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The properties of dust ejecta from Comet Halley are studied on the basis of (a) evidence from the comet's past apparitions and (b) analogy with recent, physically similar comets. Specifically discussed are the light curve and spectrum, discrete phenomena in the head, the physical properties of the nucleus (size, albedo, rotation, surface temperature, and morphology), and an interaction between the nucleus and dust atmosphere. Also reviewed are constraints on the size and mass distributions of dust particles, information on submicron-size and submillimeter-size grains from the comet's dust tail and antitail, and the apparent existence of more than one particle type. Similarities between the jet patterns of Halley and the parent comet of the Perseid meteor stream are depicted, and effects of the surface heterogeneity (discrete active regions) on the dust flow are assessed. Current dust models for Halley are summarized and the existence of short-term variations in the dust content in the comet's atmosphere is suggested.  相似文献   

The Halley Optical Probe Experiment (HOPE) on board the Giotto spacecraft has provided the first in-situ measurements, both of the dust and of some gaseous species, from inside the coma of the comet. The instrument has already been described /1/, together with first results /2/. The purpose of this note is to show how optical measurements can lead to in-situ information, how those were obtained during the 13–14 march 1986 Halley fly-by, and what is the status of the data analysis.  相似文献   

The analysis of interplanetary dust shows that the majority of particles in out-of-ecliptic regions comes from comets and also that near solar dust, in the ecliptic regions, results most probably largely from comets. The intense radiation flux in the solar vicinity is expected to cause strong modifications in the material composition and surface structure of interplanetary dust particles and hence the analysis of near solar dust provides interesting insights into the evolution of meteoritic, especially cometary materials. Because of the lack of in-situ measurements our present knowledge concerning these processes derives from remote sensing, i.e. observations of the solar F-corona. In particular these are observations of albedo, polarization and colour temperature given in terms of average particle properties. For example the analysis of near infra-red F-corona data points to the existence of a strong component of irregularly structured silicate particles, most probably of cometary origin. The data may indicate a subsequent sublimation of different particles or different constituents of the particles. Here we compare particle properties derived from F-corona observations with model calculations of single particle properties and discuss perspectives of future analysis of cometary dust in the interplanetary cloud.  相似文献   

A better understanding of cometary dust optical properties has been derived from extensive observations of comet Halley, complemented by other cometary observations at large phase angles and/or in the infrared. Also, further analysis of IRAS observations and improvements in inversion techniques for zodiacal light have led to some progress in our knowledge of interplanetary dust.

Synthetic curves for phase angle dependence of intensity and polarization are presented, together with typical albedo values. The results obtained for interplanetary dust are quite reminiscent of those found for comets. However, the heterogeneity of the interplanetary dust cloud is demonstrated by the radial dependence of its local polarization and albedo; these parameters are also found to vary with inclination of the dust grains' orbits with respect to the ecliptic. Such results suggest drastic alterations with temperature in the texture of cometary dust, and would favor an important asteroidal component in the zodiacal cloud.  相似文献   

Remote optical observations of comets provide information only along the whole line of sight and require some assumptions to be interpreted. Due to the advent of cometary space missions, a two-step strategy has been defined to derive without any assumption spatial distribution and physical properties of dust by in-situ optical observations. First, an Optical Probe Experiment, suitable for a fast fly-by, should provide passive in-situ measurements in the direction of the approaching (or receding) comet near encounter; by suitably differencing such observations, the brightness and polarization per unit volume can be recovered along the trajectory of the spacecraft. Secondly, a Light Scattering Dust Analyzer, suitable for a rendez-vous mission, should permit the determination of the scattering properties of individual particles. Both experiments also provide a connecting link between non-optical in-situ measurements (from mass spectrometers or impact detectors) and remote optical observations.  相似文献   

