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本文利用HEAO-1A2的2-60keV弥漫X射线资料,扣除了银河系起源的X弥漫背景影响,得到有关宇宙X背景的资料.在宇宙X背景的各向异性是由Compton-Getting效应引起的假设下,导出其各向异性度δ=(0.45±0.18)%,从而得到太阳系相对于2-60keV宇宙X背景“海”的运动速度V=(397±159)km/s.这个值与由微波背景观测资料得到的结论不矛盾.   相似文献   

正认识伽玛射线暴伽玛射线暴,又称伽玛暴,是来自宇宙中某一方向的伽玛射线强度在短时间内突然增强,随后又迅速减弱的现象,发生时可以持续100毫秒到1000秒,时变的轮廓比较复杂,往往具有多峰的结构。伽玛射线暴在宇宙空间的分布是各向同性的,但远距离的伽玛射线暴明显少于  相似文献   

<正>由于天体发射出的X射线在穿过大气层时大部分会被吸收,因此使用空间望远镜,在大气层以外对天体辐射的X射线进行观测,是X射线天文学的主要观测方式。从20世纪70年代至今,不少X射线空间望远镜被发射升空,为我们揭示了肉眼看不到的宇宙秘密。  相似文献   

<正>6月15日11点00分,我国成功把"慧眼"硬X射线空间天文卫星送入太空。它将揭示宇宙中惊心动魄的图景:黑洞吞噬被撕裂的星系、脉冲星疯狂旋转、宇宙深处猛烈的爆炸……这架搭载长四乙火箭进入太空近圆轨道的X射线空间天文卫星,将巡视银河系中的X射线源,详细研究黑洞和脉冲星,并监测伽马射线暴,探索利用脉冲星为航天器导航。此次发射还搭载了国内外3颗小卫星。  相似文献   

1999年12月10日,法属圭亚那库鲁发射场、欧洲大型运载火箭阿里安5在它的首次商业发射中,把欧空局最大的一颗科学卫星送上太空。这是一台X射线望远镜,名叫X射线多面镜(XMM),它能以前所未有的灵敏度收集宇宙中的X射线,并将与不久前升空的美国“钱德拉”X射线望远镜协同工作。后者对暗弱天体虽不像XMM那么灵敏,但它能持续巡视宇宙的各个细枝末节,得到的图像更为清晰。  相似文献   

正作为硬X射线调制望远镜和天宫二号伽马暴偏振探测两个重要项目的首席科学家,中国科学院粒子天体物理重点实验室主任张双南主要通过天文观测和理论计算来研究中子星、黑洞、星系、星系团以及宇宙演化,同时还在论证中国下一代X射线太空望远镜以及未来中国空间站上的天文观测项目。1992年张双南在美国国家航空航天局(NASA)工作。他利用医学成像专业软件处理天体  相似文献   

日本天文-H卫星升空后不久失联   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 项目背景 日本自20世纪70年代中期开始,就以日本宇宙航空研究开发机构下属的宇宙科学研究所(ISAS,原文部省宇宙科学研究所)为核心开始研发和应用以X射线天文卫星为主的天文卫星.1976-2005年,日本共发射了7颗X射线天文卫星,其中5颗发射成功,按预定计划执行了一系列观测任务,取得了不斐的成绩.如:利用天文-D于1993年4月5日成功捕获到了刚发现的M81银河系的超新星SN1993放射出的X射线;利用2005年发射的天文-E2卫星配备的软X射线望远镜(SXT)所进行的一系列观测活动,不仅大幅拓展了观测范围(从原来的软X射线拓展到软γ射线),而且发现了距地球较近(8000万光年)处的黑洞,对人类了解宇宙结构、掌握宇宙全貌、厘清宇宙进化发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   

中山站电离层尖峰脉冲型吸收统计特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对南极中山站成像式宇宙噪声接收机2000至2001年的观测数据进行分析,得到了189例电离层尖峰脉冲型吸收事件,按其发生时间可分为夜侧吸收事件(69例)和日侧吸收事件(120例).对这两类吸收事件进行对比统计研究,得到了其吸收发生时间、吸收持续时间、吸收强度、吸收区域形状和空间尺度、运动状况以及吸收事件与地磁Kp指数关系等特性,并对电离层尖峰脉冲型吸收的可能产生机制进行了讨论.   相似文献   

<正>提起X射线,相信读者们并不陌生。在医生看病的过程中,如果需要了解患者骨骼的情况,一般首先会让患者去拍一张X光片,利用X射线穿透能力强的特点,获知人体内部的情况。在宇宙中,X射线往往产生于非常剧烈的高能天体物理过程中,可以使天文学家们见识到通过其他频段的信号所无法认知的世界,加深我们对宇宙、星系和恒星物理过程的理解。同时,X射线与可见光因为不同的物理特性,又使得科学家们  相似文献   

对X射线天文卫星观测需求进行了分析,提炼了观测任务对观测模式、源的高精度定位与对准、轨道、热控、测控数传等多项需求与约束;针对X射线观测的多需求、多约束难点,设计了集巡天观测、定点观测与小天区扫描观测于一体的观测模式,解决了一颗卫星同时实现全天扫描、银道面深度扫描、重要惯性区域扫描、重要及机遇目标深度观测以及伽马暴全天监测的多种观测需求的难题,该技术已在我国硬X射线调制望远镜卫星上得到应用.  相似文献   

本文通过实测的VLF信号的SPA事件的数据和太阳X射线爆发通量密度之间的相关分析,建立了它们之间的数值关系.由于在SPA事件时,电离层高度的变化与太阳X射线爆发的通量密度之间的相关性很好,可以利用SPA事件的数据来估算太阳X射线爆发的强度.因为大气的吸收,在地面上不能直接观测X射线强度.作为一个实例,用推出的数值关系,计算了1982年6月3日的一次SPA事件,并与X射线爆发的数据作了比较.   相似文献   

