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Imaging interplanetary CMEs at radio frequency from solar polar orbit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) represent a great concentration of mass and energy input into the lower corona. They have come to be recognized as the major driver of physical conditions change in the Sun–Earth system. Consequently, observations of CMEs are important for understanding and ultimately predicting space weather conditions. This paper discusses a proposed mission, the Solar Polar Orbit Radio Telescope (SPORT) mission, which will observe the propagation of interplanetary CMEs to distances of near 0.35 AU from the Sun. The orbit of SPORT is an elliptical solar polar orbit. The inclination angle between the orbit and ecliptic plane should be about 90°. The main payload on board SPORT will be an imaging radiometer working at the meter wavelength band (radio telescope), which can follow the propagation of interplanetary CMEs. The images that are obtained by the radio telescope embody the brightness temperature of the objectives. Due to the very large size required for the antenna aperture of the radio telescope, we adopt interferometric imaging technology to reduce it. Interferometric imaging technology is based on indirect spatial frequency domain measurements plus Fourier transformation. The SPORT spacecraft will also be equipped with a set of optical and in situ measurement instruments such as a EUV solar telescope, a solar wind ion instrument, an energetic particle detector, a magnetometer, a wave detector and a solar radio burst spectrometer.  相似文献   

Juno, the second mission in the NASA New Frontiers Program, will both be a polar Jovian orbiter, and use solar arrays for power, moving away from previous use of radioisotope power systems (RPSs) in spite of the weak solar light reaching Jupiter. The power generation at Jupiter is critical, and a conductive tether could be an alternative source of power. A current-carrying tether orbiting in a magnetized ionosphere/plasmasphere will radiate waves. A magnitude of interest for both power generation and signal emission is the wave impedance. Jupiter has the strongest magnetic field in the Solar Planetary System and its plasma density is low everywhere. This leads to an electron plasma frequency smaller than the electron cyclotron frequency, and a high Alfven velocity. Unlike the low Earth orbit (LEO) case, the electron skin depth and the characteristic size of plasma contactors affect the Alfven impedance.  相似文献   

针对载人月球极地探测任务,对定点返回轨道优化设计问题进行了研究。根据月球极地轨道的特性,介绍了三种返回轨道机动方案。结合三脉冲变轨方案,采用了从初步计算到精确计算的串行求解策略,对定点返回轨道进行优化设计。初步计算阶段,建立了基于近月点伪参数的三段二体拼接模型,将三脉冲机动段与月球逃逸段解耦,求解轨道初值;精确计算阶段,提出了两段拼接方法,分别进行逆向和正向高精度数值积分。经过仿真测试,验证了该策略求解的有效性和准确性。最后,通过大量的仿真计算,分析了定点返回轨道的特性。研究结论对未来载人月球极地探测定点返回轨道方案的设计具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