The comet thermal model of Weissman and Kieffer is used to calculate gas production rates and other parameters for the 1986 perihelion passage of Halley's Comet. Gas production estimates are very close to revised pre-perihelion estimates by Newburn based on 1910 observations of Halley; the increase in observed gas production post-perihelion may be explained by a variety of factors. The energy contribution from multiply scattered sunlight and thermal emission by coma dust increases the total energy reaching the Halley nucleus at perihelion by a factor of 2.4. The high obliquity of the Halley nucleus found by Sekanina and Larson may help to explain the asymmetry in Halley's gas production rates around perihelion.  相似文献   

Cometary comae, cometary tails, and the interplanetary dust cloud, are low density dust clouds built of cosmic dust particles. Light scattering observations, from in-situ space probes and remote observatories, are a key to their physical properties. This presentation updates results on cometary and interplanetary dust derived from such observations (with emphasis on polarization), and compares them with results on asteroidal regoliths. The polarization phase curves follow similar trends, with parameters that may vary from one object to another. The wavelength dependence is highly variable, although it is usually linear in the visible domain. It may be suggested (from observations, modeling and laboratory measurements) that these dust particles are irregular, with a size greater than the wavelength, and that cometary dust is highly porous, as compared to asteroidal or interplanetary dust. Sophisticated numerical models and laboratory measurements on dust analogues are indeed required to interpret without any ambiguity the ensemble of results. The opportunity offered by the ICAPS facility (an ESA project selected for the ISS, now in phase B) to deduce the physical properties of cosmic dust particles from their optical properties, as well as their evolution (breaking-off and agglomeration, ices condensation and evaporation), is presented.  相似文献   

Molecular elemental and isotopic abundances of comets provide sensitive diagnostics for models of the primitive solar nebula. New measurements of the N2, NH and NH2 abundances in comets together with the in situ Giotto mass spectrometer and dust analyzer data provide new constraints for models of the comet forming environment in the solar nebula. An inventory of nitrogen-containing species in comet Halley indicates that NH3 and CN are the dominant N carriers observed in the coma gas. The elemental nitrogen abundance in the gas component of the coma is found to be depleted by a factor approximately 75 relative to the solar photosphere. Combined with the Giotto dust analyzer results for the coma dust component, we find for comet Halley Ngas + dust approximately 1/6 the solar value. The measurement of the CN carbon isotope ratio from the bulk coma gas and dust in comet Halley indicates a significantly lower value, 12C/13C = 65 +/- 9 than the solar system value of 89 +/- 2. Because the dominant CN carrier species in comets remains unidentified, it is not yet possible to attribute the low isotope ratio predominantly to the bulk gas or dust components. The large chemical and isotopic inhomogeneities discovered in the Halley dust particles on 1 mu scales are indicative of preserved circumstellar grains which survived processing in the interstellar clouds, and may be related to the presolar silicon carbide, diamond and graphite grains recently discovered in carbonaceous chondrites. Less than 0.1% of the bulk mass in the primitive meteorites studied consists of these cosmically important grains. A larger mass fraction (approximately 5%) of chemically heterogeneous organic grains is found in the nucleus of comet Halley. The isotopic anomalies discovered in the PUMA 1 Giotto data in comet Halley are probably also attributable to preserved circumstellar grains. Thus the extent of grain processing in the interstellar environment is much less than predicted by interstellar grain models, and a significant fraction of comet nuclei (approximately 5%) may be in the form of preserved circumstellar matter. Comet nuclei probably formed in much more benign environments than primitive meteorites.  相似文献   

A set of nominal model parameters for P/Halley is derived from its light curve and spectra. In those cases where Halley observations are not sufficient, the average value derived from a large set of other comets has been used, or data from comet Bennett, Halley's best analogue has been taken. The derived parameters include nucleus mass, size, density, albedo, rotation period, axial inclination, and surface temperature, the composition of the parent molecules, the total gas and dust production rates, distributions for the dust size and bulk density as well as various other parameters.  相似文献   

