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Instead of the existing analytic distribution of the electron temperature profile used in the IRI a two linear-segment profile is proposed. This is simple to handle and can readily be matched to different experimental data from ground-based, rocket and satellite measurements. It is shown how from such data the entire profile can be determined in the height range from 120 km up to 1500 km, which includes upper heights not yet covered by the IRI.  相似文献   

TOVS (TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder) comprises the three radiometers HIRS-2 (High resolution Infra Red Sounder Mod 2), MSU (Microwave Sounding Unit) and SSU (Stratospheric Sounding Unit) mounted on the TIROS-N series of operational spacecraft. Data from these sounders have been available since October 1978 and the series should continue to beyond 1985. The derivation and assessment of stratospheric geopotential height fields from these sounders, with particular reference to the SSU, are described. Measurements of stratospheric diurnal temperature effects and plots of zonally meaned brightness temperatures over a 450 day period are also presented.  相似文献   

In order to determine longterm trends in stratospheric temperature from observations by a series of satellite radiometers, it is necessary to establish the reproducibility and systematic drifts in both the radiometric and the spectroscopic performance of successive instruments. The practical limitations on long term temperature monitoring imposed by current operational designs are illustrated with time series of data from both the Stratospheric Sounding Unit (SSU) and Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) on the TIROS-N series of NOAA spacecraft.  相似文献   

The paper presents some results obtained when a beam of electrons (energy 2 to 3.5 keV, current 0.2 to 0.4A) was injected from aboard the rocket at 100 to 150 km.At the moments the beam was injected perturbations of the near-rocket region are observed with a cross-section of about 500 m, it is much larger than the region over which the injected beam is extended.The appearance of the above region can be explained by the interaction of accelerated ions with the surroundings; the ions are generated during the positive rocket charge neutralization owing to discharge mechanisms. It is confirmed by direct measurements of the rocket potential which is about 2 kV near the apogee.  相似文献   

在获取冬季西北地区一次临近空间气象火箭探测数据后,将火箭探测温度、密度与MSIS00模式和TIMED/SABER卫星数据进行对比,并将火箭探测风场与HWM07模式和MERRA再分析资料进行对比,分析火箭探测温度误差组成,计算各项温度修正量。结果表明:火箭、卫星、MSIS00模式获取的温度和密度随高度整体变化趋势一致;相对于MSIS00模式,火箭和卫星实测数据能够反映出更多的变化细节,且二者在细节上具有较多一致性。火箭实测风场与MERRA的一致性较好,而与HWM07模式差异较大,在平流层中部火箭探测风场明显强于HWM07模式。相对于HWM07模式和MERRA,火箭探测风场能够体现更多细节,在22 km和45 km附近均探测到较强的风切变。在火箭探测温度的各项修正量中,气动加热、温度滞后、支撑结构热传导及测量电流焦耳效应带来的影响较大,该影响整体上随着高度降低而逐渐减小。分析表明,本次气象火箭获取的探测数据是有效可靠的,但在数据处理方法尤其是温度误差修正等方面还需不断迭代完善。   相似文献   

The Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere (LIMS) is a 6 channel scanning radiometer which measures the infrared emission by the earth's limb. These measurements are inverted to yield distributions of temperature, ozone, water vapor, nitric acid and nitrogen dioxide. The instrumentation and its orbital performance are briefly described. Retrievals of temperature and nitrogen dioxide are presented, with a discussion of their precision. Comparisons to in-situ rocket and balloon measurements are used to assess their accuracy. Special mention is made of the temperature data supplied for the FGGE II-b data sets. Results for ozone, water vapor and nitric acid are presented in companion papers.  相似文献   

我国火箭探测资料与CIRA 1986稿的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文用我国气象火箭探测获得的中层大气风、温度、密度和气压等数据,与国际参考大气模式CIRA 1986稿作了比较.结果看到,我国火箭探测温度数据值在模式给出的平均值剖面上下波动,符合的程度在国际比对偏差范围之内;用探测数据分析得到的风的季节性和声重波强度等与模式给出的描述都很符合.从而说明,用CIRA 1986稿来表征我国上空的中层大气结构是合适的.   相似文献   

Radar, rocket and satellite measurements often indicate that there is a strong increase and subsequent decrease in the perpendicular electric field when traversing one edge of an auroral arc. The analysis of rocket measurements, presented here, shows that above an auroral arc there is a small gradient in the electric field due to polarization effects in the ionosphere, but that the strong increase at the edge of the arc can only be explained if the field-aligned currents associated with the arc are taken into account.  相似文献   

