data from this arc will allow the Radio Science team to determine the significant components of the gravity field up to the fourth spherical harmonic degree. The Radio Science team will also be responsible for estimating the surface accelerations, surface slopes, constraints on the internal density distribution of Bennu, the rotational state of Bennu to confirm YORP estimates, and the ephemeris of Bennu that incorporates a detailed model of the Yarkovsky effect.  相似文献   
The discrete-time Kalman filter is an optimal estimator for the states of a linear, stochastic system. It assumes that measurements are linear combinations of the states, and all disturbances are Gaussian. The influence diagram, a decision analysis tool that provides an algorithm for discrete-time filtering equivalent to the Kalman filter when the influence diagram represents Gaussian random variables, is discussed. The influence diagram algorithm is a factored form of the Kalman filter, similar to other factored forms such as the U-D filter. Compared with the Kalman filter, it offers improved numerical properties. Compared with other factored forms, it offers a reduced computational load  相似文献   
The use of data obtained by a monopulse radar to estimate the location of the radar cross-section centroid of an ensemble of scatterers is discussed. Both dish and phased-array antenna radars are treated. Expressions for the bias and variance of the centroid estimates are presented, including the effects of the radar receiver and beam pattern characteristics, receiver noise, and the video waveform sampling granularity, as well as the target properties. The monopulse tracking approach discussed here is contrasted with a raster scan approach presented previously.  相似文献   
Closed-loop control has been successfully applied to a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) lateral comb resonator device in real-time to perform impulse disturbance damping and sinusoidal position control, enabled by the use of a through-wafer optical microprobe to obtain position feedback. This result leverages the application of lifetime, in-situ control of MEMS in order to provide quality assurance of microsystems in safety critical applications. A position feedback signal produced by a through-wafer optical microprobe has been used for comb resonator system model identification by two independent methods to accurately determine the effective mass, damping, and spring constant values of the device. After accurate determination of system parameters, closed-loop impulse disturbance damping and proportional-integral-differential (PID) translational control were applied. Closed-loop control results presented indicate controllability of such microstructures and response times on the order of the natural frequency of the device.  相似文献   
The basic physical processes that lead to the long-term modulation of cosmic rays by the solar wind have been known for many years. However our knowledge of the structure of the heliosphere, which determines which processes are most important for the modulation, and of the variation of this structure with time and solar activity level is still incomplete. Study of the modulation provides a tool for probing the scale and structure of the heliosphere. While the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft are surveying the radial structure and extent of the heliosphere at modest heliographic latitudes, theUlysses mission is the first to undertake a nearly complete scan of the latitudinal structure of the modulated cosmic ray intensity in the inner heliosphere (R<5.4 AU).Ulysses will reach latitudes of 80°S in September 1994 and 80°N in July 1995 during the approach to minimum activity in the 11 year solar cycle. We present a first report of measurements extending to latitudes of 52°S, which show surprisingly little latitudinal effect in the modulated intensities and suggest that at this time modulation in the inner heliosphere may be much more spherically symmetric than had generally been believed based upon models and previous observations.  相似文献   
The Relativistic Proton Spectrometer (RPS) on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes spacecraft is a particle spectrometer designed to measure the flux, angular distribution, and energy spectrum of protons from ~60 MeV to ~2000 MeV. RPS will investigate decades-old questions about the inner Van Allen belt proton environment: a nearby region of space that is relatively unexplored because of the hazards of spacecraft operation there and the difficulties in obtaining accurate proton measurements in an intense penetrating background. RPS is designed to provide the accuracy needed to answer questions about the sources and losses of the inner belt protons and to obtain the measurements required for the next-generation models of trapped protons in the magnetosphere. In addition to detailed information for individual protons, RPS features count rates at a 1-second timescale, internal radiation dosimetry, and information about electrostatic discharge events on the RBSP spacecraft that together will provide new information about space environmental hazards in the Earth’s magnetosphere.  相似文献   
Developing systems provide unique opportunities for analyzing the effects of microgravity on animals. Several unusual types of cells as well as various extraordinary cellular behavior patterns characterize the embryos of most animals. Those features have been exploited as test systems for space flight. The data from previous experiments are reviewed, and considerations for the design of future experiments are presented.  相似文献   
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