A preliminary analysis of the dust emission from comet Halley is presented based on large scale observations of its dust tail. Selected images obtained between February 22 and May 10, 1986 are compared to synchrone-syndyne graphs to infer the history of the dust production and the properties of the dust, at least qualitatively. Quantitative modeling of the dust tall has also been initiated and preliminary results are shown for the cases of isotropic and anisotropic (jet) dust production.  相似文献   

The imaging system of the -PROGRA2 instrument allows to obtain maps of polarization and brightness of levitating dust clouds with a theoretical resolution of 10 μm per pixel. The measurements are conducted in microgravity during parabolic flights and on the ground by air-draught. It is then possible to measure the contribution of individual particles (grains, aggregates and agglomerates.) The size distribution can be retrieved, as well as the variation of polarization for a given phase angle with size for particles larger than 10 microns. Two different kinds of particles are considered: compact grains and (aggregates and agglomerates of) fluffy particles. Opposite results are obtained for these two kinds of particles, concerning the dependence of polarization with size and color in the visible domain for gray materials. These results, coupled with such remote sensing observations in the solar system, can then help to better understand the physical properties of solid particles and their variation in cometary comae, as well as in the Earth's atmosphere.  相似文献   

Anticipating the new results from the space missions to Comet Halley and Comet Giacobini-Zinner, we make a brief review of recent theoretical and observational studies of dust-plasma environment. In order to relate different disciplines in cometary research in the context of comet-solar wind interaction, two separate issues: (a) surface processes and (b) plasma processes are considered to indicate how various kinds of observations of cometary dust comas and tails may be used to infer the conditions of solar wind - comet interaction and the corresponding plasma processes in the cometary ionospheres and ion tails (and vice-versa). In particular, it is suggested that the narrow sunward-pointing dust streamers emitted from the cometary nuclei could be related to the electrostatic transport of sub-micron dust over the nuclear surfaces at large heliocentric distances; and the striae sometimes observed in cometary dust tails at smaller heliocentric distances could be the consequence of electrostatic fragmentation of fluffy dust particles in the ion tails.  相似文献   

This contribution starts with a short overview on cometary dust modelling and then focuses on the application of coma modelling with respect to in-situ measurements of cometary dust and ground based observations. The fountain model, valid for the dynamics of small cometary dust particles, is discussed. Models using Keplarian theory for the motion of the dust particles are outlined and the ESOC coma model is presented. Some direct applications of this model to analyse the results of the recent spacecraft flybys of comet Halley, as dust flux profiles, particle ground tracks and envelope positions, are shown. To compare the model with ground-based astronomical observations, the utilization of the ESOC coma model for the generation of synthetic images is demonstrated and some future prospects of this technique are outlined.  相似文献   

Radar observations of small space debris made with the Goldstone radar facility have shown that a population of small particles do exist at an altitude larger than 2000 km. This population has been identified with clusters of copper needles created upon the deployment of the West Ford needles project, by MIDAS satellites in 1961 and 1963. This set of particles is either not taken into account in the debris models or only added to other populations. But owing to their specific physical and geometrical properties, the sunlight they scatter could affect, for instance, the spaceborne astronomical experiments. In order to assess this threat it is necessary to model their physical and geometric characteristics. A preliminary modelling using spheres suggests that some improvement is needed. We propose a better approach with long conductive cylinders as a model for the clusters. The interaction of solar light with these particles allows us to estimate the spurious flux scattered inside spaceborne instruments. We conclude that for a given spatial configuration light flashes can affect seriously the operating mode of high sensitivity instruments.  相似文献   

