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文章介绍了航天器管路实现全过程数字化制造的解决方案,对管路坐标转换及数据提取、数控弯管及回弹补偿的仿真、装配仿真和管路快速检测等关键技术进行了分析,并提出了具体的解决方案。结合航天器管路研制需求,将管路数字化制造技术应用于实践,实现了管路生产不再依赖安装现场取样,航天器管路生产与总装分离,管路以产品化形式交付。  相似文献   
以某型号固体火箭发动机喷管为研究对象,基于统计学聚类分析方法,研究了该型号喷管内流场、温度场及应力场对旋转的响应。采用流动-传热-热结构的顺序耦合方法,得到了各转速条件下的稳态流场及瞬态温度场、应力场情况。将流场、温度场、应力场原始数据标准化并构造关系矩阵,再通过聚类分析,将结果分别划分为类间差异明显的5类。由于喷管结构与旋转的耦合作用,流场与温度场及应力场聚类分析结果均存在差异。温度场与应力场聚类分析结果一致,说明旋转产生的离心力对喷管应力情况影响不大,热应力仍是该型喷管应力的主要来源。分别研究各类别中任意工况的应力情况,可得到不同战术指标下喷管热应力特征,提高了该型号喷管设计水平。该分析方法得到了统一的变化规律,可有效降低实验成本。另外,对于具有旋转特征的发动机喷管工作过程中的故障诊断、失效行为等的预示有指导意义。  相似文献   
低截获概率雷达转发式欺骗干扰技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对扩频调相连续波体制低截获概率(LPI)雷达具有主动式隐身性、低截获概率和抗干扰能力强的特点,提出了一种结合平方倍频算法和DRFM(数字射频存储)技术的LPI雷达转发式欺骗航迹干扰方法.该方法能有效解决传统测频接收机无法检测隐藏在基底噪声下的LPI雷达信号和对LPI雷达进行转发式欺骗航迹干扰的问题.实际验证结果表明该...  相似文献   
未来信息化战争中,通信更加依赖于空间能力,因此各国都非常重视卫星通信的发展,尤其是毫米波抗干扰卫星通信系统。毫米波抗干扰卫星通信具有频带宽、信息容量大、天线口径小、增益较大、抗干扰性和隐蔽性较高等独特技术优点。对毫米波抗干扰卫星通信系统进行了简要分析,并提出了相应的对抗策略和需要解决的一些关键技术。  相似文献   
An empirical model of the high-latitude boundary of the outer Earth’s radiation belt (ERB) has been presented, which is based on the measurement data of electron fluxes on the polar low-orbit CORONAS-Photon, Meteor-M1, and Meteor-M2 satellites. The boundary was determined by a sharp decrease to the background level of the flux of trapped electrons with energies of 100 or 200 keV in the polar part of the profile of the outer radiation belt. A numerical algorithm has been implemented to determine the time moment, when the fastest flux changes are recorded. The primary search was carried out, first, on 30 s averaged data, then repeated on data with a higher resolution. A functional dependence was obtained in order to approximate the obtained set of intersections of the boundary by elliptical curve. The empirical model constructed using the CORONAS-Photon measurement data in the epoch of anomalously low geomagnetic activity reflects the longitude structure of the high-latitude boundary of the outer radiation belt associated with the internal Earth’s magnetic field (MF), as well as its dependence on the universal time. Based on the data of intersections of the high-latitude boundary of the outer ERB (OERB) in the epoch of 2014–2016, the latitudinal shift of the boundary to the equator dependent on geomagnetic activity has been determined, as well as the nightside shift of the boundary due to the diurnal rotation of the Earth.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the generation, stability, and control of artificial equilibrium points for a solar balloon spacecraft in the α Centauri A and B binary star system. The continuous propulsive acceleration provided by a solar balloon is shown to be able to modify the position of the (classical) Lagrangian equilibrium points of the three-body system on a locus whose geometrical form is known analytically. A linear stability analysis reveals that the new generated equilibrium points are usually unstable, but part of them can be stabilized with a simple feedback control logic.  相似文献   
本文具体讨论近几年来在国际上迅速发展的虚拟现实技术在空间交会对接仿真中的应用。虚拟交会对接仿真器具有设备简单,投资少,逼真度高,功能全等特点,是一项值得在仿真中推广应用的技术。  相似文献   
本文对倒置喷管的湍流跨音速流场进行了数字模拟,其算法基于YanLeer的矢通量分裂格式,求解时采用了线性Gauss—Seidel迭代法,并结合局部时间步长技术对收敛过程进行加速,对雷诺数为1.66×106的倒置喷管的流场进行了数值计算,结果与实验相符合。  相似文献   
返回式卫星是在50年代末为军事照相侦察卫星而发展起来的。自70年代后期,返回式卫星在空间微重力试验以及为将来空间站的货物运输方面有着新的广泛的用途。西欧和日本自80年代后半期开始开展返回式卫星的研制,近些年来,获得了一些进展。本文介绍了近十年来,世界各国在研制返回式卫星方面取得的进展。  相似文献   
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