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Complex electrodynamic processes over the low latitude region often result in post sunset plasma density irregularities which degrade satellite communication and navigation. In order to forecast the density irregularities, their occurrence time, duration and location need to be quantified. Data from the Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) satellite was used to characterize the low latitude ion density irregularities from 2011 to 2013. This was supported by ground based data from the SCIntillation Network Decision Aid (SCINDA) receivers at Makerere (Geographic coordinate 32.6°E, 0.3°N, and dip latitude ?9.3°N) and Nairobi (Geographic coordinate 36.8°E, ?1.3°N, and dip latitude ?10.8°N). The results show that irregularities in ion density have a daily pattern with peaks from 20:00 to 24:00 Local Time (LT). Scintillation activity at L band and VHF over East Africa peaked in 2011 and 2012 from 20:00 to 24:00 LT, though in many cases scintillation at VHF persisted longer than that at L band. A longitudinal pattern in ion density irregularity occurrence was observed with peaks over 135–180°E and 270–300°E. The likelihood of ion density irregularity occurrence decreased with increasing altitude. Analysis of C/NOFS zonal ion drift velocities showed that the largest nighttime and daytime drifts were in 270–300°E and 300–330°E longitude regions respectively. Zonal irregularity drift velocities over East Africa were for the first time estimated from L-band scintillation indices. The results show that the velocity of plasma density irregularities in 2011 and 2012 varied daily, and hourly in the range of 50–150 m s?1. The zonal drift velocity estimates from the L-band scintillation indices had good positive correlation with the zonal drift velocities derived from VHF receivers by the spaced receiver technique.  相似文献   

Longitudinal distributions of post-midnight equatorial ionospheric irregularity occurrences observed by ROCSAT-1 (1st satellite of the Republic of China) during moderate to high solar activity years in two solstices are studied with respect to the vertical drift velocity and density variations. The post-midnight irregularity distributions are found to be similar to the well-documented pre-midnight ones, but are different from some published distributions taken during solar minimum years. Even though the post-midnight ionosphere is sinking in general, longitudes of frequent positive vertical drift and high density seems to coincide with the longitudes of high irregularity occurrences. Large scatters found in the vertical drift velocity and density around the dip equator in different ROCSAT-1 orbits indicate the existence of large and frequent variations in the vertical drift velocity and density that seem to be able to provide sufficient perturbations for the Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instability to cause the irregularity occurrences. The need of seeding agents such as gravity waves from atmospheric convective clouds to initiate the Rayleigh-Taylor instability may not be necessary.  相似文献   

海南地区电离层不规则体纬向漂移速度的观测和研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
根据中国海南富克(19.3°N,109.1°E)三点GPS观测系统2007年3月至11月的观测数据,利用互相关方法分析了三站闪烁信号的时间延迟,得出了不规则体纬向漂移的基本特征.在中国海南地区,闪烁主要发生在春秋季节,夜间不规则体的纬向漂移速度以东向为主,大小在50~150 m/s之间;平均东向漂移速度随时间呈下降趋势.另外,在闪烁刚发生时,不规则体纬向速度起伏较大,这可能与不规则体的随机起伏以及等离子体泡产生时垂直速度较大有关.中国海南地区不规则体纬向漂移速度的这些基本特征与低纬其他地区的测量结果较为一致.  相似文献   

The first results of the comparison of subauroral luminosity dynamics in 557,7 and 630,0 nm emission with simultaneous measurements of the ionospheric drift in the F2 region with a digisonde DPS-4 at the Yakutsk meridian (CGMC: 55–60N, 200°E) at Kp = 2–6 are presented. It is shown from the analysis of individual events that during the magnetospheric convection intensification after the turn of the IMF Bz – component to the south the equatorward extension of diffuse aurora takes place. At the same time the westward ionospheric drift velocity increases both in the diffuse aurora region and much equatorward of it due to the occurrence of the northward polarization electric field. We suppose that the generation of polarization field can be associated with the development of the region 2 FAC during the intensification of magnetospheric convection. The comparison of ground-based observations with measurements of the plasma drift aboard the DMSP-F15 satellite has been carried out.  相似文献   

针对东亚地区地磁低纬度南北半球Vanimo台站(地理2.7°S,141.3°E;地磁11.2°S,146.2°W)和海南台站(地理19.5°N,109.1°E;地磁9.1°N,179.1°W)上空的3个电离层等离子体块与等离子体泡相关联的事件,利用地面台站的电离层测高仪连续观测数据,研究等离子体泡演化期间的电离层虚高变...  相似文献   

