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利用皮秒脉冲激光单粒子效应试验装置研究了一款宇航级Flash芯片的电流“尖峰”(HCS)现象。利用激光准确定位的特点,确定电流“尖峰”是由芯片的电荷泵单元充放电引起的,不同的激光能量、入射位置会触发不同频率、相同幅值的电流“尖峰”现象,虽然电流“尖峰”发生的瞬间电流增大的现象与单粒子锁定效应表现一致,但机理完全不同。当激光能量足够高(对应于重离子LET值99.8 MeV·cm2/mg)时,在电荷泵的同一个敏感位置累积多次辐照不断触发芯片发生电流“尖峰”,芯片会因多次充放电而损坏。   相似文献   

Extragalactic research studies by the Harvard/Smithsonian group with the Einstein Observatory have emphasized quasars and clusters of galaxies. More than 100 QSO's have been detected, including 20 serendipitous discoveries. The ratio of Lx/Lo for radio loud quasars is on the average 3 times that of radio quiet ones. QSO's with a large intrinsic optical luminosity have a smaller ratio of Lx/Lo. X-ray images of clusters of galaxies reveal a variety of morphological types which may correspond to different stages in their evolution. Several examples of bi-modal clusters have been discovered. An X-ray plume associated with M86 is apparently gas being stripped. From X-ray studies, a mass between 1.7 × 1013Mθ and 4.0 × 1013 Mθ has been derived for M87.  相似文献   

With the objective of developing Microwave Remote Sensing technology in the country, India has launched a series of Satellites Bhaskara-I and II with the microwave radiometer capability. In this paper, an attempt is made to demonstrate the capability of the brightness temperature data acquired by these radiometers to discriminate various soil moisture conditions of Indian land mass. The analysis show that large areas assessment of soil moisture is possible to a limited extent.  相似文献   

Simulated high resolution images of the galactic center region have been obtained for the SIGMA telescope, using recent observational data. It is shown that the next generation of gamma-ray imaging telescopes will be able to resolve this complex region of the sky.  相似文献   

A hybrid method, combining the radiative transfer theory and the method of moments (MoM), is proposed to study the potential effect of the lunar surface roughness on the microwave brightness temperature. The total upward emission reaching the lunar surface from below media is calculated by the radiative transfer theory, and then the brightness temperature is obtained by weighting the bidirectional transmission coefficients which is computed using the MoM. The method is validated by both flat and rough surface models with analytic solutions. With the hybrid method, brightness temperatures from simulated lunar model are calculated and compared to those from a flat layered model. The comparisons show that the effect of rough surface on brightness temperature cannot be ignored and also depends on many other factors, such as observation angle and polarizations. For vertical polarization, an optimal observation angle may exist to reduce the effect of surface roughness. These results indicate that the knowledge of lunar surface roughness is important in microwave remote sensing to the Moon and may probably provide a guide to lunar projects in future.  相似文献   

Since the publication of the last COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere (CIRA 1972) valuable progress has been achieved in improving our understanding of the terrestrial thermosphere. As a result, several empirical models are now available for numerous applications. The reliability of these models is discussed within the framework of known physical phenomena. The most recent published advances deal with longitudinal and universal time effects. Some general shortcomings are pointed out in order to stimulate farther progress.  相似文献   

Ground-based γ-ray astronomy is part of a new field of fundamental research of Astroparticle Physics, that recently made spectacular discoveries mostly thanks to Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes (IACT). The MAGIC telescope is a IACT located at La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. Composed of two telescopes with 17 m diameter each, MAGIC is equipped with the largest optical reflectors in the world, and it has the lowest threshold energy (25 GeV). MAGIC started operations in 2004 in the single-detector configuration, and in 2009 as a stereo detector. Since then, it has discovered many new sources and classes of sources, both galactic and extragalactic. Here some highlights from the most recent results are presented.  相似文献   

New techniques are being developed which will extend the capability of spacecraft-borne ion mass spectrometers into previously unexplored momentum regimes. These instruments include time-of-flight mass spectrometers and large laboratory class spectrometers suitable for Spacelab applications. Their characteristics, strengths and weaknesses are reviewed.  相似文献   

