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A track-while scan (TWS) algorithm is developed for targets in a clutter environment. The problem has been studied using only the position measurements [1, 5-8], but the simulation results have not been satisfactory. Modern processing techniques (FFT processor) ) in air traffic control and surveillance radar receivers provide both position and radial velocity. The radial velocity measurement may be conveniently used in the target-track correlation process, which will reduce the association ambiguity in the clutter environment. t. In the clear environment the algorithm using the position and radial velocity measurements has been treated in [3, 4]. A TWS algorithm, using both position and radial velocity measurements for targets in a clutter environment, is presented here. The algorithm obtained is nonlinear and adaptive. In order to evaluate the improvement due to radial velocity measurement a simulation has been performed on a digital computer. The algorithm was run with and without radial velocity measurements to compare its performances. An improvement was noted especially when the target path included an accelerated portion.  相似文献   
Coherent optical systems, because of their basic similarity to coherent radar systems, can be used to simulate many of the characteristics of the latter. This paper discusses the use of a coherent optical system for the simulation of the range and azimuth ambiguities that sometimes occur in radar systems. The optical configurations for implementing these simulations are described in detail, and extensive experimental results are presented.  相似文献   
The configuration, and the structure of shock waves from isolated solar flares and from a series of flares are discussed and classified.An invited paper presented at STIP Workshop on Shock Waves in the Solar Corona and Interplanetary Space, 15–19 June, 1980, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   
Some preliminary new results are presented of the keV plasma experiment on GEOS-1. Electrons and ions have been observed to stream along the magnetic field lines in the dayside magnetosphere from the ionospheric side of the satellite towards the equatorial plane during magnetic storms, with streaming velocities corresponding to a kinetic energy of the order of a keV. The opposite streaming velocity has also been seen, but primarily in the ions only and with a smaller flux ratio for the two opposite directions along the field lines. The transition between the two opposite streaming directions, as seen by the satellite, has been found to occur even in a fraction of a second.In magnetic storm conditions azimuthal asymmetries in ion fluxes corresponding to electric field intensities of several tens of millivolts per meter have been observed.  相似文献   
A set of algorithms is presented for finding the best set of K mutually exclusive paths through a trellis of N nodes, with worst-case computation time bounded by N3log n for a fixed-precision computation. The algorithms are based on a transformation of the K-path trellis problem into an equivalent minimum-cost network flow (MCNF) problem. The approach allows the application of efficient MCNF algorithms, which can obtain optimal solutions orders of magnitude faster than the algorithm proposed by J.K. Wolf et al. (1989). The resulting algorithms extend the practicality of the trellis formulation (in terms of required computations) to multiobject tracking problems with much larger numbers of targets and false alarms. A response by Wolf et al. is included  相似文献   
The Galileo spacecraft was launched by the Space Shuttle Atlantis on October 18, 1989. A two-stage Inertial Upper Stage propelled Galileo out of Earth parking orbit to begin its 6-year interplanetary transfer to Jupiter. Galileo has already received two gravity assists: from Venus on February 10, 1990 and from Earth on December 8, 1990. After a second gravity-assist flyby of Earth on December 8, 1992, Galileo will have achieved the energy necessary to reach Jupiter. Galileo's interplanetary trajectory includes a close flyby of asteroid 951-Gaspra on October 29, 1991, and, depending on propellant availability and other factors, there may be a second asteroid flyby of 243-Ida on August 28, 1993. Upon arrival at Jupiter on December 7, 1995, the Galileo Orbiter will relay data back to Earth from an atmospheric Probe which is released five months earlier. For about 75 min, data is transmitted to the Orbiter from the Probe as it descends on a parachute to a pressure depth of 20–30 bars in the Jovian atmosphere. Shortly after the end of Probe relay, the Orbiter ignites its rocket motor to insert into orbit about Jupiter. The orbital phase of the mission, referred to as the satellite tour, lasts nearly two years, during which time Galileo will complete 10 orbits about Jupiter. On each of these orbits, there will be a close encounter with one of the three outermost Galilean satellites (Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto). The gravity assist from each satellite is designed to target the spacecraft to the next encounter with minimal expenditure of propellant. The nominal mission is scheduled to end in October 1997 when the Orbiter enters Jupiter's magnetotail.List of Acronyms ASI Atmospheric Structure Instrument - EPI Energetic Particles Instrument - HGA High Gain Antenna - IUS Inertial Upper Stage - JOI Jupiter Orbit Insertion - JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory - LRD Lightning and Radio Emissions Detector - NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration - NEP Nephelometer - NIMS Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer - ODM Orbit Deflection Maneuver - OTM Orbit Trim Maneuver - PJR Perijove Raise Maneuver - PM Propellant Margin - PDT Pacific Daylight Time - PST Pacific Standard Time - RPM Retropropulsion Module - RRA Radio Relay Antenna - SSI Solid State Imaging - TCM Trajectory Correction Maneuver - UTC Universal Time Coordinated - UVS Ultraviolet Spectrometer - VEEGA Venus-Earth-Earth Gravity Assist  相似文献   
The gravitation and celestial mechanics investigations during the cruise phase and Orbiter phase of the Galileo mission depend on Doppler and ranging measurements generated by the Deep Space Network (DSN) at its three spacecraft tracking sites in California, Australia, and Spain. Other investigations which also rely on DSN data, and which like ours fall under the general discipline of spacecraft radio science, are described in a companion paper by Howard et al. (1992). We group our investigations into four broad categories as follows: (1) the determination of the gravity fields of Jupiter and its four major satellites during the orbital tour, (2) a search for gravitational radiation as evidenced by perturbations to the coherent Doppler link between the spacecraft and Earth, (3) the mathematical modeling, and by implication tests, of general relativistic effects on the Doppler and ranging data during both cruise and orbiter phases, and (4) an improvement in the ephemeris of Jupiter by means of spacecraft ranging during the Orbiter phase. The gravity fields are accessible because of their effects on the spacecraft motion, determined primarily from the Doppler data. For the Galilean satellites we will determine second degree and order gravity harmonics that will yield new information on the central condensation and likely composition of material within these giant satellites (Hubbard and Anderson, 1978). The search for gravitational radiation is being conducted in cruise for periods of 40 days centered around solar opposition. During these times the radio link is least affected by scintillations introduced by solar plasma. Our sensitivity to the amplitude of sinusoidal signals approaches 10-15 in a band of gravitational frequencies between 10-4 and 10-3 Hz, by far the best sensitivity obtained in this band to date. In addition to the primary objectives of our investigations, we discuss two secondary objectives: the determination of a range fix on Venus during the flyby on 10 February, 1990, and the determination of the Earth's mass (GM) from the two Earth gravity assists, EGA1 in December 1990 and EGA2 in December 1992.  相似文献   
A detector which is designed to operate in a correlated Gaussian-plus-impulsive-noise environment is presented. The detector whitens the data robustly and then uses a two-sided threshold test to determine the presence of impulsive samples. The impulsive samples are discarded, and the remaining samples are used to detect the presence or absence of a signal using a matched filter. An approximate analysis is presented, and simulations are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach  相似文献   
Polish radar research and development since 1953 is reviewed, covering the development and production of surveillance radars, height finders, tracking radars, air traffic control (ATC) radars and systems, and marine and Doppler radars. Some current work, including an L-band ATC radar for enroute control, a weather channel for primary surveillance radar, signal detection in non-Gaussian clutter, adaptive MTI filters and postdetection filtering, and a basic approach to radar polarimetry, is examined.<>  相似文献   
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