The capability of making stereoscopic observations of clouds from meteorological satellites is a new basic analysis tool with a broad spectrum of applications. Stereoscopic observations from satellites were first made using the early vidicon tube weather satellites (e.g., Ondrejka and Conover [1]). However, the only high quality meteorological stereoscopy from low orbit has been done from Apollo and Skylab, (e.g., Shenk et al. [2] and Black [3], [4]). Stereoscopy from geosynchronous satellites was proposed by Shenk [5] and Bristor and Pichel [6] in 1974 which allowed Minzner et al. [7] to demonstrate the first quantitative cloud height analysis. In 1978 Bryson [8] and desJardins [9] independently developed digital processing techniques to remap stereo images which made possible precision height measurement and spectacular display of stereograms (Hasler et al. [10], and Hasler [11]). In 1980 the Japanese Geosynchronous Satellite (GMS) and the U.S. GOES-West satellite were synchronized to obtain stereo over the central Pacific as described by Fujita and Dodge [12] and in this paper. Recently the authors have remapped images from a Low Earth Orbiter (LEO) to the coordinate system of a Geosynchronous Earth Orbiter (GEO) and obtained stereoscopic cloud height measurements which promise to have quality comparable to previous all GEO stereo. It has also been determined that the north-south imaging scan rate of some GEOs can be slowed or reversed. Therefore the feasibility of obtaining stereoscopic observations world wide from combinations of operational GEO and LEO satellites has been demonstrated.Stereoscopy from satellites has many advantages over infrared techniques for the observation of cloud structure because it depends only on basic geometric relationships. Digital remapping of GEO and LEO satellite images is imperative for precision stereo height measurement and high quality displays because of the curvature of the earth and the large angular separation of the two satellites. A general solution for accurate height computation depends on precise navigation of the two satellites. Validation of the geosynchronous satellite stereo using high altitude mountain lakes and vertically pointing aircraft lidar leads to a height accuracy estimate of ± 500 m for typical clouds which have been studied. Applications of the satellite stereo include: 1) cloud top and base height measurements, 2) cloud-wind height assignment, 3) vertical motion estimates for convective clouds (Mack et al. [13], [14]), 4) temperature vs. height measurements when stereo is used together with infrared observations and 5) cloud emissivity measurements when stereo, infrared and temperature sounding are used together (see Szejwach et al. [15]).When true satellite stereo image pairs are not available, synthetic stereo may be generated. The combination of multispectral satellite data using computer produced stereo image pairs is a dramatic example of synthetic stereoscopic display. The classic case uses the combination of infrared and visible data as first demonstrated by Pichel et al. [16]. Hasler et at. [17], Mosher and Young [18] and Lorenz [19], have expanded this concept to display many channels of data from various radiometers as well as real and simulated data fields.A future system of stereoscopic satellites would be comprised of both low orbiters (as suggested by Lorenz and Schmidt [20], [19]) and a global system of geosynchronous satellites. The low earth orbiters would provide stereo coverage day and night and include the poles. An optimum global system of stereoscopic geosynchronous satellites would require international standarization of scan rate and direction, and scan times (synchronization) and resolution of at least 1 km in all imaging channels. A stereoscopic satellite system as suggested here would make an extremely important contribution to the understanding and prediction of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Space weather is driven and modulated by the activity in the Sun. Space weather events have the potential to inflict critical damage to space systems. Nowadays, space assets are essential in our basic needs, such as communications, cell phone networks, navigation systems, television and internet. Hence, understanding space weather dynamics and its effects on spacecraft is crucial for satellites engineers and satellite operators, in order to prevent and mitigate its impacts.In the last decade our Sun has erupted several times causing dozens of space weather events. Some of these led to satellite malfunctions and outages lasting from mere hours, up to days and weeks. This research is focused on two different space weather events, March 7–8, 2012, and September 6–10, 2017, that occurred during the last ten years and caused satellite anomalies that are related to an increase in the single event upsets rate. Single event upset is a bit flip in a memory device due to high energy particle interaction with the device sensitive volume. During these two periods, Eros B, a low Earth orbiting polar satellite detected an increased rate of single event upsets on two of its processing computers when the high energy proton flux was elevated. On both occasions X-class flares were detected, and the increased single event upsets count rate in Eros B took place only after the 100 MeV protons flux was three orders of magnitude above the background levels. In this research, Israeli satellite anomalies that were detected are first demonstrated.  相似文献   

Results are presented to show the application of GOES stereoscopy to the study of hurricanes and tornadic thunderstorms. Stereoscopic cloud top height contour maps were constructed to observe the structural evolution of two hurricanes: Frederic, 12 September 1979 and Allen, 8 August 1980 and a tornadic thunderstorm complex over Oklahoma on 2–3 May 1979. Stereoscopic height contours of Hurricane Allen show a very intense and symmetric storm with a circular shaped Central Dense Overcast (CDO) with an average height of 16.5 km. Height contours of Hurricane Frederic show a preferred region for convection with an explosive exhaust tower reaching a maximum height of 17.8 km. A technique for estimating tropical cyclone intensity using GOES stereoscopic height and infrared temperature information is also presented. Utilizing short interval (3-min) GOES stereoscopic data from 2 May 1979 and 9 May 1979 (SESAME days), cloud top ascent rates were measured and used in determining the intensity of growing convective cells. Results show vertical motions ranging from 4.4 m s?1 for a moderate storm to 7.7 m s?1 for an intense storm. These results compare well in magnitude with growth rates determined from simultaneous GOES infrared observations and previous estimates of visual and radar echo top growth rates of other thunderstorms.  相似文献   

Results of ERS - 1 orbit refinement procedures for long-arcs are summarised with particular reference to gravity field modelling and sea-surface topography. Long arcs from the three day and thirty - five day repeat cycles have been used to refine the earth's gravity field constrained by the JGM- 2 covariance matrix and simultaneously to solve for the quasi - stationary sea - surface topography. Orbital computations are presented for arcs not included within the refinement process with improvements identified through rms of fit to laser, altimeter and single satellite crossover data. Additional results utilising dual crossovers with TOPEX / POSEIDON in a full dynamic process are also presented. In particular, reference is made to the relative altimeter biases between the respective satellites and the characteristics of the orbital adjustment through inclusion of dual crossover data.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于相位补偿的二维干涉综合孔径辐射计近场成像算法.从干涉综合孔径辐射计的成像原理和近场应用情况出发,分析了快速傅里叶变换(FFT,Fast Fourier Transform)反演算法在近场条件下存在的问题,并采用相位补偿的方法,提出了一种近场数值反演算法.对点目标用FFT算法和近场成像算法进行了成像仿真,仿真结果表明近场成像算法比FFT算法具有更高的空间分辨率.用一套8mm波段二元干涉综合孔径辐射计对人工双点源场景进行了成像实验,实验结果证明了该近场算法的有效性.   相似文献   

