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对纤维增强复合材料(FRP)激光加工国内外的研究现状进行了梳理。从激光加工中材料的去除过程、去除机理以及热吸收特性等方面综述了FRP激光加工机理;从激光加工热影响区对材料性能影响、影响热影响区因素、热影响区预测等方面梳理了FRP热影响区的研究现状;概述了FRP激光辅助加工技术的研究进展。大量研究表明,由于FRP的各向异性,FRP激光加工与均质材料的激光加工存在显著差异。目前,FRP激光加工的热影响区能有效的降至几微米,显著降低了热影响区对构件性能的影响。为最大限度的融合激光加工的优势,FRP激光复合加工技术在FRP加工领域的应用逐渐受到关注,成为FRP加工技术提升的一个重要发展方向。  相似文献   

作为一类典型难加工材料,实现以碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(CFRP)、芳纶纤维增强树脂基复合材料(AFRP)为代表的纤维增强树脂基复合材料(FRP)的高精密、高质量加工是业界的追求目标。初探了激光脉冲宽度、波长对于典型FRP切割边缘热影响区的影响规律,比较了不同FRP材料精密切割对于激光参数需求的异同。发现纳秒激光、连续激光等传统激光因加工热效应明显而不适合精密切割,而皮秒激光、飞秒激光等超快激光可以实现热影响区宽度仅0.01mm~0.1mm量级的高质量切割,且热影响区宽度几乎不依赖于脉冲宽度;缩短超快激光波长有利于减小AFRP材料的热影响区宽度,但对于CFRP材料则不明显。考虑到高功率皮秒激光一般比对应的飞秒激光更经济,可使用倍频后得到的短波长皮秒激光实现对AFRP的精密切割,对于CFRP则考虑本征波长的皮秒激光即可。  相似文献   

航天用新材料——CVD法SiC纤维及其复合材料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述了近年来国风CVD法SiC纤维及其复合材料研制的进展以及在航天领域的初步应用情况。目前国产CVD法SiC纤维的综合性能达到国际同类产品的先进水平。这种纤维与树脂、金属铝等基体有良好的相容性,其复合材料具有较高的力学性能或电性能,在航天领域有着广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

目前广泛流传有关复合材料的问题已经有20多年了。在这期间,从复合材料的定义出发,对其制造方法和产品的性能进行了多方面的研究。所以我想本文的观点可能与各位读者的认识有许多相同的地方。虽说经过了20多年,但是与其它材料例如金属、陶瓷等相比,复合材料毕竟是一种最新的材料。复合材料的概念在各研究人员和技术人员中还存在许多分歧。复合材料“是由两个以上按物理的或化学分离的比较小的原材料(坯料)组合而成的,比原来的  相似文献   

航天先进树脂基复合材料制造技术及其应用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
主要介绍了我国航天工业领域先进树脂基复合材料的原材料(增强材料和基体树脂)、成型工艺技术(热压罐工艺、RTM工艺、缠绕成型工艺、自动铺放技术)和复合材料制品的加工装配工艺技术和应用等方面的最新进展,并讨论了我国航天先进树脂基复合材料制造技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

纤维增强陶瓷基复合材料具有高熔点、低密度、耐腐蚀、抗烧蚀以及抗氧化等一系列优点,被列为新一代高温热结构材料的发展重点,在航空、航天、能源等领域具有极大的应用前景.但纤维增强陶瓷基复合材料具有硬度大的特点,其加工是一个难点,主要对纤维增强陶瓷基复合材料的传统加工工艺和特种加工工艺及其研究进展进行了介绍,并对纤维增强陶瓷基复合材料的加工工艺的发展趋势作了展望.  相似文献   

随着航天装备的发展,对轻质的树脂基结构复合材料技术提出了新的发展需求,推动了结构复合材料及其制造技术的新发展。本文重点从结构复合材料材料体系、制造方法及应用等方面介绍了近年来国内外航天先进结构复合材料研究与应用新进展,并结合航天飞行器发展需求,对未来航天结构复合材料研究与应用发展方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

