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Diiminosuccinonitrile (DISN) has been investigated as a potential prebiotic phosphorylating agent. It is formed readily by the oxidation of diaminomaleonitrile (DAMN), a tetramer of HCN. DISN effects the cyclization of 3'-adenosine monophosphate to adenosine 2',3'-cyclic phosphace in up to 40% yield. The DISN-mediated phosphorylation of uridine to uridine mono-phosphate does not proceed efficiently in aqueous solution. The reaction of DISN and BrCN with uridine-5'-phosphate and uridine results in the formation of 2,2'-anhydronucleotides and 2,2'-anhydronucleosides respectively, and other reaction products resulting from an initial reaction at the 2'- and 3'-hydroxyl groups. The clay mineral catalysis of the cyclization of adenosine-3'-phosphate was investigated using homoionic montmorillonites.  相似文献   
The precipitable water vapor is one of the most active gases in the atmosphere which strongly affects the climate. China's second-generation polar orbit meteorological satellite FY-3A equipped with a Medium Resolution Spectral Imager (MERSI) is able to detect atmospheric water vapor. In this paper, water vapor data from AERONET, radiosonde and MODIS were used to validate the accuracy of the MERSI water vapor product in the different seasons and climatic regions of East Asia. The results show that the values of MERSI water vapor product are relatively lower than that of the other instruments and its accuracy is generally lower. The mean bias (MB) was ?0.8 to ?12.7?mm, the root mean square error (RMSE) was 2.2–17.0?mm, and the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) varied from 31.8% to 44.1%. On the spatial variation, the accuracy of MERSI water vapor product in a descending order was from North China, West China, Japan -Korea, East China, to South China, while the seasonal variation of accuracy was the best for winter, followed by spring, then in autumn and the lowest in summer. It was found that the errors of MERSI water vapor product was mainly due to the low accuracy of radiation calibration of the MERSI absorption channel, along with the inaccurate look-up table of apparent reflectance and water vapor within the water vapor retrieved algorithm. In addition, the surface reflectance, the mixed pixels of image cloud, the humidity and temperature of atmospheric vertical profile and the haze were also found to have affected the accuracy of MERSI water vapor product.  相似文献   
As part of an ongoing effort to understand the migrating diurnal tide generated by the NCAR Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model, version 3 (WACCM3), we compare the WACCM3 migrating diurnal tide in the horizontal wind and temperature fields to similar results from the Global Scale Wave Model (GSWM). The WACCM3 diurnal tidal wind fields are also compared to tropical radar measurements at Kauai (22°N, 200.2°E) and Rarotonga (21.3°S, 199.7°E). The large-scale features of the WACCM3 results, such as the global spatial structure and the semiannual amplitude variation are in general agreement with past tidal studies; however, several differences do exist. WACCM3 exhibits a much higher degree of hemispheric asymmetry, lower overall amplitudes around the equinoxes, and peaks which are more confined in latitude when compared with the GSWM. Factors which may contribute to such differences between WACCM3 and GSWM are the solar heating profiles from ozone and water vapor, dissipation, and the zonal mean zonal winds. We find that the internally generated heating in WACCM3 and eddy dissipation values are both smaller than the values specified in the GSWM; the eddy dissipation fields and zonal mean zonal winds of the two models also display measurable differences in spatial structure. Comparisons with radar data show several differences in spatial and seasonal structure. In particular, the diurnal tide zonal winds in WACCM3 above Kauai are considerably larger in amplitude than those observed in the radar data, due to contributions from nonmigrating tidal components including wave numbers eastward 1 through 3, westward 2, and stationary components, which interfere constructively with the migrating component around equinox in WACCM3.  相似文献   
Murine marrow stem cells assayed with the spleen colony assay have been shown to be largely in a noncycling state, Go. In the unirradiated animal where these spleen-colony forming units (CFUs) transit normally between a non-proliferative state and active proliferation, exposure to a sufficient dose of ionizing radiation increases the frequency (probability) of this transition. For low-LET irradiation, marrow stem cells are not induced into cycle until a threshold dose is achieved. This dose appears to be in the range 50 to 100 cGy, inducing proliferation in an all-or-nothing manner. For irradiation with heavy charged-particles, however, the threshold dose is dependent on mass and energy. Irradiation with particles of sufficient mass and energy stimulates active proliferation even at the smallest doses tested, 5 cGy. Further, this response does not appear to result from an all-or-nothing effect. Rather, individual animals with intermediate levels of stem cell cycling have been observed. These data support the notion that locally controlled hemopoiesis can be affected by local deposition of radiation damage.  相似文献   
Neutral exospheric and lower thermospheric (100–130 km) temperatures from Thomson scatter measurements at Millstone Hill (42°N) are compared with CIRA temperatures with a view towards identifying deficiencies in the CIRA and recommending revisions. CIRA models the observed diurnal mean temperatures (T0) to within 10% over a wide range of solar conditions (75? F10.7 ? 250), but consistently underestimates the diurnal temperatures with maximum deviations approaching 50% of observed amplitudes (180–240 K) at solar maximum (1200 K ? T0 ? 1400 K). The observed semidiurnal amplitudes, which lie in the range of 20K–80K, are always underestimated and frequently by more than 50%. In the lower thermosphere, tidal oscillations of temperature of order 20K–40K occur which are not modelled by CIRA. In addition, an analysis of exospheric temperatures at Millstone Hill during a magnetic disturbance indicates a response within 1–2 hours from storm onset, whereas CIRA assumes a 6.7 hour delay. Although some of these deficiences are addressed by the more recent MSIS model, there exists a sufficient data base to recommend several additional revisions to the CIRA temperatures at this time.  相似文献   
Space Science Reviews - The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIEGCM) will provide a physics-based context for the...  相似文献   
This paper presents trade studies that address the use of the thermionic/AMTEC cell-a cascaded, high efficiency, static power conversion concept that appears well-suited to space power applications. Both the thermionic and AMTEC power conversion approaches have been shown to be promising candidates for space power. Thermionics offers system compactness via modest efficiency at high heat rejection temperatures, and AMTEC offers high efficiency at modest heat rejection temperature. From a thermal viewpoint, the two are ideally suited for cascaded power conversion: thermionic heat rejection and AMTEC heat source temperatures are essentially the same. In addition to realizing conversion efficiencies potentially as high as 35-40% such a cascade offers the following perceived benefits: Survivability-capable of operation in the Van Allen belts; Simplicity-static conversion, no moving parts; Long lifetime-no inherent life-limiting mechanisms identified; Technology readiness-Large thermionic database; AMTEC efficiencies of 18% currently being demonstrated, with more growth potential available; and Technology growth-applicable to both solar thermal and reactor-based nuclear space power systems. Mechanical approaches and thermal/electric matching criteria for integrating thermionics and AMTEC into a single conversion device are described. Focusing primarily on solar thermal space power applications, parametric trends are presented to show the performance and cost potential that should be achievable with present-day technology in cascaded thermionic/AMTEC systems  相似文献   
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