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Non-isothermal Creep Age Forming (CAF), including loading, heating, holding, cooling and springback stages, is an advanced forming technique for manufacturing high performance large integral panels at short production period and low cost. However, the creep deformation and aging precipitation during heating stage is often neglected in experiments and modeling, leading to low forming precision. To achieve shape forming and property tailoring simultaneously, a deep understanding of the non-isothermal creep aging behavior and the establishment of predictive models are urgently required. A new five-stage creep feature of Al-Cu-Li alloy during the non-isothermal creep aging is observed. The microstructural interactions between the dislocations, solute atoms, Guinier Preston zones (GP zones) and T1 precipitates are found to dominate the five-stage creep aging behavior. The physical-based model considering temperature evolution history is established to describe the five-stage creep feature. The springback and yield strength of non-isothermal creep age formed plates with different thicknesses are predicted and compared by non-isothermal CAF experiments and corresponding simulations. The CAF experiments show that the springback and yield strength of the non-isothermal creep age formed plate are 62.1% and 506 MPa, respectively. Simulation results are in good agreement with experimental results. The proposed model broadens the application of traditional CAF models that mainly focus on isothermal conditions.  相似文献   

The initial temper of the material may directly affect the whole creep age forming(CAF)process. In terms of creep deformation and stress relaxation, using the constant-stress creep aging and constant-strain stress relaxation aging tests, the relationship between initial temper and CAF formability is investigated for an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy at 165 °C for 18 h. Three tempers are selected as the initial tempers in CAF, viz., solution, retrogression and re-solution. The CAF formability of this alloy with initial temper of retrogression is the best, and the creep strain of the retrogression tempered specimen after creep aging of 18 h is about 1.21 and 1.34 times than that of the solution and the re-solution tempered specimens, respectively. The calculated stress exponents of this alloy with three initial tempers range from 7.3 to 9.5, indicating that the CAF of this alloy is mainly controlled by the dislocation creep. The various formability for three initial tempers are attributed to different inhibitions of the transgranular precipitates on the dislocation movement. For the retrogression temper, the initial fine and uniformly distributed precipitates are seriously coarsened after6 h of CAF, which minimally inhibit the dislocation movement. While, for the re-solution temper,the fine precipitates are re-precipitated in the matrix of the alloy, which observably hinder the dislocation movement and lead to the worst formability.  相似文献   

涡扇发动机铝合金碗形件的粘性介质压力成形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
涡扇发动机铝合金碗形件由于局部塑性变形较大,采用已有的成形方法得到的零件壁厚局部减薄严重或尺寸精度不满足要求。粘性介质压力成形(VPF)技术采用一种粘性介质作为传力介质,适合于成形该类零件。通过粘性介质压力胀形试验和数值模拟,分析了粘性介质的粘度对铝合金球面碗形件厚度分布及极限成形高度的影响,对涡扇发动机铝合金带凸台碗形VPF件进行了分析。研究结果表明,粘性介质与板材之间的粘性附着应力提高了碗形件厚度分布的均匀性和极限成形高度,随着粘性附着力增大,对带有局部变形较大凸台的碗形件,可以抑制局部壁厚的减薄。采用VPF技术,获得了尺寸和壁厚均合格的涡扇发动机带凸台铝合金碗形件。  相似文献   

研究了LY12的蠕变时效成形过程中第二相的析出演变特征,从微观角度分析了蠕变时效成形的强化机制。修正蠕变本构方程并开发为ABAQUS/CREEP,模拟研究了时效时间、时效温度和预弯半径对回弹规律的影响,建立了回弹函数。验证结果表明,回弹函数的计算准确率较高。  相似文献   

Three dimensional (3D) tubes, which possess the characteristics of space saving, lightweight and high strength, are widely used in many high-end industries such as aviation, aerospace, automobile and shipbuilding. However, when manufacturing a 3D tube in flexible bending process, springback is a big obstacle for improving the forming quality. In this paper, a new comprehensive strategy for springback control of 3D tubes is proposed. The strategy can be described as follows: (1) define the desired shape and manufacture shape; (2) optimize the manufacture shape using two tooling design methods (e.g. DA (displacement adjustment) method and B&T (bending and twisting) method presented in this paper); (3) make a discretization of the manufacture shape to acquire the optimized forming parameters. Additionally, experiment is implemented to validate the effectiveness of the new strategy. Results show that forming parameters acquired by the new strategy are partially effective. The new strategy also demonstrates that, during 3D tubes forming, the deviation caused by over-bent elements can be counteracted by the deficient-bent elements. This principle is helpful to reduce the difficulty of parameter determination in future.  相似文献   

Through-thickness heterogeneity in creep properties of 7B50-T7451 aluminum alloy Friction Stir Welding(FSW) joints was investigated. Creep tests for three slices of the FSW joint were conducted at the temperature of 150–200 °C and applied stress of 60–225 MPa. The theta projection method was used to predict creep curves and minimum creep rate. The results show that the minimum creep rate increases and creep rupture life decreases with the increase of creep temperature and applied stress. Creep p...  相似文献   

根据框肋类钣金零件高效、精确成形的要求,发展了一种S形截面类框肋零件回弹量计算与补偿方法,针对变曲率弯边,通过离散为弯边截面单元,计算每个截面线弯边单元的回弹量和补偿后重构弯边面,对带加强边的内缘弯边,提出考虑修正系数进行补偿的方法,基于现有的CAD平台开发了相应的软件工具;以实际零件为例说明了该方法的应用过程.成形工件测量结果表明,零件弯边角度偏差控制在±1 °之内,实现了在新淬火状态下一步精确成形.  相似文献   

张敏  田锡天  李波 《航空学报》2020,41(7):623620-623620
针对整体壁板压弯成形过程中由于回弹导致的压弯成形精度低和不可控问题,提出整体壁板压弯成形形状控制方法。以铝合金(7050-T7451)机翼整体壁板为研究对象,设计了整体壁板缩比试件模型,基于弹塑性变形理论和几何分析建立了压弯成形局部变形下压量解析预测模型,基于有限元法建立了压弯成形整体变形有限元仿真预测模型,并将模拟结果与实验结果进行了对比;在压弯成形局部-整体变形预测模型的基础上,综合考虑局部-整体变形精度,利用迭代补偿机制与逐步逼近思想,构建了压弯成形轮廓曲线迭代模型。通过与传统的试错法进行对比,研究结果表明所提方法能够以更高的精度、更快的收敛速度有效控制压弯件的成形形状。  相似文献   

型材一次折斜角成形是航空零件制造工艺的重要方法之一。本文通过新研制的5A90铝锂合金型材折斜角成形试验的研究,得到了极限开斜角和闭斜角值,为新机的设计及生产工艺提供了重要的指导依据。  相似文献   

高温合金与钛合金的激光快速成形工艺研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对Rene95高温合金及TC4钛合金的激光快速成形工艺进行了较为深入的研究.研究结果发现,和Rene95高温合金相比,激光快速成形TC4钛合金的工艺条件较为苛刻,表现在粉末粒度范围狭窄,要求更高的激光功率密度,成形过程中熔覆组织易于被保护气氛中的O,N,H等杂质元素污染.但是,另一方面,工艺参数选择适当时TC4钛合金在成形过程中不易开裂,因而大尺寸、复杂形状零件的激光快速成形较易实现.  相似文献   

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