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在过去的20年中,计算机已有了爆炸性的增长,在下一个10年中,由于新型计算机结构和智能计算机的出现预期要增长得更快.下述的计算机硬/软件技术的进展会对结构力学产生很大的影响.  相似文献   
再入制导和弹道跟踪误差分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新一代可重复使用运载器对再入制导提出了更高地要求。目前的空间运输系统证明基于阻力加速度的制导方法是行之有效的。其基本概念是跟踪基准阻力加速度包线,在飞行过程中可根据需要更新这个包线。跟踪适当的阻力加速度包线保证了飞行器可以飞行准确的距离达到目标,同时满足弹道约束。在横向上,我们可采用类似于美国航天飞机的倾斜反转逻辑或航向角跟踪技术。本文推导出了基于反馈线性化的控制算法,并将其应用于可重复使用运载器纵向和横向的制导。最后,我们分析了阻力加速度跟踪的误差。  相似文献   
Fluid and electrolyte shifts occuring during human spaceflight have been reported and investigated at the level of blood, cardio-vascular and renal responses. Very few data were available concerning the cerebral fluid and electrolyte adaptation to microgravity, even in animal models. It is the reason why we developed several studies focused on the effects of spaceflight (SLS-1 and SLS-2 programs, carried on NASA STS 40 and 56 missions, which were 9- and 14-day flights, respectively), on structural and functional features of choroid plexuses, organs which secrete 70–90 % of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and which are involved in brain homeostasis. Rats flown aboard space shuttles were sacrificed either in space (SLS-2 experiment, on flight day 13) or 4–8 hours after landing (SLS-1 and SLS-2 experiments). Quantitative autoradiography performed by microdensitometry and image analysis, showed that lateral and third ventricle choroid plexuses from rats flown for SLS-1 experiment demonstrated an increased number (about x 2) of binding sites to natriuretic peptides (which are known to be involved in mechanisms regulating CSF production). Using electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry, we studied the cellular response of choroid plexuses, which produce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in brain lateral, third and fourth ventricles. We demonstrated that spaceflight (SLS-2 experiment, inflight samples) induces changes in the choroidal cell structure (apical microvilli, kinocilia organization, vesicle accumulation) and protein distribution or expression (carbonic anhydrase II, water channels,…). These observations suggested a loss of choroidal cell polarity and a decrease in CSF secretion. Hindlimb-suspended rats displayed similar choroidal changes. All together, these results support the hypothesis of a modified CSF production in rats during long-term (9, 13 or 14 days) adaptations to microgravity.  相似文献   
少烟幼畜(Maverich)固体火箭发动机的结构使用寿命估计是以解剖发动机的推进剂性能数据为基础进行的。为了在两年的时间里模拟五年的使用寿命,这些发动机经历了实验室加速化学和力学老化。用经验老化模型来推测发动机推进剂的性能和药柱横截面上的性能梯度,建立了有限元计算机模型来计算这些性能梯度,并确定发动机安全裕度与时间的函数关系。根据分析,预计这种发动机的使用寿命在10年之上。  相似文献   
本文介绍了星30C、30E和37FM三种火箭发动机的设计结构,给出了各种分析结果,并报导了鉴定试验的累积数据。  相似文献   
The Suess-Urey (S-U) mission has been proposed as a NASA Discovery mission to return samples of matter from the Sun to the Earth for isotopic and chemical analyses in terrestrial laboratories to provide a major improvement in our knowledge of the average chemical and isotopic composition of the solar system. The S-U spacecraft and sample return capsule will be placed in a halo orbit around the L1 Sun-Earth libration point for two years to collect solar wind ions which implant into large passive collectors made of ultra-pure materials. Constant Spacecraft-Sun-Earth geometries enable simple spin stabilized attitude control, simple passive thermal control, and a fixed medium gain antenna. Low data requirements and the safety of a Sun-pointed spinner, result in extremely low mission operations costs.  相似文献   
作为全球变化研究的全国统一行动的一部分,地球观测系统(EOS)将在15年时间内发射一个遥感卫星星座。来自EOS卫星的科学数据将由NASA研究机构加以处理,再分发给大量地球科学家。许多这样的卫星还备有另外的接口,能直接向用户播发数据。从过境卫星实时直接播发科学数据有不少有价值的用途:现场测量结果的检验,规划科学会战以及用于科学和工程教育。EOS直接的成功与实用价值在程度上取决于最终用户接收该数据所花  相似文献   
介绍了采用熔化极脉冲氦弧焊工艺焊接大厚度铝合金燃料箱的优越性。  相似文献   
在美国国防部新技术综合发展方案中,固定翼飞行器技术的发展几乎和旋翼飞行器的技术发展是同步进行的,只是在某些不同的领域,分别起着不同的带头作用。很显然,这两种飞行器的技术发展方案同时也受益于其他一些领域的技术发展。这两种飞行器技术协调发展的本身也是一个综合和并行发展的过程。目前,美国已为固定翼飞机制定了  相似文献   
四川省力学学会、西南结构力学研究所、四川省振动工程学会(筹)于1987年11月4日至7日在绵阳市联合召开了“四川省振动工程学术交流座谈会”。出席代表86人,他们来自中央部属(在川)、省、市20多单位。代表都是在力学、数学、机械、航空、核工程、电子、冶金、化工、电力、建筑、石油、地震等各领域从事振动工程、研究、教学、应用的  相似文献   
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