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The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) mission is described with emphasis on the overall capabilities of the instrumentation and the relevance of the mission to determining parameters of the local interstellar medium. The primary purpose of the mission is to search the celestial sphere for astronomical sources of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation (100–1000Å). The search will be accomplished with the use of three EUV telescopes, sensitive to different segments of the EUV band. A fourth telescope will perform a high sensitivity search of a limited sample of the sky in the shortest wavelength bands. The all-sky survey will be carried out in the first six months of the mission. The second six months of the mission, conducted entirely by Guest Investigators selected by NASA, will be devoted to spectroscopic observations of selected EUV sources. The instrumentation is now well developed. The mirrors meet the requirements of the mission with the best mirror having a full-width half energy spread of 8 arc seconds and a surface finish of 20Å. Prototype thin film bandpass filters have been flown on the Space Shuttle and their performance optimized. Prototype detectors have been developed which have 600 by 600 pixel imaging capability and up to 80% quantum efficiency in parts of the EUV band. A newly invented, high efficiency, grazing incidence spectrometer using variable line space gratings is under development; prototype gratings have been fabricated which provide 75% of theoretical efficiency. An end-to-end (star to as-received flight data) model of the mission has been constructed. Hypothetical, but realistic, flux data from continuous astronomical sources absorbed by intervening material have been processed through this model and show the ability of the EUVE instrumentation to measure such parameters as the hydrogen to helium ratio of the local interstellar medium.  相似文献   

Data obtained during the first five months of calibration and science operation of the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) are presented. Spectra of an extragalactic object were obtained; the object is detectable to wavelengths longer than 100 Å, demonstrating that extragalactic EUV astronomy is possible. Spectra of a hot white dwarf, and a late-type star in quiescence and flaring are shown as examples of the type of spectrographic data obtainable with EUVE. Other objects for which broad band photometric mode data have been obtained and analyzed include an RS CVn star and several late-type stars. The backgrounds in the EUVE detectors are quite low and the character of the diffuse astronomical EUV background has been investigated using these very low rates. Evidence is presented showing that, contrary to previously published reports, EUVE is about three times more sensitive than the English Wide Field Camera in the short wavelength bandpass covered by both instruments. Only limited information has been extracted from the longer bandpasses covered only by EUVE. Nonetheless, the brightest EUV source in the sky, a B star, has been discovered and is detected only in these longer bandpasses.  相似文献   

The astronomical data obtained by the Far Ultraviolet Space Telescope (FAUST) and the Very Wide Field Camera (VWFC) on board the Spacelab I mission have triggered questions on the natural and induced Extreme and Far Ultraviolet (EUV and FUV) environment of the space shuttle. Moreover, the recent discovery of ∼1k Rayleighs N2 Lyman Birge Hopfield (LBH) nightglow emissions by the U. S. Air Force's S3-4 satellite, and subsequent confirmation by the Imaging Spectrometric Observatory (ISO) experiment on the Spacelab I mission have serious implications for the astronomical observations from the shuttle. Since both ISO and S3-4 experiments were conducted from shuttle altitudes, the implied EUV and FUV environment for astronomical observations can be severe. In order to address the question of the suitability of the shuttle as an astronomical platform, we have examined data from FAUST and other experiments. We conclude that the FAUST background is most likely due to the observation of tropical UV arcs, a natural airglow phenomenon. Strategies for future shuttle experiments to overcome this and other natural emissions are discussed.  相似文献   

Observations in the far ultraviolet and soft x-ray bands suggest that the interstellar medium contains several components of high temperature gas and should be emitting in the extreme ultraviolet. Indeed diffuse radiation has been detected in the extreme ultraviolet with photometric instruments, but no spectral measurements exist below 520Å. We have designed a unique grazing incidence spectrometer to study the diffuse emission between 80 and 650Å with 10 to 20Å resolution. The instrument was launched on a Black Brant sounding rocket from White Sands Missile Range on April 22, 1986. Our preliminary analysis shows the expected geocoronal and interplanetary HeI 584Å emission, and possibly other features which may originate in the hot ionized interstellar gas. Flux limits to these possible emission lines are compatible with previous broad band measurements.  相似文献   