利用广州站组建的两台短间距GPS电离层闪烁监测仪的观测数据, 分别对GPS卫星信号强度用功率谱和短间距台链互相关性两种方法计算了3次闪烁事件电离层不规则体的漂移速度. 分析结果表明, 同一不规则体会引起两台站闪烁事件的同时发生, 两种方法测量不规则体漂移速度通常在50~160m/s之间, 平均大小均在120m/s左右, 且纬向漂移速度在闪烁初期起伏较明显, 速度随闪烁时间有下降的趋势, 夜间纬向漂移方向由西向东, 广州地区漂移速度特性符合低纬其他地区不规则体漂移速度特征, 两种计算方法合理有效.   相似文献   

Ion beams observed in the plasma sheet boundary layer (PSBL), cusp, and on the auroral zone field lines are expected to have spatial gradients in their drift velocity. Generation of kinetic Alfvén waves by velocity shear of the ion beams is discussed. It is shown that a hot ion beam can excite both a resonant kinetic Alfvén wave instability and a non-resonant coupled Alfvén-ion acoustic instability. For typical parameters, observed on the auroral field lines in the altitude range of 5–7 RE (where RE is the Earth’s radius), the frequency of the velocity shear modes, in the satellite frame of reference, lie in the ultra-low frequency (ULF) range. The noise due to velocity shear driven Alfvén modes is electromagnetic in nature, and has a finite parallel electric field component.  相似文献   

Two bistatic VHF radar systems, STARE and SABRE, have been employed to estimate ionospheric electric fields in the geomagnetic latitude range 61.1 – 69.3° (geographic latitude range 63.8 – 72.6°) over northern Scandinavia. 173 days of good backscatter from all four radars have been analysed during the period 1982 to 1986, from which the average ionospheric divergence electric field versus latitude and time is calculated. The average magnetic field-aligned currents are computed using an AE-dependent empirical model of the ionospheric conductance. Statistical Birkeland current estimates are presented for high and low values of the Kp and AE indices as well as positive and negative orientations of the IMF Bz component. The results compare very favourably to other ground-based and satellite measurements.  相似文献   

This study presents an analysis of the observed north-south asymmetry of the range spread F (RSF) intensity at the low latitude region during an equinoctial month of different solar epochs (2002, 2015 and 2017). The ionospheric parameters were obtained during geomagnetic quiet days from four digisonde stations located along the Brazilian longitude, which include a dip equator station (Sao Luiz (SL: 2.33 S, 44.2 W)), conjugate stations (Campo Grande (CG: 20.5°S, 55°W) and Boa Vista (BV: 2.8°N, 60.7°W)) and another low latitude station (Cachoeira Paulista (CP: 22.7°S, 45°W)). The results highlight the competing effect of the post-sunset electric field strength and the trans-equatorial wind on the latitudinal distribution of the irregularity intensity at both hemispheres under varying background ionospheric condition. The RSF intensity was seen to reduce as the solar flux index decreased and the latitudinal peak shifted closer to the dip equator. This was dependent on the variation of the field line mapped irregularity spectrum and the density gradient. Likewise, the north-south asymmetry in the irregularity occurrence was seen to become more significant as a denser ionosphere was observed at the hemisphere with the equatorward meridional wind. This has further proven that the non-linear cascading of the plasma irregularity across the low latitude region is strongly influenced by the local electric field.  相似文献   

本文讨论了晨昏电场存在时磁尾等离子体片内撕裂模不稳定性的激发和增长问题。得到的结果可以用来解释晨昏电场对磁亚暴的触发以及加快等离子体片贮存能量的耗散等现象。我们推导了存在电场漂移时的撕裂模方程,并在均匀电流片模型下求解了该方程的解析解。结果表明触发不稳定性所允许的临界电流片宽度与电场大小近似成正比,这表明考虑晨昏电场效应后磁亚暴更易被激发。此外对于厚度相同的电流片来说,长波撕裂模的增长率也随晨昏电场的加强而增大。   相似文献   

The scattering properties of the spokes in Saturn's rings suggest that they consist of micron-sized dust particles. We suggest that these grains are elevated above the ring plane by electrostatic charging. We show that electrostatic levitation requires a sufficiently large plasma density near the rings. If the plasma density near the rings exceeds a few 102 cm?3 levitation may occur at significant rates in the strong electric fields which exist in the wall-sheaths at the ring. Once the dust particles are elevated they drift relative to the plasma (except at synchronous orbit). This relative motion constitutes a current which causes a polarization electric field if the plasma is azimuthally inhomogeneous. The dense plasma will drift radially in response to this electric field and cause levitation of more dust particles as it moves along. It leaves a radially aligned trail of elevated dust particles—the spokes. One way of producing dense plasma is by meteor impact on the rings. We discuss the mechanisms of ring charging, electrostatic levitation and the currents in the plasma-dust mixture. We show that for reasonable conditions spokes of more than 10,000 km radial length can be formed in less than five minutes. We also show that under the same conditions the electrostatic levitation model predicts a dust grain population which peaks at a size of 0.6 microns and can reach optical depths of 0.1.  相似文献   