非金属复合材料是一种低密度、高强度、高模量的高性能材料,目前已经成为航天卫星上不可或缺的关键结构材料。但与此同时,该类材料也是一种极难加工的各向异性非均质材料,采用传统的接触式方法加工易产生崩边、分层、起毛、撕裂等问题。激光制造技术作为一种开始逐步走向实用化的先进制造技术,具有材料去除能力强、加工精度高、损伤可控等一系列优点,是一种实现非金属复合材料高性能加工、满足现有和未来需求的理想方法。本文围绕航空航天领域应用较为广泛的碳纤维复合材料、芳纶纤维复合材料和陶瓷基复合材料,系统地综述了国内外激光加工非金属复合材料的研究与应用进展。其中技术分支涉及切割、制孔、铣削刻蚀、清洗等实体减材制造技术。最后对非金属复合材料激光加工方法的未来研究重点和工程应用前景进行了总结与展望。  相似文献   

钛合金粉末冶金技术:钛合金的粉末冶金技术是一种高性能,低成本的钛合金部件制造技术,与传统铸,锻技术相比,高性能钛合金粉末冶金技术有如下优点:材料性能高,可达到不低于锻件的水平,且易于制备形状复杂的产品,成本较低,而且还可以通过粉末冶金技术实现多种功能钛基复合材料构件的制备。  相似文献   

综述了整体叶轮的主要加工方法及其比较,就数控展成电解加工的重要技术特点(可以综合发挥数控技术和电解加工两者的技术优点)进行了论述,展示了数控电解在加工整体叶轮、解决以数控铣、精密铸造难加工或不能加工的技术难题方面所显示的优越性。该项工艺技术对于新型航天发动机的研制具有重要意义和广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

数字孪生及其在航空航天中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
孟松鹤  叶雨玫  杨强  黄震  解维华 《航空学报》2020,41(9):23615-023615
数字孪生已引起国内外的广泛重视,可看作是连接物理世界和数字世界的纽带。其通过建立物理系统的数字模型、实时监测系统状态并驱动模型动态更新实现系统行为更准确的描述与预报,从而在线优化决策与反馈控制。本文分析表明数字孪生体相比一般的模拟模型,具有集中性、动态性和完整性的突出特点。数字孪生的发展需要复杂系统建模、传感与监测、大数据、动态数据驱动分析与决策和数字孪生软件平台技术的支撑。在航空航天领域,数字孪生可应用于飞行器的设计研发、制造装配和运行维护。重点讨论了应用机身数字孪生进行寿命预测与维护决策的案例,相比于周期性维护,具有检修次数更少、维护成本更低的优势。最后,给出了数字孪生在空间站、可重复使用飞船的地面伴飞系统中的初步应用框架。  相似文献   

A historical perspective of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in aerospace in the last 30 years is firstly given. It is shown that there still remain a number of problems that are geometrically simple but difficult to simulate even after many simulations were conducted over complex body configurations. The fact indicates that CFD research is now in the “specific phase” and requires some innovation.The innovation includes “evolutionary effort” and “revolutionary effort”. As an example of evolutionary effort, large eddy simulations/ Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes simulations (LES/RANS) hybrid method and its application examples are presented. A shift from RANS to LES/RANS hybrid method occurs not because of the advancement of computers but because of our recognition that separated flows are inherently unsteady and successful simulations require LES-like computations.Comment is given that there may be other types of research necessary to make CFD a real useful tool for a design in addition to simply showing CFD capability for complex body configurations. As one of the examples, construction of a CFD database is presented. Another issue is to make CFD infrastructures so that people outside CFD community may use CFD as a tool to formulate or refine their ideas.To find out revolutionary effort, the message given by Prof. Dean Chapman in 1977 is referred. Observation of current CFD research reveals that evaluation methods of “scale effect” that were believed to be the most important benefit of CFD have not yet been established. Such establishment is the key for the revolution of CFD and researchers need to focus their effort on the development of technologies to evaluate scale effect. Only with such new CFD technologies can “conceptual design with CFD” become feasible.  相似文献   

An optimization method for composite lattice shell structures under axially compressive loads is proposed aiming at the preliminary design. The method implements and improves some previous results of the fully analytical approach which is currently adopted at the state-of-the-art. The fully analytical approach provides the minimum mass solution under buckling and strength constraints, irrespective of other possible design limitations, such as, shell stiffness constraints. As a consequence, the minimum mass solution turns out to be satisfactory whereas other requirements are absent or automatically achieved but, on the contrary, it can drive the final preliminary configuration far from the real optimum.The proposed method implements numerical minimization allowing the designer to easily handle suboptimal configurations which are located in the vicinity of the minimum mass solution. When stiffness requirement is present (as in most cases) the benefit of this approach – in terms of weight saving with respect to the analytical design – is finally shown with a practical example.  相似文献   