The study of the variability of the solar corona and the monitoring of its traditional regions (Coronal Holes, Quiet Sun and Active Regions) are of great importance in astrophysics as well as in view of the Space Weather and Space Climate applications. Here we propose a multichannel unsupervised spatially constrained fuzzy clustering algorithm that automatically segments EUV solar images into Coronal Holes, Quiet Sun and Active Regions. Fuzzy logic allows to manage the various noises present in the images and the imprecision in the definition of the above regions. The process is fast and automatic. It is applied to SoHO–EIT images taken from February 1997 till May 2005, i.e. along almost a full solar cycle. Results in terms of areas and intensity estimations are consistent with previous knowledge. The method reveal the rotational and other mid-term periodicities in the extracted time series across solar cycle 23. Further, such an approach paves the way to bridging observations between spatially resolved data from imaging telescopes and time series from radiometers. Time series resulting form the segmentation of EUV coronal images can indeed provide an essential component in the process of reconstructing the solar spectrum.  相似文献   

The great success of the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) has shown that X-ray timing is an excellent tool for the study of strong gravitational fields and the measurement of fundamental physical properties of black holes and neutron stars. Here, we describe a next-generation X-ray timing mission, the Relativistic Astrophysics Explorer (RAE), designed to fit within the envelope of a medium-sized mission. The instruments will be a narrow-field X-ray detector array with an area of 6 m2 equal to 10 times that of RXTE and a wide-field X-ray monitor. We describe the science made possible with this mission, the design of the instruments, and results on prototype large-area X-ray detectors.  相似文献   

The payload for the U.S. X-ray Timing Explorer is currently being selected by NASA. Some of the possible instrumental capabilities and scientific objectives of the mission are described.  相似文献   

Extreme and far ultraviolet imaging spectrometers are proposed for the low-altitude orbiter of the BepiColombo mission. The UV instrument, consisting of the two spectrometers with common electronics, aims at measuring (1) emission lines from molecules, atoms and ions present in the Mercury’s tenuous atmosphere and (2) the reflectance spectrum of Mercury’s surface. The instrument pursues a complete coverage in UV spectroscopy. The extreme UV spectrometer covers the spectral range of 30–150 nm with the field of view of 5.0°, and the spectrum from 130 to 430 nm is obtained by the far UV spectrometer. The extreme UV spectrometer employs multi-layer coating technology to enhance its sensitivity at particular emission lines. This technology enables us to identify small ionospheric signatures such as He II (30.4 nm) and Na II (37.2 nm), which could not be detected with conventional optics.  相似文献   

ESA technology reference studies are used as a process to identify key technologies and technical challenges of potential future missions not yet in the science programme. This paper reports on the study of the Fundamental Physics Explorer (FPE), a re-usable platform targeted to small missions testing fundamental laws of physics in space. The study addresses three specific areas of interest: special and general relativity tests based on atomic clocks, experiments on the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP), and studies of Bose–Einstein condensates under microgravity conditions. Starting from preliminary science objectives and payload requirements, three reference missions in the small/medium class range are discussed, based on a re-adaptation of the LISA Pathfinder spacecraft. A 700/3600 km elliptic orbit has been selected to conduct clock tests of special and general relativity, a 700 km circular orbit to perform experiments on the Weak Equivalence Principle and to study Bose–Einstein condensates, each mission being based on a three-axis stabilised spacecraft. It was determined that adaptation of LISA Pathfinder would be required in order to meet the demands of the FPE missions. Moreover it was established that specific payload and spacecraft technology development would be required to realise such a programme.  相似文献   

The prime scientific objectives of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) were the study of astrophysical compact objects: black holes (galactic and extragalactic), many types of neutron stars, and accreting white dwarfs. RXTE was successful in achieving its original observing objectives of large area and high time resolution observations with broadband (2–200 keV) spectra, scheduled flexibly enough to enable observations of targets of opportunity on any timescale greater than a few hours. These capabilities enabled qualitatively new discoveries about dynamical timescale phenomena related to neutron stars and black holes, phenomena which probe basic physics in the most extreme environments of gravity, density, and magnetic fields. RXTE has extended its lifetime by applying the proportional counter area selectively and maintains schedule flexibility by making use of the distribution of targets around the sky. Proposed future observations emphasize opportunity to discover and study additional millisecond pulsars, pursue the high frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in black hole transients, and connect high frequency phenomena with longer-term characteristics. RXTE will continue to strongly support, for both galactic and extragalactic targets, combining RXTE observations with other wavelengths (from IR to TeV) or with other capabilities, such as high spectral resolution.  相似文献   

