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The National Space Research Institute (INPE) is developing the first Brazilian Scientific Microsatellite (SACI-1) based on the vanguard technology and on the experience acquired through projects developed by Brazilian Space Program. The SACI-1 is a 750km polar orbit satellite. The spacecraft will combine spin stabilization with geomagnetic control and has a total mass of 60 kg. The overall dimensions are 640×470×470 mm. The SACI-1 satellite shall be launched together with CBERS (China-Brazil Earth Resource Satellite). Its platform is being designed for multiple mission applications. The Brazilian Academy of Sciences has selected four scientific payloads that characterize the mission. The scientific experiments are: ORCAS (Solar and Anomalous Cosmic Rays Observation in the Magnetosphere), PLASMEX (Study of Plasma Bubbles), FOTSAT (Airglow Photometer), and MAGNEX (Geomagnetic Experiment).  相似文献   
Pellis NR  North RM 《Acta Astronautica》2004,55(3-9):589-598
The activation of the US Laboratory Module "Destiny" on the International Space Station (ISS) in February 2001 launched a new era in microgravity research. Destiny provides the environment to conduct long-term microgravity research utilizing human intervention to assess, report, and modify experiments real time. As the only available pressurized space platform, ISS maximizes today's scientific resources and substantially increases the opportunity to obtain much longed-for answers on the effects of microgravity and long-term exposure to space. In addition, it evokes unexpected questions and results while experiments are still being conducted, affording time for changes and further investigation. While building and outfitting the ISS is the main priority during the current ISS assembly phase, seven different space station crews have already spent more than 2000 crew hours on approximately 80 scientific investigations, technology development activities, and educational demonstrations.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a spatial ontology for reasoning about holes, rigid objects and a string, taking a classical puzzle as a motivating example. In this ontology the domain is composed of spatial regions whereby a theory about holes is defined over a mereotopological basis. Within this theory we define a data structure, named chain, that facilitates a clear and efficient representation of the puzzle states and its solution.  相似文献   
The haloarchaea Natrialba magadii and Haloferax volcanii, as well as the radiation-resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans, were exposed to vacuum UV (VUV) radiation at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory. Cell monolayers (containing 10(5) to 10(6) cells per sample) were prepared over polycarbonate filters and irradiated under high vacuum (10(-5) Pa) with polychromatic synchrotron radiation. N. magadii was remarkably resistant to high vacuum with a survival fraction of (3.77±0.76)×10(-2), which was larger than that of D. radiodurans (1.13±0.23)×10(-2). The survival fraction of the haloarchaea H. volcanii, of (3.60±1.80)×10(-4), was much smaller. Radiation resistance profiles were similar between the haloarchaea and D. radiodurans for fluences up to 150?J m(-2). For fluences larger than 150?J m(-2), there was a significant decrease in the survival of haloarchaea, and in particular H. volcanii did not survive. Survival for D. radiodurans was 1% after exposure to the higher VUV fluence (1350?J m(-2)), while N. magadii had a survival lower than 0.1%. Such survival fractions are discussed regarding the possibility of interplanetary transfer of viable microorganisms and the possible existence of microbial life in extraterrestrial salty environments such as the planet Mars and Jupiter's moon Europa. This is the first work to report survival of haloarchaea under simulated interplanetary conditions.  相似文献   
A major interest of radar altimetry over rivers is to monitor water resources and associated risk in basins where there is little or no conventional in situ data. The objective of the present study is to calibrate altimetry data in a place where conventional data are available, and use the results to estimate the potential error committed in the estimation of water levels in an ungauged or poorly gauged basin. The virtual stations extracted with Jason-2 in this study concern a very broad sample of river channel width and complexity. Minimum channel width has been estimated at 400 m. Unlike TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P), Jason-2 seems to have the capability to distinguish the river bed from its floodplain. The quality of the results obtained with Jason-2 is incomparably better than that obtained with T/P. Despite the fact that no absolute calibration has been assessed for river in this study, the bias calculated converge around 0, 35 m, which could be then the error estimated on the water stage derived from Jason-2 ranges, when no other validation is available. ICE3 algorithm seems to be performing as well as ICE1, and further research is needed to design retracking algorithm specifically for continental water.  相似文献   
