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Since the importance of the coupling mechanisms between the mesosphere and the thermosphere has increasingly been recognized, the structure and variation of turbulence has become one of the subjects of extended investigations and discussions. In spite of the fundamental role of turbulence, theoretical difficulties and lack of observational information restrict its applicability to atmospheric modeling. In the following paper the basic ideas of the parameterization of turbulence and the most important observational techniques and results are reviewed. The comparison of observations with theoretical model calculations shows the difficulties which underly current investigations and indicates the trends of future research.  相似文献   

LEO原子氧对空间材料侵蚀的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了吸附作用(包括物理吸附和化学吸附)是引起空间材料原子氧腐蚀的主要机理.以此为依据,建立了相应的腐蚀量的反应-扩散方程.应用分子动力学经典碰撞理论的估算表明了方程中的物理作用项对于扩散效应为一小量,从而进一步简化了方程.在所建立的模型方程中,选用了基于Eyring绝对速率理论的扩散系数.对空间表面材料Kapton在近地轨道LEO(Low Earth Orbit)环境受原子氧侵蚀的过程进行了数值模拟,计算结果与飞行试验数据在误差允许的范围内符合得较好.  相似文献   

We examined two consecutive plasma sheet oscillation and dipolarization events observed by Cluster in the magnetotail, which are associated with a pseudo-breakup and a small substorm monitored by the IMAGE spacecraft. Energy input from the solar wind and an associated enhancement of the cross-tail current lead to current sheet thinning and plasma sheet oscillations of 3–5 min periods, while the pseudo-breakups occur during the loading phase within a spatially limited area, accompanied by a localized dipolarization observed by DSP TC1 or GOES 12. That is, the so-called “growth phase” is a preferable condition for both pseudo-breakup and plasma sheet oscillations in the near-Earth magnetotail. One of the plasma sheet oscillation events occurs before the pseudo-breakup, whereas the other takes place after pseudo-breakup. Thus there is no causal relationship between the plasma sheet oscillation events and pseudo-breakup. As for the contribution to the subsequent small substorm, the onset of the small substorm took place where the preceding plasma sheet oscillations can reach the region.  相似文献   

CO2在航空燃油中的质量扩散规律对飞机油箱惰化系统的研究极其重要。搭建压力降法实验装置测量CO2在RP-3航空燃油中的扩散系数,实验测试了-20、0、20、40和60℃恒温条件下的CO2气相空间压力随时间变化关系。根据Fick定律建立了容器中二维扩散方程,并采用数值解法,设定扩散系数值,求解气体在航空燃油中的浓度分布,根据质量守恒和实际气体状态方程可得到CO2气相空间压力,并与实验记录的气体压力进行比较。以扩散系数为自变量,推导了实验与理论计算误差函数,并采用Husain单一变量搜索法,使误差函数值最小,可得到扩散系数最优解。研究还显示CO2在RP-3航空燃油中的扩散系数随温度升高而增大,满足Arrhenius方程。  相似文献   

根据数字全息干涉度量原理搭建了气液质扩散系数测量实验平台,设计并加工了中空不锈钢恒温扩散槽,采用自编程序进行数字图像处理,通过测量298.15 K时0.33 mol/L KCl溶液在水中的质扩散系数验证了实验系统的正确性。实验测量了常压下278.15~343.15 K温度范围内CO2在RP5航空燃油中的质扩散系数。随着温度的增加,CO2在RP5航空燃油中的质扩散系数逐渐增大。不同温度下的质扩散系数可利用Arrhenius方程模型进行拟合,而且质扩散系数理论模型计算与实验测量结果之间的相对误差均小于9.51%。在实际工程应用中,可根据拟合的Arrhenius方程对CO2在RP5航空燃油中的质扩散系数进行准确的预测,实验测量结果为燃油箱惰化系统的优化设计提供了数据支持。   相似文献   

