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The stripped solar sail whose membrane is divided into separate narrow membrane strips is believed to have the best structural efficiency. In this paper, the stripped solar sail structure is regarded as an assembly made by connecting a number of boom-strip components in sequence.Considering the coupling effects between booms and membrane strips, an exact and semianalytical method to calculate structural dynamic responses of the stripped solar sail subjected to solar radiation pressure is establi...  相似文献   

Recently, asteroid exploration becomes an important branch of human’s deep space activities. In this paper, a piecewise linear optimal orbital maneuver strategy is designed for a spacecraft soft landing on irregular-shaped asteroids. First, the space around an irregular asteroid is converted into several grid units, and the gravitational field of the asteroid is linearly fitted in each unit.Then, the soft-landing orbital maneuver strategy design problem is formulated as a piecewise linear optima...  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new direct method for an efficient trajectory optimization using the point that the dynamics of a deterministic system are uniquely determined by initial states and controls imposed over the time horizon of interest. To effectively implement this concept, the Hermite spline is adopted to interpolate the continuous controls and the system dynamics are integrated with corresponding control parameters in prior. As a result, the optimal control problem can be transcribed into a nonlinear programming problem which has no dynamic equality constraints and no intermediate states in its design variables. In addition, the paper proposes an efficient recursive Jacobian estimation technique and introduces a Jacobian transformation matrix to straightforwardly handle the general state constraints. Important properties of the present method are thoroughly investigated through its applications to the trajectory optimization for a soft lunar landing from a parking orbit, including the detailed analyses for the de-orbiting phase. The computed results are compared with those using the pseudo-spectral method to demonstrate an extreme outperformance of the proposed method in the aerospace applications over the traditional direct method.  相似文献   

The optimal yawing angle of sun-tracking solar aircraft is tightly related to the solar azimuth angle, which results in a large arc flight path to dynamically track the sun position. However, the limited detection range of payload usually requires solar aircraft to loiter over areas of interest for persistent surveillance missions. The large arc sun-tracking flight may cause the target area on the ground to be outside the maximum coverage area of payload. The present study therefore develops an optimal flight control approach for planning the flight path of sun-tracking solar aircraft within a mission region. The proposed method enables sun-tracking solar aircraft to maintain the optimal yawing angle most of the time during daylight flight, except when the aircraft reverses its direction by turning flight. For a circular region with a mission radius of 50 km, the optimal flight trajectory and controls of an example Λ-shaped sun-tracking solar aircraft are investigated theoretically. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach to optimize the flight path of the sun-tracking aircraft under the given circular region while maximizing the battery input power. Furthermore, the effects of varying the mission radius on energy performance are explored numerically. It has been proved that both net energy and energy balance remain nearly constant as the radius constraint varies, which enables the solar aircraft to achieve perpetual flight at almost the same latitude as the large arc flight. The method and results presented in this paper can provide reference for the persistent operation of sun-tracking solar aircraft within specific mission areas.  相似文献   

Solar sail technology has been proposed and developed for space explorations with advantages of low launch cost, no-propellant consumption, and continuous thrust, which has great potentials in earth polar detection, interstellar explorations and etc. The development of solar sail has made significant progress in structural design, manufacturing, materials, orbit transfer, and stability control in the past few decades, which makes meaningful contributions to astronomy, physics, and aerospace science. Technological breakthroughs of Solar Radiation Pressure (SRP) propulsion and interstellar transfer have been achieved in current solar sail missions. However, there are still many challenges and problems need to be solved. This paper attempts to summarize the research schemes and potential applications of solar sailing in space missions from the viewpoint of key technologies, so as to provide an overall perspective for researchers in this field. Analyses of the key technologies of solar sailing system design are provided. Finally, challenges and prospective development of solar sailing are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aims to provide the pilot with optimal control time histories for stabilization of a helicopter after releasing the slung load in aerial delivery missions. A model with 21 degrees of freedom (21-DOF) has been developed and validated for a helicopter slung load system. The control history is generated with detailed procedure based on trajectory optimization. Effects of the objective function formulation on the results are discussed and rules are obtained to assist in the objective function determination. We conclude that the pilot should first decrease and then increase the collective control and adjust the longitudinal control to stabilize the helicopter after the in-hover slung load release. The obtained control history is reasonable and helpful for safety and efficiency improvement. Effects of path constraints and the Flight Control System (FCS) are studied. More stringent path constraints will lead to longer time spent and more controls. Stronger stiffness and weaker damping from the FCS will cause milder control histories but sharper on-axis state histories.  相似文献   

赵剑  黄悦琛  李海阳  何湘粤 《航空学报》2021,42(11):524829-524829
针对垂直起降运载火箭一子级在返回着陆的过程中存在的参数不确定性,提出了一种基于非侵入式多项式混沌展开的序列优化和可靠度评估的返回轨迹不确定性优化方法。首先,建立了返回多飞行段轨迹在确定性条件下的优化模型。然后,为同时兼顾轨迹的鲁棒性和可靠性,建立了由鲁棒最优目标函数、基于可靠度的路径约束和鲁棒等式约束组成的不确定性返回轨迹优化模型。最后,基于非侵入式多项式混沌展开方法对鲁棒目标函数和等式约束进行量化处理,将原随机鲁棒优化问题转化为高维状态空间中的等价确定性优化问题;为提高路径约束的可靠度评估效率,基于非侵入式多项式混沌展开方法对最可能点法进行改进,进一步发展了序列优化和可靠度评估策略。数值仿真结果表明,所提出的不确定性优化方法具有较好的鲁棒性,可以满足工程可靠性指标要求,同时还具有较高的精度和计算效率。  相似文献   

