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对2种检测单脉冲雷达主波束内是否存在2个不可区分目标的算法进行了推广,将其应用到波束内可能存在N个不可区分的目标,并仿真了波束内存在3个目标时的检测性能。仿真表明,在总信噪比相同时,3个目标的检测概率不一定大于2个目标的检测概率,处于方位向上间距最大的2个目标的信噪比对整个检测概率影响较大。  相似文献   

基于Lambert问题的精确拦截与交会策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lambert交会问题的经典Gauss求解方法是建立在二体问题假设基础上的,不能满足实际空间任务需求。因此在考虑摄动影响的基础上,提出了一种修正方法,以实现精确拦截和交会,并通过仿真算例验证了该方法的正确性。  相似文献   

针对目标和其发射的拦截弹对来袭攻击弹进行协同拦截问题,设计了一种最优协同拦截制导律。建立描述目标、攻击弹和拦截弹三者相对运动关系的模型,引入零控脱靶量对模型进行降阶处理。考虑拦截弹对攻击弹的拦截精度、拦截末端时目标的安全性以及目标、拦截弹的控制能量问题,基于攻击弹-拦截弹零控脱靶量、攻击弹-拦截弹终端横向相对运动速度零控脱靶量、目标-攻击弹零控脱靶量以及目标和拦截弹的加速度,建立了性能指标函数,同时考虑目标和拦截弹加速度的有限性,基于极小值原理设计了最优协同拦截制导律。仿真结果表明,相比目标和拦截弹独立飞行的情况,采用协同拦截制导律,在考虑了目标安全性的前提下,机动性较弱的拦截弹能够以较平直的弹道成功拦截攻击弹。  相似文献   

顺轨拦截模式剩余飞行时间估计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李辕  闫梁  赵继广  陈景鹏 《航空学报》2015,36(9):3082-3091
匹配顺轨和逆轨拦截模式的估计方法是精确计算剩余飞行时间(TGO)的必要条件,适用于逆轨拦截模式的TGO估计方法并不适于顺轨拦截模式。为此,针对顺轨拦截模式,分别提出了拦截机动/非机动目标的TGO估计方法。通过对线性制导方程的变形求解出了拦截弹的飞行弧长,并根据预测的碰撞点位置求得了TGO估计的解析式。该求解方法通用性强,适用于弹道成型制导律的TGO估计。以负比例(RPN)和扩展RPN(ARPN)为制导框架,与经典方法进行对比,所提出的TGO估计方法精确度高,能够有效提高导弹的制导性能。  相似文献   

以质点飞行器的空间运动方程和运筹学基本理论为基础,研究了反导防空导弹的拦截问题.通过运用线化理论和微分对策最优化理论,得到了拦截导弹和目标的最优控制策略,并在此基础上给出了可以实现的最优制导律.通过数学仿真分析,取得了优于比例导引律的结果.  相似文献   

肖惟  于江龙  董希旺  李清东  任章 《航空学报》2020,41(z1):723777-723777
研究了非线性拦截几何下具有过载约束的多枚弱机动能力的导弹拦截强机动能力的目标的协同拦截问题。首先,在建立导弹的可达域、导弹的可行域以及目标的逃逸域这3个概念的基础上提出了非线性拦截几何下的基于逃逸域覆盖的协同拦截策略,并提出了基于标准弹道的设计方法。然后,给出了协同拦截制导律的形式,研究了导弹的末制导初始阵位、制导律参数以及导弹对目标机动的覆盖区域这三者间的关系,并设计了数值求解算法来实现对多弹的覆盖区域的分配、协同制导律的设计以及多弹初始拦截阵位的配置。最后,对理论结果进行仿真。结果显示,多枚机动性较小的导弹,通过初始拦截阵位的合理配置和协同拦截制导律的合理设计,可以实现对机动性能较强的目标的协同拦截。  相似文献   

在有限资源条件下,针对多目标区域的对地观测问题是航天器轨道设计、在轨任务规划中的重要问题。卫星效能的充分发挥基于科学的卫星星座设计。围绕多区域多轨道星座设计问题:首先,结合运载器实际能力,确定轨道类型和设计变量;然后,根据轨道外推、星下点轨迹、探测区域等算法,提出重访时间的计算方法,以最大重访时间作为星座性能指标,采用多层嵌套变量搜索方法实现星座设计;最后,对 1个具体任务进行实例设计。结果表明,采用该方法能够设计出满足指标要求的星座,具有可行性。  相似文献   

针对天基空间目标光学监测时初轨确定(IOD)困难的问题,讨论了计算结果收敛到平凡解的本因,提出了消去平凡解的改进定轨流程。通过构建Laplace初轨确定方法的八次方程,分析了空间目标处于不同相对位置时方程系数和根的性质之间的关系。针对传统Laplace型初轨确定方法收敛到观测平台轨道的现象,给出了平凡解的数学表征和数值验证并提出了消除方法。由于基于Lambert问题利用距离搜索的初轨确定方法进行天基目标监测时对初值相对敏感,利用平凡解消除方法对Gooding法进行了改造,提出了一种适用于天基空间目标初轨确定的方法与流程。最后利用低轨目标监测的实测数据和高轨目标监测的仿真数据对方法进行了验证。结果表明本方法可有效解决平凡解和初值敏感问题,方法具有收敛速度快、精度可靠的特点,且具有普适性,易于理解,便于推广。  相似文献   

