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中国新一代静止气象卫星—风云四号(FY-4),包括光学和微波探测两种类型的卫星,将呈现多颗卫星同时在轨的状态.测距、轨道确定和预报(称为测定轨)是卫星图像导航、姿态机动和轨道管理的支撑系统,具有高精度和快速响应的特点.针对地面测距定轨系统在发展中表现出来的问题和局限性,以及静止气象卫星采用全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)测定轨的精度和时效性问题,进行了仿真,获得了北斗导航系统(BDS)、全球定位系统(GPS)和它们组合的连续可同时接收的卫星数量、定位精度等参数.分析表明,GNSS测定轨满足新一代静止气象卫星发展要求.  相似文献   

徐清 《国际太空》2013,(9):29-32
欧洲气象卫星是从研制静止气象卫星起步的,目的是观测欧洲区域复杂的天气变化,现已发展了两代,正在研制第三代。1概述欧洲气象卫星组织(EUMETSAT)的第一代静止气象卫星有7颗:第一代气象卫星-1~7(MFG-1~7),其中,1977年11月,欧洲第一颗静止气象卫星第一代气象卫星-1升空。"第一代气象卫星"的主要有效载荷为可见光和红外成像仪(MVIRI)、数据收集平台(DCS)和气象数据分发(MDD)。可见光和红外成像仪首次在静止气象卫星上获得水汽图像,每帧图像成像时间25min。  相似文献   

继试用型气象卫星1号、2号(Pre-Operational Meteosat 1.2)发展计划之后,1983年5月24日欧洲气象卫星条约组织(Eumetsat Convention)在日内瓦召开了全权代表会议,会上包括 ESA 成员国在内的14个欧洲国家一致同意并鉴署了一项发展业务型气象卫星的计划(alop)。  相似文献   

叙述了气象卫星的作用,阐明极轨和静止两种气象卫星的特点、相互分工和共存关系;评述了国外气象卫星发展情况、气象卫星发展趋势和特点;就90年代和下世纪初我国气象卫星的发展提出看法和建议。  相似文献   

气象卫星的现状和未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了气象卫星现况及未来发展,指出极轨气象卫星和静止气象卫星的发展方向,并对我国气象卫星系统的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

早在20世纪60年代,苏联就开始研制气象卫星,但其卫星多变,其发展过程也很曲折。近年来根据俄罗斯2006-2015空间计划,俄罗斯有了很明确的气象卫星发展规划。俄罗斯的天气监测空间系统将由极轨卫星系统[含有3颗新一代气象卫星流星-M N1、N2(Meteor-M N1、N2)以及1颗海洋卫星流星-M N3]、静止气象卫星系统[含有3颗新一代静止气象卫星电子-L(Electro-L),它们分别定位于14.5°(W)、76°(E)和166°(E)]和大椭圆轨道卫星系统[含有2颗大椭圆轨道卫星-M(Arctica  相似文献   

1 在气象卫星领域积极开展国际合作□□在气象卫星领域 ,欧洲认为 :1气候研究与观测具有世界性 ,应该充分开展国际合作 ,形成全球观测网络 ,造福人类 ;2无论是静止轨道卫星还是极轨卫星都无法单独同时满足对覆盖区域的空间分辨率和时间分辨率要求。因此 ,欧洲采用两种发展策略 ,第一是积极参与相关领域的卫星合作 ,配合形成全球气象服务网 ;其二是同时发展极轨气象卫星和静止气象卫星 ,以建成完善的气象卫星系统。1 .1 美、俄、欧、日静止轨道气象卫星已实现全球组网根据联合国世界气象组织全球大气研究卫星组网的计划 ,现已由美、俄、欧…  相似文献   

美空军已经开始研究发展下一代国防气象卫星(DMSP)。美国的国防气象卫星已经为军界和民界提供了二十余年的气象数据。这些数据在为军事卫星监视活动提供全球范围的气象、电离层和海洋预报方面具有特殊的价值。美空军现役气象卫星为“布洛克”5D-2型,重1455英磅,而一九六四年发射的用于同一目的的第一个空间飞行的密闭舱仅有三磅重。美空军空间分部希望能在一  相似文献   

1 美国极轨气象卫星系统的发展历程 美国出台军民共用的气象卫星发展计划 多年来,美国一直由国防部(DoD)与国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)分别独立运行军用的“国防气象卫星计划”和民用的“诺阿”.目前,军用“国防气象卫星计划”卫星有6颗在轨,还有2颗卫星未发射;民用“诺阿”卫星有5颗在轨,最后一颗诺阿-19卫星已于2009年2月发射. 考虑到军用和民用极轨气象卫星的任务基本相同,都是收集、处理和分发气象、海洋和空间环境数据,因此美国决定合并“诺阿”和“国防气象卫星计划”.1994年5月,克林顿发布总统令,将这2个卫星系统合并为军民共用的“国家极轨业务环境卫星系统”.  相似文献   

