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Intense geomagnetic activity is known to give rise to large geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) in power transmission grids. Recordings of geomagnetic activity provide an efficient and economical way for power transmission system operators to assess GIC risks in retrospective studies. This study investigates local geomagnetic indicators (i.e., hourly peak value, hourly range indicator and hourly standard deviation) in order to determine their usefulness for understanding the drivers of GICs in the South African power network. Results show that the GICs have a higher correlation with the geomagnetic indicators derived from the East–West component of the horizontal geomagnetic field, than the indicators derived from the North–South component of the horizontal field. This directional dependence corresponds very well with the North–South orientation of the power lines feeding the power transformers at the South African Grassridge electrical substation GIC site. It therefore follows that, the geoelectric field driving the GICs at Grassridge is North–South oriented. Further, it is shown that the hourly range indicator has a higher correlation with the GICs than the hourly standard deviation for this particular network configuration.  相似文献   

基于高纬度芬兰Mäntsälä地区近两个太阳活动周期(1999—2017年)天然气传输管道的地磁感应电流(GIC,IGIC)观测数据,统计研究了GIC扰动的分布特征以及强GIC扰动与磁暴和地磁亚暴的相关性.研究发现:95.83%时间段的GIC强度分布在0~1A之间.定义:若某个时间段|IGIC|max> 1A,则认为发生GIC扰动;|IGIC|max>10A,则认为发生强GIC扰动事件.GIC扰动在磁地方时夜侧附近发生的概率最高,这主要与地磁亚暴发生期间电离层电流最剧烈的变化发生在磁地方时夜侧附近有关;强GIC扰动经常爆发式出现,且都发生在磁暴期间,但大多数磁暴并不伴随强GIC扰动事件发生.磁暴急始驱动的强GIC扰动事件较少,由磁层压缩引起地磁场突然增强驱动的强GIC扰动事件持续时间较短;强GIC扰动事件主要发生在磁暴主相和恢复相,由环电流变化驱动的强GIC扰动事件一般持续时间较长且强度较大.   相似文献   

近年来中国相继监测到地磁暴侵害电网、铁路轨道电路和油气管道系统产生的地磁感应电流(Geomagnetically Induced Current,GIC)数据,但是目前实测的GIC数据还相对较少。根据2021年10月9日日冕物质抛射事件(CME)产生的Kp指数为6的地磁扰动(Geomagnetic Disturbance,GMD)数据,500 kV阿拉坦变电站(48.7°N,116.8°E)和上河变电站(33.4°N,119.2°E)及输电系统的参数,分析了2021年10月11日地磁暴期间在两座变电站监测到的GIC数据以及输电系统参数对GIC量值的影响。结果表明:地磁暴在500 kV上河变电站产生的GIC比阿拉坦变电站GIC量值相对较大。分析结果说明,在这次磁暴事件中,输电线路导线电阻是影响变电站GIC的主要因素。   相似文献   

In this paper a model for computing geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) from local geomagnetic field observations carried out in Hokkaido, Japan is constructed. The model is composed of system parameters mapping the horizontal geoelectric field to GIC and of 1D conductivity model. A rigorous model validation is used to show that the model reproduces the observed GIC with a very good accuracy.  相似文献   

Progress in information technology has enabled to collecting data in near real-time. This significantly improves our ability to monitor space weather conditions. We deliver information on near real-time space weather conditions via the internet. We have started two collaborations with space weather users. One is a measurement of geomagnetically induced current (GIC) of power grids in collaboration with a Japanese power company. The other concerns radiation hazards for aircrews. The radiation exposure level for aircrews was been determined by the Japanese government by the end of 2005. The proposed upper limit is 5 mSV a year. We are actively seeking ways to contribute to this subject. Our activities at the Japanese space weather center are reported in this paper.  相似文献   

