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<正>在天外漂泊7年、飞行约60亿公里的日本小行星探测器"隼鸟"6月13日回归地球,其样品回送舱在澳大利亚南澳州偏远的伍默拉沙漠地带着陆。按照预想,探测器主体在再入地球大气层的过程中被烧毁,在夜空中形成了一个明亮的火球。  相似文献   
印度将获得航空卫星导航系统以满足印度空间研究组织(ISRO)和印度机场管理局(AAI)的需求,这是印度报业托拉斯2008年8月3日报道的。印度最近正在与美国雷神公司进行GPS辅助型静地轨道增强导航系统(GAGAN)的最终阶段合作。GAGAN将为印度南部和东亚地区的民用航空提供基于卫星的导  相似文献   
The Urey organic and oxidant detector consists of a suite of instruments designed to search for several classes of organic molecules in the martian regolith and ascertain whether these compounds were produced by biotic or abiotic processes using chirality measurements. These experiments will also determine the chemical stability of organic molecules within the host regolith based on the presence and chemical reactivity of surface and atmospheric oxidants. Urey has been selected for the Pasteur payload on the European Space Agency's (ESA's) upcoming 2013 ExoMars rover mission. The diverse and effective capabilities of Urey make it an integral part of the payload and will help to achieve a large portion of the mission's primary scientific objective: "to search for signs of past and present life on Mars." This instrument is named in honor of Harold Urey for his seminal contributions to the fields of cosmochemistry and the origin of life.  相似文献   
The Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) has been accepted by NASA for inclusion in the New Frontiers mission "Juno," which will launch in August 2011. JIRAM will explore the dynamics and the chemistry of Jupiter's auroral regions by high-contrast imaging and spectroscopy. It will also analyze jovian hot spots to determine their vertical structure and infer possible mechanisms for their formation. JIRAM will sound the jovian meteorological layer to map moist convection and determine water abundance and other constituents at depths that correspond to several bars pressure. JIRAM is equipped with a single telescope that accommodates both an infrared camera and a spectrometer to facilitate a large observational flexibility in obtaining simultaneous images in the L and M bands with the spectral radiance over the central zone of the images. Moreover, JIRAM will be able to perform spectral imaging of the planet in the 2.0-5.0 microm interval of wavelengths with a spectral resolution better than 10 nm. Instrument design, modes, and observation strategy will be optimized for operations onboard a spinning satellite in polar orbit around Jupiter. The JIRAM heritage comes from Italian-made, visual-infrared imaging spectrometers dedicated to planetary exploration, such as VIMS-V on Cassini, VIRTIS on Rosetta and Venus Express, and VIR-MS on the Dawn mission.  相似文献   
The Astrobiology Primer has been created as a reference tool for those who are interested in the interdisciplinary field of astrobiology. The field incorporates many diverse research endeavors, but it is our hope that this slim volume will present the reader with all he or she needs to know to become involved and to understand, at least at a fundamental level, the state of the art. Each section includes a brief overview of a topic and a short list of readable and important literature for those interested in deeper knowledge. Because of the great diversity of material, each section was written by a different author with a different expertise. Contributors, authors, and editors are listed at the beginning, along with a list of those chapters and sections for which they were responsible. We are deeply indebted to the NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI), in particular to Estelle Dodson, David Morrison, Ed Goolish, Krisstina Wilmoth, and Rose Grymes for their continued enthusiasm and support. The Primer came about in large part because of NAI support for graduate student research, collaboration, and inclusion as well as direct funding. We have entitled the Primer version 1 in hope that it will be only the first in a series, whose future volumes will be produced every 3-5 years. This way we can insure that the Primer keeps up with the current state of research. We hope that it will be a great resource for anyone trying to stay abreast of an ever-changing field.  相似文献   
我演讲的题目是《比我们想象的更奇怪:奇怪的科学》。说出“比我们想象的更奇怪”的,是著名的生物学家J.B.S.霍尔丹,他说:“我本人怀疑,宇宙不仅比我们想象的更奇怪,而且比我们能够想象的更奇怪。我  相似文献   
2010年,GE和罗罗公司联合攻击机的发动机团队将进行6台发动机试车。近日。作为最后一台常规起降(CTOL)型F136验证机,006号发动机完成了最大加力状态试车,并首次进行了整机性能测试。本次试验不仅检验了F136发动机相关改进设计的可行性,并且验证了其耐久性和推力范围与设计预期相比有所增加。  相似文献   
<正> 创新对于詹姆士·麦克纳尼来说是一个非常有兴趣的话题。在接受美国《航空周刊与空间技术》(AwsT)采访的过程中,他明确地阐述了自己对创新定义的理解,解释了创新能力远比技术能力重要得多的原因。 AWST:你认为创新的最主要意义是什么? 麦克纳尼:创新的最大意义在于提高你的用户或者消费者的竞争力。衡量创新的影响力,主要是衡量创新对于客户和经济体的快速成长或者生产力的提高所产生的影响力有多大。实际上,创新越多,成本就会越低。也就是说,创新能够让企业在提高员工工资、增加再投资和提高人们的生活水平方  相似文献   
2010年,尽管航空航天及防务业正在从大萧条中慢慢恢复,但维护、维修和大修(MRO)行业的市场收益并不会很景气。然而,值得庆幸的是MRO动态供应链的生产率的改进将有望重塑航空售后服务市场。  相似文献   
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