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We describe the “Monitor e Imageador de Raios-X” (MIRAX), an X-ray astronomy satellite mission proposed by the high-energy astrophysics group at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) in Brazil to the Brazilian Space Agency. MIRAX is an international collaboration that includes, besides INPE, the University of California San Diego, the University of Tübingen in Germany, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Space Research Organization Netherlands. The payload of MIRAX will consist of two identical hard X-ray cameras (10–200 keV) and one soft X-ray camera (2–28 keV), both with angular resolution of 5–7. The basic objective of MIRAX is to carry out continuous broadband imaging spectroscopy observations of a large source sample (9 months/yr) in the central Galactic plane region. This will allow the detection, localization, possible identification, and spectral/temporal study of the entire history of transient phenomena to be carried out in one single mission. MIRAX will have sensitivities of 5 mCrab/day in the 2–10 keV band (2 times better than the All Sky Monitor on Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer) and 2.6 mCrab/day in the 10–100 keV band (40 times better than the Earth Occultation technique of the Burst and Transient Source Experiment on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory). The MIRAX spacecraft will weigh about 200 kg and is expected to be launched in a low-altitude (600 km) circular equatorial orbit around 2007/2008.  相似文献   

We present examples of the quasi-periodic variations in the X-ray flux of Cyg X-3 which we have recently found during observations of this source with EXOSAT. Amplitudes and periods of the variations range from 5% to 20% of the total flux and from 50 to 1500 s, respectively. Our tentative interpretation of these quasi-periodicities, the occurrence of quasi-periodic phenomena in an accretion disk which partially occults the X-ray source, points towards an analogy of Cyg X-3 with certain ‘dipping’ low-mass X-ray binaries such as 4U 1822-37, as suggested /1/ previously. We point out, however, that there are also fundamental differences between Cyg X-3 and this type of low-mass X-ray binary.  相似文献   

Sco X-1 is a low mass X-ray binary system and with the recent observations of a resolved radio jet, the source has been included in the list of galactic microquasars. The observed spectral data in the 2–20 keV energy band fits a thermal emission. Above 20 keV, a hard tail has been reported on occasions. During our continuing balloon borne X-ray survey in the 20–200 keV region using high sensitivity Large Area Scintillation counter Experiment, Sco X-1 was observed on two different occasions. Even though the total X-ray luminosity of the source was different, the spectral nature of the source did not show any variation. The presence of hard X-ray flux is unmistakable. We present the spectral and temporal data in the hard X-ray band and discuss the results in terms of geometrical characteristics of X-ray source and its observed temporal properties. We note that the jet activity is similar to the microquasars, however, the absence of the large magnitude abrupt changes in X-ray light curve compared to GRS1915 + 105 suggest that the quasar-like behaviour is at a nano scale.  相似文献   

The black hole candidate Cygnus X-1 was observed in the hard X ray - soft γ ray energy range by the MISO telescope on two different occasions: in September 1979 and May 1980. We have measured two hard X-ray states of the source: in 1979 the observed spectrum confirms the superlow state measured in the same period by the HEAO-3 satellite, while in 1980 the MISO X-ray data are consistent with the so called low state of Cygnus X-1. In both occasions, no γ -ray excess has been observed above 200 KeV.  相似文献   

We have investigated differential emission measure (DEM) distribution of hot flare plasma (T>10 MK) using SMM X-ray data from Bent Crystal Spectrometer (BCS) and Hard X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (HXIS). We have found that the analysis provide a very sensitive test of consistency of observational data coming from different instruments or different channels of the same instrument. This has allowed to eliminate some systematic differences contained in the analysed data.Typical examples of the DEM distribution are discussed. It is stressed that these improvements in the multitemperature flare diagnostics are very important for the discussion of flare energetics.  相似文献   

We have selected four widely different flares from the early period of operations of the Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (HXIS) on SMM to illustrate the characteristic imaging properties of this experiment. For the small flare of April 4, 1980, we demonstrate the instrument's capability for locating a compact source. In the weak, but extensive, flare of April 6 we show how well the instrument can display spatial structure, and also the low level of the instrument background. In the 1B flare of April 7 we are able to locate positions of the X-ray emission in the soft and hard channels, and estimate the positional variations of the emission patches. Finally, in the IN flare of April 10, which produced the strongest hard X-ray burst we have seen so far, we repeat some of the studies made for the April 7 event, and also demonstrate the capability of the HXIS instrument to study the development, with high time resolution, of individual 8″ × 8″ elements of the flare.  相似文献   

The X-Ray Polychromator experiment has been in operation on the SMM satellite for over three months. It is observing flares and active regions in the wavelength range 1Å to 23Å using a number of different modes. These include polychromatic imaging, high resolution line profiles, high dispersion spectra, and light curves with high time-resolution. Data are described together with some of the preliminary analysis and interpretation.  相似文献   