In this study we have used VHF and GPS-SCINDA receivers located at Nairobi (36.8°E, 1.3°S, dip −24.1°) in Kenya, to investigate the ionospheric scintillation and zonal drift irregularities of a few hundred meter-scale irregularities associated with equatorial plasma density bubbles for the period 2011. From simultaneous observations of amplitude scintillation at VHF and L-band frequencies, it is evident that the scintillation activity is higher during the post sunset hours of the equinoctial months than at the solstice. While it is noted that there is practically no signatures of the L-band scintillation in solstice months (June, July, December, January) and after midnight, VHF scintillation does occur in the solstice months and show post midnight activity through all the seasons. VHF scintillation is characterized by long duration of activity and slow fading that lasts till early morning hours (05:00 LT). Equinoctial asymmetry in scintillation occurs with higher occurrence in March–April than in September–October. The occurrence of post midnight VHF scintillation in this region is unusual and suggests some mechanisms for the formation of scintillation structure that might not be clearly understood. Zonal drift velocities of irregularities were measured using cross-correlation analysis with time series of the VHF scintillation structure from two closely spaced antennas. Statistical analyses of the distribution of zonal drift velocities after sunset hours indicate that the range of the velocities is 30–160 m/s. This is the first analysis of the zonal plasma drift velocity over this region. Based on these results we suggest that the east–west component of the plasma drift velocity may be related to the evolution of plasma bubble irregularities caused by the prereversal enhancement of the eastward electric fields. The equinoctial asymmetry of the drift velocities and scintillation could be attributed to the asymmetry of neutral winds in the thermosphere that drives the eastward electric fields.  相似文献   

Two traditional theoretical interpretations of the observed plasmapause are compared, namely, the plasmapause as: 1. The boundary between closed flux tubes that have been in the inner magnetosphere for several days and those that have recently drifted in from the magnetotail or 2. the last closed electric equipotential. Although the two interpretations become equivalent in the case where the electric-field pattern is steady for several days, interpretation 1 seems theoretically more secure for typical magnetospheric conditions, due to the essentially time-dependent nature of the mangetospheric electric field. The results of old theoretical studies of the effects of time variations in the electric-field pattern on the shape of the plasmapause are reviewed briefly. The formulation of the present version of the Rice Convection Model is also reviewed. Preliminary results of recent computations of quiet-time electric fields, carried out with this model, are presented and discussed. Quiet-time thermospheric winds are found to have only minor effects on drift paths of magnetospheric particles.  相似文献   

极光西向涌浪(WTS)被定义为磁层亚暴开始的重要标志, 它是伴随带电粒子沉降过程在极光带电离层出现的特定的极光运动形态.本文给出了极光西向涌浪的二维动力学模式, 亚暴开始, 伴随粒子沉降在电离层产生离子密度梯度(电导率梯度), 在背景电场中激发出低频漂移波, 它的传播给出极光西向涌浪运动的主要特性.   相似文献   

Data were obtained from the measurements of optical emissions, ion drift, DC magnetic field and energetic particles, on board INTERCOSMOS - BULGARIA - 1300 satellite. In two cases of night-time passes through auroral oval, an estimate has been made of the energy input by particle precipitation and Joule heating. In order to determine the Joule heating, the Pedersen currents flowing in the lower ionosphere were determined. In orbits 231 and 203 Pedersen currents of 0.94 Am?1 and 0.71 am?1 were observed. From these values estimates of Joule heating rates of2 × 10?7Wm?3 and8 × 10?7Wm?3 were obtained. The integral energy deposited by the precipitated particles was also estimated in the current systems regions. The possibility for identification of the auroral electrojet based only on satellite data is pointed out.  相似文献   