The solar physics studies in China during 2004-2006 from solar interior to solar atmospheres and solar-interplanetary space are summarized. These researches are arranged under the topics of solar interior, photosphere, chromosphere and transition region, corona, flares and CMEs (and the associated radio bursts, X-ray/γ-ray bursts and particle acceleration), solar wind, solar cycle, and ground-based instrumentation.  相似文献   

The occurrence of radio signal fading events caused by ionospheric absorption plays an important role in the performance of radio-communication systems. It is necessary to know the magnitude and time-scale of such events in order to specify technical parameters of the communication system to be used. Generally, fading events are associated with solar flares, which are characterized by sudden increase in the solar X-ray flux that causes an increase in the ionization in the lower ionosphere. The abrupt increase of ionization causes the absorption of radio waves propagating in the Earth–ionosphere wave-guide and is reported as radio signal fading events. A simple experiment to monitor the behavior of lower ionosphere has been carried out at the Southern Space Observatory-SSO/INPE (29.43°S, 53.8°W), located in southern Brazil. The experiment is basically a computer controlled radio receiver that records the received signal strength of Amplitude Modulated (AM) radio signals in the HF (High Frequencies) range. We analyzed data of the 6 MHz beacon signal that has been transmitted by a broadcasting radio station located about 400 km from the observation site. In this work we present initial results of daily variation of the received signal strength and fading events associated with solar flares observed in the 6 MHz signal monitored by the experiment during 2001. X-ray solar flux data from the GOES-8 satellite were used to identify X-ray solar bursts associated with solar flares. Based on the one-year data collected by the experiment, a statistical summary of fading occurrences and their correlation with solar flares, as well as the distributions of time-scales and magnitudes of such events are presented.  相似文献   

Preliminary observing achievements by the Super Soft X-ray Detector and the γ-ray Detector in the fields of cosmic gamma-ray bursts, solar X-ray, bursts and cosmic X-ray/γ-ray background radiation are summarized. The detectors are aboard the spacecraft Shenzhou-2 that was launched on 2001 January 10. The scientific mission and general situation of the instruments are briefly described.  相似文献   

Solar radio type IV bursts can sometimes show directivity, so that no burst is observed when the source region in located far from the solar disk center. This has recently been verified also from space observations, at decameter wavelengths, using a 3D-view to the Sun with STEREO and Wind satellites. It is unclear whether the directivity is caused by the emission mechanism, by reduced radio wave formation toward certain directions, or by absorption/blocking of radio waves along the line of sight. We present here observations of three type IV burst events that occurred on 23, 25, and 29 July 2004, and originated from the same active region. The source location of the first event was near the solar disk center and in the third event near the west limb. Our analysis shows that in the last two events the type IV bursts experienced partial cut-offs in their emission, that coincided with the appearance of shock-related type II bursts. The type II bursts were formed at the flanks and leading fronts of propagating coronal mass ejections (CMEs). These events support the suggestion of absorption toward directions where the type II shock regions are located.  相似文献   

利用光学、射电、软X射线和硬X射线观测资料,对1986年2月系列太阳爆发中最大的两个耀斑作相似与相异性的分析,解释它们近地空间效应的区别,对该系列太阳爆发事件和叠加在一起的地球事件作认证研究.   相似文献   

X-ray flares and acceleration processes are in one complex of sporadic solar events (together with CMEs, radio bursts, magnetic field dissipation and reconnection). This supposes the connection (if not physical, but at least statistical) between characteristics of the solar energetic proton events and flares. The statistical analysis indicates that probability and magnitude of the near-Earth proton enhancement depends heavily on the flare importance and their heliolongitude. These relations may be used for elaboration of the forecasting models, which allow us to calculate probability of the solar proton events from the X-ray observations.  相似文献   

北京天文台在2.84GHz频率上观测到的带短时标精细结构的微波爆发与日本YOHKOH卫星上HXT在1991年10月-1992年12月观测到的硬X射线爆发(HXB)事件作了比较,发现在20个微波精细结构爆发事件只有12个与YOHKOH卫星记录的HXB有对应关系.本文对1992年6月7日典型事件中2.84GHz与HXB共同存在的百秒量级的准周期振荡作了分析及源区参数的计算,并作了简要的讨论.  相似文献   

应用高频多普勒方法对耀斑期间电离层TEC变化的估算   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过分析前人对耀斑期间电离层各区域电子密度的变化情况,总结了一个应用耀斑期间的高频多普勒扰动记录估算出层总电子含量变化的方法,并应用这一方法计算了1990年3-6月几次耀斑引起的低电离层总电子含量的变化,同时还与各耀斑对应的最大流量密度进行了比较,并对两者之间的相关情况进行了分析。  相似文献   

The Hard X-ray Burst Spectrometer (HXRBS) and the Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (GRS) on NASA's Solar Maximum Mission satellite (SMM) have independently monitored cosmic gamma-ray bursts since launch in February 1980. Several bursts with relatively simple pulse structure and sufficient intensity have been analyzed for evidence of spectral variability on timescales shorter than the pulse durations. In many of these bursts we find pulse structures, ranging in duration from 1 to 10 seconds, which exhibit a trend of hard-to-soft spectral evolution. No significant evidence for soft-to-hard evolution has been found, although the possibility of weak, extended low-energy emission is suggested in a few bursts. The HXRBS data above 100 keV and the GRS data above 1 MeV indicate that the spectral evolution generally is not due to time-varying absorption features at energies below 100 keV.  相似文献   

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