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Toward a global space exploration program: A stepping stone approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In response to the growing importance of space exploration in future planning, the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Panel on Exploration (PEX) was chartered to provide independent scientific advice to support the development of exploration programs and to safeguard the potential scientific assets of solar system objects. In this report, PEX elaborates a stepwise approach to achieve a new level of space cooperation that can help develop world-wide capabilities in space science and exploration and support a transition that will lead to a global space exploration program. The proposed stepping stones are intended to transcend cross-cultural barriers, leading to the development of technical interfaces and shared legal frameworks and fostering coordination and cooperation on a broad front. Input for this report was drawn from expertise provided by COSPAR Associates within the international community and via the contacts they maintain in various scientific entities. The report provides a summary and synthesis of science roadmaps and recommendations for planetary exploration produced by many national and international working groups, aiming to encourage and exploit synergies among similar programs. While science and technology represent the core and, often, the drivers for space exploration, several other disciplines and their stakeholders (Earth science, space law, and others) should be more robustly interlinked and involved than they have been to date. The report argues that a shared vision is crucial to this linkage, and to providing a direction that enables new countries and stakeholders to join and engage in the overall space exploration effort. Building a basic space technology capacity within a wider range of countries, ensuring new actors in space act responsibly, and increasing public awareness and engagement are concrete steps that can provide a broader interest in space exploration, worldwide, and build a solid basis for program sustainability. By engaging developing countries and emerging space nations in an international space exploration program, it will be possible to create a critical bottom-up support structure to support program continuity in the development and execution of future global space exploration frameworks. With a focus on stepping stones, COSPAR can support a global space exploration program that stimulates scientists in current and emerging spacefaring nations, and that will invite those in developing countries to participate—pursuing research aimed at answering outstanding questions about the origins and evolution of our solar system and life on Earth (and possibly elsewhere). COSPAR, in cooperation with national and international science foundations and space-related organizations, will advocate this stepping stone approach to enhance future cooperative space exploration efforts.  相似文献   

A high level of expertise in space policy and law is required to initiate and keep pace with the expansion of space activities, including those undertaken by the private space industry. Space activities generally refer to those undertakings that are carried out with the use of several technologies for the exploration and utilization of outer space often for scientific, military, economic and social proposes within international and national policy and regulatory frameworks. Space policies and legal regimes determine the scope, nature, pace, possibility and development of space undertakings. Therefore, appropriate space policies and regulatory regimes, both at the international and national levels, are indispensable for the initiation, operation and enhancement of space activities. There are various regulatory models and approaches for regulating space activities, and for building capacity in space law and space policy. It is imperative to have the appropriate human resources and capabilities in the development and implementation of space policies and space legal regimes. This crucial requirement has been well recognized in the more advanced space-faring nations, but not to the same level in other space-faring or space-aspiring nations.  相似文献   

Space research in Western Europe began in the form of independent national space programmes confined in the first instance to the use of sounding rockets. These early steps were soon supplemented by bilateral collaborative projects with the USA and USSR whose agencies provided the satellite launch vehicles that Europe lacked at that time.In 1962 as a result of an agreement between ten member states the European Space Research Organisation (ESRO) was established for the purpose of carrying out a programme of space science. ESRO was succeeded in 1974 by the European Space Agency (ESA) with a much broader range of activities covering both scientific research and the application of space technology together with the development of launch vehicles.At the present time the totality of space activities of the ESA member states is made up of national programmes and collaborative projects with other nations and agencies together with participation in the agreed ESA programme. Because of its essentially non-military character, its relatively modest level of funding and its multinational nature the European experience with ESA may provide some useful guidance in the development of space science and technology elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

The various areas and missions involving international cooperation and coordination with ESA and its various space partners are reviewed. Special mention is made of cooperation with NASA which has been a privileged partner of ESA for many years. The past and future activities conducted within the Inter Agency Consultative Group (IACG) are also mentioned. It is shown that the apparent loss of independence which may result from extensive international cooperation can be corrected through the existence of a Long Term Plan.  相似文献   

The space industry in established space-faring nations is playing an increasingly important role in the development of capacity in emerging space nations. The role of industry ranges from provision of turn-key systems, to provision of training and joint development of satellites in partnership with emerging space countries. Ranked number 1 worldwide in terms of satellites ordered in 2006, Thales Alenia Space is at the heart of the most high performance satellite technologies in both civil and defense sectors. The company has been involved in parterships with a number of emerging space nations. This paper discusses several key factors for successful interaction of industry with national space programmes in emerging space nations.  相似文献   