天宫二号空间综合材料实验装置的炉内压力和加热功率均影响炉内温场.针对空间与地面对比实验,分析了炉内压力和温场相同时炉丝加热功率的变化,以及炉内温场和炉丝加热功率相同时炉内压力的变化.地面实验时,炉内气体被炉丝加热后,由于重力作用产生对流,从而影响炉膛温度.炉内压力为1atm时,空间与地面实验的加热功率比约为97.5%.空间实验时,由于对流效应减弱,炉内压力变化对其最高温度影响减小.空间与地面的对比实验结果表明,地面炉内压力为空间炉内压力(1atm)的50%时,空间与地面实验的加热功率和温场等参数接近一致.这对于空间高温材料实验装置设计具有重要指导和参考意义.   相似文献   

基于单目视觉的同步定位与建图(SLAM)是机器人领域中的一项热门技术。然而,在场景建图方面,由于其计算量较大,各主流方法还无法在低运算能力的平台上实现实时的场景建模。针对室内环境与小型机器人的特定情况,提出了一种新的可通行区域建模方法。该方法建立在单目特征点SLAM的基础上,通过HSV色彩空间内的图像自适应阈值分割获取地面分割图像,并与SLAM生成的稀疏点云进行交叉比对,进而获取地平面与准确的地面分割区域,再将地面分割区域反投影到地平面上,获取地面的稠密建模。在室内场景的实验中,所提方法的平均运算速度能达到21帧/s,速度约为ORB-SLAM的70%,能够满足移动平台的实时性要求。对于地平面位置的还原平均误差为5.8%,地面上道路宽度的建模误差在3.5%~12.8%。   相似文献   

基于BP-GIS的京津冀碳钢土壤腐蚀速率地图研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对京津冀地区碳钢土壤腐蚀问题,应用误差反向传播(BP)神经网络,以主影响因素为输入参数,分别构建了针对京津冀地区碳钢土壤腐蚀速率模型。根据各主要土壤腐蚀影响因素数值,对碳钢土壤腐蚀速率实现了预测。并基于地理信息系统(GIS)绘制了中国年均碳钢土壤腐蚀速率地图。研究表明:京津冀地区单年均碳钢土壤腐蚀速率西北高东南低,多年均碳钢土壤腐蚀速率基本均匀分布;pH、含盐总量、土壤温度、全氮量和有机质对碳钢土壤腐蚀较为显著;1、3、5和8年均碳钢土壤腐蚀速率分布最大为6.159、2.322、2.614和3.467 g/(dm2·a)。   相似文献   

电离层电流产生的磁场是地磁场卫星测绘时需要剔除的干扰源.利用电离层热层模式TIE-GCM计算电离层中的中性风、重力驱动和压强梯度等形成的电离层电流的全球分布,分析电流在特定位置产生的磁场及磁场三分量随纬度的变化规律.结果表明,E层尤其是磁赤道和极区的电流密度较大,可达103nA·m-2量级,F层电流密度量级约为10nA·m-2.在磁静日(Kp≤ 1)夜间22:00LT-04:00LT,电离层电流在中低纬度(南北纬50°之间)产生的磁场量级为几个nT,且磁场的南北向分量和径向分量基本大于东西向分量.通过与CHAMP卫星磁测数据分析比较,发现TIE-GCM模式计算电离层干扰磁场在中低纬度可以取得较好的结果,但在高纬度地区的效果不理想,还需进一步改进模式以提高计算精度.   相似文献   

强磁暴产生的地磁感应电流是诱发电力系统灾害性事故的关键因素,预防与控制地磁感应电流的必要途径是评估其在系统中的水平.掌握磁暴感应地电场的时空分布是评估所在区域电网地磁感应电流的基础,可为研究与防治电网磁暴灾害提供参考.在中国现有稀疏分布的地磁台观测数据基础上,建立了电离层等效球面元电流系统模型,并将其与复镜像法结合,建立了磁暴感应地电场和地磁场的计算模型.利用磁暴期间实测的地磁台站数据进行了计算,算例结果与平面波理论计算结果的对比证明了算法的正确性与有效性.计算结果可直接应用于电力系统的地磁感应电流计算,为分析电力系统磁暴灾害风险提供参考.   相似文献   