Plasma physics has found an increasing range of practical industrial applications, including the development of electric spacecraft propulsion systems. One of these systems, the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR) engine, both applies several important physical processes occurring in the magnetosphere. These processes include the mechanisms involved in the ion acceleration and heating that occur in the Birkeland currents of an auroral arc system. Auroral current region processes that are simulated in VASIMR include lower hybrid heating, parallel electric field acceleration and ion cyclotron acceleration. This paper will focus on using a physics demonstration model VASIMR to study ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH). The major purpose is to provide a VASIMR status report to the COSPAR community. The VASIMR uses a helicon antenna with up to 20 kW of power to generate plasma. This plasma is energized by an RF booster stage that uses left hand polarized slow mode waves launched from the high field side of the ion cyclotron resonance. The present setup for the booster uses 2–4 MHz waves with up to 20 kW of power. This process is similar to the ion cyclotron heating in tokamaks, but in the VASIMR the ions only pass through the resonance region once. The rapid absorption of ion cyclotron waves has been predicted in recent theoretical studies. These theoretical predictions have been supported with several independent measurements in this paper. The ICRH produced a substantial increase in ion velocity. Pitch angle distribution studies show that this increase takes place in the resonance region where the ion cyclotron frequency is equal to the frequency on the injected RF waves. Downstream of the resonance region the perpendicular velocity boost should be converted to axial flow velocity through the conservation of the first adiabatic invariant as the magnetic field decreases in the exhaust region of the VASIMR. In deuterium plasma, 80% efficient absorption of 20 kW of ICRH input power has been achieved. No evidence for power limiting instabilities in the exhaust beam has been observed.  相似文献   

Although rotating neutron stars (NSs) have been regarded as being textbook examples of astrophysical particle acceleration sites for decades, details of the acceleration mechanism remain a mystery; for example, we cannot yet observationally distinguish “polar cap” models from “outer gap” models. To solve the model degeneracy, it is useful to study similar systems with much different physical parameters. Strongly magnetized white dwarfs (WDs) are ideal for this purpose, because they have essentially the same system geometry as NSs, but differ largely from NSs in the system parameters, including the size, magnetic field, and the rotation velocity, with the induced electric field expected to reach 1013–1014 eV. Based on this idea, the best candidate among WDs, AE Aquarii, was observed with the fifth Japaneses X-ray satellite, Suzaku. The hard X-ray detector (HXD) on-board Suzaku has the highest sensitivity in the hard X-ray band over 10 keV. A marginal detection in the hard X-ray band was achieved with the HXD, and was separated from the thermal emission. The flux corresponds to about 0.02% of its spin-down energy. If the signal is real, this observation must be a first case of the detection of non-thermal emission from WDs.  相似文献   

Based upon the most efficient electron acceleration near the midplane of 3D non-neutral driven reconnecting current sheet (RCS) and the electrostatic wave excitation by the drift Maxwellian distribution of electrons in Vlasov simulation, we assume that the electrostatic waves mainly propagate opposite to the reconnecting electric field and investigated how these waves affect the electron acceleration. The main results are: (1) when the electron’s velocity equals to the phase speed of the waves, they will be trapped and have the different accelerating characteristics from the untrapped electrons through solving the momentum equations of electrons analytically; (2) the test particle simulations further prove that the number of the energetic electrons decreases with the increasing intensity of unstable waves, and the distribution of the energetic electrons takes on the double power-law.  相似文献   

The problem of day-to-day variability in onset of equatorial spread F (ESF) is addressed using data from the 2002 COPEX observational campaign in Brazil and numerical modeling. The observational results show that for values of virtual height of the F layer base less than 355 km at around 18:35 LT, and for the prereversal peak enhancement of the vertical plasma drift (Vp) less than 30 m/s, the spread-F (ESF) was absent on four nights over Cachimbo (9.5°S, 54.8°W, dip latitude = −2.1°). In this work we analyze the geophysical conditions for the generation of the irregularities by comparing the nights with and without the ESF. In the comparison a numerical code is used to simulate plasma irregularity development in an extended altitude range from the bottom of the equatorial F   layer. The code uses the flux corrected transport method with Boris–Book’s flux limiter for the spatial integration and a predictor–corrector method for the direct time integration of the continuity equation for O+O+ and the SOR (Successive-Over-Relaxation) method for electric potential equation. The code is tested with different evening eastward electric fields (or vertical drifts Vp < 30 m/s and Vp > 30 m/s) in order to study the influence of the prereversal enhancement in the zonal electric field on plasma bubble formation and development. The code also takes into account the zonal wind, the vertical electric field and the collision frequency of ions with neutrals and the amplitude of initial perturbation. The simulation shows a good agreement with the observational results of the ESF. The results of the code suggest that the instability can grow at the F layer bottomside by the Rayleigh–Taylor mechanism only when the Vp > 30 m/s. In the analyzed cases we have considered the competition of other geophysical parameters in the generation of plasma structures.  相似文献   

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