针对舰载机的自动着舰系统,以IESTA原型机K8飞机为研究对象建立了着舰环境模型,设计了自动着舰控制律,对在着舰阶段的控制作用及影响着舰精度的因素进行了分析和研究,并分别进行了数值仿真和半实物地面仿真验证.研究结果表明,为了使飞机成功完成着舰任务,需满足海况、大气扰动、控制系统带宽频率的最低要求.  相似文献   

We have searched for interrelations of spikes emitted simultaneously at different frequencies during the impulsive phase of flare events (Fig.1). As the spikes are related to the flare energy release and are interpreted as emissions that originate at different sites having different magnetic field strengths, any relation in frequency is interpretated as a relation in space. Quantities of symbolic dynamics, such as mutual information, Shannon information and algorithmic complexity are appropriate to characterize such spatiotemporal patterns, whereas the popular estimate of fractal dimensions can be applied to low-dimensional systems only.The goal is to decide between two possible types of fragmentation depending on the energy release and emission processes, which we callglobal andlocal organization. In the global organization the whole region becomes supercritical, and the energy is released in independent, small regions. The alternative local scenario requires a trigger that spreads from initial localized events and ignites nearby regions.Mutual information which is a generalization of correlation indicates a relation in frequency beyond the bandwidth of individual spikes. The scans in the spectrograms with large mutual information also show a low level of Shannon information and algorithmic complexity, indicating that the simultaneous appearance of spikes at other frequencies is not a completely stochastic phenomenon (white noise). It may be caused by a nonlinear deterministic system or by a Markov process. By means of mutual information we find a memory over frequency intervals up to 60 MHz (Fig. 2). Shannon information and algorithmic complexity, however, describe spike events as a whole, i.e. a global source region. A global organization is also apparent in quasi-periodic changes of the Shannon information and algorithmic complexity in the range of 2–8 seconds (Fig. 3).This findings is compatible with a scenario of local organization in which the information of one spike event spreads spatially and hence triggers further spike events at different places. The region is not an ensemble of independently flashing sources, each representing a system that cascades in energy after an initial trigger. On the contrary, there is a causal connection between the sources at any time.The analysis of four spike events suggests that the simultaneous appearance of spikes is not stochastically independent but a process in which spikes at nearby locations are simultaneously triggered by a common exciter.We have shown in the case in the case of spikes that quantities from nonlinear dynamics used in this paper are helpful in detecting structural properties of complex spatio-temporal patterns. This approach seems to be promising also for several other astrophysical applications.  相似文献   

Active attitude control of solar sails is required to control the direction of the force generated by Solar Radiation Pressure (SRP). It is desirable to control the attitude through propellant-free means. This paper proposes a new method for attitude control of solar sails: A boom consisting of “smart” structural material can be deformed by the piezoelectric actuator, and Solar Radiation Pressure torque will be generated due to shape variation of sail membrane caused by boom deformation. The method has the advantages of simple structure, small disturbance and small additional load, and is not limited by the size of the solar sail. The case of rendezvous with the Asteroid 2000 SG344 is used to verify the attitude control around the pitch and yaw axes.  相似文献   

Landing gear lower drag stay is a key component which connects fuselage and landing gear and directly effects the safety and performance of aircraft takeoff and landing. To effectively design the lower drag stay and reduce the weight of landing gear, Global/local Linked Driven Optimization Strategy (GLDOS) was developed to conduct the overall process design of lower drag stay in respect of optimization thought. The whole-process optimization involves two stages of structural conceptual design and detailed design. In the structural conceptual design, the landing gear lower drag stay was globally topologically optimized by adopting multiple starting points algorithm. In the detailed design, the local size and shape of landing gear lower drag stay were globally optimized by the gradient optimization strategy. The GLDOS method adopts different optimization strategies for different optimization stages to acquire the optimum design effect. Through the experimental validation, the weight of the optimized lower dray stay with the developed GLDOS is reduced by 16.79% while keeping enough strength and stiffness, which satisfies the requirements of engineering design under the typical loading conditions. The proposed GLDOS is validated to be accurate and efficient in optimization scheme and design cycles. The efforts of this paper provide a whole-process optimization approach regarding different optimization technologies in different design phases, which is significant in reducing structural weight and enhance design precision for complex structures in aircrafts.  相似文献   