A major solar flare eruption occurred at 16:20 UT on 4 November 2001, followed by strong solar radiation storm and proton event recorded by the SOHO and other interplanetary satellites. Coronal mass ejection associated with the flare event triggered an interplanetary shock, which impacted the geomagnetic field after about 33 h. The shock impact was quite intense to produce a SSC magnitude of 80 nT in the low latitude ground magnetic records followed by sharp and deep main phase (Dst −300 nT) in the first stage, following the density (Np) enhancement. High time resolution digital magnetic field data from the equatorial and low latitude stations in India are analyzed to study the influence of various IP parameters on the intensity and duration of the magnetic storm. A double step storm was found to be in progress caused by the multiple injections. During the period of recovery, after a period of 8 h, a third stage of depression in the ground magnetic field was set in, which corresponded to the southward directed Bz. The energy transfer processes associated with the event is presented.  相似文献   

Among the factors which may disrupt the DORIS measurements quality, the ground antennas environment is of high importance. For a set of 15 selected DORIS beacon, the differences between the effective and theoretical power received on-board the satellites (SPOT-5 and Envisat) have been analyzed in terms of spatial direction around the antenna. Such antenna maps have also been established regarding the Doppler residuals of the least-square precise orbit adjustment. Thanks to 360° views from the antennas and aerial views of the sites, the impact of the signal obstructions (trees, roofs, antennas …) on power attenuation and Doppler residuals is discussed. Depending on the nature of the obstructed object, the attenuation level can reach more than 5 dB, and the residual RMS of the orbit adjustment may be doubled from the nominal value, reaching 1 mm/s locally. The nature of the ground at the foot of the antennas has been correlated to DORIS signal quality at high elevation: reflections on flat surfaces (e.g. roofs) affect the signal more significantly than reflections on natural ground (e.g. soil). In particular, a modeling of the multipath phenomenon affecting Fairbanks site has been established and fits remarkably with the observations. Finally, an evaluation of the direct impact of obstructing objects on the orbit has also been performed. The example of a scaffolding at Kauai site displays a few millimeters error in the along-track position of the satellite.  相似文献   

对于采用空间惯性定向姿态的卫星,其在数传设备工作期间不能保证固定安装在星体上的发射天线波束准确指向地面站,这给有效载荷高速数传提出更高技术要求. 研究了这类卫星在轨运行时其姿态相对地面站的变化规律,利用STK软件提供的卫星轨道仿真分析结果,寻找数传天线波束中心轴的较好指向,得到不同天线波束宽度能够实现的卫星对地数传时间. 通过研制140°波束范围内0dBi增益天线,在链路设计上保证了传输速率85Mbit·s-1时有足够的余量. 在星载设备小型化约束(质量10kg、功耗80W)条件下,采用小型化宽波束天线以及固态功放解决了空间惯性定向姿态卫星的有效载荷数据传输问题,设计方案满足相关任务要求.   相似文献   

Intense geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) can hamper rail traffic by disturbing signaling and train control systems. GIC threats have been a concern for technological systems at high-latitude locations due to geomagnetic disturbances driven by substorm expansion electrojet or convection electrojet intensifications. However, other geomagnetic storm processes such as storm sudden commencement (SSC) and geomagnetic pulsations can also cause GIC concerns for technological systems. We present in this paper the first evidence based on statistical data for links between geomagnetic disturbances and faulty operations (anomalies) in the functioning of railway automatics and telemetry. We analyze anomalies of automatic signaling and train control equipment which occurred in 2004 on the East-Siberian Railway (corrected geomagnetic latitude m = 46–51°N and longitude λm = 168–187°E). Our results reveal a seasonal effect in the number of anomalies per train similar to the one observed in geomagnetic activity (Kp, Ap, Dst indices). We also found an increase by a factor of 3 in the total duration of daily anomalies during intense geomagnetic storms (local geomagnetic index specific to Siberian Observatory Amax > 30), with a significant correlation between the daily sum of durations of anomalies with geomagnetic activity. Special attention was paid to failures not related to recognized technical malfunctions. We found that the probability of these failures occurring in geomagnetically disturbed periods was 5–7 times higher than the average anomaly occurrence.  相似文献   

