After more than two years of operation, the imaging γ-ray SIGMA telescope has accumulated several days of observation toward well known X-ray binaries. Four bright sources falling in this category have been detected so far: The pulsar GX 1+4 near the center of our galaxy, the stellar wind accreting system 4U 1700-377, and the black hole candidates Cygnus X-1 and GX 339-4. Moreover, SIGMA have observed three transients sources, which turned out to be also hard X-ray sources : The burster KS 1731-260, Tra X-1, and the Musca Nova. The properties of these systems in the SIGMA domain will be reviewed and a spectral distinction between black holes and neutron stars will be sketched. 相似文献
We report the first detection of two soft gamma ray transients GX 354-0 and Nova Persei (GRO J0422+32) by the coded-mask telescope SIGMA. Only preliminary results are presented with regard to Nova Persei while special emphasis is given to the data on GX 354-0 which has been monitored during the 1992 February–April survey of the Galactic Center. GX 354-0 underwent two flares of about two week duration and its average spectrum is well described by a thermal Bremsstrahlung model or a broken power law whereas the Nova Persei spectrum seems to be similar to the one observed for GRS 1124-684 in Musca. 相似文献
Accretion onto black holes powers most luminous compact sources in the Universe. Black holes are found with masses extending over an extraordinary broad dynamic range, from several to a few billion times the mass of the Sun. Depending on their position on the mass scale, they may manifest themselves as X-ray binaries or active galactic nuclei. X-ray binaries harbor stellar mass black holes—endpoints of the evolution of massive stars. They have been studied by X-ray astronomy since its inception in the early 60-ies, however, the enigma of the most luminous of them—ultra-luminous X-ray sources, still remains unsolved. Supermassive black holes, lurking at the centers of galaxies, are up to hundreds of millions times more massive and give rise to the wide variety of different phenomena collectively termed “Active Galactic Nuclei”. The most luminous of them reach the Eddington luminosity limit for a few billions solar masses object and are found at redshifts as high as z≥5–7. Accretion onto supermassive black holes in AGN and stellar- and (possibly) intermediate mass black holes in X-ray binaries and ultra-luminous X-ray sources in star-forming galaxies can explain most, if not all, of the observed brightness of the cosmic X-ray background radiation. Despite the vast difference in the mass scale, accretion in X-ray binaries and AGN is governed by the same physical laws, so a degree of quantitative analogy among them is expected. Indeed, all luminous black holes are successfully described by the standard Shakura-Sunyaev theory of accretion disks, while the output of low-luminosity accreting black holes in the form of mechanical and radiative power of the associated jets obeys to a unified scaling relation, termed as the “fundamental plane of black holes”. From that standpoint, in this review we discuss formation of radiation in X-ray binaries and AGN, emphasizing their main similarities and differences, and examine our current knowledge of the demographics of stellar mass and supermassive black holes. 相似文献
After more than two years of successful in-orbit operations, the γ-ray coded aperture SIGMA telescope has accumulated 800 hours of live-time observations of the Galactic Center region, including the remarkable hard source identified with the X-ray source 1E 1740.7–2942. The long-term behavior of the soft γ-ray emission of 1E 1740.7–2942, as determined from the SIGMA survey, supplemented with previously available soft γ-ray data, leads to its identification with a singular radio source, which consists of a double sided radio jet emanating from a compact variable core whose variability is correlated with that of the soft γ-ray source. The compact radio core, which lies well inside the improved soft γ-ray (40–150 keV) error circle (27″ radius) derived from the high-resolution SIGMA survey, is also inside the ROSAT and TTM error circle derived respectively in the soft and hard X-ray bands. 相似文献
