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Spatially disoriented adults flexibly conjoin geometric information (macroscopic shape) and nongeometric information (e.g., the color of a wall) to re-establish their bearings. It has been proposed that non-geometric information is incorporated into a geometric frame of reference through the use of spatial language. Support for this assumption comes from dual-task studies in which participants failed to use non-geometric features when they shadowed a verbal message concurrent to the reorientation task. These studies were performed in small rectangular spaces. In contrast, our study was performed in a large square room. Experiment 1 showed that verbal shadowing did not disrupt non-geometric feature use in this environment. In Experiment 2, we found that a spatial shadowing task that required the encoding of frequently changing spatial directions impaired reorientation behavior. Our study shows that nongeometric information can be used for reorientation without recourse to linguistic processes, and suggests that the use of non-geometric features is dependent upon a spatial coding process.  相似文献   


Recently, psychologists have turned their attention to the study of cast shadows and demonstrated that the human perceptual system values information from shadows very highly in the perception of spatial qualities, sometimes to the detriment of other cues. However with some notable and recent exceptions, computer vision systems treat cast shadows not as signal but as noise. This paper provides a concise yet comprehensive review of the literature on cast shadow perception from across the cognitive sciences, including the theoretical information available, the perception of shadows in human and machine vision, and the ways in which shadows can be used.  相似文献   

Research on location memory suggests that integration of separate sources of information does not occur when recalling the position of a common target object. In a relatively simple task, previous research shows no observable benefit from holding two spatial memories compared to one. It has been suggested that exclusively utilizing only one of two memories may account for this finding. The current research tests the robustness of this idea as well as an alternative in the form of an averaging approach to combining spatial information. The results suggest that exclusivity may not be the best account for performance of multiple object-location memories. Rather, memories may well combine in a manner similar to averaging, where information is available for each memory but combined in a nonbeneficial way.  相似文献   


Events, like objects, can be decomposed into parts. Path, the spatiotemporal trajectory of an object during an event, is the most commonly labeled event feature across the world's languages, provides important social information, and is increasingly central to theories of general event segmentation. However, little is understood about how adults visually segment paths. We apply theories developed for object segmentation to help understand path segmentation. Overall subjects segmented equivalent object shapes and event paths in similar ways following patterns predicted by Singh and Hoffman's (2001) Singh, M. and Hoffman, D. D. 2001. “Parts-based representations of visual shape and implications for visual cognition.”. In From fragments to objects—Segmentation and grouping in vision Edited by: Shipley, T. F. and Kellman, P. J. 401459. New York, NY: Elsevier Science..  [Google Scholar] geometric analysis of object parts. There were two notable differences between object and event segmentation: (1) event parsing occurred at points of negative curvature minima and positive curvature maxima as opposed to simply negative curvature minima; and (2) event parsing was more frequent and variable than object parsing. Implications of these results for event perception and categorization are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper the results of three experiments are reported whichaddress the issue of the relative extent to which functionalrelations versus geometric relations affect spatial language. Theexperiments examine the role of a discourse context on the useand rating of the preposition in to describe a visual scenewhere the constraint of spatial containment between figure(object located) and ground (reference object) does not hold. Allthree experiments demonstrate that in is used more andrated to be significantly more appropriate in a functionalcontext than in a no context condition. The implications of thesestudies for spatial language and spatial representation arediscussed.  相似文献   


An experiment was conducted to examine the impact of communication methods (text-only, audio-only, and audio-plus-video) on communication patterns and effectiveness in a 2-person remote spatial orientation task. The task required a pair of participants to figure out the cardinal direction of a target object by communicating spatial information and perspectives. Results showed that overall effectiveness in the audio-only condition was better than the text-only and audio-plus-video conditions, and communication patterns were more predictive of errors than individual differences in spatial abilities. Discourse analysis showed that participants in the audio-plus-video condition performed less mental transformation of spatial information when communicating, which led to more interpretation errors by the listener. Participants in the text-only conditions performed less confirmation and made more errors by misreading their own display. Results suggested that speakers in the audio-plus-video condition minimized effort by communicating spatial information based on their own perspective but speakers in the audio-only and text-only conditions would more likely communicate transformed spatial information. Analysis of gestures in the audio-plus-video condition confirmed that iconic gestures tended to co-occur with spatial transformation. Iconic gesture rates were negatively correlated with transformation errors, indicating that iconic gestures more likely co-occurred with successful communication of spatial transformation. Results show that when visual interactive feedback is available, speakers tend to adopt egocentric spatial perspectives to minimize effort in mental transformation and rely on the feedback to ensure that the hearer correctly interprets the information. When visual interactive feedback is not available, speakers will put more effort in transforming spatial information to help the hearer to understand the information. The current result demonstrated that allowing two persons to see and communicate with each other during a remote spatial reasoning task can lead to more errors because of the use of a suboptimal communication strategy.  相似文献   


Participants learned circular layouts of six objects presented haptically or visually, then indicated the direction from a start target to an end target of the same or different modality (intramodal versus intermodal). When objects from the two modalities were learned separately, superior performance for intramodal trials indicated a cost of switching between modalities. When a bimodal layout intermixing modalities was learned, intra- and intermodal trials did not differ reliably. These findings indicate that a spatial image, independent of input modality, can be formed when inputs are spatially and temporally congruent, but not when modalities are temporally segregated in learning.  相似文献   