A near rectilinear halo orbit (NRHO) is regarded as a potential orbit for a future deep space station that can effectively support sustainable crewed lunar exploration missions. In this paper, the L2 southern NRHOs are selected as the research object, and a direct transfer trajectory from an NRHO to a low lunar orbit (LLO) is designed and analyzed. First, based on the circular restricted three-body problem, the characteristics of NRHOs are discussed including geometric behaviour, stability and synodic resonance. Second, optimal direct transfer trajectories are obtained by combining a local gradient optimization with a numerical continuation strategy. A reachable domain calculation model is established. Finally, simulations are carried out to verify the feasibility of the trajectory design method. The relationship between the velocity change and the reachable domain is further analysed through simulation calculations.  相似文献   

提出了一种准单站模式雷达以步进频方式工作条件下微波三维全息成像算法,克服了传统成像算法要求远场条件的限制,通过对雷达接收目标回波数据进行合成孔径处理,提高了雷达成像的分辨力以及雷达对目标的探测能力.采用一种新的Stolt插值实现方法,提高插值精度、减少插值的计算时间,通过插值,可以利用快速傅里叶变换来实现目标三维图像的快速重构.给出了实验和模拟目标的三维图像重构结果,表明基于该插值方式的三维图像重构算法可以重构出目标的三维像,实现对目标的探测并具有良好的分辨率.   相似文献   

Modern satellite ranging lasers emit short pulses at a low beam divergence and therefore require accurate satellite position predictions. To reach these accuracies the application of a Kalman filter orbit improvement technique has been investigated. Using laser observations acquired at only one groundstation the filter scheme provides real-time satellite position prediction updates, and also yields better predictions for subsequent passes over that station.  相似文献   

As has been demonstrated recently, inter-satellite Ka-band tracking data collected by the GRAIL (Gravity Recovery And Interior Laboratory) spacecraft have the potential to improve the resolution and accuracy of the lunar gravity field by several orders of magnitude compared to previous models. By means of a series of simulation studies, here we investigate the contribution of inter-satellite ranging for the recovery of the Moon’s gravitational features; the evaluation of results is made against findings from ground-based Doppler tracking. For this purpose we make use of classical dynamic orbit determination, supported by the analysis of satellite-to-satellite tracking observations. This study sheds particularly light on the influence of the angular distance between the two satellites, solar radiation modeling and the co-estimation of the lunar Love number k2. The quality of the obtained results is assessed by gravity field power spectra, gravity anomalies and precision orbit determination. We expect our simulation results to be supportive for the processing of real GRAIL data.  相似文献   

In April 1972 OAO-2 obtained broadband filter measurements of the Galilean satellites from 2100 to 4300 Å. All four bodies were shown to have low albedos declining towards shorter wavelengths, thus constraining the proportions of their surfaces that could be covered by reflective frosts. Although the vast data return from Voyager spacecraft has for the first time permitted a detailed comparison of Galilean satellites with terrestrial planets, it has not removed the need for continuing long time-base observations of the former. Since January 1978, IUE has repeatedly obtained Galilean spectra within the range 1150 to 3200 Å. Observations of Io have placed an upper limit on the global abundance of SO2 in its atmosphere. Spectral variations with phase have allowed spatial mapping of surface reflectance in the case of Io, and may enable volcanic activity to be monitored.  相似文献   

基于星间测量的卫星星座 自主导航算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
自主导航能力是新一代导航星座的重要特性,利用卫星星间相对测量实现星座自主导航,是实现导航星座自主运行的基础.基于相对测量的导航卫星自主导航问题,将导致测量方程和状态方程的高度非线性,对导航算法提出了新的要求.在总结前人工作的基础上,提出了一种星载导航算法方案:利用三颗卫星之间的相对矢量在惯性空间的投影作为测量量,利用高精度星载轨道预报器作为系统的状态方程,使用SRUKF(Square Root Unscented Kalman Filter)滤波算法同时对三颗卫星的位置进行估计.仿真结果表明,该方案具有可行性,并且当轨道预报器的精度较高时有可能在100d内实现5m的导航精度.   相似文献   

The orbit analysis of LAGEOS satellite has resulted into the discovery and/or reassessment of several very small sources of perturbation on satellite orbits. The analysis of orbital arcs of duration ranging from one month to several years has revealed that perturbative effects are present, having unpredicted long-term or secular components down to the 10−12 m/s2 acceleration level. It was soon realized that those perturbations have a non-gravitational origin.

