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高性能的光纤陀螺仪已成为现实   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用基于李氏变换的摄动理论,求得了近赤道卫星圆轨道倾角和升交点赤径的二阶长周期解。这种解包含了地球扁率与月—日摄动的平均效应。然后给出了对任务分析有用的三种算法。第一种算法求得了导致倾角减小至零的初始节点位置,以及达到零倾角所对应的时间;第二种算法确定了在给定的时间间隔内,使轨道倾角保持在规定值范围内的初始节点所在区域;第三种算法确定了在不采用任何机动控制的情况下,使卫星保持在规定倾角容差之内的时间最长的初始节点位置,并求出与之对应的最长时间。对于24小时近赤道卫星圆轨道,本文给出了第一和第三种算法的结果,并以简单的闭合形式给出。  相似文献   
基于运动的GPS测姿解整周模糊的新算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用GPS载波相位技术可进行近厘米精度定位。本文介绍一种基于运动的解整周模糊的算法,适用于可见GPS卫星较少的场合。  相似文献   
军用靶场历来服务于武器和武器系统性能的鉴定以及改进其设计。可那些已经卷入飞行和大气层外活动的靶场也已经具备了保障正在进行的航天和导弹计划的实际能力。本文阐述了军用靶场保障航天运输系统的能力和一些具体的保障工作。主要着重于C波段雷达跟踪和数据流程,而不是较为熟悉的靶场保障问题。  相似文献   
确定通信卫星轨道时,人们通常是采用由一个或多个地面站测得的距离和角度跟踪数据。最近提出了一种由电视同步信号得到精确距离数据的方法,1982年11月份已用于天狼星联合试验。以这种方法获得的测距数据能令人满意地用于卫星轨道确定过程。  相似文献   
Commensal programs for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), carried out concurrently with conventional radio astronomical observing programs, can be an attractive and cost-effective means of exploring the large multidimensional search space intrinsic to this effort. Our automated commensal system, SERENDIP II, is a high resolution 131,072 channel spectrometer. It searches for 0.49 Hz signals in sequential 64,700 Hz bands of the IF signal from a radio telescope being used for an astronomical observation. Upon detection of a narrow band signal with power above a preset threshold, the frequency, power, time, and telescope direction are recorded for later study. The system has been tested at the Hat Creek Radio Astronomy Observatory 85 ft telescope and the NASA-JPL Deep Space Station (DSS 14) 64 m telescope. It is currently collecting data at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory 300 ft telescope.  相似文献   
Manned space exploration has created a need to evaluate the effects of spacelike stress on pathogenic and opportunistic microbes astronauts could carry with them to the International Space Station and beyond. Yersinia pestis (YP) causes bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic plague and is capable of killing infected patients within 3-7 days. In this study, low-shear modeled microgravity (LSMMG), a spacelike stress, was used to physically stress YP; and its effects on proliferation, cold growth, and type III secretion system (T3SS) function were evaluated. YP was grown to saturation in either LSMMG or normal gravity (NG) conditions prior to being used for RAW 246.7 cell infections, HeLa cell infections, and Yop secretion assays. A mutant strain of YP (ΔyopB) that lacks the ability to inject Yersinia outer membrane proteins (Yops) into the host cell was used as a negative control in cell infection experiments. Our experimental results indicate that YP cultivated under LSMMG resulted in reduced YopM production and secretion compared to its NG-grown counterpart. Similarly, NG-grown YP induced more cell rounding in HeLa cells than did the LSMMG-grown YP, which suggests that LSMMG somehow impairs T3SS optimum function. Also, LSMMG-grown YP used to infect cultured RAW 246.7 cells showed a similar pattern of dysfunction in that it proliferated less than did its NG-grown counterpart during an 8-hour infection period. This study suggests that LSMMG can attenuate bacterial virulence contrary to previously published data that have demonstrated LSMMG-induced hypervirulence of other Gram-negative enterics.  相似文献   
美国国家安全空间系统在管理方面实行的改革,应当看成是全面重新评价美国的军事空间政策的机会。自从1991年以来,形势已发生了很大的变化。如果我们还把只适用于冷战时期的政策继续延用到大大变化了的21世纪,那么,将会导致灾难性的后果。制订军事空间政策的中心...  相似文献   
会恩 《中国航天》1994,(3):37-39
新形势下的美国导弹计划克林顿在执政后的第一个国防预算中为20多项导弹及其相关计划申请拨款50多亿美元。在1994年的20项战术导弹计划中,美国空军有3项,美国海军有8项,美国海军陆战队有1项,美国陆军有8项(其中有2项是空空系统,2项是空地系统,其余...  相似文献   
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