The involvement of motor processes in mental rotation is experience-dependent: different levels of expertise in sensorimotor interactions lead to different strategies in mental rotation. In the present study, wrestlers, gymnasts, and nonathletes physically rotated objects that were either light (wooden) or heavy (lead) but otherwise having the same sizes and shapes. They then performed a mental rotation task using photographs of these objects in which the material and therefore the weight was visible. I hypothesized that wrestlers would rely more heavily on experience-based sensorimotor strategies in performing mental rotation because during their athletic practice they not only manipulate external “objects” (i.e., their opponent) but also have to plan future actions taking into account past experience of these “objects” (for example their weight). All participants reported that lead objects were harder to physically rotate than wooden ones. However, only wrestlers mentally rotated lead objects more slowly than wooden ones—as they would if they were physically rotating them—suggesting the involvement of motor processes. These findings show that the involvement of motor processes in mental rotation depends on specific rather than mere sensorimotor experience.  相似文献   


The ability to mentally represent spatial information is a fundamental cognitive process. To many people, this process feels a bit like visual perception, hence the term ‘spatial visualization’. In this paper, we describe a method for measuring the accuracy of spatial visualization, specifically visualization of a complex path in imaginary space. A critical feature of this method (called Path Visualization) is that it relies on the detection of intersections in a visualized path. Intersection detection is an inherently spatial task that requires a spatial representation. In this paper, we show how the Path Visualization method works, and how it can be customized to address several key research issues in human spatial cognition.  相似文献   

Although the physical organization of spatialinformation clearly influences how it is recognized,recalled, and mentally transformed, few studies haveexplored how different levels of organizationinteract. This study focused on 4- and 6-year-oldchildren's memory for spatial configurations andexamined the relative influence of two levels oforganization: symmetry (vertical, horizontal, or none)and codability (verbal or nonverbal). We predictedthat the influence of symmetry would be lesspronounced among the older children for whom thepatterns were more codable. The results partiallysupported this prediction: Older children'sreconstructions were accurate regardless of patternsymmetry; younger children's reconstructions ofvertically-symmetric patterns were more accurate thantheir reconstructions of horizontally-symmetric andasymmetric patterns. Taken together, the resultsrevealed an interaction between age and symmetry onthe accuracy of children's reconstructions, suggestingthat younger children were more sensitive than olderchildren to differences in pattern symmetry. Thus,different levels of organization may influencechildren's ability to recall spatial information andthe relative influence of these levels may changeduring development.  相似文献   


Ernest Davis' article “Qualititative Spatial Reasoning in Interpreting Text and Narrative” discusses challenges that the interpretation of natural language appears to raise for the formalization of commonsense spatial reasoning. Davis finds these to be of “surprising logical complexity,” but also “erratic” in that they do not show a logical structuring of the problem space that could guide productive research. In this response I argue that much of the apparent lack of structure Davis laments is due to the very style of formal modeling he pursues. By augmenting logical considerations with substantial input from other disciplines and by adopting a heterogeneous and modular approach to formalization, I suggest that the problem space is by no means as ill-structured as Davis presents it.  相似文献   

Navigational aids impair spatial memory for experienced environments, but the cognitive mechanisms underlying impairment remain an open question. Recent evidence implicates divided attention, but to date no study has directly manipulated divided attention in navigational aid contexts. The present study addresses this need. Participants navigated virtual towns with aid presence and divided attention factorially crossed in a within-participants design. They then completed spatial memory assessments. Divided attention alone impaired spatial memory. Navigational aid presence impaired spatial memory when attention was undivided, replicating previous findings, but did not to a greater extent when attention was divided. These findings suggest that navigational aids divide attention sufficiently to impair spatial memory.  相似文献   

How does gesturing during route learning relate to subsequent spatial performance? We examined the relationship between gestures produced spontaneously while studying route directions and spatial representations of the navigated environment. Participants studied route directions, then navigated those routes from memory in a virtual environment, and finally had their memory of the environment assessed. We found that, for navigators with low spatial perspective-taking performance on the Spatial Orientation Test, more gesturing from a survey perspective predicted more accurate memory following navigation. Thus, co-thought gestures accompanying route learning relate to performance selectively, depending on the gesturers’ spatial ability and the perspective of their gestures. Survey gestures may help some individuals visualize an overall route that they can retain in memory.  相似文献   


Shadows have long been a challenging topic for computer vision. This challenge is made even harder when we assume that the camera is moving, as many existing shadow detection techniques require the creation and maintenance of a background model. This article explores the problem of shadow modelling from a moving viewpoint (assumed to be a robotic platform) through comparing shadow-variant and shadow-invariant image features — primarily color, texture and edge-based features. These features are then embedded in a segmentation pipeline that provides predictions on shadow status, using minimal temporal context. We also release a public dataset of shadow-related image sequences, to help other researchers further develop shadow detection methods and to enable benchmarking of techniques.  相似文献   

Qualitative spatial reasoning (QSR) is often claimed to be cognitively more plausible than conventional numerical approaches to spatial reasoning, because it copes with the indeterminacy of spatial data and allows inferences based on incomplete spatial knowledge. The paper reports experimental results concerning the cognitive adequacy of an important approach used in QSR, namely the spatial interpretation of the interval calculus introduced by Allen (1983). Knauff, Rauh and Schlieder (1995) distinguished between the conceptual and inferential cognitive adequacy of Allen's interval calculus. The former refers to the thirteen base relations as a representational system and the latter to the compositions of these relations as a tool for reasoning. The results of two memory experiments on conceptual adequacy show that people use ordinal information similar to the interval relations when representing and remembering spatial arrangements. Furthermore, symmetry transformations on the interval relations were found to be responsible for most of the errors, whereas conceptualneighborhood theory did not appear to correspond to cognitively relevant concepts. Inferential adequacy was investigated by two reasoning experiments and the results show that in inference tasks where the number of possible interval relations for the composition is more than one, subjects ignore numerous possibilities and interindividually prefer the same relations. Reorientations and transpositions operating on the relations seem to be important for reasoning performance as well, whereas conceptual neighborhood did not appear to affect the difficulty of reasoning tasks based on the interval relations.  相似文献   

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