In recent years, we have devoted some effort to the physical modelling of radiative perturbations, caused by momentum exchanges with an appropriate radiative field, and have considered their potential role in the analysis of LAGEOS orbit residuals. These perturbations include: (i) direct solar radiation pressure; (ii) radiation pressure from the Earth's emitted/reflected/diffused radiation flux; (iii) the so-called thermal thrust force.

The main results of this work are reviewed, discussing its relationships with models developed by other research groups. In particular, we present a list of the physical processes which still appear to need more detailed and realistic modelling to reach a better understanding of LAGEOS dynamics at the 10−12 m/s2 level.  相似文献   

Polar patrol balloon experiments were carried out at Syowa Station in Antarctica from 2002 to 2004. Two balloons were launched for the purpose of observing phenomena in the polar atmosphere and one was done for the observation of high energy cosmic electrons. We developed a new housekeeping system including communication device using the Iridium satellite network, an auto-level controller driven by a new program for keeping the flight altitude, and a power management system for solar cells combined with secondary batteries.Two balloons for studying phenomena in the Antarctic atmosphere launched on January 13, 2003 made flights for 18 days and 25 days, respectively. All the housekeeping system worked well during the flights as we expected. Based on these experiments, we adjusted parameters for the altitude control system and the power management system. We launched a balloon for the cosmic electron observation on January 4, 2004. It flew 13 days around the Antarctica with the perfect operation of the onboard housekeeping system. We hope that fruitful scientific results will be obtained from these long-duration flights.  相似文献   

The French earth observation satellite SPOT-2 has served as a testbed for precise orbit determination from DORIS doppler tracking in anticipation of the TOPEX/Poseidon mission. Using the most up-to-data gravity field model, JGM-2, a radial orbit accuracy of about 2–9 cm was achieved, with an rms of fit of the tracking data of about 0.64 mm/s. Furthermore, it was found that the coordinates of the ground stations can be determined with an accuracy of the order of 2–5 cm after removal of common rotations, and translations.

Using a slightly different model for atmospheric drag, but the same gravity model, precise orbits of TOPEX/Poseidon from DORIS tracking data were determined with a radial orbit accuracy of the order of 4–5 cm, which is far within the 13 cm mission requirement. This conclusion is based on the analysis of 1-day overlap of successive 11-day orbits, and the comparisons with orbits computed from satellite laser tracking (SLR) and from the combination of SLR and DORIS tracking. Results indicate a consistency between the different orbits of 1–4 cm, 4–20 cm, and 6–13 cm in the radial, cross-track, and along-track directions, respectively. The residual rms is about 4–5 cm for SLR data and 0.56 mm/s for DORIS tracking. These numbers are roughly twice as large as the system noise levels, reflecting the fact that there are still some modeling errors left.  相似文献   

The present study examines the effects of orbit progression on the exposures within a Space Station Freedom module in a 51.6-degree inclined orbit at 450 km. The storm evolution is modeled after the November 1960 event, and the solar proton flux evolution is taken from the August 1972 solar proton event. The effects of a strong magnetic shock, such as was observed during the October 1989 event, is also modeled. The statistics on hourly average storm fields for the last forty years reveal that the largest geomagnetic storms approach a Dst value of -500 nanotesla at the storm peak. Similarly, one of the largest satellite-measured proton flux (> 10 MeV) for space exposures is the event of August 1972. The effects of orbit progression (advance of the line of nodes) is examined for the above conditions to study the variation of exposures under differing times of occurrence of the solar proton peak intensity, attainment of geomagnetic storm maximum, and the location of the line of nodes of the last geomagnetically protected orbit. The impact of the inherent inhomogeneity of the space station module is examined as a limiting factor on exposure with regard to the need of additional parasitic shielding.  相似文献   

The 15-min averaged polar cap (PC) index was used as an input parameter for the Dst variation forecasting. The PC index is known to describe well the principal features of the solar wind as well as the total energy input to the magnetosphere. This allowed us to design a neural network able to forecast the Dst variations from 1 to 4 h ahead. 1998 PC and Dst data sets were used for training and testing and 1997 data sets was used for validation proposes. From the 15 moderate and strong geomagnetic storms observed during 1997, nine were successfully forecasted. In three cases the observed minimum Dst value was less than the predicted one, and only in three cases the neural network was not able to reproduce the features of the geomagnetic storm.  相似文献   

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