The solar soft X-ray (XUV; 1–30 nm) radiation is highly variable on all time scales and strongly affects the ionosphere and upper atmosphere of Earth, Mars, as well as the atmospheres and surfaces of other planets and moons in the solar system; consequently, the solar XUV irradiance is important for atmospheric studies and for space weather applications. While there have been several recent measurements of the solar XUV irradiance, detailed understanding of the solar XUV irradiance, especially its variability during flares, has been hampered by the lack of high spectral resolution measurements in this wavelength range. The conversion of the XUV photometer signal into irradiance requires the use of a solar spectral model, but there has not been direct validation of these spectral models for the XUV range. For example, the irradiance algorithm for the XUV Photometer System (XPS) measurements uses multiple CHIANTI spectral models, but validation has been limited to other solar broadband measurements or with comparisons of the atmospheric response to solar variations. A new rocket observation of the solar XUV irradiance with 0.1 nm resolution above 6 nm was obtained on 14 April 2008, and these new results provide a first direct validation of the spectral models used in the XPS data processing. The rocket observation indicates very large differences for the spectral model for many individual emission features, but the differences are significantly smaller at lower resolution, as expected since the spectral models are scaled to match the broadband measurements. While this rocket measurement can help improve a spectral model for quiet Sun conditions, many additional measurements over a wide range of solar activity are needed to fully address the spectral model variations. Such measurements are planned with a similar instrument included on NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), whose launch is expected in 2009.  相似文献   

Several middle atmosphere models will be reviewed, including a new set of models produced by Groves in 1985. The latter models are based on rocket and rawinsonde in situ measurements and satellite remote sounding temperature data. The models are compared with measurements made with instruments on board U. S. Shuttles during their reentry. Very useful atmospheric density data have been obtained in the altitude region from 50 to 80 km. The measurements are unique in that they are made by a vehicle travelling almost horizontally through the atmosphere at a velocity of 6 to 7 km/sec. This results in measurements along a path of approximately 8,000 km in a time interval of about 20 minutes. The results show some unique features.  相似文献   

One of the most characteristic features of the summer mesopause at high latitudes is the very low temperature. Earlier measurements have shown temperatures in the range down to 135 K around 86 km altitude, whereas the most recent in situ measurements have revealed temperatures still much lower than that in a rather wide altitude region. The reasons for these low temperatures are to be found in the dynamics of the strato- and mesospheres. Upwinds and gravity wave activity over the summer hemisphere cause efficient cooling of the atmosphere.Also other effects are caused by the updrafts. The vertical transport velocity for important minor constituents is increased, which for instance causes the concentration of water vapor around the mesopause to be enhanced by large factors. This situation is of major importance for the possibility of forming noctilucent clouds (NLC).NLC are believed to be composed of small water ice particles, which because of the low temperatures can be formed on existing condensation nuclei. Two of the main questions regarding the formation of NLC concern the water vapor budget of the upper mesosphere and the origin of the condensation nuclei.This paper gives a general introduction to mesospheric physics and composition. Some results from recent satellite and rocket experiments are reviewed and the campaign layout and the performed experiments within the MAP project CAMP are described. The results from the different experiments are presented in four accompanying papers on CAMP results.  相似文献   

Since 24 September 1978 global daily fields of temperature and geopotential height at 8 stratospheric pressure levels 70 to 0.4 mb (18–55 km) have been produced at the U.S. National Meteorological Center. Temperature profiles derived from NOAA operational satellites constitute the sole data source for the upper stratospheric levels 5, 2, 1, and 0.4 mb (35, 42, 48 and 55 km). Significant changes in upper stratosphere reported temperatures have accompanied each of the eight changes in either operational satellite or method of data processing. Comparisons with rocketsonde data from 1978 to 1986 show bias changes of 1 to 5 Celsius degrees at various levels. For detecting long term trends of ambient stratospheric temperature, adjustments based on rocket comparisons must be applied to the NMC fields. Lack of data at north polar latitudes and in the southern hemisphere limits comprehensive characterization of temperature uncertainty. We discuss in detail our ability to characterize temperature uncertainty of the NMC stratospheric analyses. We specifically discuss our ability to detect a trend in the middle stratosphere temperature of about 1.5 celsius degrees per decade, the amount of change indicated likely by current theoretical models.  相似文献   

The results of measurements made by the retarding potential analyzer of electron fluxes recorded during electron beam injection ~0.5A current pulses and energy 15 or 27 keV during the ARAKS experiment are analyzed. The relatively low rocket potential (~150 V) observed is explained by the formation of a highly conducting region near the rocket. Such a region can be formed via intense plasma waves generated by the beam. This mechanism also explains the heating of the electrons near the rocket. Measurements of electron fluxes with energies of 1 to 3 keV and estimate based on the beam plasma discharge theory agree very well.  相似文献   

中国地区20──80km高空风的一些特征   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
利用Nimbus-7卫星1979-1981年的平流层和中间层大气温度探测数据(SAMS)和热成风原理,计算了高空风场,得到中国上空20──80km高度范围风场的一些特征。结果表明,用地转一热成风公式从卫星温度探测数据计算的高空风与当日中国气象火箭探测的高空风基本一致,说明利用卫星温度数据是获得中国20-80k高空风气候特征的一种有效的方法;从计算出的风场看,中国上空20──80km的纬向风与COSPAR国际参考大气CIRA-1986的纬圈平均纬向风有显着差别,文中还给出了经向风的分布和风场的变化情况。   相似文献   