考虑行星引力在其卫星探测器大气制动过程中的显著摄动,建立了基于Milankovitch参数的平均轨道动力学模型并对土卫六探测器进行仿真。首先,将轨道参数转换为无奇异的Milankovitch参数,考虑探测卫星的大气阻力、扁率摄动以及行星引力摄动,建立了半解析轨道方程。其次,以土卫六探测器为对象,选择不同的土星初始方位角进行有大气和无大气情况下的数值仿真,并进行比较分析。结果表明,土星初始方位角的选择会引起土卫六大气制动轨道偏心率和近拱点高度在不同范围内震荡,极大地影响大气制动效果。   相似文献   

Remote sensing measurements of the meridional thermospheric neutral wind using the Fabry-Perot Interferometer on Dynamics Explorer have been combined within-situ measurements of the zonal component using the Wind and Temperature Spectrometer on the same spacecraft. The two data sets with appropriate spatial phasing and averaging determine the vector wind along the track of the polar orbiting spacecraft. A study of fifty-eight passes over the Southern (sunlit) pole has enabled the average Universal Time dependence of the wind field to be determined for essentially a single solar local time cut. The results show the presence of a “back-ground” wind field driven by solar EUV heating upon which is superposed a circulating wind field driven by high latitude momentum and energy sources.  相似文献   

月球探测器天文导航的遗传粒子滤波方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天文导航系统是典型的非线性和噪声非高斯分布的系统.针对传统的扩展卡尔曼滤波不适于非线性和噪声非高斯分布的系统,和一般粒子滤波存在的粒子退化和采样枯竭问题,提出了一种基于遗传算法进行再采样的月球探测器自主天文导航粒子滤波新方法.计算机仿真结果显示了该方法可以有效的克服传统粒子滤波方法的缺点,提高天文导航系统的定位精度.   相似文献   

深空探测器软着陆过程中发动机未能正常关闭将极大降低其软着陆稳定性,因此引入了触地关机着陆方案。针对触地关机方案,建立了腿式探测器动力学分析模型及发动机推力控制模型。考虑着陆环境与探测器着陆状态的不确定性,采用蒙特卡罗模拟分别对探测器在主发动机关闭失败时、触地关机着陆方案下、带有姿态控制的触地关机着陆模式下的软着陆稳定性进行了分析。采用描述性采样方法抽取样本点,基于均值估计相对误差建立模拟终止准则,在保证模拟精度的前提下提高蒙特卡罗模拟效率。计算并对比了3种着陆方式下探测器软着陆可靠度,触地关机方案可在主发动机关闭失败后将探测器稳定着陆可靠度提升11.6%,姿态控制的引入可进一步将安全着陆的可靠度提升9.7%。   相似文献   

The variations of plasma density in topside ionosphere during 23rd/24th solar cycle minimum attract more attentions in recently years. In this analysis, we use the data of electron density (Ne) from DEMETER (Detection of Electromagnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions) satellite at the altitude of 660–710 km to investigate the solstitial and equinoctial asymmetry under geomagnetic coordinate system at LT (local time) 1030 and 2230 during 2005–2010, especially in solar minimum years of 2008–2009. The results reveal that ΔNe (December–June) is always positive over Southern Hemisphere and negative over northern part whatever at LT 1030 or 2230, only at 0–10°N the winter anomaly occurs with ΔNe (December–June) > 0, and its amplitude becomes smaller with the declining of solar flux from 2005 to 2009. The ΔNe between September and March is completely negative during 2005–2008, but in 2009, it turns to be positive at latitudes of 20°S–40°N at LT 1030 and 10°S–20°N at LT 2230. Furthermore, the solstitial and equinoctial asymmetry index (AI) are calculated and studied respectively, which all depends on local time, latitude and longitude. The notable differences occur at higher latitudes in solar minimum year of 2009 with those in 2005–2008. The equinoctial AI at LT 2230 is quite consistent with the variational trend of solar flux with the lowest absolute AI occurring in 2009, the extreme solar minimum, but the solstitial AI exhibits abnormal enhancement during 2008 and 2009 with bigger AI than those in 2005–2007. Compared with the neutral compositions at 500 km altitude, it illustrates that [O/N2] and [O] play some roles in daytime and nighttime asymmetry of Ne at topside ionosphere.  相似文献   