An analysis of properties and peculiarities of the nighttime winter foF2 increases (NWI) in the East Siberia is made on data of ionospheric station Irkutsk in the periods 1958–1992 and 2002–2009 and the empirical model of the F2 layer critical frequency under the geomagnetic quiet conditions deduced from these data (model Q-F2). It is revealed, that the NWI is the stable regularity of the quiet ionosphere over Irkutsk. The amplitude of the NWI (the difference between maximum and minimum foF2 values at night hours) is the greatest in December–January and nearly the same at low and middle solar activity. It is a peculiarity of the quiet ionosphere in the East Siberia. Maximum in night foF2 under quiet geomagnetic conditions is observed mainly after midnight (02-04 LT) and is shifted to predawn hours as solar activity increases. At low solar activity the quiet ionosphere at ∼02–04 LT shows the following properties: (a) the fluctuations of foF2 and hmF2 are in the reverse correlation but this dependence is weak; (b) very strong fluctuations of foF2 (|δfoF2| > 30%) occur seldom (∼4% of events) and almost all of them are positive; an example of very strong fluctuations of foF2 up to 60% can be an extreme increase in the foF2 on 19.12.2008; (c) the very strong enhancements of foF2 in the NWI maximum can be observed at the low geomagnetic activity, they occur more often during substorms but very seldom during geomagnetic storms. Possible reasons of these properties of NWI are discussed. 相似文献
Unlike black hole candidate systems, accreting neutron stars seem to encounter appreciable difficulties in emitting strong hard X-ray fluxes. However, in the catalogue of the hard X-ray sources detected by SIGMA, three sources are associated with type I X-ray bursters. In this paper, we review the present status of the SIGMA observations of these three X-ray burst sources, namely X 1724-308 in the globular cluster Terzan II, KS 1731-260, and GX 354+0. 相似文献
The observations of X-ray Nova in Musca (GRS1124-684) by two coded mask telescopes on board GRANAT observatory provided spectral data in broad 3 – 1300 keV band. During these observations, spanned over a year, the Nova was detected in a three apparently different spectral states, corresponding to different epochs of the soft X-ray light curve: (1) A spectrum with two distinct components (soft, below 8 keV and hard power law tail with slope 2.5, detected up to 300 keV). The soft emission changed gradually with characteristic decay time around 30 days, while power law component exhibited strong variability on the time scales of several hours and decreased much more slowly. (2) A soft spectrum (without hard power law tail), observed during the “kick” of the soft X-ray light curve. (3) A hard power law spectrum with slope 2.2. Thus, while the 3 – 300 keV luminosity decreased by more than order of magnitude, the source passed through all spectral states known for galactic black hole candidates (Cyg X-1, GX339-4, 1E1740.7-2942, GRS1758-258 etc.).
On January 20–21 1991, the SIGMA telescope aboard GRANAT detected a relatively narrow variable emission line near 500 keV (Fig.1,2) with net flux ≈ 6 · 10−3phot/s/cm2, most probably related with electron-positron annihilation processes, occurring in the source /1–4/. Additional excess above power law continuum, centered around 200 keV, was found during this observation. 相似文献
The launch in December 1989, of SIGMA, one of the main devices aboard the GRANAT spacecraft, has provided high-energy astronomers for the first time with a telescope whose imaging properties in the soft γ-ray regime match those of instruments operating in the hard X-ray band. Having examined 300 celestial fields during more than two years of successful in-orbit operations, this coded-aperture telescope, sensitive to radiation in the energy range 35 keV to 1.3 MeV, has succeeded both in disentangling severe source confusion problems and in providing firm identifications and reliable spectra of sources at soft γ-ray wavelengths. A selection of the salient scientific results obtained so far is presented, with intent to emphasize the unique contribution of a coded-mask telescope able to perform accurate images of the sky in the soft γ-ray domain. 相似文献
The SIGMA telescope realizes images of the sky in the hard X-ray domain (40 keV–1.3 MeV) through a coded mask system. The extragalactic study was one of the main objectives and has brought new results in our knowledge of the Active Galactic Nuclei behavior at high energy.
In fact, the variability is the most important factor as all these objects have been showed to display strong evolution in intensity or/and spectral shape. Moreover, the discovery of a new hard X-ray source close to 3C273 and probably strongly absorbed below 40–50 keV could have many consequences in the extragalactic field. 相似文献