The target motion analysis (TMA) for a moving scanning emitter with known fixed scan rate by a single observer using the time of interception (TOI) measurements only is investigated in this paper.By transforming the TOI of multiple scan cycles into the direction difference of arrival (DDOA) model,the observability analysis for the TMA problem is performed.Some necessary conditions for uniquely identifying the scanning emitter trajectory are obtained.This paper also proposes a weighted instrumental variable (WIV) estimator for the scanning emitter TMA,which does not require any initial solution guess and is closed-form and computationally attractive.More importantly,simulations show that the proposed algorithm can provide estimation mean square error close to the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) at moderate noise levels with significantly lower estimation bias than the conventional pseudo-linear least square (PLS) estimator.  相似文献   

Knowledge-based system for multi-target tracking in a littoral environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper addresses how to efficiently exploit the knowledge-base (KB), e.g. environmental maps and characteristics of the targets, in order to gain improved performance in the tracking of multiple targets via measurements provided by a ship-borne radar operating in a littoral environment. In this scenario, the nonhomogeneity of the surveillance region makes the conventional tracking systems (not using the KB) very sensitive to false alarms and/or missed detections. It is demonstrated that an effective use of the KB can be exploited at various levels of the tracking algorithms so as to significantly reduce the number of false alarms, missed detections, and false tracks and improve true target track life. The KB is exploited at two different levels. First, some key parameters of the tracking system are made dependent upon the track location, e.g., sea, land, coast, meteo zones (i.e., zones affected by meteorological phenomena) etc. Second, modifications are introduced to cope with a priori identified regions nit hi high clutter density (e.g. littoral areas, roads, meteo zones etc.). To evaluate the behavior of the proposed knowledge-based tracking systems, extensive results are presented using both simulated and real radar data  相似文献   

梁新刚  杨涤 《飞行力学》2007,25(3):53-57
以国外目前正在研制中的变比冲磁等离子体火箭发动机(VASIMR)为背景,研究了变比冲发动机作用下的同平面燃料最优轨道转移。推力方向角和比冲为控制变量,发动机总功率为常值,发动机可多次开关机。采用经典最优控制理论,运用庞德里亚金最小值原理将问题转化为两点边值问题,并通过非线性规划算法求解,得到了受精确开关函数控制的最优比冲时间历程。给出的VASIMR发动机应用算例结果表明,采用VA-SIMR发动机有益于提高航天器有效载荷所占比例。  相似文献   

Multi-target tracking is facing the difficulties of modeling uncertain motion and observation noise. Traditional tracking algorithms are limited by specific models and priors that may mismatch a real-world scenario. In this paper, considering the model-free purpose, we present an online Multi-Target Intelligent Tracking(MTIT) algorithm based on a Deep Long-Short Term Memory(DLSTM) network for complex tracking requirements, named the MTIT-DLSTM algorithm. Firstly, to distinguish trajectories and ...  相似文献   

给出了一种机动多目标雷达视频信号模拟器的软硬件设计方案,它可实时输出所需的多个动目标雷达视频信号,雷达信号的类型、目标的数量、目标的回波特性、目标的运动特性、杂波的类型及参数等均可方便地进行设置。该模拟器可满足各种雷达信号处理算法(如杂波抑制、恒虚警检测、动目标跟踪、多基地数据融合等)的测试与效果分析,以及对雷达信号处理机等进行性能调试与测试的需要。  相似文献   

The minimum-time multiple-impulse rendezvous with impulse constraints is investigated in this paper. Based on the Clohessy–Wiltshire (C–W) equations, an optimization model including several different kinds of impulse constraints such as the maximum impulse magnitude, the total velocity change magnitude and the time of imposing impulse for multiple-impulse minimum-time rendezvous is established. A generalized inverse matrix solution for linear equation is applied to avoid handling the terminal equality constraints. In order to obtain the global solution efficiently, a hybrid optimizer combining the advantages of a floating-coded genetic algorithm and simplex method is employed. A low-earth orbit multiple-impulse rendezvous problem is used as an example. The influence of the number of impulses, the optimization variables and the constraints on the solution is analyzed, and the different optimization algorithms are compared. Results indicate our proposed model and approach is effective in designing linearized minimum-time rendezvous trajectory with impulse constraints.  相似文献   

周聪  闫晓东  唐硕 《航空学报》2019,40(10):323122-323122
为了满足临近空间机动目标拦截中制导预测和多约束要求,设计了一种基于圆弧预测的变系数显式拦截中制导方法。首先针对临近空间目标滑翔段飞行特性,提出了基于圆弧的几何目标预测方法,将目标机动轨迹近似为圆弧,通过多个间隔时刻的目标位置确定圆弧参数,依据圆弧预测轨迹估计剩余飞行时间,并以当前速度递推预测拦截点状态,进而推导了三维角约束显式制导律。在此基础上,通过在性能指标中构建动压权重函数,以飞行动压近似可用过载变化,设计了变系数显式制导律,实现了制导增益的自适应更新,从而可以使得需用过载在飞行全程中合理分配,满足可用过载约束。最后结合圆弧预测和变系数显式制导,实现了对机动目标的预测拦截。仿真结果表明所提方法具有较好的目标预测精度,而且可以满足终端交会角以及可用过载约束。  相似文献   

In this article, we develop an online robust actor-critic-disturbance guidance law for a missile-target interception system with limited normal acceleration capability. Firstly, the missiletarget engagement is formulated as a zero-sum pursuit-evasion game problem. The key is to seek the saddle point solution of the Hamilton Jacobi Isaacs(HJI) equation, which is generally intractable due to the nonlinearity of the problem. Then, based on the universal approximation capability of Neural Networks(N...  相似文献   

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