The United States has begun the development of an international Space Station complex in cooperation with Japan, Canada, and the European Space Agency. The planned uses of the facility encompass a broad spectrum of research disciplines including life sciences, material sciences, astrophysics, earth sciences and planetary sciences. Activity has already started on the preparation of scientific proposals, and in some cases on specific pieces of instrumentation, in many of these areas. Long-duration, continuous research in space in a manned facility presents situations, problems and opportunities which have never before needed to be addressed. This paper presents current thinking in the United States on several of these issues related specifically to the microgravity sciences and an initial paradigm for their solution.  相似文献   

The United Nations Programme on Space Applications, implemented by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, promotes the benefits of space-based solutions for sustainable economic and social development. The Programme assists Member States of the United Nations to establish indigenous capacities for the use of space technology and its applications. In the past the Programme has primarily been focusing on the use of space applications and on basic space science activities. However, in recent years there has been a strong interest in a growing number of space-using countries to build space technology capacities, for example, the ability to develop and operate small satellites. In reaction to this development, the United Nations in cooperation with the International Academy of Astronautics has been organizing annual workshops on small satellites in the service of developing countries. Space technology related issues have also been addressed as part of various other activities of the Programme on Space Applications. Building on these experiences, the Office for Outer Space Affairs is now considering the launch of a new initiative, preliminarily titled the United Nations Basic Space Technology Initiative (UNBSTI), to promote basic space technology development. The initiative would be implemented in the framework of the Programme on Space Applications and its aim would be to help building sustainable capacities for basic space technology education and development, thereby advancing the operational use of space technology and its applications.  相似文献   

Although it is generally agreed that the outer space should be used for the benefit of all mankind, only a fraction of the countries have the necessary technological base for accessing space. Space technology, with its implications on science, economy and well-being of citizens, is mostly chosen as one of the priority areas for technological development by developing countries. However, there is already an over-capacity in global space industry and there are doubts on necessity of additional capacity establishment by developing countries. In this study, the importance and benefits of capacity-building in these countries are emphasized and the advantages and disadvantages that developing countries have in the framework of space technology acquisition are briefly presented. The feasibility of certain levels of space technology is discussed and the necessity of combining existing indigenous capabilities with technology obtained from foreign sources in the optimal way is stressed. We have also mentioned various general mechanisms of technology transfer and argued the importance of licensing in catching-up developed countries. After considering the necessary conditions of efficiency of technology, such as establishment of regional centers of space science and technology education by United Nations, joint development of space systems, complete technology transfer packages, cooperative space projects within regional organizations, coordinated constellations and special agreements with large space agencies, which are specific mechanisms already in use, are reviewed. Some typical examples of mechanisms are also given with special emphasize on small satellite technology that makes access to space affordable for many countries. Through sharing and analyzing the experience of developing countries in their odyssey of space capacity-building, the difficulties can be negotiated and the vicious circles can be broken. This study, in our view, is a step to incite a general discussion of obstacles and opportunities for developing countries, that could help them in using their limited resources effectively, hence, enable them to offer better conditions to their citizens and to contribute space science to a larger extend.  相似文献   

地月空间为推进科学、技术和探索提供了巨大潜力,是人类活动的新区域。美国白宫科技政策办公室(OSTP)发布首份国家地月空间科技战略,为协调美国政府各部门及合作者在美国空间优先事项框架下开展负责任的、以和平为目的的、可持续的地月空间探索与利用,提供了早期共同愿景,并首次提出地月空间早期发展的4个最高优先级的科学和技术目标,包括:支持研究和开发,以实现未来地月空间的长期发展;扩大地月空间国际科技合作;将美国的空间态势感知能力拓展到地月空间;通过可扩展和可互操作的方式实施地月空间通信和定位、导航和授时,以促进地月空间科学发现、经济发展和国际合作。   相似文献   

The basic space sciences and their supporting technologies underpin the ability of a country to utilise space applications programmes for development. By whatever measure is employed, Africa is under-represented in the international space science community. This paper reviews lessons learnt over the past 8 years with regard to sustainable capacity building in the region. At present there are a number of role-players in the space arena engaged in various capacity-building initiatives. We advocate that the emphasis of these initiatives should shift from fairly isolated capacity-building activities to comprehensive regional capacity-building programmes developed jointly by the different role-players. In order to develop such coordinated programmes, the establishment of a capacity-building forum involving the space community, the development sector and the developing countries in a region, is proposed.  相似文献   

Since 1991 the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs has been conducting a series of workshops on basic space science under its United Nations Programme on Space Applications. Up to 2004 the workshops focussed on capacity building efforts in basic space science, in particular for the benefit of developing countries. From 2005 onwards the workshops and their related activities contributed to the celebration of the International Heliophysical Year 2007. Together these activities and workshops constitute the United Nations Basic Space Science Initiative of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. This paper reflects on the achievements and outcomes of the Initiative and informs about considerations for its future evolution.  相似文献   