X-ray telescopes have been providing high sensitivity X-ray observations in numerous missions. For X-ray telescopes in the future, one of the key technologies is to expand the energy band beyond 10 keV. We designed depth-graded multilayer, so-called supermirrors, for a hard X-ray telescope in the energy band up to 40 keV using lightweight thin-foil optics. They were successfully flown in a balloon flight and obtained a hard X-ray image of Cyg X-1 in the 20–40 keV band. Now supermirrors are promising to realize a hard X-ray telescope. We have estimated the performance of a hard X-ray telescope using a platinum–carbon supermirror for future satellite missions, such as NeXT (Japan) and XEUS (Europe). According to calculations, they will have a significant effective area up to 80 keV, and their effective areas will be more than 280 cm2 even at 60 keV. Limiting sensitivity will be down to 1.7 × 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1 in the 10–80 keV band at a 100 ks observation. In this paper, we present the results of the balloon experiment with the first supermirror flown and projected effective areas of hard X-ray telescopes and action items for future missions.  相似文献   

The scientific rationale of the Solar Orbiter is to provide, at high spatial (35 km pixel size) and temporal resolution, observations of the solar atmosphere and unexplored inner heliosphere. Novel observations will be made in the almost heliosynchronous segments of the orbits at heliocentric distances near 45 R and out of the ecliptic plane at the highest heliographic latitudes of 30° – 38°. The Solar Orbiter will achieve its wide-ranging aims with a suite of sophisticated instruments through an innovative design of the orbit. The first near-Sun interplanetary measurements together with concurrent remote observations of the Sun will permit us to determine and understand, through correlative studies, the characteristics of the solar wind and energetic particles in close linkage with the plasma and radiation conditions in their source regions on the Sun. Over extended periods the Solar Orbiter will deliver the first images of the polar regions and the side of the Sun invisible from the Earth.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the utility of analog environments in preparations for a Europa lander mission. Such analogs are useful in the demonstration and rehearsal of engineering functions such as sample acquisition from an icy surface, as well as in the exercise of the scientific protocols needed to identify organic, inorganic and possible biological impurities in ice. Particular attention is drawn to Antarctic and Arctic analog sites where progress in these latter areas has been significant in recent years.  相似文献   

Asteroid exploration provides a new approach to study the formation of the solar system and the planetary evolution. Choosing a suitable target and designing of feasible profile for asteroid mission are challenging due to constraints such as scientific value and technical feasibility. This paper investigates a feasible mission scenario among the potential candidates of multiple flybys and sample return missions. First, a group of potential candidates are selected by considering the physical properties and accessibility of asteroids, for the sample return missions. Second, the feasible mission scenarios for multiple flybys and sample return missions to various spectral-type asteroids are investigated. We present the optimized design of preliminary interplanetary transfer trajectory for two kinds of missions. One is the single sample return mission to asteroids with various spectral types. The other is the multiple flybys and sample return mission to several asteroids. In order to find the optimal profiles, the planetary swing-by technique and Differential Evolution algorithm are used.  相似文献   

在密近双星系统Her X-1/HZ Her中,Her X-1被HZ Her掩食时的X射线光度变化,为研究HZ Her的大气结构,提供了一个直接的观测证据。本文对这个系统的二次食变过程资料进行了拟合分析,推断了HZ Her的低层大气结构,面对X射线源一面的大气,由于X射线的加热作用,其低部存在着一层温度约为8×104K的色球层。与已有的HZ Her大气结构理论相比较,大致符合,但有一定差异。本文简单讨论了这种差异。  相似文献   

Europe is one of the major partners building the International Space Station (ISS) and European industry, together with ESA, is responsible for many station components including the Columbus Orbital Facility, the Automated Transport Vehicle, two connecting modules and the European Robotic Arm. Together with this impressive list of contributions there is a strong desire within the ESA Member States to benefit from this investment by utilizing the unique capabilities of the ISS to perform world-class science. XEUS is one of the astronomical applications being studied by ESA to utilize the capabilities of the ISS. XEUS will be a long-term X-ray observatory with an initial mirror area of 6 m2 at 1 keV that will be expanded to 30 m2 following a visit to the ISS. The 1 keV spatial resolution is expected to be 2–5″ half-energy-width. XEUS will consist of separate detector and mirror spacecraft (MSC) aligned by active control to provide a focal length of 50 m. A new detector spacecraft, complete with the next generation of instruments, will also be added after visiting the ISS. The limiting 0.1–2.5 keV sensitivity will then be 4 × 10−18 erg cm−2 s−1, around 200 times better than XMM-Newton, allowing XEUS to study the properties of the hot baryons and dark matter at high redshift.  相似文献   

