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In contrast to English, Finnish has several postpositions which indicate in front of locations (edella, edessa) and behind locations (takana, jaljessa and perassa). Based on predictions generated from findings from other prepositions in English, and following the prediction by Nikanne (2003) that some postpositions mark motion while others do not, an experiment was designed to examine the influence of movement, alignment, and orientation of located and reference objects on the comprehension of in front of and behind in English and the corresponding Finnish postpositions. Native speakers of English and Finnish had to rate the appropriateness of sentences containing these terms to describe pictures of cars at various positions on a roundabout. The results show similarity between "in front of" and 7quot;behind" terms across languages. While movement does distinguish between "behind" terms in Finnish, in both Finnish and English movement only affected the acceptability of "in front of" and "behind" when reference frame conflicts were present.  相似文献   


Landmarks are salient objects in an environment. They play an important role in navigation by serving as orientation aids and marking decision points. Recently, there have been several efforts to design methods to automatically designate certain buildings with salient features as landmarks. All of these methodologies consist of similar steps: (a) establishing a neighborhood, usually around an intersection, (b) performing statistical or data mining analysis to find the building with outlier characteristics, and (c) establishing this salient building as the local landmark. Although these advances are significant, we believe that there are still several key issues that need to be fully addressed in order to realize the new generation of Automatic Landmark Detection Systems (ALDSs). Currently, the main shortcomings in the domain of ALDSs is the lack of a thorough and systematic study of attributes of objects that are analyzed to select landmarks, and deficient experimental verification of the benefits of ALDSs to the end users. Unless, these shortcomings are thoroughly addressed, the viability, applicability, and usefulness of ALDSs are uncertain. On the other hand, automatic landmark detection has the potential to be a dynamic, fascinating, and interdisciplinary research topic with wide applicability. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to discuss the current shortcomings in the domain of landmark detection, propose some preliminary solutions, and provide general guidelines for implementation of the new generation of ALDSs. Specifically, we discuss and promote the importance of: (a) widening the types of attributes analyzed in the landmark detection process, (b) weighting each attribute relative to its significance, (c) extending the types of objects considered as landmark candidates beyond just buildings, (d) identifying landmarks outside the vicinity of intersections, (e) identifying false landmarks along routes, and (f) using virtual environments for experiments with ALDSs. Throughout the paper, we discuss several demonstrative examples and experiments to clarify and support the ideas and concepts that are being promoted.  相似文献   

在大多数语言理解研究中,句法分析、语义理解和记忆等过程是关注的重点,不同输入源对语言理解的影响却很少被讨论。论文则从认知、应用几个角度,论述不同输入源:视觉语言、听觉语言和其它输入在语言理解过程中的特点、作用和比较。  相似文献   

针对传统关键词匹配检索存在的缺陷,论文深刻剖析了语言信息量化机制及词间的语义关系,采用语义空间转换成可以量化的信息量空间,设计了一种基于语义理解的中文智能信息检索模型,从语言量化机制及语境双层次上阐述了模型的设计思想。在分析提取用户检索语义机制的基础上,提出一种计算用户查询语句语义与文档语义及语境相关度的新方法。实验表明这种检索方法可以提高搜索引擎的查全率和查准率。  相似文献   


Spatially disoriented adults flexibly conjoin geometric information (macroscopic shape) and nongeometric information (e.g., the color of a wall) to re-establish their bearings. It has been proposed that non-geometric information is incorporated into a geometric frame of reference through the use of spatial language. Support for this assumption comes from dual-task studies in which participants failed to use non-geometric features when they shadowed a verbal message concurrent to the reorientation task. These studies were performed in small rectangular spaces. In contrast, our study was performed in a large square room. Experiment 1 showed that verbal shadowing did not disrupt non-geometric feature use in this environment. In Experiment 2, we found that a spatial shadowing task that required the encoding of frequently changing spatial directions impaired reorientation behavior. Our study shows that nongeometric information can be used for reorientation without recourse to linguistic processes, and suggests that the use of non-geometric features is dependent upon a spatial coding process.  相似文献   

如何提高大学生的心理所有权进而提高大学生参与学校管理与建设的积极性,是高校管理者致力于解决的问题。论文在设计了大学生心理所有权量表,调查了大学生对高校的心理所有权状况,并根据分析提出了强化大学生心理所有权的措施。  相似文献   

A sentence describing a spatial relationship includes at least two objects: a located object and a reference object. The presence of an extra object in a scene that is recognized as neither a located nor a reference object, reduces the acceptability of spatial terms related to the spatial relationship between reference and located objects under given conditions (Carlson & Logan, 2001). However, it is still unclear how the overall acceptability distribution of a spatial term changes in a scene when an extra object is present in various locations. In this study, we examined this point, using the paired comparison method with Thurstone's law of judgment (Case V). The results showed that an extra object had both relative increase and reduction effects on the overall acceptability distribution of a spatial term. This suggests that our linguistic apprehension of the spatial relationship is biased intricately by the presence of extra objects.  相似文献   