Simultaneous observations of the airglow OH(6,2) band rotational temperature, TOH, and meteor trail ambipolar diffusion coefficient, D, were carried out at Shigaraki (35°N, 136°E), during PSMOS 2003 Campaign, January 28 to February 8, 2003. The OH emission height was estimated by cross correlation analysis of the TOH and D nocturnal variations. A good correlation between TOH and D was obtained at 85 km of altitude. From the nocturnal variations of TOH and D, it is found that the OH emission peak height varied from 88 km before the midnight to 84 km in the early morning. The height variation could be caused by an atmospheric tidal effect in the emission height.  相似文献   

The ISEE-1 electron guns were operated during the final orbits of ISEE-1 in 1987 in tests designed to study the stimulation of plasma waves. The guns were operated in modes which varied from 10-μA, at 10-eV, to 100-μA at 45-eV. Experiments were run on inbound orbits, while moving from the solar wind into perigee on the dusk side. A broadband emission was generally found from 0.1–10-kHz (e.g. below the plasma frequency). Next, a strong signal was typically induced at about 80-kHz, well above the ambient plasma frequency. This is interpreted as being the plasma frequency associated with the “beam” electrons. There were occasionally intensifications of the naturally occurring signals at the electron cyclotron frequency and the electron plasma frequency (or upper hybrid resonance).  相似文献   

Dynamics of the magnetotail involves elementary processes of magnetic field merging (reconnection layer formation) occurring on medium spatial scales. Every such process features two different stages, a fast one and a subsequent slower one. The corresponding short time scale T1T1 is associated with disturbances propagating in the tail lobes. The longer time scale T2T2 is associated with plasma motions in the plasma sheet. A disturbance appearing in the magnetotail on the time scale T1T1 results in a loss of equilibrium in the plasma sheet. By means of theoretical argument and numerical simulation, it is shown that the relaxation process which follows on the time scale T2T2, produces extremely thin embedded current sheets, along with generation of fast plasma flows. The process provides an effective mechanism for transformation of magnetic energy accumulated in the magnetotail, into energy of plasma flows. The fast flows may drive turbulent motions on shorter spatial scales. In their turn, those motions can locally produce very thin current sheets; after that, nonlinear tearing process leads to generation of neutral lines, and reconnection. The latter produces new fast disturbances on the time scale T1T1 closing the feedback loop.  相似文献   

基于CFD的水收集系数及防冰表面温度预测   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
利用计算流体力学(CFD,Computational Fluid Dynamics)软件FLUENT,对二维机翼在结冰气象条件下飞行时的水收集系数,以及防冰系统工作并达到稳定后的防冰表面温度进行了计算.水收集系数计算采用FLUENT中的欧拉两相流模型以及用户自定义函数.特定飞行条件及热气防冰系统结构下的防冰表面平衡温度分布预测采用防冰腔内外热流耦合的方法.所得结果和理论分析一致,表明了利用FLUENT可以有效的进行防冰研究,包括水收集系数及防冰表面温度的预测,为今后进一步研究设计热气或电热防冰系统打下基础.   相似文献   

Time profiles of some physical values in earthward fast flows in the plasma sheet are observed at three dimensionally different positions by employing virtual satellites located in the three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation domain, and these simulations are done on the basis of the spontaneous fast reconnection model. In the spontaneous fast reconnection evolution, the width of the flow channel is narrow in the dawn-dusk direction, and it does not spread until the plasma collides with the magnetic loop. The enhancements in Bz and Vx are larger at the center of the fast flow channel than those at its dawn and dusk edges, reflecting the differences in the reconnection rate in the diffusion region. The enhancement in Vx is shorter near the plasma sheet boundary layer than that near the neutral sheet, reflecting the changes in the thickness of the flow channel.  相似文献   