1 引言□□自从1960年美国发射第1颗气象卫星以来,气象卫星有了长足的发展。卫星轨道从低轨(极地轨道)发展到高轨(地球静止轨道),发射卫星的国家或组织除美国、欧空局、俄罗斯和日本外还有印度和中国。与此同时,气象卫星资料的接收、处理、分发和存档管理,特别是应用也蓬勃地发展起来。60年代以来,中国天气预报的准确率有了相当大的改进,其主要原因有2个:1个是大型计算机和数值预报的采用;另1个是气象卫星观测资料的应用。气象卫星资料除了在天气预报中起重要作用外,还在环境监测特别是一些自然灾害的监测,例如林火、洪涝和雪灾等监测中起…  相似文献   

Recent Progress of Fengyun Meteorology Satellites   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
After nearly 50 years of development, Fengyun (FY) satellite ushered in its best moment. China has become one of the three countries or units in the world (China, USA, and EU) that maintain both polar orbit and geostationary orbit satellites operationally. Up to now, there are 17 Fengyun (FY) satellites that have been launched successfully since 1988. There are two FY polar orbital satellites and four FY geostationary orbit satellites operate in the space to provide a huge amount of the earth observation data to the user communities. The FY satellite data has been applied not only in the meteorological but also in agriculture, hydraulic engineering, environmental, education, scientific research and other fields. More recently, three meteorological satellites have been launched within the past two years. They are FY-4A on 11 December 2016, FY-3D on 15 November 2017 and FY-2H on 5 June 2018. This paper introduces the current status of FY meteorological satellites and data service. The updates of the latest three satellites have been addressed. The characteristics of their payloads on-boarding have been specified in details and the benefit fields have been anticipated separately.   相似文献   

This paper presents the space environment detection of Chinese geosynchronous and sun-synchronous meteorological satellites and gives a short perspective of space environment observations on board meteorological satellites.  相似文献   

The development of microwave sensors in recent two years in China are in troduced with an emphasis on spaceborne sensors without the applications in cluded. The microwave sensors as the main payloads to be boarded on the future operational satellites, such as FY-3 meteorological satellites and HY-2 marine satellite are introduced with much in detail. Besides these, four new sensors are outlined, i.e. the imaging radar altimeter,synthetic aperture radiometer, and polarimetric radiometer. Two recently conducted flight experiment campaigns are also introduced with results shown.  相似文献   

<正> 一、引言自从1960年发射第一颗气象卫星以来已经25年了。这25年来气象卫星技术及其应用都有了很大发展,在全球天气预报、灾害性天气监视、海洋和水文环境监测、农业和交通中起了越来越重要的作用。气象卫星的功能可以大致概括为: (一)利用遥感探测仪器对卫星下垫面进行探测。探测器主要有两类:一类是成象仪  相似文献   

搜索数百例JNOAA、GOES 和GMS 气象卫星异常事件进行分析,指出主要的故障及原因,并指出对卫星研制及卫星运行控制的启示。  相似文献   

China began to develop its meteorological satellite program since 1969. With 50-years' growing, there are 17 Fengyun (FY) meteorological satellites launched successfully. At present, seven of them are in orbit to provide the operational service, including three polar orbiting meteorological satellites and four geostationary meteorological satellites. Since last COSPAR report, no new Fengyun satellite has been launched. The information of the on-orbit FY-2 series, FY-3 series, and FY-4 series has been updated. FY-3D and FY-2H satellites accomplished the commission test and transitioned into operation in 2018. FY-2E satellite completed its service to decommission in 2019. The web-based users and Direct Broadcasting (DB) users keep growing worldwide to require the Fengyun satellite data and products. A new Mobile Application Service has been launched to Fengyun users based on the cloud technology in 2018. In this report, the international and regional co-operations to facilitate the Fengyun user community have been addressed especially. To strengthen the data service in the Belt and Road countries, the Emergency Support Mechanism of Fengyun satellite (FY_ESM) has been established since 2018. Meanwhile, a Recalibrating 30-years' archived Fengyun satellite data project has been founded since 2018. This project targets to generate the Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR) as a space agency response to the Global Climate Observation System (GCOS). At last, the future Fengyun program up to 2025 has been introduced as well.   相似文献   

风云一号气象卫星地面应用系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了风云一号气象卫星资料接收处理系统,此系统由北京、广州、乌鲁木齐三个地面站和设于卫星气象中心的资料处理中心组成,也能兼顾接收处理NOAA 和GMS 气象卫星的资料。  相似文献   

Satellite data are available to meteorological centers around the world in two forms: (1) real-time reception directly from the spacecraft to the users; (2) processed data via the Global Telecommunications System (GTS). Real-time data is broadcast by satellites operated by both the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. From the NOAA series, Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) has been in wide use for 19 years. High Resolution Picture Transmission (HRPT) has been available to users with more sophisticated receiving equipment for the past 10 years. The Meteor satellites have been broadcasting for over 10 years. From the geostationary satellites (GOES), specialized products are broadcast via weather facsimile (WEFAX), and for users with very sophisticated ground systems, real-time geostationary images are available. Derived data, i.e., vertical temperature soundings of the atmosphere, etc., are routinely available on the GTS. The characteristics, utility, current utilization and future developments of these services will be reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   

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