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First results of pointed and All Sky Survey observations of galaxies with the X-ray observatory satellite ROSAT are reported. During observations of the Magellanic Clouds and the Andromeda galaxy new super-soft X-ray sources have been detected. This new class of luminous X-ray sources may help to solve the millisecond pulsar progenitor problem. Due to the improved sensitivity and longer observation times of ROSAT new X-ray point sources have been resolved in several nearby galaxies. The diffuse emission of the LMC that was already reported by EINSTEIN has been mapped in detail. It shows a lot of fine structure and temperatures around 5 × 106 K. The improved low energy response of ROSAT led to the discovery of 106 K gas from the spiral galaxy M101 and the halo of the starburst galaxy NGC 253. No diffuse emission was detected from the halo of the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 5907.  相似文献   

Imaging X-ray observations of normal spiral galaxies show extended and complex x-ray emission, easily explainable with a complex of unresolved X-ray sources. A variety of nuclear sources, including starburst nuclei and miniature active nuclei are seen. The total (0.5–3.0 keV) luminosities are in the range of Lx 1038 - 1040 erg s−1. The X-ray luminosity is linearly correlated with the optical luminosity. It is also correlated with the radio continuum luminosity at 21cm, but following a power law relationship with an exponent α = 0.6. This latter relationship might have implications on the Population I X-ray binary formation models and/or on the origin of the radio continuum emission in spiral galaxies  相似文献   

The Rho Ophiuchi dark cloud region has been the subject of an extensive guest investigation using the Einstein Observatory. The set of observations comprise 14 IPC fields and 3 HRI fields. The densest part of the cloud has been observed 6 times. Forty seven sources were detected at a level > 3.5 σ and twenty more above 2 σ. The majority of these sources have optical, IR, or even radio continuum counterparts; nine are identified with known T Tauri stars, while several others are identified with stars showing H α in emission. All show a high degree of time variability; flux variations reach factors of 5 in a few hours, or 25 in a day. Apparent luminosities are in the range 10(30) – 10(31)(1) erg.s?1. The possibility that the X-ray variability is due to flares is examined. If this interpretation is correct, one source has been the seat of the largest stellar flare ever recorded in X rays [Lx = 10(32) erg.s?1, Ex ?10(36) ergs-].  相似文献   

We have found compact, near-nuclear X-ray sources in 21 (54%) of a complete sample of 39 nearby face-on spiral and elliptical galaxies with available ROSAT HRI data. ROSAT X-ray luminosities (0.2 – 2.4 keV) of these compact X-ray sources are ∼1037 – 1040 erg s−1. The mean displacement between the location of the compact X-ray source and the optical photometric center of the galaxy is ∼390 pc. ASCA spectra of six of the 21 galaxies show the presence of a hard component with relatively steep (Γ ≈ 2.5) spectral slope. A multicolor disk blackbody plus power-law model fits the data from the spiral galaxies well, suggesting that the X-ray objects in these galaxies may be similar to a black hole candidate (BHC) in its soft (high) state. ASCA data from the elliptical galaxies indicate that hot (kT ≈ 0.7 keV) gas dominates the emission. The fact that the spectral slope of the spiral galaxy sources is steeper than in normal type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and that relatively low absorbing columns (NH ≈ 1021 cm−2) were found to the power-law component indicates that these objects are somehow geometrically and/or physically different from AGNs in normal active galaxies. The X-ray sources in the spiral galaxies may be BHCs, low-luminosity AGNs, or possibly X-ray luminous supernovae. We estimate the black hole masses of the X-ray sources in the spiral galaxies (if they are BHCs or AGNs) to be ∼102–103 M. The X-ray sources in the elliptical galaxies may be BHCs, AGNs or young X-ray supernova also.  相似文献   