Space law education has an essential role in the space capacity building of a country because of its importance for human resources development in space law. Comparisons between Canada and China, the European Union and China and the United States of America (USA) and China in space law degree education, course, teaching methodology, institute and practice and communication platform are provided in an attempt to review some issues which exist within the Chinese space law educational system and to seek a better choice for China’s space law education reform. Chinese space law education has achieved noticeable progress over the past two decades. However, it is still limited in comparison to its counterparts in Europe and Northern America. The range of the space law degree education programmes and space-law-related courses is comparatively limited. A gap remains between space law education and practice in China. Chinese space law classes are still dominated by the teacher-centred teaching methodology, although several universities have some new teaching practices. The establishment of seven space law-related research institutes plays an increasingly important role in Chinese space law education, space law and policy research and legal advisory services for the Chinese government and non-governmental sectors. However, these institutes still have a long way to go in comparison with their counterparts in Europe and Northern America. While China has established domestic research platforms for space law communication through international cooperation, it does not provide space law practice platforms for space law education. While international space law does not provide a direct legal foundation for space law education in China, Chinese educational laws can lay a profound legal foundation for Chinese space law education. To promote its national expertise and capacity in space law, based on the three-pillar model and the experiences of its counterparts in North America and Europe, China should adopt a systematic and sustainable regime for its space law education.  相似文献   

As an important milestone in the exploration of Mars and small bodies, a new generation space vehicle “Phobos-Grunt” is planned to be launched by the Russian Aviation and Space Agency. The project is optimized around a Phobos sample return mission and follow up missions targeted to study some main asteroid belt bodies, NEOs and short period comets. The principal constraint is use of the “Soyuz-Fregat” rather than the “Proton” launcher to accomplish these challenging goals. The vehicle design incorporates innovative SEP technology involving electrojet engines that allowed us to increase significantly the mission's energetic capabilities, as well as highly autonomous on-board systems. Basic criteria underlining the “Phobos-Grunt” mission scenario, scientific objectives and rationale including Mars observations during the vehicle's insertion into Mars orbit and Phobos approach maneuvers, are discussed and an opportunity for international cooperation is suggested.  相似文献   

During its present appearance, Comet Halley is the focus of an unparalleled global scientific effort of exploration from the ground; from Earth orbit; from Venus orbit; from interplanetary space; and from within the comet itself.

The various activities in space are coordinated by the four space agencies — the European Space Agency (ESA), Intercosmos of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Japanese Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) — through the Inter-Agency Consultative Group (IACG). Coordination of the activities of the ground-based observers is provided through the International Halley Watch (IHW). The IHW was established in 1980, the IACG in 1981.

The single goal of both, IHW and IACG is to maximize the overall scientific results of all efforts in the exploration of Comet Halley from the ground and from space. The obvious success of this unique endeavor might serve as example for future cooperative scientific programs.  相似文献   

In light of the rapidly growing New Space Economy, the landscape of space exploration and development activities will certainly become much more complicated year by year. Relevant commercial space actors have already emerged, pushing the boundaries of entrepreneurial space ventures beyond the Earth-oriented upstream and downstream market segments and opening up the path towards the novel segments of space exploration, space resources utilization, and space research. Planetary protection is usually defined as a set of guidelines concerning the avoidance of bidirectional biological material exchange between the Earth and other celestial bodies. Recent success stories of established and new-entrant NewSpace actors, although posing no realistic planetary protection threat at present, clearly indicate that serious work needs to be done in order for the relevant guidelines to keep up with the rapid advances of the technology development cycles that occur within NewSpace companies. This need may become even more urgent, as space entrepreneurs acquire and develop the resources and competencies to target the currently underserved market segments of space research, exploration, and utilization. As of now, these capabilities were maintained solely by public space agencies; thus, all planetary protection priorities, strategies, and responsibilities were discussed, agreed-upon, and delegated for implementation among national and international working groups of public stakeholders. Although top-down regulations can be effective in controlling the quality and conformity of the deliverables of private subcontractors to public contractors, international planetary protection frameworks might need to evolve even beyond such unmet public-private interaction and partnership models. For this reason, this study did not focus on the legal and political issues of mandating NewSpace actors to adhere to planetary protection guidelines; rather, drawing from the field of sustainable development on Earth, an environmental economics approach was followed, with the goal of viewing the relationship between planetary protection and private space exploration and development as another “tragedy of the commons” problem that must be settled accordingly. After the problem’s framing, i.e. the conceptual presentation and synthesis of four extraterrestrial non-excludable goods, the initial approach of their total economic value, and the negative externalities of their exploitation, a discussion of the forward contamination mitigation costs was conducted. Drawing from the literature and using examples from both the terrestrial and aerospace sectors, a pre-emptive move was suggested: the establishment of a global industry consortium for the pre-competitive collaboration in forward contamination mitigation technologies, centered on an international planetary protection analogue program and its respective testbed facility.  相似文献   