Comparisons of various available empirical models of electron temperature are made with actual measurements from incoherent scatter radar and rocket and satellite probes, during low solar activity period. The models compared are those of Pandey et al. (1983), Brace and Theis (1978), IRI (1979) and Bilitza (1983). It is found that our model and the Brace and Theis model are closer to actual measurements than the IRI and Bilitza models.  相似文献   

The World Climate Programme (WCP), in dealing with the complex topic of climate, is highly dependent on observations and measurements of many parameters and phenomena occurring from the surface of the Earth to the top of the atmosphere, and global in extent. Satellite observations and measurements are therefore critical to the success of many different components in the WCP. The present network of polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites represents nearly 25 years of international co-operation and now constitutes a part of the Global Observing System of the World Weather Watch. The WCP can satisfy a number of its observation and measurement requirements by making use of this existing satellite network. This can be done either through use of the operational products produced for near-real time applications or through use of the satellite data stored in the archives. An awareness of how to interact with the sources, combined with knowledge about the limitations and deficiencies of satellite data and products, are critical for scientists working in climate research and applications. Among the most important characteristics of satellite observations and measurements for the WCP are the global coverage, consistency and continuity of the data sets.  相似文献   

Temperature fields in the stratosphere and mesosphere have been derived from radiance measurements made by the Nimbus 5 SCR, the Nimbus 6 PMR, and the Nimbus 7 SAMS and LIMS radiometers. These instruments cover different latitude and height ranges and different times during the 1973–1983 period. The problems of combining different data sets are discussed, and examples from a proposed model atmosphere for the stratosphere and mesosphere are presented. The model is given in terms of zonal means and amplitude and phase of zonal waves 1 and 2 for temperature and geopotential height, as functions of latitude and pressure for each calendar month. Comparisons are made with the CIRA 1972 and the Koshelkov Southern Hemisphere models and with the SAMS results and in-situ rocket/radio sondes.  相似文献   

The International Ozone Rocket Sonde Intercomparison (IORI) conducted at Wallops Island during October 1979 provided a unique opportunity to observe ozone variations in great detail from several observing systems. The measurement period lasted 15 days during which time ozone observations were taken by ground-based, balloon, rocket, and satellite instruments. These data provided a unique opportunity for diagnosing regional stratospheric variability over a 2 week period. Examination of NMC analyses indicated that during this period the stratospheric polar vortex moved southeastward bringing air from high latitudes to Wallops Island above 10 mb. A concurrent change was observed in the upper stratosphere ozone fields observed by Nimbus-7 SBUV and in the ozone vertical distribution measured by the rocket soundings. In this study the satellite and rocket measurements are compared. The agreement is good, certainly within the errors of the measurements.  相似文献   

Observations in the far ultraviolet and soft x-ray bands suggest that the interstellar medium contains several components of high temperature gas and should be emitting in the extreme ultraviolet. Indeed diffuse radiation has been detected in the extreme ultraviolet with photometric instruments, but no spectral measurements exist below 520Å. We have designed a unique grazing incidence spectrometer to study the diffuse emission between 80 and 650Å with 10 to 20Å resolution. The instrument was launched on a Black Brant sounding rocket from White Sands Missile Range on April 22, 1986. Our preliminary analysis shows the expected geocoronal and interplanetary HeI 584Å emission, and possibly other features which may originate in the hot ionized interstellar gas. Flux limits to these possible emission lines are compatible with previous broad band measurements.  相似文献   

A number of campaigns have been conducted in order to study Polar Mesosphere Summer Echos (PMSE) and Noctilucent Clouds (NLC) in the period 1991–1994. Several sounding rockets have been launched through these layers with measurements being performed on upleg as well as downleg. These include measurements of positive ions and electrons in both ram and wake positions, as well as measurements of charged aerosols in ram on upleg. In this paper we will review these measurements and make a preliminary classification of the data based upon the presence of PMSE and/or NLC. One of the mechanisms responsible for PMSE is the presence of neutral air turbulence in combination with a high Schmidt number. We will briefly discuss this type of echo using in situ rocket data. Differences and similarities of PMSE and NLC as observed both in the Arctic and the Antarctic will be discussed. Observations show that especially PMSE are much more frequent in the Arctic. This may be due to a difference in the water vapour content or the temperature at mesopause heights. Lack of data in the Antarctic makes it difficult to decide which of these two factors are the most important. More measurements, especially co-ordinated in situ and ground-based lidar and radar measurements, are needed to discuss the Arctic and Antarctic similarities and differences in further detail.  相似文献   

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