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In practical applications, pieces of evidence originated from different sources might be modeled by different uncertainty theories. To implement the evidence combination under the Dempster–Shafer evidence theory(DST) framework, transformations from the other type of uncertainty representation into the basic belief assignment are needed. a-Cut is an important approach to transforming a fuzzy membership function into a basic belief assignment, which provides a bridge between the fuzzy set theory and the DST. Some drawbacks of the traditional a-cut approach caused by its normalization step are pointed out in this paper. An improved a-cut approach is proposed, which can counteract the drawbacks of the traditional a-cut approach and has good properties. Illustrative examples, experiments and related analyses are provided to show the rationality of the improved a-cut approach.  相似文献   
文章详细叙述了具有恒定曲率半径、口径向外扩张的HE_(11)混合模波纹喇叭的设计和特性,以及喇叭馈电所需要的波纹波导模转换器的设计要点。若给定的曲率半径在设计频率f_0处大于波长的1.2倍左右,则交叉极化旁瓣强度随喇叭频率特性而明显变化,且在f_0附近有低于-50dB的极小值。因此,建议在要求极低交叉极化电平的场合下把这种喇叭作为标准喇叭。文中的归一化曲线显示了作为喇叭参数函数的交叉极化、波束宽度和相位中心的位置,当在1.36:1的频带宽度时,并没受到交叉极化性能的限制,而在频带低端边缘附近,受到反射损耗急剧劣化的影响。对于给定的交叉极化电平,其带宽随曲率半径的增大而增加。文中详细讨论了为获得低交叉极化电平而必备的预防措施以及在模转换器设计中的基本原理。  相似文献   
The white-light corona calibrated data with processing level L1 from the LASCO-C2/SOHO instrument, and data from the Wind spacecraft with one-hour and one-minute time resolution on quasi-stationary slow (v between 300-450 km/s at the Earth's orbit) the Solar Wind (SW) parameters in the absence of sporadic SW streams are examined. Within distances from the Sun's center less than R in the range of 20-30 Rs, (Rs, the solar radius), slow wind is known as the streamer belt, and at larger distances it is called the He-liospheric Plasma Sheet (HPS). It is shown that the streamer belt comprises a sequence of pairs of rays. In general, ray brightnesses in each pair can differ, and the magnetic field is oppositely directed in them. The neutral line of the radial magnetic field of the Sun runs along the belt between the rays of each of the pairs. The area in which the streamer belt intersects the ecliptic plane and which lies at the central meridian, will be recorded at the earth's orbit with a time delay of 5-6 days, in the form of one or several peaks with Nmax> 10cm-3. Furthermore, the simplest density profile of the portion of the HCS has the form of two peaks of a different or identical amplitude . The such a profile is observed in cases where the angle of intersection of the streamer belt with the ecliptic plane near the Sun is sufficiently large, i.e. close to 90°. The two-ray structure of the cross-section of the streamer-belt moves from the Sun to the Earth, it retains not only the angular size of the peaks but also the relative density variations, and the position of the neutral line (sector boundary) in between. At the Earth's orbit the ray structure of the streamer belt provides the source for sharp (i.e. with steep fronts of a duration of a few minutes or shorter) solar wind plasma density peaks (of a duration of several hours) with maximum values Nmax> 10cm-3.  相似文献   
张双寅  Soden  P.D  Soden  P.M 《航空学报》1986,7(2):187-197
 本文对CSM-GRP层间剪切断裂用实验与分析方法进行了研究。用英国标准BS4994规定的双槽试件拉剪法测量了层间剪切强度(ILSS)。用有限元法计算了应力分布、损伤扩展和复合型应力强度因子。并讨论了BS4994规定的这一试验方法的可靠性。  相似文献   
本文描述的是研究爆炸成型发射弹(EFP)模型的流场及超高速空气动力特性所用的弹道试验设备;简要报导了记录全尺寸干涉图形的技术;对径向密度分布再现的方法进行了讨论;在零攻角实验时不同模型的空气动力阻力是采用简化方法来计算的;对各种不同EFP型式的气动稳定性提出了定性估计的方法;并阐述了用于组合体超高速飞行特性研究的数值计算技术的基本原理.  相似文献   
针对空间微重力条件下固体间稳定黏附的技术需求,基于范德华力黏附作用机制的仿生黏附材料有望在空间环境中展现稳定黏附性能。通过模板法和化学气相沉积法制备出具有仿壁虎刚毛纤维阵列结构的聚乙烯基硅氧烷(PVS)高分子聚合物及垂直定向排列碳纳米管阵列(VACNT)仿生黏附材料,再由扫描电子显微镜、黏附-脱附行为测试平台对仿生黏附材料的微观结构及黏附行为进行了测试,并对种子、粮食颗粒及常用零部件的黏附固定效果进行了初步考察。结果表明,仿生黏附材料具有微纳米级刚毛结构。PVS具有稳定的可重复黏附特性,其法向黏附性能优于切向黏附性能,与蘑菇状顶端在黏附中发挥主要作用有关。而VACNT具有稳定的切向可重复黏附特性,其切向黏附性能优于法向黏附性能,是由VACNT黏附主要依靠侧面接触决定。VACNT和PVS对不同品种的生菜种子和粮食颗粒均能产生有效黏附固定,PVS还能够对空间站常用到的零部件进行稳定固定。  相似文献   
高能束流(High Energy Density Beam)加工技术包含了以激光束、电 子束和等离子弧为热源对材料或构件进行特种加工的各类工艺方法.高能束流焊(或高能密度焊)是指焊接功率密度比通常的氩弧焊(TIG、MIG)或CO2气体保护焊高的一类焊接方法.严格地讲,焊接能量和焊接功率密度是2个不同的概念,但二者具有相关性.  相似文献   
<正>零部件短缺及空中交通管理系统的持续改进,使航空公司不得不开始对其现有机型的驾驶舱进行升级改装。随着新一代空中交通管理系统逐渐成为未来全球的发展趋势,传统系统零备件淘汰的问题日趋严重,航空公司正在考虑采用现代航空电子设备替换旧的机电/电子飞行仪表系统,对老龄机队的驾驶舱进行升级改造。ICF SHE咨询公司预计,2013年全球航电系统升级改装的维修市值为5.7亿美元,到2023年将达到10亿美  相似文献   
在强磁场和低温下测量二维电子气的霍尔效应(Hall effect)时,可以观察到量子霍尔效应现象(QHE)。该系统在极限零温度下的实验结果表明:随磁场 B 而变的霍尔电阻呈现出台阶式平稳变化。在实验的不确定度范围内,其每一台阶的平稳值与器件的材料、几何尺寸以及其它参数无关。对于理想系统,R_H 仪与基本常数有关。量子霍尔效应应用于计量学时,应对实际系统的实验结果进行必要的修正。  相似文献   
美国防部最新揭晓了“联合先进攻击技术(JAST)”计划。该计划将在7年内产生两个原型机,加上一种先进的短距起飞/垂直着降(ASTOVL)型号。 计划官员预计,将在2000年对两个原型机进行竞争。这项工作将类似于“海弗兰”计划及最后起动F-117隐身战斗机的过程。该计划的主任是空军的乔治K.马莱纳少将。 目前,该计划已向工业界作了介绍,在5月6日签订第一个概念探索合同。 在美国国防部的全面评审报告中认为国防部不可能承担几个平行进展的战术战斗机发展计划,因而专门拨出23亿美元用于这项JAST计划。  相似文献   
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