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Cryptoendolithic microbial communities and epilithic lichens have been considered as appropriate candidates for the scenario of lithopanspermia, which proposes a natural interplanetary exchange of organisms by means of rocks that have been impact ejected from their planet of origin. So far, the hardiness of these terrestrial organisms in the severe and hostile conditions of space has not been tested over extended periods of time. A first long-term (1.5 years) exposure experiment in space was performed with a variety of rock-colonizing eukaryotic organisms at the International Space Station on board the European EXPOSE-E facility. Organisms were selected that are especially adapted to cope with the environmental extremes of their natural habitats. It was found that some-but not all-of those most robust microbial communities from extremely hostile regions on Earth are also partially resistant to the even more hostile environment of outer space, including high vacuum, temperature fluctuation, the full spectrum of extraterrestrial solar electromagnetic radiation, and cosmic ionizing radiation. Although the reported experimental period of 1.5 years in space is not comparable with the time spans of thousands or millions of years believed to be required for lithopanspermia, our data provide first evidence of the differential hardiness of cryptoendolithic communities in space.  相似文献   
Plávalová E 《Astrobiology》2012,12(4):361-369
When a star is described as a spectral class G2V, we know that the star is similar to our Sun. We know its approximate mass, temperature, age, and size. When working with an extrasolar planet database, it is very useful to have a taxonomy scale (classification) such as, for example, the Harvard classification for stars. The taxonomy has to be easily interpreted and present the most relevant information about extrasolar planets. I propose an extrasolar planet taxonomy scale with four parameters. The first parameter concerns the mass of an extrasolar planet in the form of units of the mass of other known planets, where M represents the mass of Mercury, E that of Earth, N Neptune, and J Jupiter. The second parameter is the planet's distance from its parent star (semimajor axis) described in a logarithm with base 10. The third parameter is the mean Dyson temperature of the extrasolar planet, for which I established four main temperature classes: F represents the Freezing class, W the Water class, G the Gaseous class, and R the Roasters class. I devised one additional class, however: P, the Pulsar class, which concerns extrasolar planets orbiting pulsar stars. The fourth parameter is eccentricity. If the attributes of the surface of the extrasolar planet are known, we are able to establish this additional parameter where t represents a terrestrial planet, g a gaseous planet, and i an ice planet. According to this taxonomy scale, for example, Earth is 1E0W0t, Neptune is 1N1.5F0i, and extrasolar planet 55 Cnc e is 9E-1.8R1.  相似文献   
Comparison of regular (diurnal, seasonal and solar cycle) variations of high-latitude,mid-latitude and low-latitude ionospheric characteristics has been provided on basis of local empirical models of the peak electron density and the peak height. The local empirical models were derived from the hand-scaled ionogram data recorded by DPS-4 digisondes located at Norilsk (69°N, 88°E), Irkutsk (52°N, 104°E) and Hainan (19°N, 109°E) for a 6-year period from December, 2002 to December, 2008. The technique used to build the local empirical model is described. The primary focus is diurnal-seasonal behavior under low solar activity and its change with increasing solar activity. Both common and specific features of the high-latitude (Norilsk), mid-latitude (Irkutsk) and low-latitude (Hainan) regular variations were revealed using their local empirical models.   相似文献   