在工程结构中,腐蚀疲劳破坏是一种常见的现象,腐蚀坑处往往形成疲劳源,严重影响材料的疲劳特性。基于连续损伤力学理论,提出了含预腐蚀损伤铝合金疲劳寿命预测方法。首先,将腐蚀的影响分为2个方面,即腐蚀造成局部初始损伤和腐蚀形成的蚀坑造成局部应力集中;其次,建立了考虑预腐蚀损伤的疲劳损伤演化方程,并实现了相应的数值解法;然后,根据预腐蚀疲劳试验结果与数值计算结果,得到预腐蚀引起的材料初始损伤;最后,采用数值解法,对含预腐蚀坑的铝合金进行了寿命预估,并与试验结果进行对比,验证了所提方法的有效性。   相似文献   

本文对Kamide等人的由地面磁变化计算电离层电场、电流及场向电流的方法做了改进。给出了计入非径向地磁力线对电离层电导率影响下的电位φ的二阶偏微分方程。通过实例计算考查了由地面磁资料计算电离层电场、电流及场向电流中地磁力线非径向性的部分效应。结果表明,即使在高纬极光区,这部分效应也是重要的、不能忽视的;此外,计入这一效应使得计算量明显减少。   相似文献   

Daily Be-7 concentrations in air at the height of 15 m are continuously observed at 38°15.2′N, 140°20.9′E, between 2000 and 2001. The average concentration and the relative standard deviation were 4.0 mBq/m3 and 50% in 2000–2001, respectively. The Be-7 concentrations increased 2.5% with the decrease in the sunspot numbers by 6.7% for the term of two years. From the power spectral analysis, the periodicity of 26 days is shown for the daily Be-7 concentrations. The folding analysis indicates that the time variation of the Be-7 concentration is similar to that of the ground-based neutron counting rate, and the phase delay for the minimum portion of Be-7 concentration was roughly 8 days to the maximum sunspot number. These results indicate that the Be-7 concentrations in the air at ground level have 26 day periodicity as a component of time variations and the time variation is caused by the solar modulation of galactic cosmic rays, which corresponds to the variation of the sunspot number due to the rotation of the sun.  相似文献   

空间电子辐射环境下,航天器介质的充放电效应是威胁航天器安全的重要因素.介质放电现象除与材料参数及构型相关外,还与空间电子环境密切相关.本文通过电子枪和Sr90放射源在地面实验装置上模拟空间电子辐照环境,测试了环氧树脂、聚四氟乙烯、聚酰亚胺等常见空间材料在不同温度、不同电子能量和电子束流强度影响下的放电脉冲,并对放电电流脉冲和电场脉冲进行频谱分析.实验分析结果表明,介质材料的放电电流脉冲频谱具有明显的单峰结构,该峰值与材料厚度和入射电子能量相关,但受材料温度和辐照束流强度影响不大.   相似文献   

飞机结构腐蚀部位涂层加速试验环境谱研究   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
提出了适用于飞机结构腐蚀关键部位涂层的加速试验环境谱,该谱的基本构成以CASS谱为基础,1个周期包括温湿、紫外照射、热冲击、低温疲劳和盐雾5个环境块,代表地面停放1a.结合我国沿海、湿热地区实际情况给出了温湿试验、热冲击试验的具体条件,并建立了盐雾试验中性与酸性盐雾的比例、紫外试验时间及低温疲劳应力的确定方法.以某歼击机腐蚀关键部位作为实例具体阐述了加速环境谱的编制过程,并用与外场飞机关键部位腐蚀程度对比的方法验证了1个周期代表我国沿海、湿热地区停放1a的当量加速关系.  相似文献   

Integrity is the ability of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) to detect faults in measurements and provide timely warnings to users and operators when the navigation system cannot meet the defined performance standards, which is of great importance for safety of life critical applications. Compared with both Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) and ground based GNSS Integrity Channel (GIC) methods which are widely adopted nowadays, the Satellite Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (SAIM) method can be used to monitor orbit/ephemeris and clock errors, and has advantages in monitoring orbit and clock quality and providing instantaneous responses when faults happen.  相似文献   

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