选取2辆典型汽油缸内直喷汽车(GDIV),在环境舱内进行了不同环境温度下,车辆冷启动和热启动后按照全球轻型车统一测试循环(WLTC)运行时的排气污染物试验,测量并分析了GDIV排气中的气态污染物和颗粒物,旨在为GDIV排放系统设计、控制策略制定以及评价汽车排放对环境影响的相关研究提供理论依据。研究结果表明:环境温度对GDIV试验车辆冷启动和热启动的颗粒物数量(PN)和颗粒物质量(PM)排放因子影响显著。环境温度低于14℃,冷启动工况下行驶时PN排放难以满足国Ⅵ排放标准限值,总碳氢化合物(THC)和CO的排放因子受温度的影响显著,热启动时影响不明显。无论是热启动还是冷启动工况,当温度从-7℃逐步上升到40℃时,试验车辆的CO2排放因子呈现先减少后增加的变化规律,2辆车在热启动时的CO2排放因子比冷启动时平均降低4%和7%。冷启动和热启动时,氮氧化物(NOx)排放因子受温度的影响均没有明显的规律。   相似文献   

Based on measurements with the interferometer spectrometer SI-1 on board of Meteor satellites the following problems are investigated: the systematic effect of the spectral response function in deriving effective radiation temperatures; the selection of ‘optimal’ spectral channels within the 15 μm region, and effects of additional molecular absorbers on the determination of the temperature profile. It can be shown that using broad-band window channels (half width ?20cm?1) the derived surface temperature is significantly different from the surface temperature derived from narrow spectral band channels (e.g. for the HIRS window channel 8 this difference is about 1° C). Simulations of some combinations of spectral channels including one proposed as an optimal approach show no significant difference in the derived temperature profile. Neglecting the ozone absorption of the 14.1 μm band leads to a change in radiance of about 1.5 mW/m2sr cm?1 and to a systematic error of the derived temperature of about ?2° C in the troposphere.  相似文献   

In the framework of the study of supernova remnants and their complex interaction with the interstellar medium and the circumstellar material, we focus on the galactic supernova remnant W49B. Its morphology exhibits an X-ray bright elongated nebula, terminated on its eastern end by a sharp perpendicular structure aligned with the radio shell. The X-ray spectrum of W49B is characterized by strong K emission lines from Si, S, Ar, Ca, and Fe. There is a variation of the temperature in the remnant with the highest temperature found in the eastern side and the lowest one in the western side. The analysis of the recent observations of W49B indicates that the remnant may be the result of an asymmetric bipolar explosion where the ejecta are collimated along a jet-like structure and the eastern jet is hotter and more Fe-rich than the western one. Another possible scenario associates the X-ray emission with a spherical explosion where parts of the ejecta are interacting with a dense belt of ambient material. To overcome this ambiguity we present new results of the analysis of an XMM-Newton observation and we perform estimates of the mass and energy of the remnant. We conclude that the scenario of an anisotropic jet-like explosion explains quite naturally our observation results, but the association of W49B with a hypernova and a γ-ray burst, although still possible, is not directly supported by any evidence.  相似文献   

The results obtained on cosmic gamma-ray bursts over the last several years are reviewed and compared with the older “historical” results. Fine time resolution measurements of burster light curves continue to reveal structure at the millisecond and sub-millisecond level, suggesting a compact object origin. Similarly, the evolution of the low energy X-ray spectra of bursts towards shapes consistent with 1–2 keV blackbodies may be interpreted in terms of a neutron star origin, as can the continuing detection of absorption and emission features. The statistical evidence, however, argues strongly for an isotropic distribution which has been completely sampled. To reconcile this with galactic neutron stars requires the assumption that they are Population II objects. Counterpart searches have evolved to the point where they may be carried out within days of an event, and a soft X-ray source has now been detected in the error box of one recent burst.  相似文献   