Recent advances in personal computer technology have led to the development of relatively low-cost software to generate high-resolution three-dimensional images. The capability both to rotate and zoom in on these images superposed on appropriate background images enables high-quality movies to be created. These developments have been used to produce realistic simulations of the International Space Station on CD-ROM. This product is described and its potentialities demonstrated. With successive launches, the ISS is gradually built up, and visualised over a rotating Earth against the star background. It is anticipated that this product's capability will be useful when training astronauts to carry out EVAs around the ISS. Simulations inside the ISS are also very realistic. These should prove invaluable when familiarising the ISS crew with their future workplace and home. Operating procedures can be taught and perfected. "What if" scenario models can be explored and this facility should be useful when training the crew to deal with emergency situations which might arise. This CD-ROM product will also be used to make the general public more aware of, and hence enthusiastic about, the International Space Station programme.  相似文献   
收集了Cluster卫星在2001-2005年间观测到的磁尾磁通量绳事件,并对磁通量绳(magnetic flux rope)形成及其内部磁场结构与行星际磁场(IMF)的关系作了统计研究.考虑磁通量绳被观测到时行星际磁场的条件,在所有73个磁通量绳事件中,行星际磁场By分量占有主导地位的事件有80%,且78%的事件具有与行星际磁场By分量相同方向的核心场.行星际磁场通过在磁层顶与地球磁场相互作用改变南北等离子体片内磁场相对方向,形成有利于磁通量绳形成的磁场位形,并且行星际磁场By分量的方向对磁通量绳内部核心场的方向具有决定性影响.从统计结果来看,磁通量绳的形成并不会依赖于行星际磁场Bz分量的方向.  相似文献   
通过事后分析可以提高GPS的外测精度。为了试验和鉴定目的,欲测量被试验体的时间空间位置信息(TSPI),现在已有不少方法。如果使用GPS,可考虑两种方案。一是在被试验体上装载GPS接收机,在运功体上测定TSPI,再通过遥测将数据送到地面。二是在运动体上装载一个GPS变频转发器,传送宽带GPS信息到地面。在地面站完成TSPI测量。本文指出,与装载接收机相比,装载GPS转发器的方案可以获得更高的测量精度。精度的提高来自两点:装载GPS接收机时仅处理来自4颗卫星的距离,得到运动体的位置。在某一位置上,所选用的4颗GPS卫星的GDOP值,可能是,也可能不是最佳。在转发方案中,运动体视场内所有信息都转送到地面进行处理。来自所有卫星的宽带数据都加以记录,以便作事后处理。作节后分析时,可按最佳GDOP选择最有利的卫星,或处理视场内所有卫星的数据,得到最高精度。记录宽带数据的能力还带来另外一些重要的事后处理好处。在飞行试验之前,只能估计试验体的飞行动态。飞行体上接收机跟踪滤波器参数依此作调整。如果飞行体运动异常(试验飞行中完全有可能这样),接收机就有可能对卫星失锁,所有的TSPI数据都会丢失。如果用GPS转发器,在地面站记录所有卫星的数据,在事后分析中重放该数据,可根据实际飞行动态,将滤波器最佳化,不会丢失TSPJ数据。此外,还可由数据处理来填补丢失的数据。  相似文献   
本文指出CMOS(互补—金属—氧化物—半导体)集成电路内传输线间的交扰耦合如何通过影响逻辑和模拟元件的传播延迟而引起错误状态。提出了用于寄生电容耦合效应计算的简化模型,计算了交扰对基本功能部件如逻辑门电路、锁存器、RAM存储器和模/数转换器性能的影响。  相似文献   
一、前言本文介绍一种能消除直接数字式合成器(DDS)输出中通常存在的离散寄生谱线的极好方法。所研究的 DDS 的型式主要由一个 N 位累加器组成,其容量在时钟频率 Fc 时增加一 K值。虽然在用这种方法来合成周期波方面有许多方案,但是,最简单可行的方案是只利用累加器溢出发生的时间来确定“方”波的两沿。对于幂次为2的输入数 K,输出频率是时钟频率的直接分谐波。但是,所有其它的数,电路的性能如同非均匀输出周期序列的分数分频器一样。这些周期序列和可确定的图形重复,以给出与所需信号周期相等的平均值。遗憾的是,寄生谱线或边带都是由输出的周期性调相所引起的。在过去,这样的谱线都是利用累加  相似文献   
按主要发动机和推进剂的参数,以及它们在运载器上的应用,叙述了现有各种供大型运载器用的液体发动机.讨论了在具体的发动机研究项目中的预研、早期的研制方式和发动机技术的成熟性,包括了取得的经验.对新型发动机,包括能支持下一代运载器的改进的和新构想的发动机,以技术为重点作了说明.介绍了为降低潜在的研制风险所需要的技术成熟程度和发展,以及在性能、可操作性、重复使用性、可靠性和生产性上预期能取得的收获.建立了技术上分等的方法,其中包括以效益函数表示的相对运输系统寿命周期费用(LCC).这一方法在确定初步但及时地对各种技术的费效比作等级评定是有用的.方法学采用了无量纲形式的常规费用估计比值(CER).引进新推进系统技术上取得的运输系统相对总效益,是从包括运载器操作和发射设施的主要运输系统各部分的递推和非递推费用中得出的.对某些高发射率的模型中的几种候选运输系统发动机方案及有关技术排出了高低等级.  相似文献   
美国国防部低轨卫星试验任务越来越需要不间断通信,使我们对地球同步数据中继业务更为关注。与额外再建造空军卫星控制网远方地面站相比,这可能是一种更经济的办法,而且可避免某一试验任务独占很多控制网资源。一种能近期试验天基数据中继系统的低费用解决办法是利用现有的两颗国防通信卫星Ⅲ号卫星,两个现有的超高频(SHF)地面终端站,以及被试卫星上的一个天线能自主指向的标准化小型终端。本文就来介绍这一系统。  相似文献   
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