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本文介绍一个以微处理机为主机的系统,用以对复杂的高速遥测数据进行预处理。所用的微机是最新式的Motoroloa68020系列计算机。本文全面介绍系统的硬件和软件,并对所用的复杂算法和有关的数据处理作了说明。着重报道涉及参数容量和数据吞吐率的测试结果。对系统的体系结构采用多种通用的折衷法进行了分析,本系统把兆字极的遥测数据(如废点剔除、相位对齐和参数推导等)预处理技术推向新的高度。  相似文献   
本文概述一种生产灵活的通用智能传感器的方法,这种传感器可直接接口到微处理机,并可用标准的微电子生产过程来制造。文中对相应的电路及有关问题作了简介。  相似文献   
V.  S.  Cheryak  I.  Ya.  Immoreev  陈梦菲 《空载雷达》2007,(2):2-3
1二战前及二战中最早的防空高频雷达 大家知道,电磁波可用于定位是由著名的俄罗斯科学家亚历山大·波波夫发现的。1897年,他在波罗的海无线电通信实验报告中描述了当军舰(LieutenantII’in)穿过另两艘船舰(欧洲号和非洲号)之间的无线电通信线路时被探测到的情况。  相似文献   
于5月20日在北京召开的第16届"人在太空"国际学术会议可说是一个载人航天的高峰论坛,亦可说是一次关于"人在太空"的新想法、新概念、新思路的碰撞和融合。21世纪探月高潮即将来临,火星征途正在开启,我们的航天装备需要改进吗?航天员会遇到哪些困难,我们该怎样解决,而他们自身应做出怎样的努力?在行星探险和地外生命探索的过程中,只有人类在到达某个地方之前,能够了解自己将会带来的生物污染并能加以控制,航天员的独特能力才是有益的。以此来看,太空环保是人类得以向外探索的道德基石和利益保证,这也是人类必须面临并思索的问题……有意思的话题还有很多,比如航天员如何捆住小行星来进行太空行走,航天员可以有"第二皮肤"吗,太空游客的居住环境该如何设计?航天无疑最需要一个想象的殿堂。这次会议无疑带给我们思维一次强烈的冲击,就让我们站在各国航天专家的肩膀上,看得更高,梦得更远,让我们儿时就憧憬的航天之梦沿着科学的轨迹飞翔……  相似文献   
THE FOURTH BEIDOU NAVIGATION EXPERIMENTAL SATELLITE LAUNCHED The fourth Beidou experimental navigation satellite was launched into snace aton a LM-3A launch vehicle at Xichang Satellite Launch Center on February 3 at 00:28(Beijing Time).24 minutes later,the satellite separated from the launch vehicle and  相似文献   
FY-3A,the first satellite of China's new generation of polar-orbiting meteorological satellites,was launched into space atop a modified LM-4C launch vehicle.The satellite separated from the rocket 19 minutes after the takeoff.Flying at an altitude of 807km with an inclination of 98.8 degrees,the satellite circles in polar orbit 14 times everyday,covering the whole globe twice a day. FY-3A has a design lifetime of three years.Weighing 2295kg,the three-axis stabilized satellite is equipped with 11 remote s...  相似文献   
客户驱动的动态的全球市场及地理上分布的合作伙伴给开发敏捷制造模式下的质量保证信息系统(QAIS)带来了新的挑战,本文先对敏捷制造模式下的QAIS进行了需求分析,提出了新的分布式QAIS的实现框架,利用当前迅速发展的信息技术,建立了QAIS的开发环境并对有关关键技术进行了初步研究,最后开发完成了一个基于Web的QAIS原型系统.  相似文献   
在设计方案评定应用中以参量性寿命周期费用(LCC)为主要的评估标准.阐述了最近研究并成功地应用在对未来重复使用的空间运输系统助推火箭的液体火箭发动机评估上的方法学.讨论了用以LCC为基础的原理评估的定量方法,并考虑了所有的次要评定因素和费用评估关系(CER).讨论了研制工作中的技术、费用和进度,及操作和维护寿命期中的风险对LCC的影响.最后,严格地研讨了将这一以LCC为依据的定量评估方法论用作决策支持工具的优缺点,并将它与作者过去用于相似用途的纯定性评定方法作了比较.本方法学虽是一项具体应用,但也可以作为一类决策模型用于其他的机械和电子系统上,例如运输、空间站和高级武器系统用的这类系统上.  相似文献   
Head-down and head-up [correction of heat-up] tilted bedrest (5 degrees) and head out water immersion (HOWI) for 6 hr were compared. Parameters: Cardiac output (rebreathing method), blood pressure (arm cuff), forearm blood flow (venous occlusion plethysmography), total peripheral (TPR), and forearm vascular (FVR) resistances, Hct, Hb, relative plasma volume (PV) changes, and plasma catecholamines (single-isotope assay). During HOWI there was as expected a decrement in TPR, FVR, Mean arterial pressure (MAP, from 100 to 80 mmHg), Hct, and PV, and--as a new finding--catecholamines, which were 30-50% lower compared with both +5 and -5 degrees bedrest. During head down tilt, MAP was elevated (to 100-110 mmHg) and catecholamines did not fall, while TPR and EVR slowly decreased over 6 hr. HOWI is a stronger stimulus than -5 degrees bedrest, probably because HOWI elevates central venous pressure more markedly emptying the peripheral veins, while bedrest permits a distension of veins, which induces an increase in sympathetic nervous activity.  相似文献   
In Italy, the selection of the Italian payload scientists has been performed according to the Spacelab Program of ESA. Twenty-four subjects underwent a screening performed by the Health Service of Italian Air Force. They were requested to pass an exercise test on treadmill and another ten-minute test on centrifuge, subject to the effect of +3 Gz. The authors briefly describe the results of the test. Noteworthy is the determination of Central Flicker Fusion Frequency. This parameter makes it possible to assess the endurance level of the subject, much earlier than other techniques (e.g. EKG). The importance of an accurate preliminary screening is emphasized as well as of successive training periods. Future studies will be undertaken to compare evoked cortical potentials with behaviour parameters of space safety, with a view to setting up a subtle tool of evaluation for both future candidates and payload scientists.  相似文献   
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