Assimilated channel brightness temperature data from infrared sounders accounting for cloud effects have a positive effect on weather forecasting, especially in weather-sensitive areas. When cloud effects are included, the channel brightness temperature deviations follow a non-Gaussian distribution. However, classical variational data assimilation follows a Gaussian distribution. When processing the cloud-affected brightness temperature, useful data are lost through the cloud detection process, thus assimilating some channel brightness temperatures with weight function peaks above the cloud top. Furthermore, strict quality control of brightness temperature removes outliers. By adopting the generalised variational assimilation method, which assumes that errors follow a non-Gaussian distribution, this paper assimilates the cloud-affected brightness temperature using simulated data for the hyper-spectral atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS). A channel set is formed by dynamically selecting AIRS channels. The experiments for retrieving temperature and humidity data demonstrate that the generalised variational assimilated cloud-affected brightness temperature method performs better than the classical method.  相似文献   

Results of computer simulations of the broad continuum (BC) feature of stimulated electromagnetic emissions (SEE) of the ionosphere are presented. The simulations were performed using the model of BC generation based on the double transformation of electromagnetic waves to upper hybrid (UH) waves and back with artificial small scale irregularities (ASI) of plasma density. An induced scattering of the UH waves by thermal ions provided a wide spectrum of SEE. For the simulations an empirical model of the ASI spectrum, development and decay was used.  相似文献   

为提高试验精度,减小电磁兼容(EMC)半电波暗室中被试品(EUT)的电磁辐射发射试验点位对测试结果的影响,研究了不同试验点位对半电波暗室典型谐振频率电磁信号辐射发射的影响规律。采用几何光学、一致性绕射理论和多路径效应算法对不同试验点位,暗室典型谐振频率电磁信号的传输过程进行数学建模,剔除直射场强影响,综合考虑信号传输过程中产生的反射、折射、绕射和多径等电磁传播效应,给出了数学模型和计算公式。将数学传播模型与剔除直射场影响的试验实测模型计算结果进行比对,验证了数学模型的有效性。该研究为修正被试品在暗室内不同点位进行辐射发射试验的测试结果提供了理论依据,有助于提高被试品电磁辐射发射试验的测试精度。  相似文献   

New Venus temperature profiles, derived from engineering measurements of the Small Probe Net Flux Radiometer (SNFR) instruments generally confirm to high accuracy the vertical structure and horizontal temperature contrast results of Seiff et al. /1/.  相似文献   

Some results, recently obtained from laboratory experiments of ion irradiation of ice mixtures containing H, C, N, and O, are here summarized. They are relevant to the formation and evolution of complex organics on interstellar dust, comets and other small bodies in the external Solar System. In particular the formation of CN-bearing species is discussed. Interstellar dust incorporated into primitive Solar System bodies and subsequently delivered to the early Earth, may have contributed to the origin of life. The delivery of CN-bearing species seems to have been necessary because molecules containing the cyanogen bond are difficult to be produced in an environment that is not strongly reducing as that of the early Earth probably was. Moreover we report on an ongoing research program concerning the interaction between refractory materials produced by ion irradiation of simple ices and biological materials (amino acids, proteins, cells).  相似文献   

直接测量液体火箭发动机燃烧室的内壁温度是十分困难的。提出了温度梯度法,即通过测量冷却通道中肋片上的温度梯度来推算出内壁面温度的方法。理论分析和数值计算表明,燃烧室冷却肋片中心截面的温度分布可以用一个三次方程来表示。用最小二乘法拟合测试数据可以推算出内壁面温度。  相似文献   

Remote sensing activities in India over the past decade are briefly described in the paper; some important application areas are explained. Some results are highlighted. Activities in India for building remote sensing spacecraft, sensors and ground segment are summarised. Some facilities in India for remote sensing applications including low cost interpretative equipment developed are described. The paper also outlines the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS) series, the first of which is presently under development for launch in 1986 and the National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS) under evolution.  相似文献   

Night sky brightness is a major source of noise both for Cherenkov telescopes as well as for wide-angle Cherenkov detectors. Therefore, it is important to know the level of night sky brightness at potential sites for future experiments.  相似文献   

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