Two and six keV electron and proton data obtained by the FVA detector onboard ISEE 1 and 2 in the upstream region near apogee are analyzed. Tracing back electron and ion fluxes shows that electrons are present in a region of space near the boundary inside the foreshock, and that diffuse and intermediate ions do not directly issue from the bow shock surface. Using the assumptions that they result from the scattering of an initial population with no magnetic moment (μ=0), and that their mean energy is conserved through a diffusion process, we get a clear organisation of the data. Protons are present in a broad region of space inside the foreshock but appear at greater distances from the boundary when the spacecraft is near apogee. It is thought that these protons have their origin in the scattered beam-like distributions produced at the shock surface.  相似文献   

通过对赤道地区两台站的扩展F 实际观测值与IRI-2007 模型预测值的比较, 研究了该模型预测结果的地域局限性和预测的准确度. 该模型建立在美洲扇区赤道附近台站资料基础上, 本文选取非洲扇区大体同纬度两个台站资料进行对比研究. 统计结果表明, 无论在发生概率日均值的年变化趋势上, 还是在扩展F 发生率年均值随地方时变化以及随太阳活动的统计中, 都存在着明显的差异; 而对非洲两站实测值的分析和IRI-2007 模型对南美巴西地区的预测又分别与当前已有的研究结果相符. 分析结果表明, (1) 建立在巴西台站数据基础上的IRI-2007 模型的统计建模极具参考价值; (2) 赤道和低纬度电离层扩展F 现象有强烈的经度效应, 在该模型建模方法基础上, 结合不同扇区实际资料的统计, 能改进该模型全球应用的普适性; (3) IRI-2007模型能正确反映巴西地区扩展F 的发生概率, 用该模型和其他扇区不同条件下的实测值对比, 提供了一个细致研究扩展F经度效应的基础, 有利于确认导致扩展F发生的基本条件和多种影响因素的具体作用.  相似文献   

The general structure of low frequency wave activity in the Earth's plasma sheet and its boundary layer is studied on the basis of the measurements made by ‘Prognoz-8’ satellite in the northern night and morning parts of the magnetotail. Pronounced wave activity is permanently observed in the high latitude parts of the plasma sheet boundary layer. The level of perturbations diminishes when a spacecraft moves towards tail lobes and drops rather sharply when it moves to the central plasma sheet. The peaks near the low hybrid resonance frequency (correlating with the local strength of the magnetic field) are evident in the electric field fluctuations spectra. A plasma instability of low hybrid type driven by transverse current is though to be the possible candidate for the excitation of these waves. Wave activity in tail lobes is related mainly to the isolated hot and cold plasma streams.  相似文献   

根据SSO上两卫星搭载的三个PREM测得的空间中重离子LET谱,以及利用Weibull分布模型拟合出的不同器件的σ-LET曲线,对由空间中重离子引起的单粒子翻转的翻转率进行了预测估算.将预测值与实测值对比,分析了影响翻转率的因素.对于相同器件,翻转率与设备在卫星上的位置和朝向有关.位于卫星尾部面向后退(-x)方向的翻转率高于位于底部对地(+z)方向的器件翻转率;太阳活动水平高的时间段翻转率高于太阳活动水平低的时间段.探测器接收的重离子微分LET谱的强度和硬度决定了器件的单粒子翻转率.在高于翻转LET阈值时,LET谱的强度越高,其硬度和翻转率越大.不同器件的翻转率也不相同.  相似文献   

Fifteen solar energetic particle (SEP) events have been analyzed using proton flux data recorded by the Helios 1, Helios 2, and IMP 8 spacecraft in the energy range ∼4–40 MeV during 1974–1982. For each of the events at least two of the spacecraft have their nominal magnetic footpoint within 20° in heliocentric longitude from each other. The SEP events are sub-grouped as a function of their heliocentric longitudinal separation and heliocentric radial distance from the SEP associated solar flare and several case studies are presented in this paper. Main results concerning their usage in estimating the SEP radial dependence are given. Moreover, we investigate the behavior of the third not connected spacecraft in order to study the dependence of the proton flux as a function of flare location. It is found that the contribution of the longitudinal gradient in determining variations in the SEP proton flux is particularly relevant for spacecraft having their magnetic connection footpoint separated from the flare between 30° and 50°.  相似文献   

