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信号处理技术的进步使雷达设计师更有可能开发复杂的探测与成像算法。然而,许多现有的监视雷达系统的设计缺陷却造成了即使仅对算法做小的变化也需要对雷达硬件进行费钱费时的改动这样一种局面。因此,在设计将来的雷达系统时,应采用可编程处理器,具要应用明确定义的接口将处理器与微波硬件隔离开来。本文介绍了我们的一个研究计划的成果,在这项研究计划中,我们通过将现有的在役机载海洋监视雷达与商用计算机工作站和大带宽磁带记录仪关联起来,构成了一个快速原型环境。  相似文献   
本文介绍的是一种基于矩量法(MOM)技术的诊断和设计工具,用于分析介质填充并装有限尺寸和任意形状金属法兰盘的孔径的辐射,这种方法可以处理具有任意几何形状的的孔径问题,因而是一种非常有效的改进天线设计的工具,利用等效原理,推导了一个等效问题并且当设置适当的的边界条件时,可以利用波导上表面电流作为未知量获得一组积分方程式,通过MOM可以解这些积分方程式并获得表面电流,进而计算出辐射方向图,通过对天线性能的仿真和实例(方向图和驻波比(SWR)比较,证明了该软件的有效性。  相似文献   
于5月20日在北京召开的第16届"人在太空"国际学术会议可说是一个载人航天的高峰论坛,亦可说是一次关于"人在太空"的新想法、新概念、新思路的碰撞和融合。21世纪探月高潮即将来临,火星征途正在开启,我们的航天装备需要改进吗?航天员会遇到哪些困难,我们该怎样解决,而他们自身应做出怎样的努力?在行星探险和地外生命探索的过程中,只有人类在到达某个地方之前,能够了解自己将会带来的生物污染并能加以控制,航天员的独特能力才是有益的。以此来看,太空环保是人类得以向外探索的道德基石和利益保证,这也是人类必须面临并思索的问题……有意思的话题还有很多,比如航天员如何捆住小行星来进行太空行走,航天员可以有"第二皮肤"吗,太空游客的居住环境该如何设计?航天无疑最需要一个想象的殿堂。这次会议无疑带给我们思维一次强烈的冲击,就让我们站在各国航天专家的肩膀上,看得更高,梦得更远,让我们儿时就憧憬的航天之梦沿着科学的轨迹飞翔……  相似文献   
基于独立桨距控制的电控旋翼主动振动控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
电控旋翼利用桨叶后缘襟翼偏转通过气弹作用带动桨叶变距,从而实现对旋翼的控制。但由于其系统的复杂性,桨叶间易存在扭转刚度和质量不相似,从而引起较严重的旋翼振动。针对该情况,提出了基于独立桨距控制的主动振动控制方法,并以某原理性电控旋翼为算例进行了数值仿真,验证了所提出控制方法对电控旋翼由扭转刚度和质量不相似引起振动的减振有效性,最佳减振水平可达90%。  相似文献   
客户驱动的动态的全球市场及地理上分布的合作伙伴给开发敏捷制造模式下的质量保证信息系统(QAIS)带来了新的挑战,本文先对敏捷制造模式下的QAIS进行了需求分析,提出了新的分布式QAIS的实现框架,利用当前迅速发展的信息技术,建立了QAIS的开发环境并对有关关键技术进行了初步研究,最后开发完成了一个基于Web的QAIS原型系统.  相似文献   
基于预测零控脱靶量的拦截器中制导段导引   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对三维空间内的高速飞行目标,提出了一种基于预测零控脱靶量的中制导段导引方法。建立了拦截器与目标的相对运动关系模型,分析了确定修正轨道的约束条件,并在此基础上推导出修正轨道根数的计算方法。同时根据待增速度给出了推力定向和推力发动机工作时长的确定方法。仿真结果表明,该方法能有效实现拦截器中制导段的制导控制。  相似文献   
Graybiel A 《Acta Astronautica》1979,6(11):1481-1487
Free fall per se whether in parabolic or orbital flight may be regarded as a "partial" motion environment with respect to eliciting motion sickness, requiring an additional component to render this environment "complete" or stressful. Parabolic flight in toto falls in the category of a "complete" motion environment in that some persons became motion sick with head fixed and eyes closed. In the present experiment we selected subjects who were symptom free or nearly symptom free in the KC-135 with head fixed. All tests were conducted with the subject rotating at 30 rpm in a rotating litter chair, and comparisons were made between head-fixed and head-moving conditions (right-left) in the free-fall phase of parabolic flight and under simulated free-fall phases in the laboratory. With head fixed most subjects were insusceptible; with head moving left-right susceptibility was slightly higher in the laboratory than aloft. An additional comparison was made correlating susceptibility in the free-fall phases of parabolic flight with susceptibility to experimental motion sickness in Skylab. In both situations cross-coupled angular accelerations were generated by executing head and body movements out of the plane of rotation. In parabolic flight 9 of 15 subjects reached an endpoint just short of frank motion sickness. In the Skylab workshop all eight of the astronauts tested were symptom free at the end of the test. The explanation for the difference in susceptibility rests in two factors: (1) Basic susceptibility in free fall is lower than on the ground, and (2) in Skylab the astronauts who needed to adapt had achieved this goal prior to the first test on Mission-Day 8.  相似文献   
Pozzo T  Berthoz A  Popov C 《Acta Astronautica》1995,36(8-12):727-732
Here are reported preliminary results of the “Synergy” experiment performed aboard the Russian orbital station “MIR” in July 1993 (Altaïr Mission). The experiment was carried out before, during, and after the space flight of two astronauts (S1 and S2). The duration of the flight was 21 days for S1 and 6 month for S2. The subjects were tested during preflight, inflight and postflight. The astronaut subjects were fixed on the ground by the feet. They were asked to pick up a box in front of them on the ground. Two velocities of movement and two distances of the target to be reached were tested. The movement of several small markers placed on the body was recorded on video tape.

Results show that the shape of head and hand trajectories in the sagittal plane remains roughly the same during the flight in spite of the modification of mechanical constraints. Trajectory invariance does not result in joint angular displacement invariance. These data indicate that the planning of the movement takes place in terms of head and hand trajectories rather than joint rotations as it was previously suggested for simple arm reaching movement.  相似文献   

针对实物电阻器输出阻值的改变只能通过手动方式实施的问题,设计了一套智能控制系统,实现实物电阻器阻值的数字化输出。将多只四端标准电阻器以一定的排列顺序串联连接,利用四端标准电阻器的原理特点,所有串联电阻共用一对电位端,在每只电阻器的左右分别都有一个电流输出端,电流输出端线路中接入继电器控制开关,以控制继电器的开通闭合,来实现电阻器的不同组合输出。本系统经试用,性能稳定、准确度高、实时性好、适用范围广、试运行情况良好。  相似文献   
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