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Protons of a specific energy, 55 MeV, have been found to induce primary high grade astrocytomas (HGA) in the Rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). Brain tumors of this type were not induced by protons of other energies (32-2,300 MeV). Induction of HGA has been identified in human patients who have had radiation therapy to the head. We believe that the induction of HGA in the monkey is a consequence of dose distribution, not some unique "toxic" property of protons. Comparison of the human experience with the monkey data indicates the RBE for induction of brain tumors to be about one. It is unlikely that protons cause an unusual change in oncogenic expression, as compared to conventional electromagnetic radiation.  相似文献   
At the 40th IAF Congress in Malaga, a nutrition system for a lunar base CELSS was presented. A lunar base with a total of eight crew members was envisaged. In this paper, four species of plants--rice, soybean, lettuce and strawberry--were introduced to the system. These plants were sufficient to satisfy fundamental nutritional needs of the crew members. The supply of nutrition from plants and the human nutritional requirements could almost be balanced. Our study revealed that the necessary plant cultivation area per crew member would be nearly 40 m3 in the lunar base. The sources of nutrition considered in the study were energy, sugar, fat, amino acids, inorganic salt and vitamins; however, calcium, vitamin B2, vitamin A and sodium were found to be lacking. Therefore, a subsystem to supply these elements is of considerable value. In this paper, we report on a study for breeding snails and utilizing meat as food. Nutrients supplied from snails are shown to compensate for the above mentioned lacking elements. We evaluate the snail breeder and the associated food supply system as a subsystem of closed ecological life support system.  相似文献   
The current state of research involving manifestations of nonlinearity in geomagnetic pulsations is reviewed. Traditionally, the attention of researchers was focused on the effects of resonant interaction of geomagnetic pulsations with small groups of energetic particles, which actually means the study of the quasi-linear relaxation of radiation belt ions, the modulation of auroral electron fluxes, etc. The present review concentrates on the problem of the nonlinear effect influence of pulsations on the backgroud (cold) plasma and on the geomagnetic field. This kind of interaction results in a significant modification of the plasma distribution in the magnetosphere. Self-consistent wave structures—solitons and vortices may occur as well. Such nonlinear effects contribute to physics of geomagnetic pulsations and are also of fundamental importance for general physics. Another set of more narrow problems considered in the review, is related to phenomenological modeling of fluctuational and critical phenomena in the magnetosphere. The essence of our approach is to present the magnetosphere as a black box, whose properties should be determined by the statistical characteristics of its output signals. This approach to phenomenology can be a useful supplement to the methods of microscopic modeling aimed at detecting nonlinear manifestations of geomagnetic pulsations.  相似文献   
We analyse the effects of semi-convection and overshooting on the predicted surface abundances after the first and second dredge-ups in 15 and 20 M Pop. I stars. Overshooting is applied either to the core boundary or to the boundaries of all convective zones. It is shown that the surface abundances are sensitive to the mixing scheme adopted in the interior. The models including semi-convection lead to lower12C/13C ratios than the other mixing schemes, while models with overshooting predict higher enhancements of sodium at the surface.  相似文献   
New ultraviolet (1300 A, 3400 A),HST FOC observations have been used to derive the UV color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of R136, with the main scientific goal of studying the upper end of the stellar mass function at ultraviolet wavelengths where the color degeneracy encountered in visual CMDs is less severe. The CMD has been compared to a set of theoretical isochrones, which have been computed using the latest generation of evolutionary models and model atmospheres for early type stars. Wolf-Rayet stars are included. Comparison of theTheoretical andobserved CMD suggests that there are no stars brighter than M130–11. We use the observed main sequence turn-off and the known spectroscopic properties of the stellar population to derive constraints on the most probable age of R136. The presence of WNL stars and the lack of red supergiants suggests a most likely age of 3±1 Myr. A theoretical isochrone of 3±1 Myr is consistent with the observed stellar content of R136 if the most massive stars have initial masses around 50 M.Bases on Observations with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained at the STScI, which is operated by AURA, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555.Astrophysics Division, Space Science Department, ESA  相似文献   
We are in the process of surveying the linear polarization in luminous, early-type stars. We here report on new observations of the B [e] stars S 18 and R 50, and of the Luminous Blue Variables HR Car, R 143, and HD 160529. Together with previously published data, these observations provide clear evidence for the presence of intrinsic polarization in 1 B[e] star (HD 34664) and in 5 LBVs ( Car, P Cyg, R 127, AG Car, and HR Car). The data indicate that anisotropic stellar winds are a common occurrence among massive stars in these particular evolutionary stages. For such stars, mass-loss rates estimated using the assumption of a spherical, homogeneous and stationary outflow may be in error.  相似文献   
Climate is discussed as an integral part of System Earth, determined by a complex interplay of numerous geological, biological and solar processes. The historical and geological record of changing climate and atmospheric CO2 pressure does not support the current popular vision that this greenhouse gas is the dominant climate controlling agent. When empirically ante post tested against past global climate changes, the forecasts of the climate models mainly based on forcing by atmospheric CO2 are not borne out. On the other hand, recent studies show that solar variability rather than changing CO2 pressure is an important, probably the dominant climate forcing factor.  相似文献   
The designs of cold space telescopes, cryogenic and radiatively cooled, are similar in most elements and both benefit from orbits distant from the Earth. In particular such orbits allow the anti-sunward side of radiatively-cooled spacecraft to be used to provide large cooling radiators for the individual radiation shields. Designs incorporating these features have predictedT tel near 20 K. The attainability of such temperatures is supported by limited practical experience (IRAS, COBE). Supplementary cooling systems (cryogens, mechanical coolers) can be advantageously combined with radiative cooling in hybrid designs to provide robustness against deterioration and yet lower temperatures for detectors, instruments, and even the whole telescope. The possibility of such major additional gains is illustrated by the Very Cold Telescope option under study forEdison, which should offerT tel5 K for a little extra mechanical cooling capacity.  相似文献   
A newly formed neutron star in a supernova finds itself in a dense environment, in which the gravitational energy of accreting matter can be lost to neutrinos. For the conditions in SN 1987A, 0.1M may have fallen back onto the central neutron star on a timescale of hours after the explosion, after which the accretion rate is expected to drop sharply. Radiation is trapped in the flow until the mass accretion rate drops to 2×10–4 M yr–1 at which point radiation can begin to escape from the shocked envelope at an Eddington limit luminosity. Between this neutrino limit and the Eddington limit, 3×10–8 M yr–1, there are no steady, spherical solutions for neutron star accretion. SN 1987A should have reached the neutrino limit within a year of the explosion; the current lack of an Eddington luminosity can be attributed to black hole formation or to a clearing of the neutron star envelope. There is no evidence for newly formed neutron stars in supernovae. Radio supernovae, which were initially interpreted as pulsar activity, probably involve circumstellar interaction; SN 1993J shows especially good evidence for outer shock phenomena.  相似文献   
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