More than 100 supersoft X-ray sources (SSS) are reported in 20 external galaxies, the Magellanic Clouds (MCs) and our Galaxy. The effective temperatures of the brighter SSS are 20–100 eV. SSS with luminosities below ≈3 × 1038 erg s−1 are consistent with accreting white dwarfs (WDs) with steady nuclear burning or post-novae. Optical identifications exist for SSS in our Galaxy and the MCs (including orbital period determinations) and for SSS in M31 (with novae and symbiotic stars, SySs). High resolution X-ray spectra of the brightest SSS in our Galaxy and the MCs reveal the existence of spectral features due to high gravity WDs. Timing studies in X-rays (combined with the optical) of the stable nuclear burning phase in steady nuclear burning sources and in post-novae allow to constrain the mass accretion rate onto and the mass of the nuclear burning WD. The nature of a few SSS with luminosities 1039 erg s−1 remains unclear.  相似文献   

Supergiant fast X-ray transients are a subclass of high mass X-ray binaries displaying a peculiar and still poorly understood extreme variability in the X-ray domain. These sources undergo short sporadic outbursts (LX∼LX 1036–1037 erg s−1), lasting few ks at the most, and spend a large fraction of their time in an intermediate luminosity state at about LX∼LX 1033–1034 erg s−1. The sporadic and hardly predictable outbursts of supergiant fast X-ray transients were so far best discovered by large field of view (FOV) coded-mask instruments; their lower luminosity states require, instead, higher sensitivity focusing instruments to be studied in sufficient details. In this contribution, we provide a summary of the current knowledge on supergiant fast X-ray transients and explore the contribution that the new space mission concept LOFT, the Large Observatory for X-ray Timing, will be able to provide in the field of research of these objects.  相似文献   

We present results on the X-ray source populations of nearby star-forming galaxies based on Chandra observations. First we discuss the monitoring campaigns on the Antennae and M82 galaxies. In both cases we find that the majority of the X-ray sources exhibit intensity and/or spectral variability. However, despite of this variability, we do not find any statistically significant variations of their X-ray luminosity functions (XLFs). We also find that the majority of the X-ray sources are associated with star-forming regions, although we do not always identify optical counterparts to the X-ray sources. Especially in the case of M82 we find that the most luminous sources are clustered in the central region of the galaxy. Finally, we present the first results from a study of a sample of nearby star-forming galaxies which form a starburst age sequence: although their XLFs to first order are represented by power-laws with consistent slopes, there is an indication for small variations, suggesting a change of their X-ray binary populations.  相似文献   

Observations of cool stars with the Einstein Observatory (HEAO-2) have brought about a fundamental change in our knowledge and understanding of stellar coronae. The existence of X-ray emission from stars throughout the H-R diagram, the wide range of X-ray luminosity within a given spectral and luminosity class, and the strong correlation of X-ray luminosity with stellar age and rotation are among the more significant Einstein results. These results are strong evidence for the influence of stellar dynamo action on the formation and heating of stellar coronae. A discussion of relevant consortium and guest observations will be given. The Hyades cluster, in particular, will serve as an example to demonstrate the usefulness of X-ray observations in the study of stellar activity and coronal evolution.  相似文献   

Extragalactic research studies by the Harvard/Smithsonian group with the Einstein Observatory have emphasized quasars and clusters of galaxies. More than 100 QSO's have been detected, including 20 serendipitous discoveries. The ratio of Lx/Lo for radio loud quasars is on the average 3 times that of radio quiet ones. QSO's with a large intrinsic optical luminosity have a smaller ratio of Lx/Lo. X-ray images of clusters of galaxies reveal a variety of morphological types which may correspond to different stages in their evolution. Several examples of bi-modal clusters have been discovered. An X-ray plume associated with M86 is apparently gas being stripped. From X-ray studies, a mass between 1.7 × 1013Mθ and 4.0 × 1013 Mθ has been derived for M87.  相似文献   

ROSAT All Sky Survey observations of IRAS galaxies have revealed up to now a number of 10 optically non-Seyfert galaxies with X-ray (0.1–2.4) luminosities up to a few 1043erg · s−1 (Boller et al. 1992). The sources are brighter than previous detection limits of a few 1041erg · s−1 as found by Stocke et al. (1991) or Green, Anderson and Ward (1992) for Einstein sources. The optical classification is based on follow-up observations which indicate clearly the non-Seyfert (LINER and HII region-like galaxies) nature. Our investigations reveal that galaxies classified as non-Seyferts on the basis of optical spectroscopy may reach exceptionally high X-ray luminosities which are similar to that of Seyfert galaxies. On the basis of the present observational material we suppose a hidden low luminosity AGN in the centre of these objects as the source of energy production. The objects are of interest when evaluating starburst versus central activity.  相似文献   