<正> 近三十年来,空间科技的迅速发展,使人类活动越过空气空间进入外层空间。为了解决各国在探索、利用和开发外层空间一系列问题,形成了国际法的一个新分支外层空间法。外空法的特点是:历史短,发展快,虽然在长期、广泛的实践和惯例方面,同国际法的其他部门相比,显得单薄一些,但却拥有内容丰富的国际条约、公约、协定和各国的有关法律、规章、条例及一些案例等等。作为空间大国之一的美国在处理空间事业大发展中出现的各种法律问题日益增多。美国戈罗夫教授编辑的《美国空间法:本国和国际规章》正是为了适应这方面的需要而出版的。  相似文献   

The presence of operational satellites or small-body space debris is a challenge for autonomous ground-based space object observation. Although most space objects exceeding 10?cm in diameter have been cataloged, the position of each space object (based on six orbital parameters) remains important and should be updated periodically, as the Earth’s orbital perturbations cause disturbances. Modern ground-based passive optical telescopes equipped with complementary metal-oxide semiconductors have become widely used in astrometry engineering, being combined with image processing techniques for target signal enhancement. However, the detection and tracking performance of this equipment when employed with image processing techniques primarily depends on the size and brightness of the space target, which appears on the monitor screen under variable background interference conditions. A small and dim target has a highly sensitive tracking error compared to a bright target. Moreover, most image processing techniques for target signal enhancement require large computational power and memory; therefore, automatic tracking of a space target is difficult. The present work investigates autonomous space target detection and tracking to achieve high-sensitivity detection and improved tracking ability for non-Gaussian and dynamic backgrounds with a simple system mechanism and computational efficiency. We develop an improved particle filter (PF) using the ensemble Kalman filter (KF) for track-before-detect (TBD) frameworks, by modifying and optimizing the computational formula for our non-linear measurement function. We call this extended version the “ensemble Kalman PF-TBD (EnKPF-TBD).” Three sequential astronomical image datasets taken by the Asia-Pacific Ground-Based Optical Space Objects Observation System (APOSOS) telescope under different conditions are used to evaluate three proposed TBD baseline frameworks. Given an optimal random sample size, the EnKPF-TBD exhibits superior performance to PF-TBD and threshold-based unscented KF with two-dimensional peak search (2dPS). The EnKPF-TBD scheme achieves satisfactory performance for all variable background interference conditions, especially for a small and dim space target, in terms of tracking accuracy and computational efficiency.  相似文献   

The most important all-round progress in China's Space Science in recent years is the official go-ahead of Strategic Priority Program(SPP) on Space Science in 2011,which marks China's space science has entered a new stage.SPP on Space Science includes 4 satellites(DAMPE,SJ-10,QUESS and HXMT),the Intensive Study of Future Space Science Missions,and the Advanced Research of Space Science Missions and Payloads.It is expected that the innovative breakthroughs will be achieved,and the great leaps of related high-technology will be driven through both independent space science missions and international cooperation.The implementation of the SPP on Space Science will enable the rapid development of China's space science endeavor,and contribute to the progress of human civilization.  相似文献   

The most important all-round progress in China's Space Science in recent years is the official go-ahead of Strategic Priority Program (SPP) on Space Science in 2011, which marks China's space science has entered a new stage. SPP on Space Science includes 4 satellites (DAMPE, SJ-10, QUESS and HXMT), the Intensive Study of Future Space Science Missions, and the Advanced Research of Space Science Missions and Payloads. It is expected that the innovative breakthroughs will be achieved, and the great leaps of related high-technology will be driven through both independent space science missions and international cooperation. The implementation of the SPP on Space Science will enable the rapid development of China's space science endeavor, and contribute to the progress of human civilization.   相似文献   

The “Tyranny of Distance” has had a profound influence on Australian history and reaction to it has been an important factor in determining national scientific and technological goals. Because of its size and geographical remoteness, Australia is one of the countries to have gained substantially from the applications of space technology particularly in the fields of communications, meteorology and remote sensing. Australia is the fifth largest investor in INTELSAT which carries a major fraction of the nation's overseas telecommunications. A domestic satellite system, AUSSAT, is being acquired to improve telecommunications within the country. Australia is heavily dependent on satellite data for routine meteorological forecasting. Data from the Australian Landsat Station are in strong demand, particularly for mineral exploration. In the field of space science, Australia is collaborating with Canada and the United States in feasibility studies for STARLAB, a free-flying UV-optical one metre telescope proposed for launch by the US Space Shuttle beginning in 1989. These scientific and technological programs in which Australia is participating are all dependent upon the space programs of other nations and in describing the status of space science and technology from an Australian perspective some comments will be made on particular aspects of the space programs of the United States and Japan.  相似文献   

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