增材制造技术(AM)是一种基于离散-堆积原理,以计算机模型数据来加工组件的新型制造技术。激光选区熔化(SLM)作为增材制造领域的一项重要技术,以其一体化制造特点和在复杂结构零部件制造领域的显著优势,成为航空航天制造领域的重点发展技术和前沿方向。本文综述了SLM技术的材料体系和应用领域,主要对SLM技术的最新工艺研究和航空航天领域的典型应用进行细致分析。重点阐述SLM铁基合金、镍基合金、钛合金和铝合金等材料体系的研究进展及成果。SLM技术在各领域广泛应用的同时,也存在成形材料内部缺陷多、高性能材料的裂纹及变形、标准体系的欠缺和粉末材料兼容性低等诸多问题和不足之处,使其发展受到一定制约,需要在这些方面做更深入的工作。  相似文献   

The science of inertial navigation has evolved to the point that the traditional gravity model is a principal error source in advanced, precise systems. Specifically, the unmodeled vertical deflections of the earth's gravitational field are a major contributor to CEP (circular error probable) divergence in precise terrestrial inertial navigation systems (INS). Over the years, several studies have been undertaken to the development of advanced techniques for accurate, real-time compensation of gravity disturbance vectors. More complex on-board gravity models which compute vertical deflection components will reduce the CEP divergence rate, but imperfect modeling due to on-board processing limitations will still cause residual vertical deflection errors. In order to eliminate or reduce gravity-induced errors in the INS requires measurement of gravity disturbance values and in-flight compensation to the inertial navigator. It is assumed in this paper that gravity disturbance values have been measured prior to the airborne mission and various techniques for compensation are to be considered. As part of a screening process in this study, several gravity compensation techniques (both deterministic and stochastic models) were investigated. The screening process involved identification of gravity models and algorithms, and developments of selection criteria for subsequent screening of the candidates.  相似文献   

超磁致伸缩材料是近年来发展起来的一种新型功能材料,在许多领域显示出良好的应用前景.介绍了超磁致伸缩材料的特点、国内外发展状况及其在航空航天、大功率低频声纳系统中的应用.  相似文献   

随着碳纤维复合材料在航空航天领域越来越广泛的应用,激光超声技术在对其进行无损检测方面的优势逐渐凸显。分析了发展复合材料激光超声无损检测技术的必要性,介绍了碳纤维复合材料激光超声无损检测技术的发展概况,分析了其主要关键技术,包括超声波激光激励技术、超声波激光接收技术和干涉技术等,评述了现有技术存在的问题及未来的发展方向,对激光超声技术未来的应用和发展有一定的参考和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Eagle-Picher Energy Products (EPEP) has been manufacturing and testing large lithium ion cells (up to 100-Ah) for several years. Recently, work has focused on the testing of different chemistries at variable temperatures and designing and fabricating 100-Ah cylindrical cells. For the aircraft application the largest concern is irreversible capacity loss at elevated temperatures (70°C). In contrast, for the aerospace application shelf-life and cycle life are critical. EPEP has found that the major contributor to the loss in low temperature performance due to high temperature testing, was the positive electrode. EPEP discuss recent results of variable temperature cycling and 100-Ah cell performance  相似文献   

The increasing use of small material components in a wide range of industrial fields necessitates the development of an accurate and robust indentation testing method. To this end, this paper proposes an Energy-density-equivalence for a Flat Indentation(E-FI) model based on the energy density equivalent principle. The proposed model describes the relationships among the material parameters of Hollomon’s power law(H-law), flat indenter diameter, energy, and indentation displacement. An E-FI Metho...  相似文献   

传统超声振动切削一直没有突破极低分离切削速度限问题,即只有在很低切削速度下才有明显的分离切削降力、降热工艺效果。以解决难加工材料加工效率低、加工质量差为出发点,提出高速超声波动式切削方法,阐明了高速分离、相位控制、切挤一体3方面的基本机理,通过对改善切削加工性、提升刀具寿命、改善表面完整性3个方面的讨论,充分体现高速超声波动式切削技术的优势,丰富难加工材料高表面完整性的加工工艺,为航空航天领域难加工材料高质量加工提供理论和技术基础。  相似文献   

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