The intensity of continua and emission lines which form the solar UV spectrum below 2100 Å is variable. Continua and emission lines originating from different layers in the solar atmosphere show a different degree of variability. Coronal emission lines at short wavelengths are much more variable than continua at longer wavelengths which originate in lower layers of the solar atmosphere. Typical time-scales of solar UV variability are minutes (flare induced), days (birth of active regions), 27 days (solar rotation), 11 years (solar cycle) and perhaps centuries, caused by long-term changes of the solar activity. UV intensity variations have been determined by either absolute irradiance measurements or by contrast measurements of plages vs. the quiet sun. Plages are the main contributor to the solar UV variability. Typical values for the solar UV variability over a solar cycle are: <1% at wavelengths longer than 2100 Å, 8% at 2080 Å (continuum), 20% at 1900 Å (continuum), 70% at H Lyα, 200% in certain emission lines 1200 < λ < 1800 Å and more than a factor of 4 in coronal lines λ < 1000 Å. Plage models predict the variable component of the solar UV radiation within ±50%. Absolute fluxes are known within ±30%. Several efforts are underway to monitor the solar UV irradiance with a precision better than a few percent over a solar activity cycle.  相似文献   

The Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) has performed the first surveys of the sky in the ultraviolet (UV). Its legacy is an unprecedented database with more than 200 million source measurements in far-UV (FUV) and near-UV (NUV), as well as wide-field imaging of extended objects, filling an important gap in our view of the sky across the electromagnetic spectrum. The UV surveys offer unique sensitivity for identifying and studying selected classes of astrophysical objects, both stellar and extra-galactic. We examine the overall content and distribution of UV sources over the sky, and with magnitude and color. For this purpose, we have constructed final catalogs of UV sources with homogeneous quality, eliminating duplicate measurements of the same source. Such catalogs can facilitate a variety of investigations on UV-selected samples, as well as planning of observations with future missions. We describe the criteria used to build the catalogs, their coverage and completeness. We included observations in which both the far-UV and near-UV detectors were exposed; 28,707 fields from the All-Sky Imaging survey (AIS) cover a unique area of 22,080 square degrees (after we restrict the catalogues to the central 1° diameter of the field), with a typical depth of ∼20/21mag (FUV/NUV, in the AB mag system), and 3008 fields from the Medium-depth Imaging Survey (MIS) cover a total of 2251 square degrees at a depth of ∼22.7mag. The catalogs contain ∼71 and ∼16.6 million sources, respectively. The density of hot stars reflects the Galactic structure, and the number counts of both Galactic and extra-galactic sources are modulated by the Milky Way dust extinction, to which the UV data are very sensitive.  相似文献   

Several results from analyses of auroral and geocoronal images from the Dynamics Explorer Mission are summarized. (1) The motion of the transpolar arc of a theta aurora is found to be correlated with the y-component of the interplanetary magnetic field. The arc motion is in the general direction of the y-component. (2) A sequence of global images of a small auroral substorm shows the initial development of intense luminosities in a relatively small spatial region, or ‘bright spot’, in the pre-midnight sector of the auroral oval and a subsequent appearance of an expanding area of lesser intensities at lower latitudes and contiguous to the midnight boundary of the bright spot. This evolution of auroral luminosities is interpreted in terms of acceleration of electrons in the boundary layer of the magnetotail plasma sheet to produce the bright spot and subsequent injection into, and eastward drift within, the plasma sheet to form the diffuse area of lesser intensities. (3) A series of images of the Earth's geocorona in scattered solar Ly α emissions is used to obtain a best-fit spherical model of atomic hydrogen densities in the Earth's exosphere. A Chamberlain model provides an adequate fit to radial distances of 4.5 RE, beyond which an exponential fit is used. The geocoronal tail is detected as an asymmetric increase in scattered Ly α intensities in the anti-solar direction.  相似文献   

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