During the construction phase of the International Space Station (ISS), early flight opportunities have been identified (including designated Utilization Flights, UF) on which early science experiments may be performed. The focus of NASA's and other agencies' biological studies on the early flight opportunities is cell and molecular biology; with UF-1 scheduled to fly in fall 2001, followed by flights 8A and UF-3. Specific hardware is being developed to verify design concepts, e.g., the Avian Development Facility for incubation of small eggs and the Biomass Production System for plant cultivation. Other hardware concepts will utilize those early research opportunities onboard the ISS, e.g., an Incubator for sample cultivation, the European Modular Cultivation System for research with small plant systems, an Insect Habitat for support of insect species. Following the first Utilization Flights, additional equipment will be transported to the ISS to expand research opportunities and capabilities, e.g., a Cell Culture Unit, the Advanced Animal Habitat for rodents, an Aquatic Facility to support small fish and aquatic specimens, a Plant Research Unit for plant cultivation, and a specialized Egg Incubator for developmental biology studies. Host systems (Figure 1A, B: see text), e.g., a 2.5 m Centrifuge Rotor (g-levels from 0.01-g to 2-g) for direct comparisons between g and selectable g levels, the Life Sciences Glovebox for contained manipulations, and Habitat Holding Racks (Figure 1B: see text) will provide electrical power, communication links, and cooling to the habitats. Habitats will provide food, water, light, air and waste management as well as humidity and temperature control for a variety of research organisms. Operators on Earth and the crew on the ISS will be able to send commands to the laboratory equipment to monitor and control the environmental and experimental parameters inside specific habitats. Common laboratory equipment such as microscopes, cryo freezers, radiation dosimeters, and mass measurement devices are also currently in design stages by NASA and the ISS international partners.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the application of SeaWIFS images to characterize spatial and temporal variability of fronts in the Rio de la Plata estuarine system over the period 2000–2003. We aim to depict the relationship between river outflow and variability of fronts’ loci on monthly to ENSO-related timescales and the influence of the winds along Rio de la Plata (axial winds) on the abrupt changes in frontal dynamics over synoptic timescales. During the studied period both La Niña (July 1999–June 2000) and El Niño (April 2002–May 2003) events induced significant displacements of fronts. Three distinct fronts were analyzed between river, estuarine, coastal and marine waters of the Rio de la Plata: Main Turbidity Front, Main Marine Front, and Secondary Marine Front. Their number, location and separation seem to be mainly related to river outflow and second, to fresh (>8 m/s) axial winds. During low discharge periods (i.e. summer time and/or La Niña events) these winds induce abrupt changes in the location of fronts (100–200 km) and greater separation between them over synoptic timescale, whereas during high river discharge or ENSO years some of the variability of fronts location is explained by the river’s outflow fluctuations, especially by the high variability of the River Uruguay discharge.  相似文献   
We describe a new version of the Parameterized Regional Ionospheric Model (PARIM) which has been modified to include the longitudinal dependences. This model has been reconstructed using multidimensional Fourier series. To validate PARIM results, the South America maps of critical frequencies for the E (foE) and F (foF2) regions were compared with the values calculated by Sheffield Plasmasphere-Ionosphere Model (SUPIM) and IRI representations. PARIM presents very good results, the general characteristics of both regions, mainly the presence of the equatorial ionization anomaly, were well reproduced for equinoctial conditions of solar minimum and maximum. The values of foF2 and hmF2 recorded over Jicamarca (12°S; 77°W; dip lat. 1°N; mag. declination 0.3°) and sites of the conjugate point equatorial experiment (COPEX) campaign Boa Vista (2.8°N; 60.7°W; dip lat. 11.4°; mag. declination −13.1°), Cachimbo (9.5°S; 54.8°W; dip lat. −1.8°; mag. declination −15.5°), and Campo Grande (20.4°S; 54.6°W; dip lat. −11.1°; mag. declination −14.0°) have been used in this work. foF2 calculated by PARIM show good agreement with the observations, except during morning over Boa Vista and midnight-morning over Campo Grande. Some discrepancies were also found for the F-region peak height (hmF2) near the geomagnetic equator during times of F3 layer occurrences. IRI has underestimated both foF2 and hmF2 over equatorial and low latitude sectors during evening-nighttimes, except for Jicamarca where foF2 values were overestimated.  相似文献   
This paper argues the urgent need for a Brazilian National Centre on Space Policy and Law Studies, by laying down the basis for such a centre as a natural step in Brazilian space development. In doing so, it looks at the numbers of specialists in this field working in Brazil space entities—both public and private—and at the basic requirements for such specialists. It also discusses the way the main Brazilian space institutions currently deal with legal and policy challenges in space, and whether their methods are effective. Founding a national centre could provide lessons not only for other countries in Latin America but also for other developing countries.  相似文献   
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