We propose a dual-rendezvous mission, targeting near-Earth asteroids, including sample-return. The mission, Asteroid Sampling Mission (ASM), consists of two parts: (i) flyby and remote sensing of a Q-type asteroid, and (ii) sampling of a V-type asteroid. The targeted undifferentiated Q-type are found mainly in the near-Earth space, and to this date have not been the target of a space mission. We have chosen, for our sampling target, an asteroid from the basaltic class (V-type), as asteroids in this class exhibit spectral signatures that resemble those of the well-studied Howardite–Eucrite–Diogenite (HED) meteorite suite. With this mission, we expect to answer specific questions about the links between differentiated meteorites and asteroids, as well as gain further insight into the broader issues of early Solar System (SS) evolution and the formation of terrestrial planets. To achieve the mission, we designed a spacecraft with a dry mass of less than 3 tonnes that uses electric propulsion with a solar-electric power supply of 15 kW at 1 Astronomical Unit (AU). The mission includes a series of remote sensing instruments, envisages landing of the whole spacecraft on the sampling target, and employs an innovative sampling mechanism. Launch is foreseen to occur in 2018, as the designed timetable, and the mission would last about 10 years, bringing back a 150 g subsurface sample within a small re-entry capsule. This paper is a work presented at the 2008 Summer School Alpbach,“Sample return from the Moon, asteroids and comets” organized by the Aeronautics and Space Agency of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency. It is co-sponsored by ESA and the national space authorities of its Member and Co-operating States, with the support of the International Space Science Institute and Austrospace.  相似文献   

MEMORIS (MErcury Moderate Resolution Imaging System) is a wide angle camera (WAC) concept for the ESA mission BepiColombo. The main scientific objectives consist of observing the whole surface of Mercury in the spectral range of 400–1000 nm, with a spatial resolution of 50 m per pixel at peri-Herm (400 km) and 190 m at apo-Herm (1500 km). It will obtain a map of Mercury in stereo mode allowing the determination of a digital elevation model with a panchromatic filter through two different channels. The camera will also perform multispectral imaging of the surface with a set of 8–12 different broad band filters. A third channel dedicated to limb observations will provide images of the atmosphere. MEMORIS will thus monitor the surface and the atmosphere during the entire mission, providing a unique opportunity to study the relationship between surface regions and the atmosphere, as suggested by ground-based observations and theory.  相似文献   

This article proposes an analytical preliminary design method for abort trajectory with a lunar flyby and the trajectory ergodic representation based on parameterization, as well as their application in studying the abort trajectories’ characteristics. First, by introducing two parameters, the perilune altitude and the perilune transfer time, the preliminary solution is developed parametrically using pseudostate theory to connect two special Lambert processes. The fast convergence of the improved differential correction under the high-fidelity gravity field verifies the accuracy of the proposed preliminary design method. Next, the two parameters are regarded as a set of variables to define an abort trajectory. Based on this, an ergodic representation of the abort trajectory with a certain abort time is yielded using the proposed design method, which offers a global view of the feasible abort trajectories. In addition, the influences of some factors on the performance of these abort trajectories are investigated based on the proposed design method and ergodic representation. The simulation results show that the abort time and the transfer time of the nominal trajectory significantly affect the ergodic representation and characteristics of the abort trajectory.  相似文献   

MELISSA (Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative) has been conceived as a micro-organism based ecosystem intended as a tool for developing the technology for a future artificial ecosystem for long term space missions, as for example a lunar base. The driving element of MELISSA is the recovering of edible biomass from waste, CO2, and minerals with the use of sun light as energy source. In this publication, we focus our attention on the potential applications of MELISSA for a precursor mission to the Moon. We begin by a short review of the requirements for bioregenerative Life Support. We recall the concept of MELISSA and the theoretical and technical approaches of the study. We present the main results obtained since the beginning of this activity and taking into account the requirements of a mission to the Moon we propose a preliminary experiment based on the C cycle of the MELISSA loop.  相似文献   

YODA++ is a proposal for a semi-automated data handling and analysis system for the PAMELA space experiment. The core of the routines have been developed to process a stream of raw data downlinked from the Resurs DK1 satellite (housing PAMELA) to the ground station in Moscow. Raw data consist of scientific data and are complemented by housekeeping information. Housekeeping information will be analyzed within a short time from download (1 h) in order to monitor the status of the experiment and to foreseen the mission acquisition planning. A prototype for the data visualization will run on an APACHE TOMCAT web application server, providing an off-line analysis tool using a browser and part of code for the system maintenance. Data retrieving development is in production phase, while a GUI interface for human friendly monitoring is on preliminary phase as well as a JavaServerPages/JavaServerFaces (JSP/JSF) web application facility. On a longer timescale (1–3 h from download) scientific data are analyzed. The data storage core will be a mix of CERNs ROOT files structure and MySQL as a relational database. YODA++ is currently being used in the integration and testing on ground of PAMELA data.  相似文献   

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