安泽  熊芬芬  梁卓楠 《航空学报》2020,41(5):323606-323606
凸优化由于求解效率高在飞行器轨迹规划和制导中得到广泛研究应用。但是,由于火箭垂直返回制导需要考虑气动力带来的非线性,现有的凸优化求解方法或简单地采取逐次线性化近似凸化最优控制问题,经常出现收敛性问题;或需针对具体问题进行相应的系列凸化剪裁,虽然改善了收敛性,但不同模型的凸化剪裁方法差别很大,通用性较差。为此,将偏置比例导引与凸优化相结合,用以求解存在落角、落速和推力范围约束的火箭垂直返回定点软着陆制导问题。提出的制导方法将该制导问题分解为法向满足落角与落点约束的偏置比例导引,以及切向满足速度与推力约束的凸优化和滚动时域控制制导。在切向制导中,提出利用三次多项式近似飞行轨迹以方便凸优化求解,并建立剩余飞行时间的估算方法以提供给比例导引。仿真结果表明,提出的制导方法能有效满足各种约束,实现火箭精确着陆。与现有的直接采取逐次线性化近似的凸优化方法相比,提出的方法由于将制导进行切向和法向分解,大为简化了凸优化模型,显著提高了求解效率和收敛性。此外,提出的方法无需复杂繁琐的凸化处理,对于一般的推力可控且对末速存在约束的固定终端位置的制导问题皆适用。  相似文献   

李汪颖  杨雄伟  李跃明 《航空学报》2016,37(4):1196-1206
基于均匀化计算理论结合结构构型设计和材料构型设计,建立以声辐射功率为目标的两尺度材料/结构协同优化模型,针对夹层结构声学设计问题,开展了声辐射特性拓扑优化研究。分别给出了声辐射功率对宏观和微观设计变量的灵敏度,结合移动渐近线法(MMA)实现了材料/结构两尺度设计。结果表明,声辐射功率两尺度优化改变了夹层结构各阶主振型的形状和顺序,同时也改变了被激发的振型。此外,算例研究了激励频率和约束对优化结果的影响以及声辐射功率目标优化的特殊现象。  相似文献   

刘浩  刘尚合  曹鹤飞  胡小锋  樊高辉  张悦 《航空学报》2015,36(12):3930-3937
为研究高空低气压下飞行器表面电晕放电电磁脉冲辐射特性,以尖端导体电晕放电为研究对象,进行了低气压下电晕放电电磁脉冲辐射特性模拟实验,给出了辐射电场幅值与气压的关系表达式,并基于气体放电和电磁场理论总结了电晕放电电磁脉冲辐射特性随电压极性、气压以及测试距离的变化规律。结果表明:电晕放电电磁脉冲辐射电场时域波形呈衰减振荡形式,持续时间约为600 ns,首脉冲方向随电压极性的不同而不同,且辐射电场分量主要集中在与放电针相同的极化方向;辐射电场频谱主要分布在500 MHz以内,在35 MHz和170 MHz处出现稳定的波峰;在气压为4~30 kPa范围内,随着气压的降低,放电电磁脉冲辐射电场增强;随着测试距离的增加,电晕放电电磁脉冲辐射电场逐渐衰减。该研究结论可为低气压下飞行器电晕放电电磁脉冲辐射特性研究提供有益参考。  相似文献   

采用粒子群优化算法,对涡轮泵气封减压试验系统中的关键部件减压器进行结构优化设计.在优化过程之前采用两次均匀设计的方法缩小设计变量的取值范围,以提高计算效率.通过调节气封系统中的主要部件气体减压器的结构参数,使得减压器的出口压强稳定,满足工程需求.优化结果显示,通过两次均匀设计后,设计变量的取值范围得到有效压缩,减少了优化过程的计算量.与初始设计相比,减压器的出口压强振幅明显减弱,达到了工程设计的要求.   相似文献   

为解决伴随优化应用在多级压气机中出现的优化工况点漂移问题,在前期薄层N-S方程伴随方法基础上,对目标函数——出口熵增不仅施以质量流量、总压比约束,还添加排间界面静压展向分布作为新的约束条件.以某5级压气机为对象,对其中第1级转、静叶分别在首1.5级和全5级压气机环境下进行了优化.结果表明,施加排间界面静压展向分布约束能够显著解决优化工作点漂移问题,优化后5级压气机的效率提高0.4个百分点.   相似文献   

An opti mization process is used to redesign blades of a high-pressure compressor.An artificial neural network (ANN) method is coupled to Navier-Stokes solvers and is applied to three different redesigns.A newrotor blade of a transonic compressor is designed by modifying thick, stacking line andinlet angle using a 3Dapproach, with a significant efficiencyi mprovement at the design point.The off-design behavior of this new compressor is also checked afterwards, which shows that the whole performance of the inlet stage is improved over a wide range of mass flow.The losses are reduced, proving the good performance of the opti mum.The whole results indicate that the opti mization method can find i mproved design and can be integrated in a design procedure.   相似文献   

采用数值涡流发生器代替真实涡流发生器叶片进行双S型进气道流动控制数值模拟,结合实验设计理论分析了27组涡流发生器应用于进气道流动控制计算结果,从中找出控制装置参数变化对进气道总压恢复、流场畸变的不同影响,应用响应面法给出最佳参数组合,为双S型进气道被动流动控制装置参数优化提供技术参考.  相似文献   

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