The ion formation processes by dust impacts have been studied qualitatively as well as quantitatively by dust accelerator laboratory measurements. Iron, carbon and metallized glass particles in the femto- to nano-gram mass range had been impacted on various metal targets in a velocity regime of v = 2 - 64 km/s. In the high velocity regime as relevant for the (retrograde) Halley encounter more than 99% of the ions produced are singly charged atomic, the rest molecular ones. The ion/atom ratios are apparently modified SIMS yields, the modification parameter being impact velocity dependent. A semiempirical formula was deduced for the determination of mass and density of the impacting particle from target and projectile ion yields. When evaluating the Halley encounter results, the elemental distribution of p/Halley dust appeared nearly to be solar; the organic fraction (CHON) could be characterized in a rough manner as fairly unsaturated. Oligomers of the monomers C2H2 (65%), CH2O (25%), and HCN (10%) are probable.

With medium velocities (for prograde comet encounter), i.e. v = 15-30 km/s molecular ion types govern the mass spectra. Consequently, more chemical information of the projectile can be expected in this case, additional to the elemental distribution. Mass and density of the impinging dust particles can be determined as well.  相似文献   

From the discrete spectra of the emissions from the comet in the frequency range from 30 to 195 kHz named CKR (Cometary Kilometric Radiation), movements of the bow shock at comet Halley are concluded, i.e., the observed CKR emissions can be interpreted as being generated and propagating from the moving shock. The motion of the shocks are possibly associated with time variation of the solar wind and of the cometary outgassings. By in-situ plasma waves observations using PWP (Plasma Wave Probe) onboard the Sakigake spacecraft, the characteristic spectra of the electrostatic electron plasma waves, the electron cyclotron harmonic waves, and the ion sound waves have been detected during the interval of the Halley's comet fly-by. Compared with the results of a Faraday cup observation and a magnetometer, it is concluded that these plasma wave phenomena are the manifestation of the ion pick-up processes. The ion pick-up processes are taking place even in the remote region within a distance range from 7×106 to 107 km from the cometary nucleus.  相似文献   

There is important progress now in the identifications and measurements of primary (parent) molecules in the inner coma of Comet Halley. H2O, CO2 and CO are definitely in the list, CH and some complicate organic molecules are suspected. Gas production rate for water vapor is QH2O 1030 s−1. The bulk of data doesn't contradict to the Whipple model of nucleus (with clathrate modification). Pronounced spatial structure of gaseous flow in the coma was observed, but in general measured properties of neutral gas in the coma of Comet Halley are not very different from predicted. Situation for dust is different. In situ dust measurements show that size spectrum and optical properties of particles in coma are substantively declining from predicted on the base of groundbased photometry. However there are discrepancies between Vega and Giotto dust counter data. Dust in the inner coma didn't prevent the succesful imaging of nucleus by TV on Vega 1 and 2.  相似文献   

A comet nucleus considered as an aggregate of interstellar dust would produce a mist of very finely divided (radius ~ 0.01 μm) particles of carbon and metal oxides accompanying the larger dust grains. These small particles which are very abundant in the interstellar dust size spectrum would provide substantial physical effects because of their large surface area. They may show up strongly in particle detectors on the Halley probes. A strong basis for serious consideration of these particles comes from the other evidence that interstellar dust grains are the building blocks of comets; e.g. (1) the explanation of the “missing” carbon in comets; (2) The S2 molecule detection which suggests that the comet solid ice materials have been previously subjected to ultraviolet radiation (as are interstellar grains) before aggregation into the comet; (3) the predicted dust to gas ratio.  相似文献   

In March 6 and 9, 1986 the spacecrafts ‘Vega-1’ and ‘Vega-2’ have flown through the coma of comet Halley and have carried measurements of plasma, energetic particles, magnetic field and plasma waves along its trajectory. A short review of these measurements and its comparison with theoretical models of solar wind interaction with comets are given.

The spacecrafts ‘Vega-1’ and ‘Vega-2’ have studied the solar wind loading by cometary ions, the structure of cometary bow shock and the processes in the inner coma of comet Halley. Exactly in this sequence we discuss the results of measurements and compare them with the theory.  相似文献   

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