文章针对平流层飞艇驻空阶段航迹规划问题进行研究和仿真分析.考虑平流层飞艇自身飞行的特点,建立其运动学方程和风场模型,并在适当假设基础上,构造能够反映其飞行能耗的代价函数.最后采用遗传算法进行算例计算,求解平流层飞艇最优轨迹.仿真结果表明,遗传算法能够有效、快速地收敛并稳定至问题的最优解;其所构造的代价函数能够反映飞艇自...  相似文献   

Navigational aids impair spatial memory for experienced environments, but the cognitive mechanisms underlying impairment remain an open question. Recent evidence implicates divided attention, but to date no study has directly manipulated divided attention in navigational aid contexts. The present study addresses this need. Participants navigated virtual towns with aid presence and divided attention factorially crossed in a within-participants design. They then completed spatial memory assessments. Divided attention alone impaired spatial memory. Navigational aid presence impaired spatial memory when attention was undivided, replicating previous findings, but did not to a greater extent when attention was divided. These findings suggest that navigational aids divide attention sufficiently to impair spatial memory.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2010,67(11-12):1597-1607
Since the first space object was launched into orbit in 1957, humankind has been engaged in a constant effort to realise ever more ambitious plans for space travel. Probably the single most important element in this ongoing evolution is the development of technology capable of transporting large numbers of passengers into outer space on a commercial basis. Within the foreseeable future, space will no longer be the sole domain of professionally trained astronauts or the exceptionally wealthy.The prospects for both suborbital and orbital private human access to space give rise to some interesting and difficult legal questions. It also opens up an exciting opportunity to develop an adequate system of legal regulation to deal with these activities. The existing international legal regimes covering air and space activities are not well suited to large-scale commercial access to space, largely because they were developed at a time when such activities were not a principal consideration in the mind of the drafters. The lack of legal clarity represents a major challenge and must be addressed as soon as possible, to provide for appropriate standards and further encourage (not discourage) such activities.This article will examine some of the more pressing legal issues associated with the regulation of space transportation of passengers on a commercial basis, seen in the light of Article 1 of the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, which states that the ‘exploration and use of outer space […] shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries […] and shall be the province of all mankind’. An appropriate balance must be found between the commercial and technological opportunities that will arise and the principles upon which the development of international space law have thus far been based.  相似文献   

基于航路规划的反舰导弹发射顺序和间隔研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在反舰导弹实际战术使用中,为提高突防概率,主要是采取数量饱和攻击的样式,且要求多枚导弹同时到达目标.目前某些反舰导弹具有航路规划功能,只要合理确定导弹的发射顺序和间隔,可以实现同时到达.本文从2条典型反舰导弹的航路入手,建立了简化的航路规划模型,对不同攻击角的航路航程飞行时间进行了仿真计算,并与直接攻击导弹的航程飞行时间进行比较和分析,得到了齐射多枚反舰导弹时进行航路规划的攻击差角、发射顺序和间隔等的具体结果,有一定的理论价值和实际使用参考价值.  相似文献   

目前,已建立一套完整的由远望号测量船仿真测试软件和先进的测试工具组成的海上测控软件测试系统。 完成远望号测量船中心机系统实时应用软件研制过程中的单元测试、部件测试、配置项测试、系统测试及确认测试,还对 其它海上试验任务的应用软件进行全面和全过程测试,该测试系统性能稳定、功能全面。  相似文献   

简要介绍 GPS测姿的基本原理 ,重点介绍 GPS测向系统在测量船上的试验情况和结果分析  相似文献   

论文对2003年至2007年期间我国英语写作研究状况进行了一次文献调查。研究对象为2003年至2007年间国内外语教学9种核心期刊上发表的有关英语写作研究的文章,通过系统的比较分析,结果显示:(1)当前国内对英语写作的研究,内容广泛,写作的各个主要方面均有涉及,但研究内容的热点较数年前已发生明显转移;(2)在研究方法上,实证性研究显著上升,比例超过非材料性研究;(3)在研究对象上。国内英语写作研究论文的研究对象仍然主要是针对写作客体,以写作主体为研究对象的论文比例仍然较低。最后,文章对国内英语写作研究的现状进行了总结和思考。  相似文献   

虚拟企业是随着网络技术的发展而出现的新型企业组织形式,它的出现给传统的会计理论带来了很大的冲击。论文主要分析了虚拟企业对会计基本假设和部分会计原则的影响和原因。  相似文献   

会计师事务所和被审计对象之间博弈的过程中,被审计对象虽然在信息(会计资料和会计报表)方面比会计师事务所占优势,但是会计师事务所有:拒绝接受委托权、停止审计权和出具真实的审计报告权等权利。如何会计师事务所正确地行使了自己的权利,审计责任就会避免或减轻甚至消除。所以,虚假的会计信息能够抗害企业的利益相关者,虽然说是被审计对象制造的恶果,但是如果没有注册会计师发放“通行证”,坑害只能是“可能”,而不会变成现实。  相似文献   

星载SAR性能与T/R组件不一致性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了T/R组件幅相不一致性对星载SAR雷达系统性能的影响,T/R组件不一致性对星载SAR雷达天线副瓣电平有一定的影响。由于天钱的融瓣电平是不同频率信号贡献的平均值,所以天线的副瓣电平的大小依赖平均T/R组件不一致性。  相似文献   

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