Doppler and ranging measurements using the radio signal of the GIOTTO spacecraft were taken before, during, and after the encounter with Comet Halley on 1314 March 1986. The spacecraft velocity was found to decrease by a total of 23.3 cm s?1 due to impacting gas and (primarily) dust in the cometary atmosphere. A preliminary dust production rate Qd ? 10 × 103kg s?1 is found to be consistent with this deceleration. Power spectra of the carrier phase fluctuations reveal an increase in level and a flattening of the spectrum just prior to encounter, presumably associated with the enhanced dust impact rate. Finally, simulated Doppler time profiles are computed using the radial dependence of plasma density observed by the GIOTTO in situ investigations. It is shown that the cometary electron content profile would have been clearly seen if a dual-frequency downlink radio configuration had been available at encounter.  相似文献   

Ariel VI observations of Cygnus X-2 have revealed a rather flat spectrum between 0.1 and 1.5 keV with variable emission at low energy. Of the two conflicting interpretations of this object in terms of i) a distant high-luminosity (Lx 1038 ergs s−1) binary and ii) a nearby low-luminosity (Lx 1035 ergs s−1) degenerate dwarf system, our measurements support the latter.  相似文献   

Amino and hydroxy acids have been identified in the Murchison meteorite. Their presence is consistent with a synthetic pathway involving aldehydes, hydrogen cyanide and ammonia in an aqueous environment (Strecker-cyanohydrin synthesis). From the various equilibrium and rate constants involved in this synthesis, four independent estimates of the ammonium ion concentrations on the parent body at the time of compound synthesis are obtained; all values are about 2 × 10?3 M. Succinic acid and β-alanine have also been detected in the Murchison meteorite. Their presence is consistent with a synthesis from acrylonitrile, hydrogen cyanide and ammonia. Using the equilibrium and rate constants for this synthetic pathway, and the succinic acid/β-alanine ratio measured in the Murchison meteorite, an estimate of the hydrogen cyanide concentration of 10?3 to 10?2 M is obtained. Since hydrogen cyanide hydrolyzes relatively rapidly in an aqueous environment (t12 < 104yrs) this high concentration implies a period of synthesis of organic compounds as short as 104 years on the Murchison meteorite parent body.  相似文献   

Recent advances have enabled simultaneous Hα and X-ray observations with substantially improved spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution. In this paper we study two events observed as part of a coordinated observing program between the Solar Maximum Mission and Sacramento Peak Observatory: the flares of 1456 UT, 7 May 1980 and 1522 UT, 24 June 1980. Using recently-developed physical models of static flare chromospheres, and corresponding theoretical Hα line profiles, we can distinguish effects of intense nonthermal electron heating from those of high conduction and pressure from the overlying flare corona. Both flares show the signature of intense chromospheric heating by fast electrons, temporally correlated with X-ray light curves at E > 27keV, and spatially associated with X-ray emission sites at E >62; 16 keV. Interpreting the Hα line profile observations using the theoretical Hα line profiles, we infer values of the thick-target input power contained in nonthermal electrons that are observationally indistinguishable (within a factor of 2–3) from those inferred from the X-ray data. Although these events are small, the energy flux values are large: of order 1011 ergs cm?2 s?1 above 20 keV.  相似文献   

Surveys with instruments on the Einstein Observatory have shown that essentially all 0 and B main sequence stars are X-ray sources as are many, if not all, 0B supergiants and Wolf-Rayet stars. The X-ray luminosities are sufficient to explain broad lines from the superionization stages seen in the UV spectra of the stars. High energy resolution spectra from the Solid State Spectrometer are shown to place severe constraints on various models for the location of the X-ray sources in the outer atmospheres of the stars. Coronal and embedded shock models for the X-ray emission are discussed and each is found to have some problems in explaining the X-ray emission of 0B stars. X-ray line emission of Si XIII and S XV in ? Ori is discussed and interpreted as arising from magnetically confined loops.  相似文献   

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