In this paper we summarise the current understanding of Martian condensate and dust clouds. The paper is particularly concerned with the spatial, temporal and seasonal characteristics of the clouds. The condensate clouds are composed of water and ice particles and occasionally CO2 particles. Dust clouds are composed of material from the surface and redistributed over the planet through the weather systems. The apparent lack of annual reproductivity of these dust storms forms a major unresolved problem. We discuss in this paper the types of observations needed in future space missions, in particular the requirements for the NASA Mars Geochemical Climatology Orbiter Mission planned for the end of this decade.  相似文献   

A popular scenario for electron acceleration in solar flares is transit-time damping of low-frequency MHD waves excited by reconnection and its outflows. The scenario requires several processes in sequence to yield energetic electrons of the observed large number. Until now there was very little evidence for this scenario, as it is even not clear where the flare energy is released. RHESSI measurements of bremsstrahlung by non-thermal flare electrons yield energy estimates as well as the position where the energy is deposited. Thus quantitative measurements can be put into the frame of the global magnetic field configuration as seen in coronal EUV line observations. We present RHESSI observations combined with TRACE data that suggest primary energy inputs mostly into electron acceleration and to a minor fraction into coronal heating and primary motion. The more sensitive and lower energy X-ray observations by RHESSI have found also small events (C class) at the time of the acceleration of electron beams exciting meter wave Type III bursts. However, not all RHESSI flares involve Type III radio emissions. The association of other decimeter radio emissions, such as narrowband spikes and pulsations, with X-rays is summarized in view of electron acceleration.  相似文献   

A current sheet model with developed medium scale turbulence has been constructed. It is suggested that regular plasma flow in the current sheet is compensated by diffusive flux and plasma mixing, leading to temperature equalization. The analyzed turbulence has the form of electrostatic vortices in which electrons and ions move with the same velocities and hence does not lead to anomalous resistivity and current dissipation. It is possible to determine the plasma pressure dependence on magnetic vector potential and to find the Grad—Shafranov equation solutions. The theory is used to explain the Earth's magnetosphere plasma sheet characteristics. It is taken into account that experimentally observed plasma velocity fluctuations in the Earth's plasma sheet and quiescent prominences are much higher than regular plasma flow velocities. The analysis of turbulent current sheet dynamics after the regular motion weakening allows to construct the prominence formation theory. The decreasing of plasma pressure in the sheet due to diffusion leads to field-aligned plasma flow and plasma tube filling by cold chromospheric plasma by the action of siphon mechanism.  相似文献   

海南地区电离层闪烁观测与GISM模式预测的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了获得全球电离层闪烁模式GISM在中国低纬地区预测的精度和可靠性,利用海南三亚GPS电离层闪烁监测系统一年的观测数据与模式预测结果进行对比分析.结果表明,在太阳活动低年,GISM能较好地反映海南地区电离层闪烁的季节变化、日变化和空间分布特性;对于季节变化,模式与观测结果在中等强度闪烁条件下较为相符,而在强闪烁和弱闪烁条件下有不同程度的偏差;模式预测的闪烁日变化与实际观测基本一致,但在闪烁发生率出现最大值的时间上模式预测要滞后约1 h左右;在电离层闪烁发生率的空间分布上,模式预测与实际观测较为相符,即海南地区南面电离层闪烁发生率高于北面.  相似文献   

This paper describes the boundaries which have been observed by the magnetic field experiment aboard the VEGA-1 and VEGA-2 spacecraft during the Halley encounters on March 6 and 9, 1986. The outer boundaries are found to be closely related to the predicted cometary shock front. The inner boundaries near the closest approach are compared with plasma observations and with the results of MHD computer simulations in three dimensions.  相似文献   

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